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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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supplies to other friendly countries, these are india, china, united arab emirates, brazil, egypt, turkey. imports from germany, finland, and south korea also gave way to supplies from india, china and turkey. our neighbors redirected their cargo from the baltic ports to our northwest. transit volumes from belarus and kazakhstan have almost doubled. as a result, based on the results of the twenty-third year, the volume of transshipment through sea. is expected to be almost at the same level as in the twenty -first year, while within the agglomeration there is redistribution, a decrease in volumes of the large port of st. petersburg is offset by an increase through the service and primorsk. despite the sanctions, a number of important industrial projects were completed: the obukhov plant was expanded in st. petersburg, and several pharmaceutical production facilities were launched, including those producing analogues of imported drugs. in the leningrad region. plant in volosovsky
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district. at the same time, some large projects are now actively being implemented. four of them are implemented through the mechanism of agreements on the protection of capital incentives for investments. in volkhov the phased commissioning of a plant for the production of mineral fertilizers is underway. another one is being built in kinggesep. the services include a transshipment terminal. fertilizers in the seaport. in the near future , it is planned to launch the second stage of the greenhouse complex in the sevalzhsky district. there is a special economic zone in st. petersburg, where a pharmaceutical cluster has been formed, including with european investors who continue to work despite the sanctions. in addition, with co-financing from the national welfare fund, a the largest gas chemical cluster in the service, one of the most powerful plants in the world. the project is already undergoing a successful transition period.
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in the twenty-third year, both subjects achieve a record rate of investment growth over the past 5 years, in st. petersburg the growth is more than 10%, in the region almost 13, this is for 9 months of this year. industrial production is growing at a faster pace, you mentioned the figures, but here’s another almost 9.6%. as the population grows , housing construction is actively developing, largely due to federal support measures infrastructure development, within the framework of infrastructure budget loans , new sections of the metro are being built, and a road interchange in the shkipersky channel area, 169 tram cars have been purchased, in the leningrad region the road in the vsellarsky district is being reconstructed. separately, i would like to note that with the help of
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the national welfare fund we are helping to purchase 950 cars for the metro in st. petersburg, including 144 cars that have already been delivered. what priorities do we see for the further development of the agglomeration? first, we need to resolve the issue of idle sites of former automobile production in st. petersburg. so far, production has resumed at only one of the three factories. there is an idea from an investor who has acquired another site to create one. interregional cluster of the automotive industry between st. petersburg, leningrad and kaluga regions, we are working on the issue together with the regions and the ministry of industry and trade. secondly, last december we expanded the special economic zone of st. petersburg. the region plans to implement at least four pharmaceutical projects in the field of biotechnology and metalworking. thirdly, this is the completion of all the started large projects that i spoke about, the launch of new ones, for example, in...
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the region there is an idea in the general plan, and to build an alumina plant, its products will increase the raw material independence of the aluminum industry. another priority is the balanced operation of port facilities. by 1930, investors announced an increase of one and a half times to 500 million tons. at the same time, in the twenty-third year, transshipment at sea ports amounted to 240 million tons, half of which was cargo from the railway. at this is now a transportation facility. the ability to reach seaports is working, well, almost to the limit , there is only 15 percent of reserve left, and it should be noted when making decisions that our promising export directions have shifted from west to east; the transport route for cargo from siberia to the urals through the northwest is more expensive than through eastern range. the volume of traffic sent for export becomes very sensitive to world prices and transport costs; in the event of a change in conditions or... an increase
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in tariffs, they may become unprofitable, therefore, when when planning infrastructure development, we propose to focus not on the declared capacities of ports, port plans. investors' statements for a realistic calculation of the cargo base and logistics costs. our russian railways investment program now already includes an increase in transportation capacity to 190 million tons by 2030. we propose to target the development of the rest of the infrastructure to this volume. another priority is tourism. in the twenty-third year , st. petersburg in terms of the number of tourist trips approached the pre-covid level, and the region exceeded it back in the twenty-second year. at the same time, now the growth of tourism in the agglomeration is ensured by russian tourists, for example, in the northern capital, their share in 2 years has increased from 63 to 90%, that is, we have replaced foreign tourists with russian ones. of course, the task is to further develop domestic tourism, but
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gradually restore external. for this purpose , a single electronic visa has already been launched for 55 countries, visa-free group exchanges with china and iran, and, on your instructions, we are now conducting visa-free exchanges with india. negotiations, including through these measures in the northern capital in the twenty-third year, the flow of foreign tourists increased by almost 70%. in this regard, it is necessary to further increase the number of rooms and develop all-season tourism. for this purpose , seven large hotels are already being built in st. petersburg under the preferential lending program. as part of the five five seas project, you have already spoken about the creation of a tourist cluster and the gorskaya resort. in the leningrad region we finance 10 modular construction projects. hotels, the third stage of selection of the competition for the preferential lending program is now underway for the construction of hotels, we see so far an application from st. petersburg, so far one object, but we expect that there is time until february 20, and investors are now working quite actively with banks, we are also expecting
