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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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second point, i agree that complexity is needed, because at the same time we are trying to invest so much money in road communications, in roads, and we are talking about the fact that we need to build new railway communications in order to free up existing railway lines under the suburbs, because it would be very difficult to load the suburbs further and build suburban connections within the russian railways economy, shifting the freight to senders, that is, in essence, we are still talking about the same budget money
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, well, that is, the state company in general is quite heavily loaded with debt and there are no resources there to take on this debt anymore, so we simply proceed from the fact that well , anyway, resources are limited, but let’s understand how many resources we have, which projects we will connect with each other and prioritize, the main thing is not to enter into all projects at once, realizing that there is money for everything.
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well, it won’t be possible to simply fold it, because the cat can’t be expanded in this place, they will take part of the flows from each other, 2000 cars will not will go for now, it is already overloaded in the eastern section, so i think that this section still needs to be done, and it can be done step by step, step by step - this is the first, second, we have the money when you said what needs to be done, we they pledged the money, even in the twenty-seventh, twenty- eighth year, the load, so i really ask.
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bring the conflict around ukraine to a new level, that is, simply set it on fire. the united states understood that it would hit immediately, not even a rebound, it would hit directly. further adding to the burden of expenses with these new by spending they act in the states and london, by the way, of course, precisely to suppress the economic, well, you can’t even say, but at least, so to speak,
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the economic level or lowering the economic level of the european union - this is self-evident, now your question, the second was regarding how long and so on. well, they have elections in the fall in the united states of america, and you understand perfectly well that it was the situation around ukraine that was the main foreign policy bet of biden and his administration, they did not can afford, so to speak, to say goodbye to this story now or admit that yes, this was their catastrophic, fatal mistake, they cannot do otherwise, the entire foreign policy, international bloc, the work of the current administration, the biden administration, will recognized not only as ineffective, but as a failure, than to report, because the middle east , regarding which us presidential assistant sullivan made a special
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statement in his article that it has never been as safe there as it is now, has exploded, exploded due to the policies of the united states of america and directly.
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the question is the following: you rightly noted that today at the briefing they talked a lot about the destructive policy of the european authorities towards their citizens, in particular about farmers and so on. do you have such an understanding that indeed europe, because they talked a lot about it this week, is preparing for, well, maybe not tomorrow, but in the near future, a serious war, for this it is necessary to sharply lower the standard of living, as it was in the last century and so on further, don’t you connect these things? this is the golden dream of the states, this is the golden dream that the european continent, so to speak, will be endlessly exposed to some kind of crisis, some kind of, so to speak, destructive internal process, then
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there will be no competition, and most importantly, then the resources which it possesses, this very european continent, will be more accessible, well, strictly speaking, the theory... of controlled chaos has also not been canceled in the deep state of the states. now about how european, eu politicians are acting against the citizens of the eec, yes, today i actually gave two examples that cannot be refuted: first, a global example is, of course, the same food security, you will remember, the summer of 22, well, there was not a single western media, there was not a single western... diplomat who would not shout and interrupt each other in order to speak louder about the topic of food security, which is under threat due to the actions of russia, now on the streets of these very western cities , in particular the european union, and
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, excuse me, not only those five border ones, which are already choking on, so to speak, ukrainian agricultural products, which are doping, which threaten the existence at all.
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and an example of how the russian federation , our law enforcement agencies, our
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relevant structures passed on, tried to pass on information, which means they tried, they passed it on, we just didn’t hear a response from the same eu countries, according to our data , how citizens of ukraine organize call centers through which they lure people out through calls, messages... in this case, above all else, that's all.
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maria vladimirovna, thank you very much for finding time for us, it was very interesting to talk with you, all the best, goodbye. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon is created for nutrition, restoration and preservation of eye youth, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months. tufon is now in new packaging, especially for course use than 100 look once, it’s better to twist once, order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, for dad, for mom, for brother, for woman, for grandmother, for a navigator in the car, for a tablet, for smart watches, for protecting the house, for the gate in the garage, this is how dad plays, this is what dad has in common. balance with beeline, you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be
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for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles get a superbox as a gift, you can! iota! european authorities this week continued to whip up war hysteria: europeans are scared of a russian invasion. immediately after the victory in ukraine. there was even talk about the possibility of mobilization on the european continent. today we discussed what the european authorities are trying to achieve with the acting permanent representative of russia to the eu, kirill logvinov. kiril mikhailovich, thank you for taking the time, i welcome you. well, of course , the main question is probably the statement
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of european officials that the people europe needs to prepare. for a war with russia, and these statements are being made in norway, in britain, in germany, and so on, what is this, do you think this is preparation for what? alexandrevich, good evening, well, i would start with the main thing, the european union and its member countries, they are not just preparing, they are already waging a hybrid war against russia in all areas, in trade, in the information space, in terms of.
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you know, the lies that supposedly russia will not stop at ukraine, they are aimed primarily at justifying themselves to by europeans, before the european voter, well, first of all, for the negative consequences of anti-russian sanctions for europe itself, for the increase in military spending, because using the example of germany, the german government needs to somehow explain. e to the germans, where 17 billion euros went, which berlin has already sent to military aid to ukraine. well, that’s why for us all these insinuations that russia is deliberately going to reach the lomanche did not come as a surprise. well, kiril mihalich, it’s clear that these reasons that you mentioned are
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moral, psychological and political cover for their actions, destruction. yes, but they are talking about a big war with russia, that mobilization is possible, that it is necessary to increase the production of shells for tanks and so on, weapons, and in general the europeans need to tighten their belts, apparently, this is how they explain it all in order to the eastern hordes will cope once again in 500 years or however long they are...
