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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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east asian news bureau japan specially for the program news desk. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the vesti telegram channels, the duty department and honest detective. follow along with us. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you. see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. vladimir putin is in st. petersburg today, an important point in his work schedule was a visit to the state maritime technical university, where the president talked with students, all of them are participants in a special military operation, and this the circumstance certainly could not but affect the topic of the conversation. details of the meeting with anastasia efimova. independent decision to head to the combat zone.
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in order to serve his homeland, he was received by students , participants in a special military operation, with whom the president met this friday in st. petersburg, as vladimir putin noted, each of those sitting next to him that day returned from the front a different person, watch the news on the internet and sit in trench where bullets whistle and drones fly like flies, of course, are very different things, and they cannot help but influence the worldview, the head of state emphasized, thanked each of the defenders of the homeland and bowed deeply. all people are adults and consciously made the appropriate decisions, i know that your loved ones and relatives, on the one hand , are proud of you, on the other hand, they are very worried about you, they pray for you, there is no doubt, i want to thank you for this decision, and bow deeply to your parents, for raising such... such young people
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as you, and this is generally in our character people in a difficult moment for their homeland , do not feel sorry for themselves, lend a shoulder to the country, and this once again shows that in our country this is passed on from generation to generation , no matter who says anything at different times about what kind of youth we have , life always puts everything in its place, the whole country... sincerely turned towards those who, without sparing themselves, defend their homeland on the battlefield. of course, having seen what is happening on the line of combat contact, and most importantly, having met the residents of donbass, whom the kiev regime was terrorizing and systematically trying to destroy; it did not occur to any of the meeting participants to doubt the need for a special military operation. the president reminded us once again that they have been trying to reach an agreement with ukraine for years, but they are reaching an agreement with the nationalists and those who stand behind them.
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you can’t, well, just exterminate people. a student of pskov state university, the castle of the platoon, alexey zhukevich, asked a short question that has been heard more and more often in recent months on social networks. why is the main directorate of the ukrainian intelligence and sbu are not equated to terrorist organizations if what they do, and they don’t even hide it, is pure terrorism, including directed against their own citizens, 65 of whom, prisoners of war who were about to be exchanged, died in last wednesday on board.
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attacked this plane, i don’t know if they did it on purpose or by mistake due to... thoughtlessness, but it is obvious that they did it, firstly, because the launches of two missiles were recorded from the territory controlled, controlled by the kiev mode at 11:10 minutes, the defeat of the aircraft occurred after 2-3 minutes, it was almost impossible to react, and secondly, it could not. under no circumstances be friendly fire, as they say in such cases, our air defense systems , by definition , cannot strike their own aircraft, most likely these are american patriotic systems or european air defense systems, most likely french, but
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in a couple of days it will be the exact answer is, yes , it would seem they brought in their citizens, their military personnel, no, they screwed them there.
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750 i contacted the bank, wrote the situation, they told me yes, like the interest continues to accumulate, in the future the payment amount grows, you can sort out this moment, because on the one hand you are defending your homeland, on the other hand it turns out that such an unpleasant situation, here i can’t help but agree, you didn’t go on vacation, you went to war, so of course this must be kept in mind, and this issue must be resolved, we will solve it. within 2-3 weeks there. another mobilized vyacheslav davydov, student petersburg university of aerospace instrumentation, in the northern military district zone, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon spoke simply to the meeting: we live in the time of heroes, our country is rich in such people, and we should be
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proud of them. we should also not forget about the time when soldiers return home and often need help. soldiers are faced with an illness called post-traumatic stress disorder. that such benefit is very important and useful, i would also like to wish you victory in future elections, thank you, thank you, we have approximately 20% they are just returning from military service.
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these are absolutely obvious things, zakhar said that he said such words, i’m proud of my father, it’s great, the whole country. proud of you, i will set up the entire state mechanism so that people like you get a chance to prove themselves in civilian life, they will do this purposefully with the full awareness that people like you, who have passed the crucible of combat tests, are needed by the fatherland in all times and in the future. because you should form the basis of the russian state, this meeting, of course,
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will be remembered by all its participants, a student at the bonche bruevich university, warrant officer ilyakuzin, especially, today is his birthday, he received a special gift, a watch from the hands of the president. the conversation in general was not just meaningful, but also very emotional; as a result , a number of decisions will obviously be made, as the head of state has repeatedly emphasized, one of the main goals of such conversations is to find out what difficulties... fighters face, as they say on earth, at the front in civilian life, and what needs to be adjusted, as they say, and this adjustment occurs constantly at all levels, not only state, but also human, because, as vladimir putin reminded, it is in the character of our people, in a difficult moment for the homeland, not to feel sorry for themselves, to lend a shoulder, and this quality is passed on not only from century to century century, but from generation to generation, st. petersburg state marine. the university, where the president met with students, participants of the svo, is a leading center of advanced
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scientific, technical and educational technologies, was held for vladimir putin a tour of the korabelka building complex, which is what the university is unofficially called. today there are six faculties, 52 departments, 10 institutes, 20 areas of bachelor's and 12 master's degrees. in addition, the university has a sports section and its own yacht club. university vladimir putin held a meeting on the development of st. petersburg and the leningrad region. the president called for increasing the economic opportunities of the agglomeration, including strengthening industries such as shipbuilding and pharmaceuticals, as well as expanding the infrastructure of external trade, primarily through the development of seaports and terminals. another key task is to improve transport links. for the successful development of st. petersburg and the leningrad region it is necessary. make full use of the urban planning potential of these territories, implement comprehensive projects that
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improve the quality of life of people, provide jobs, stimulate the growth of related sectors of the regional economy, including projects for the development of road infrastructure, the formation of reliable transport framework of st. petersburg or the region, a lot has been done in this area in recent years, i asked you to think about and take the necessary steps to develop the pulkovo and levashovo airports. we will discuss what needs to be done in general to improve transport links, in particular accessibility for a number of large residential areas of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, so that people do not have to spend hours getting to work, school or social facilities. it is also necessary to continue the formation of the railway infrastructure, including north-eastern and south-western railway bypass in... to st. petersburg. the investigative committee published footage
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of the landing of ukrainian prisoners of war vil-76, which was later shot down in the belgorod region. this video shows a cabalcade of cars that bring prisoners to the airport. they are then seen boarding. the investigative committee also reported that the exact launch site of the missiles that shot down the plane had been established. this is the village of leptsy, kharkov region, which is located on the territory under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. in the department. they also said that documents of the dead ukrainian prisoners were found at the crash site, and characteristic tattoos were found on their bodies. the discovered fragments of the bodies of the dead are removed in the prescribed manner and systematized for the subsequent appointment of genetic examinations in order to identify the remains. there are characteristic tattoos on certain parts of the bodies of the victims. similar symbols were recorded on the bodies of many representatives of the ukrainian armed forces .