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more applications from colleagues. small medium-sized businesses are actively developing, this is always such a powerful part of the economy of the st. petersburg and leningrad agglomeration, here the number of smes over... the last year has only increased by more than 4% or by 18,000, 30,000 jobs have been created, we attribute this precisely to active implementation of programs. in addition to sectoral problems, the subjects will have to solve systemic ones: firstly, there is a shortage of personnel, while almost half a million students study in the agglomeration, by increasing their level of employment, now it is still 67%. the region can largely fill its need for personnel. well, like other regions, we also propose to actively work on programs for professional development, increasing labor productivity, a retraining program, but also managing migration flows. the second point is the development of science and technology, which you have already said, and of course, we all know the potential of this agglomeration. one, this agglomeration is one of
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the leaders in the country in terms of technology companies. we have now created a unified register of companies and we understand where they are located, including geographically. there are more of them here. and these are only those that are included in our register, that is, those that have ever received support, while the most popular direction is artificial intelligence, a research center based at itmo university helps us develop these technologies in st. petersburg, this is one of six centers that were selected in the first selection, but at the end of the twenty-third year , on your instructions, we conducted another selection, and spbu became the winner of the second wave of selections, so a second center appears. on your instructions, we are also working on the creation of an innovative scientific and technological center with the participation of a large university and the state university of the maritime technical university. the third systemic task, as you noted, is transport projects, taking into account the growth
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of the population, housing commissioning is becoming more and more urgent issues of urban transport infrastructure, debottlenecking, and we looked at those projects from the point of view of transport assessment. economic balance and efficiency, of course, at the moment it seems to us that the implementation of the latitudinal highway of high-speed traffic is effective, we considered, despite the fact that the project is quite expensive, given its passage in a dense urban environment, but there are very serious flows, urban flows, and therefore , so the project is very profitable, so maybe here from the point of view, for example, k2, still move it a little to the right, here...
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today the agglomeration is the most important economic, cultural, tourist industrial center with great opportunities for growth. it shows a significant impact on the socio-economic development of our country, including infrastructure, housing construction, and the formation of logistics chains and transport corridors. the total urban planning potential of the st. petersburg agglomeration already today amounts to 30 million square m2 of real estate, something that can be built now according to the approved general plans. the total commissioning
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of housing this year in the regions amounted to just under 8 million square m2, they must be counted together, vladimirich, we already have this based on a population of about 1 m2, while our overall figure for the country, which we want to reach by the thirtieth year is 0.82 m per person, that is, the agglomeration has already... the indicator has passed, and the leningrad region is introducing more than 2 m per person, this is the absolute leader in our country, and it has been holding this bar for many years, which means, together with the ministry of construction and the regions previously looked at the priority territories for development, they have a booklet for you, on pages 10-11 there are all the growth points, you know, we have such an integrated approach, where we grow as needed. comprehensively provide transport engineering, and how it will influence and what energy
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effect it will give. in general, we have about 20 main growth points in our territory and projects for the integrated development of the territory are actively developing. you know how not only did this law pass, but now we see that it is gaining momentum every year in every region. and we think that this is also our big point of growth. and in total, these 32 projects provide 70 million additional urban planning potential. this is housing, not housing. jobs, that is, these are our growth points for the coming years, and this volume, if we build everything by the year 30, 2.5 million citizens will improve their living conditions, that is , this is the potential for improving living conditions, which means that there are such iconic projects like svertlovsky zanevsky urban settlements of the leningrad region, this is 9.3 million square m2, which will allow 4,000 people to improve their living conditions, a powerful project - well, 6,700 hotel
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rooms, this is such a project on an international scale, even a very large one, along with the development of tourism infrastructure in about 3 million square m2 of housing will be built in the resort area. our main task is to create comfortable living conditions for our citizens, to provide them with the necessary infrastructure, in a comprehensive manner. including federal, by the way, many lands, if we do this, we have already
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launched this work, the rosreestr is actively working, colleagues are actively working with subsequent involvement in developments, which means that in the future we propose to form a unified digital platform that links regional state information systems, a unified information system of the construction complex of the russian federation ministry of construction , and will also ensure integration with the national spatial data system and the unified electronic cartographic basis of the rosreestr, we generally plan to do all this digitally, this will make it easier to increase the efficiency of urban planning decisions, including in connection with the development of the entire infrastructure, we would ask for your instructions to work on this issue together with the regions to apply in which territories, they are quite well advanced in information, the systems are there, you can already use them, achieving the set goals impossible without the development of transport infrastructure and , above all, roads, such projects are under special control and attention of residents, while you know, in road construction this year has brought us another breakthrough and i want to note that both st. petersburg and the leningrad region
