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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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air defense, no, not with army means, manpads and so on, but with systems, air defense missiles, this can be seen from the elements of destruction, our air defense systems, by definition , cannot strike their own aircraft, there are foreign systems there, and how many the operator would not press the button, our system is pv'.
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in general about government bodies, these are still political and historical assessments, and not legal ones, but, but we mean this, everything is being investigated, including the last incident, too, the last crime related to the destruction plane, well, you understand, it would seem that they were transporting their citizens, their military personnel, no, they fucked up...
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well, for every fact, the investigative authorities are working to increase this volume. please. yes, please. torzhinsky mikhail. st. petersburg electrotechnical university. lyti. firstly, vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to thank you for your great work to strengthen the sovereignty of russia. i, in turn, want
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to assure that all the tasks of the svo will be completed, a special military operation, aka part of this work is to strengthen sovereignty, accordingly we are doing one job, excellent, and i also want to thank the personnel and command of the military field hospital, military unit 24 405, i ended up there in november after being wounded, very decent conditions were made for the guys, bathhouse, showers , a gym, a clothing warehouse, which is important, because the guys arrive dirty, ragged, and right there, the next day you can change your clothes, again i say, decent conditions, very attentive and competent staff, i would like to say a big thank you to them, mother russia is strong with her sons and daughters. well, once again tell me vc, vc
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24405, lugansk people's republic, if i were to learn from experience somewhere, it would be in this hospital. thank you, mikhail ivanovich, we will definitely note the personnel of this military unit. thank you. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is sergey ivachenko, i represent resource dobrov here. center of the leningrad region, as a volunteer myself, i regularly organize blood donations and collect additional provision for our fighters, and directly delivering it to the zone of military military operations, often in the zone of combat contact, and i began to hear much more often from fighters that there is some problem of uneven distribution of public assistance between combat units, and often fighters do not even know where to get them from this cargo has arrived and in general... who should we even thank for this, but as
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a positive example, it’s been a year and a half now, and vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much for this, and there is a system of patronage of our subjects over municipality. in new territories, for example, the leningrad region, under the leadership of our governor, is actively helping to restore the agglomeration of the city of yanakiev, donetsk people's republic, roads, schools, the housing and communal services system are being restored, and many specialists from the region have already visited this locality, and residents of the region they know about this help and the opportunity to help, so the help goes much more efficiently, just like on the territory of the leningrad region.
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organizations and volunteers, and i'm sure the efforts of regional non-profits would greatly increase the support of our fighters from their fellow countrymen, because a huge part of our inevitable victory is a reliable rear. thank you, everything is correct, i understand what you are talking about, i want to thank you for this work, of course, on behalf of the guys. who receive your help and support feel, but for us, by and large, it should not matter where a person is called from and where he receives something, for us everyone should be equal, really, because each of these people
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fulfills his sacred duty to his homeland, what difference does it make whether he is from the leningrad region or from where, or from mormansk or from the far east? from bashkiria, from tatarstan, from chechnya, what's the difference? here , but nevertheless, such a spiritual impulse of fellow countrymen, it is also understandable, well, let’s think about how to personify this, although i don’t see any big problems here, but if you think that it exists, that is, you think that this exists problems with this personalization, what it is, how... i don’t even really understand, well , look, there is a theory that volunteering in general is always a two-way process, and when a fighter receives help, yes, as we say from general history, it loses its meaning a little, and
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a volunteer, when he does not understand who he is helping, and also experiences gradual burnout, helps hero, this is understandable, you are absolutely right in the sense that you say that our fighters are...