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on the soviet threat, and history, as we know, tends to repeat itself, in less than six months in all eu countries there will be elections to the european parliament, this is the first, second, of course, all these conversations are due to the fear that has taken hold of european politicians on the eve of the american elections. in general, one gets the impression, being here in brussels, that the local political mainstream is more interested. more interested in the outcome of the elections overseas than in the aforementioned european elections, but i think that yes, this is probably a special
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message, a signal that the population should, as they correctly say, tighten their belts, because once again, how else can we explain why the consequences of anti-russian sanctions are now affecting the european way of life? this was not promised to anyone here. and kirill mikhailovich, but they still act , not only talking about the future, that there is a big war with russia ahead, they are acting now. mr. borel says that it is necessary to transfer more and more long-range missiles to kiev, and accordingly, they do not feel their responsibility, that these missiles are flying at civilians in the donbass, and that these missiles shoot down a military transport plane that was transporting prisoners, and at the same time our pilots suffer on their, as... they themselves say, internationally recognized russian territory, and this is essentially an act of aggression against our country, but they don’t notice all this, how much
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how far can they go with these missiles, because they also have longer-range missiles, this discussion is somehow taking place in europe, or they are all thinking about what is happening there in texas now and what elections and chances trump or biden have, with who is he greeting there? air, at the expense of what, that is, how... how will they resolve this issue, because it seems that germany does not provide taurus, but britain is ready to sell it so that the nuclear power plant can supply its missiles to ukraine, is there some kind of discussion or are they also silent , you know, we must also understand that the european union initially did everything to escalate the ukrainian conflict, be it 2014, be it 2024, that is , we have discussed this with you several times, that the stated goal is to inflict strategic defeat on our country , that is, therefore these are the statements that you are now quoted the same in barel, in principle , the ee members are consciously going to toughen their
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rhetoric, yes, i also want to draw attention to the fact that in what direction it is now changing, this is also very dangerous, and if until recently the european union considered it necessary to help ukraine as long as it takes, then now the same head of european diplomacy is calling for work to ensure the victory of ukraine, at all costs, yes, that is, many here generally present it in such a way that the fate of the european union depends on the outcome of a special military operation, but this is not our problem, yes, that is , the european union was initially ready to throw at ukraine most of the resources available at its disposal, that is, as a result, this naturally led to a significant weakening of european integration, to a decrease in competitiveness and level the lives
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of ordinary europeans, perhaps this will threaten the existence of the european union itself, but this is the choice of those politicians who find themselves at the helm of the european union today, that is, well, as for other politicians, look, here, probably, it’s not worth looking for now dissenters where there are none, yes, that is, of course, some european capitals - they - still have the ability to show such a certain sobriety in assessing their own national interests, they have doubts about the effectiveness of the course chosen by brussels, but at the moment there are no such european politicians who could stand up and say that it is time to end the conflict, and the first step should be refusal. the european union from the military support of kiev, there are no such people, but what about hungary, slovakia, well, they are also cunning there, of course, but it seems that they are not ready
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to supply weapons, or this does not mean anything and... the next tranche for compensation to the countries participating in military supplies, okay, then the european commission has come to the rescue. now the member countries are discussing a proposal to make, allocate, form a separate fund for assistance to ukraine from this european fund - the world, which means it will be in the amount of 5 billion euros, and from this, it means there will be a fund accordingly, money will go to the defense needs of kiev, and so, returning to the hungarians, that is, the hungarians they said that they refuse,
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well, at least these statements were made, they are being made these days, they refuse direct participation in the ukrainian assistance fund, but they will not interfere with the participation of other countries, here we need to see if anyone will follow -what else, for example, the hungarians? yes, there really is something to look at, kirillo mikhailovich, after all, this thirteenth package, it is ready there by february 24, why really choose such special dates is unclear, are they looking for some kind of symbolism?
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trade restrictions or measures countering the circumvention of sanctions, i believe that apparently the main element of this will be the expansion of sanctions lists in relation to individuals and legal entities, but everything suggests that it will probably be a little easier for the eu members and member countries to agree on this, but you noted correctly , this is just banal symbolism for the second anniversary of the start of a special boiled operation, and indeed why this is being done is unclear, because by and large this is all to the detriment of oneself, for the simple reason that when agreeing on the next package, of course, the member countries will once again squabble, but now they have, so to speak, and without this, thank god, well , as i understand it, yes, they will work on this issue, they are already talking about what is still needed this is how to do it so that you can help russia,
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help ukraine, so that you can defeat russia. no matter what happens, but nevertheless, nevertheless, there are problems with the allocation of money , do you think, they seem to have set a date for february - this is a solution to this issue, will they accept it or will they still have problems there, it’s not clear yet, but this situation, well for now, yes, well, now, as i already said, work is underway, that is, now they are reviewing the functioning of this european peace fund and, so to speak, the allocation of a separate special assistance fund from it. ukraine, which means that this issue was discussed at the level of foreign ministers on january 22, they will now seek, well, the european commission, barel, will seek approval of this new scheme as an option during the upcoming meeting of the defense ministers of the eu member states on january 31, well, perhaps with exit to some practical solutions during the extraordinary.
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meeting of the european council on february 1, let's see, in principle, bareilles has, of course , a certain interest here, because at the beginning of february he already announced this, he is going to go on a visit to ukraine, where, of course, he would not like to come with empty-handed, kiril mikhailovich, thank you very much for taking the time, all the best, thank you, all the best, with this i, alexander karyevsky, say goodbye to you, all the best to you, and after a short advertisement, the program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department, the beloved chmona, the ruler of the universe, shurupov, maria the mistress, then...


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