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exceeded all indicators for road construction, if we talk about the standard state for agglomerations, st. petersburg achieved almost 85% of the indicators, the region reached 85 without 0.2%, but it was supposed to be achieved only by the end of this year, on regional roads we also have a serious excess, that is, in principle, well , the transport complex... it should be removed bypassing tver, last year in december we completed half of the bypass of tver by july 17 this year, having completed the second half of the bypass of tver, which will reduce the time from moscow to st. petersburg, we will have the only 1700 km highway from st. petersburg to kazan, the first stage without a single traffic light , a first category road. it will be
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possible on july 17th, schedule the opening of this bypass, which means we are already confident that we will succeed. this means that by the end of the year, when we reach yekaterinburg, the road from st. petersburg to yekaterinburg will take only 17.5 hours instead of 31 hours, as it is now, which will also allow and passenger flow, and cargo flow and tourism development. this means that the government has formulated proposals for the development of the regional road infrastructure, signed memorandums for the development of the roads of the supporting network, here...
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presentations, the need to form a second high-speed route around st. petersburg is associated with the current load on air routes, primarily in the eastern direction. well, in general, kat and whsd are world-class facilities, built with such reserves, with good ones, but today they have solved a lot of problems, but today the eastern part of kada is already at the limit, if you look at the picture, you can see that there are areas where from 100 to 130. 2.0 cars are already moving per day, this is, in fact, already close to the limit, taking into account the active housing construction, which is developing, of course, the eastern part must be addressed first, so we have prepared a general routing, it is about 348 km, this is a new circular route, of which 112 km we plan to build a completely new one in two stages,
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the first stage runs from m11 neva to adjacency with the regional... in prices of the corresponding years, it is on this section that the highest traffic intensity is predicted, we have money provided in the five-year plan for 27-28, i told you about this, i talked with anton germanovich, in principle, when accepting solutions , we can shift to the left, start building it, designing it already this year, moreover, we believe that if there is funding, it will take 3 seconds to... 87 km, the first section, it ’s marked in red on the map, which means this is the eastern part , which means after completion at this stage, having looked at the flows again, we believe that this can be extended to the federal highway sortalova, another 95 km
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where modernization is required, these are the roads of the federal road agency. these are existing roads, you can drive on them, but they need, vladivich, to be expanded in some places to four, and in some places even to eight lanes, we carefully calculated everything, i myself and my colleagues flew around everything, looked, drove along some of the roads in a car, there we definitely see an overload, that this needs to be done, and these are outbound highways for residents, this is even priority, while we don’t have the money for this in full rubles, but if a decision is made there, we will be there until the thirtieth year , each section in stages, well, that’s 10-15 billion a year needed. we are within the framework of the federal program, taking into account road funds , i think that we will put together a scheme, which means that 20 km on the petrodvorets keikin section is a regional road, which is planned to be modernized with federal support from the regional road fund, the cost is about 28 billion, but to fortunately we have just the western section of hell, it also has large capacity, so we
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are calmly down there in the picture you see, we are joining the cat near the bay and... the first stage, i ask you to instruct me to consider, accept, support the proposed decision, start the implementation , update the program of activities of the state company highways in in the very near future, determine the timing and phasing of the implementation of the remaining projects, which means that if you support it, it is necessary in any case to form corridors and develop planning documentation from... we bypassed large exemptions , there are very dense buildings there in some places, we squeezed right between the buildings in order to build this road, and of course, i’m taking this opportunity to say a huge
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thank you to gazprom, alexey borisovich, yes, we are on the m12 we worked like this and i’m suggesting a way we’ve never worked before, we would never have built it in such a time if we hadn’t worked like this, so please, if there is a decision, it means an order, we would work together, in working order we’ve already done all the shifting networks on the highway looked. there is a time frame for the transfer at the approximate cost of money , which means that our project also includes the construction of the pulkovo interchange, the construction of the project is about 9 billion, a positive conclusion was received from the heads of the state expert examination, we will do it in the twenty-sixth year, it is very important for the development of airports, there is another serious project - this is construction i consider it a high-speed highway , of course. would be built, despite all its difficulties, because it greatly relieves the burden, but it must be built in conjunction with loading kada 2, with an extension through the region,
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aleksandromovich and i talked about this in detail, with access to kat-2, because we believe that in the 3 to 2-4 years, while we are building existing roads, housing construction will additionally have a serious impact pressure, well, this is moscow , moscow region, i know this example well, how it happened, so i understand what will roughly happen, so we think that this is necessary too. to implement, which means that so far we only have money allocated for this road one and a half billion in the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth year, like a line, colleagues are asking for 135 billion in federal support, we are seriously working with them on optimization, we have already removed part of the costs, so i asked the highway with their experience to get involved, they have now looked, more there is about 10-12% that can be reduced due to technical solutions, after working out an understanding of the full cost, it seems to me that i need to return to this issue again.