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collected, we always do this calmly, because those, today we have a contract system, but our fighters leave, we see them off , we know where they serve, we we communicate with their commanders, let me talk to the governor of the leningrad region, i think that there are no such problems, then you understand, here i am, you are absolutely correct, just as they say, top ten, because... our residents of the city of st. st. petersburg , other bashkiria there and other regions, they serve together with other regions, you see , it’s the same as the help that goes from st. petersburg to that other unit, it is still distributed among those soldiers,
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here the platoon commander, yes there, commander departments, well, just like we served in the army, i received a package from home, and my mother sent it to you, but you won’t have it under the perfect cracker. i don’t see any problems here, we have such experience, but i say again, we still don’t divide, we send in full, here is part, they sent in full to part, who is there from what regions does not matter, a fighter is a fighter , he defends our homeland, i am ready to meet with you, there is something here, of course, personification also matters, but in general there should be no difference. you know, uh, well , this tank alyosha flew around our internet and so on
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, when i met with the guys, i think the commander just told me when he was not yet a tanker, but simply served in - so to speak , in the infantry, in motorized rifles, here he is - he was sitting in the ward and arrived, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i say who he is, this is your friend, that’s it, no, he was just next to him and i say he lost him in the hospital , help me find it, i don’t know, i asked them to find it even now, i don’t know, i’ll come back to this it’s just that a man sat next to him in the okupa and took him and covered him just like a comrade in arms , not knowing his name, what difference does it make to us where the person came from, from what region he came to the war? but nevertheless, we will think, okay , yes, please, hello, i’m zakhar
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evgenievich kornev, i’m 20 years old, a student at the st. petersburg state university etmo instrument engineering , work engineering, second year, assistant social coordinator of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, participant in volunteer programs of the youth policy committee , if you allow, i would like to share my story and tell you a few words about myself, from myself. on march 3, 2003, he was born in donetsk, four streets from donetsk airport. at the age of 10 , together with his family, he experienced the terrible events of 2014, and saw with his own eyes the horrors and crimes of ukrainian neo-nazis. i remember how the first militia liberated the airport with their bare hands. from the nazis, and it was
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impossible, for every person it was its own tragedy in every family, and i remember how my father almost died when he was saving people, extinguished houses, from fires during shelling with hail, i remember how my mother, every day with tears, washed my father’s clothes, my father’s clothes, how... my younger sister and i prayed incessantly, we were probably the first family who felt i was the last to leave these native places, now my parents are in donetsk, my father is disabled, my mother works in the mine rescue department of the ministry of emergency situations, my sister diana is graduating from the vaganova ballet academy, i’m here in st. petersburg for a while, right? yes, in the period 2020-2022 - i studied as well
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student at donetsk technical university, former polytechnic of the ussr, electrical power engineering and also as a section of instrument engineering. at the time of the second year of 2020, 2022, by order of the head of the dpr denis. tapushilina. i was drafted voluntarily into the armed forces of the donetsk people's republic, the people's militia. and how are all the students, in which building? 105th regiment, reservists, and then motorized rifle combat. here. eh, everyone, fighters, all students, all people of different generations.
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everyone kept these feelings for themselves, and were ready to make new ones, and the first... we felt battles, wars, small arms in the city of mariupol, the most difficult time was probably when - for the first time we saw the enemy face to face, we must show everything that we have accumulated, since
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childhood, education from our parents in all skills, and of course in... combat coherence, and during that period , as a grenade launcher, he participated in the first assaults together with the battle of somalia, with units of the chechen republic, and of course with our fellow soldiers, he was wounded by a bullet wound, hospitalized later month, returned to duty, was sent in the summer of twenty-two. in the territory of the lugansk people's republic to defend the borders, and this was closer to solidar artyomovsk, through fields, plantings, minefields , they drove the fascist, it was a terrible time, because even after being wounded, probably everyone, every fighter who survived here is some kind of
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injury, and in general here is a difficult event in relation to their comrades who lost. who don’t know how to further express themselves, but still they remained true to themselves, to their team, just like me, and it was impossible to retreat, i also performed the duties of a grenade launcher, an attack aircraft, and for two weeks they waged combat battles.
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there is something else, but they survived, if a person feels in his heart that he is ready to continue to fight for his comrades, for other families , especially for a country that believes in us, and we continue to accept this fate, we believe, we fight, then in the fall from september to november he was transferred again, so to speak, to his homeland. but this is a little further from the donetsk airport, this is the settlement of peski, it took on combat missions, almost the eldest reconnaissance officer in offensive operations in the ranks of the eleventh regiment of the people's militia of the dpr, also performed tasks on unmanned vehicles, fire adjustment, evacuation
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of comrades in offensive operations, as well as a grenade launcher also in... already specialized in this, and then 9 months later, and special military operation and my service, on november 13, 2022, by your decree , all students from the military operation zone were demobilized and for which we are deeply grateful to you, and it is a great honor for me, as well as for others present, to be at your meeting, namely your decision influenced the fate of many comrades, changed the vector of everyone’s lives, and we will, of course, follow your instructions, selflessly fight on the field of life, since on the battlefield, faithfully and truly defending the interests of the state, its sovereignty and integrity, this is our duty , and my great-grandfather,
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survived the concentration camp of the great patriotic war, then after the liberation of the victory he erected and perpetuated famous monuments in donetsk, in zaporozhye, my father, who accepted fate, did not flinch to save other families, militias who were the first then they didn’t understand how to fight and, and he was the only one who understood the adjustments and to protect everyone and... and it was decidedly difficult, and i am proud of my father, and also other families who know that during the fourteenth year the fighters . this is also the first time in so many years since the great patriotic war to participate in such military events and we know that no one
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will believe us later, or they will believe us, but it will be too late. and i know the history of our fatherland, the history of my family. i had to take myself in hand, stand in ranks and pay your debt. before our parents, before our families, who also protect us from our territory, and we live , work, fight, fight, for the sake of those who gave us life, for the sake of those who died for the great fatherland, for the sake of those who will later replace us, for the sake of the future victories that you lead us with. i serve russia for the faith of the tsar of the fatherland, thank you, thank you for such an emotional story, very informative, when you found yourself
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in the combat zone, how old were you? 18, 18, yeah, and how many years did you fight? 9 months, 9 months, so you weren’t in this very place, in mariupol, then, of course, not, then no, there were moments, yes, well, of course, in the first moments the situation there was very complex and difficult, yes, very, of course, here , but - the city is recovering gradually, coming to its senses, getting younger, acquiring new qualities , st. petersburg has direct relations with mariupol, yes, the cities are sister cities according to instructions, we signed an agreement on sister cities on june 1 last year.