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andrey remych and oleg valentinovich discussed when discussing investment i asked the program to definitely take this into account, but still in the future, we believe that routes d1, d2, they are also
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indicated on the map, on the next slide, yes, they also still need to be kept in mind in the future, because that without the development of public transport, well, such development of the agglomeration is impossible, public transport should become a priority, and here i am asking, therefore, also an instruction to our colleagues to work out new approaches to the development of public transport, that’s it. metro, it’s very good that the purchase of the metro was supported through the national welfare fund, there are questions with extension of the metro station further, there is not enough money for this yet, but the topic is very necessary, well , colleagues are actively working on all treasury loans, the leningrad region has now received about 800 million, and they are receiving new buses, so we ask that there be a unified network of public transport in linking all types, this is the most important issue for success, including taking into account parking standards. there are two airports in st. petersburg: pulkovo and levashovo. pulkova is performing well, according to levashovo there is one technical question: it is necessary to complete the work on establishing
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the airfield territory and work on the development of the adjacent territory, taking into account the emerging restrictions. vladimirich, we keep the issue of agglomeration development under control, we have a coordinating council for transport, but as part of the preparation we have worked in great detail, prepared a draft agreement, a basic agreement with all the draft instructions. the topic has been agreed upon, so please support, it will be your decision, we will proceed promptly, the issue is very important, there is an understanding of what and how to do, but of course, thanks, i want to say, to both governors, they work very actively at the national headquarters, at the preparation headquarters, and of course, you always pay enormous attention to st. petersburg and the region attention, and this also helps the work a lot, for which i thank you very much, your question is - as i understand it. still , there is no complete coincidence of approaches with maxim genonevich, but with reshetnikov, we have maxim osshednikov, he
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believes that... in this situation, it may be first of all to do shmsd, but i believe that these are things that don’t need to be divided, first and second, then don’t take them away, they don’t need to be taken away, because today, if the shmsd goes only to the cut, then we will only get a partial effect, we’ll spend a lot of money, but we will get a partial effect if we extend the kat, if on the page it is very clearly visible further up to the connection to kad 2, then the effect will be completely different, now alexander yuryevich is also working on it. crossing the railway, liberating the territory, that is, there is still room to move, besides money, you have to work a lot, cat-2, it’s simpler, that is, we
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’re still there.
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i’ll tell you in detail about this, it won’t be very good, no, marat is just saying that there is no need to stop, he says, if these two projects are linked together, then yes, two projects can be linked if there is no money consider the priority, then the priority is the latitudinal highway, i will talk about this in more detail in my report, well, okay, and your opinion, we looked very carefully at projects like 2 msd in currently, together with rosavtodor... rossiya bank, vtb bank and the region have reached a constitutional agreement, in fact, without the fifth or sixth stage, it seems to me that these two projects will not work, because it is necessary to link the shmsd for the city cad-2, it is the exit from the shmsd to k2 that is the fifth and sixth stage, so we are of course interested in a comprehensive solution, otherwise this complex work will not work, because there will be no unloading, that is, one piece will work, two pieces will work, but there will be no unloading, thank you.
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maxim, did you want to add something? yes , vladimirovich, i would like to see one particular point, one general one, probably, from the point of view of particular points, the fork is clear, the shmsd is needed more, well, as it were, for the current residents of the city, yes, but a bypass is more likely needed there for the future development, for future construction or for construction that has already been done, but the transport infrastructure, so to speak, is not fully provided, but at the same time, if you look at the flows, the flows are different.
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and we see that according to the current program there is, well, let’s say, a hidden deficit, gaps in the waters and so on, it is clear that marazich kirzyanovich and colleagues are counting on the fact that you always add money anyway, it’s true, as if road construction is always a priority for us, as an economic driver , but we see that these deltas have already become very similar, well, we are following the red lines, so
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we hope. that we have closed all these holes...


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