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and the situation there was very difficult, it is still difficult, of course, yes, the enemy is trying to counterattack there from all sides , but nothing works, on the contrary, our
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units are moving forward in different directions and are gradually reaching the canal, they must know where it is, well, in any case, there is movement in this direction, almost every day, little by little, little by little i don’t know how much is left to the canal? i'm afraid to make a mistake, probably 800 meters, well, in any case, there is movement there, and i think that this will continue, the units are working there, fulfilling their tasks very harmoniously, confidently, on the southern flank, on the northern flank, well , there is constant movement from all sides, everything fails, all counterattacks, all repulsed and movement forward, movement almost every day. thank you very much and good luck, good luck, already in civilian life, to you and your family, so please, something else?
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that's it, let's finish, here's the conclusion, i would like to express my gratitude for the fact that you provided a unique opportunity to gather here for students, participants in a special military operation, all of us students made our own conscious choice, and we we are learning, but i dare to assure you that the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, my comrades from the front line, i wish victory to you, our entire country, no one doubts that we are all doing the right thing, history is being made now, thank you for everything vladimir vladimirovich, here’s a story from our last comrade zakhar speaking here, it confirms exactly what you just said, that we are doing everything right, and we are fighting for a just cause. these are absolutely
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obvious things. zakhar said what he said such words: “i’m proud of my father, great! the whole country is proud of you, i say this without any unnecessary pathos. it is so. we all wish each other victory, good luck, you, you are all still young people, i want to wish that for this is for you - the operation ended victoriously and as painlessly as possible, i am sure that you are young people, students, active, that means, who have just graduated, maybe there are others, i know young specialists here, you will certainly find your place in civilian life , in civilian life,
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100%, i have no doubts, and moreover, i will set up the entire state mechanism so that people like you get a chance to prove themselves in citizenship, they will do this purposefully and with full awareness that such people like you, who have passed the crucible of combat trials , are needed by the fatherland at all times and in the future, because... you should form the basis of the russian state, yes, everyone has their own plans, their own ambitions, someone wants to quietly somewhere do small business, someone wants to prove themselves in science, someone wants to work in a company, or in the civil service, but people who have gone through the crucible of such difficult trials do not spare themselves. not
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sparing themselves in the name of their homeland, they, of course, should form the basis of our state in the medium term for a more distant historical perspective, this has always been the case in russia, and we will strive to ensure that it is so now, thank you again all the best, these were footage of vladimir putin meeting with students, participants in the special military. operation. russian icebreaker fleet - a huge competitive advantage of our country. it provides enormous opportunities for the development of logistics and industry. vladimir putin announced this at the baltic shipyard, where construction of the nuclear-powered icebreaker leningrad began today. the ceremony took place on the eve of the important date of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. report by natalia solovyova. he
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really is. the unique and only russian nuclear fleet in the world, our country will continue to build nuclear-powered ships, the president spoke about this today at the baltic plant, taking part in the laying ceremony of the fifth serial icebreaker, which was named leningrad. today, together we are taking another step towards strengthening the technological and industrial potential of our country. the powerful, modern nuclear icebreaker leningrad will become the fifth. ship in its series. after completion of construction , it will have to work on the routes of the northern sea route, participate in the most important programs for the development and study of the arctic, ensure the delivery of cargo, construction materials, fuel, generally reliable, sustainable shipping in complex, inaccessible arctic latitudes. russia today is unique, i want to emphasize this.


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