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walks among the ice floes, a sore throat is minus, among the advantages there is miramestin , it is logical to have one in the first aid kit, the choice of millions in russia, the first rule of hunting, it starts at any second, the second rule of hunting, the prey goes to the one who
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are as powerless as a spent lemon. stress leaves you exhausted. elkar contains. elkarnit is a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress. well, credit card debts are charging so much interest, you need some halva. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with halva. everything about the elections in russia , we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i’m one of the party ’s appointed observers, i’ll keep an eye on the elections so that the people and the election commissions will do everything decided on according to the law, like in spy films, i dressed up as a secret agent, i immediately dressed up my grandfather and
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got him binoculars, i have such vision that i can see any violation... i see like an eagle , and besides, i went through special training according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, i’ve been trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i ’m a friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down, choosing in the country is free, important, fair and convenient, in moscow they are now presenting awards for one of the main film awards in the country, five films are vying for the statuette. special prize of the award, well, on the main page details from ivan kudryavtsev. the 22nd
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golden eagle national film award ceremony marks a difficult, but important, turning year in the history of the domestic film industry. the year when she believed in herself, in her ability, without the help of hollywood, which ruled the russian market, to develop and give millions of russian viewers unforgettable emotions. to embody such a wonderful role, reflect, think on camera and look into the piercing, honest eyes of sasha yatsenko, this is such happiness,
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so many wonderful films, so many wonderful actors have been nominated, their work has been celebrated, it ’s wonderful. the snows of boris khlebnikov, a drama about two guys from morikhodka who end up on board the ryvalovetsky ship with a harsh crew of sea wolves. the challenge, the first in the world history of art, has five nominations. a film filmed in space by the master of the wind about fyodor konyukhov’s record-breaking flight around the world. i have been nominated many times during this time, i want to say that just appearing in a nomination is recognition. straightaway four nominations for the highest-grossing film of the year based on a russian fairy tale, at the behest of a pike. three nominations for the action-packed detective by karen shakhnazarov are a sign of four, produced here on a mass film. studios, which is in this. turns 100 years old, in the series block the favorites in terms of the number of nominations are fischer, chaliapin and the empresses. our citizens understood that there is russian cinema, that
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there is cinema, the most important thing that we are returning to cinema is the search for meaning, something that has always distinguished soviet cinema. broadcast of the twenty-second ceremony presentation of the national film award golden eagle on the russia-1 tv channel on the night of friday saturday at 55 o'clock. ivan. let's return to the development of the st. petersburg agglomeration, the socio-economic meeting held by the president, what about the railways, dear vladimir vladimirovich, yes, thank you very much, dear colleagues, russian railways together. a concept was developed with the executive authorities of st. petersburg and the leningrad region in 2020, approved
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and enshrined in a comprehensive development plan transport system of the san petersburg agglomeration. we reported to you in september 2021 a generally comprehensive plan, in which eight priority measures were identified. on which, on which it was necessary to pay attention, on which it was necessary to move, they were associated primarily with increasing the comfort level of passenger service, this was the reconstruction of the railway track on the section sertalovo, levashovo, the construction of a number of yakhtinnaya tarkhovka sidings, and the construction of new railway tracks and movement of electric trains with baltic station to pulkovo airport. and we were carrying out design work, a number of objects needed to be included
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in the territorial planning scheme - eight objects, seven of the eight objects we have already included in the thermal planning scheme, one object - the pulkova highway airport - will be included this year, we considered an additional eight priority ones objects , we made such a list of sixteen key activities on which we are carrying out work, respectively, while we were conducting and concentrating on design, but in there were other concepts and other events, in particular, we launched a clock movement, this is when electric trains depart. from the terminal stations at regular intervals, in the morning and evening hours to pavlovsk, the time between trains was reduced from 30 to 10
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minutes. to arnenbaum from 30 to 15 and to krasnoye selo from 30 to 15 minutes solutions with these decisions , well, our passengers vote with their feet using rubles , it’s immediately clear that the decisions were verified, we have increased the growth of passenger traffic to pavlovsk by 13% and to arninbaum by 16% at the same time except. we built in may 2022 , a railway overpass over the pulkovo highway was opened. this construction made it possible to expand one of the main problems of st. petersburg , the st. petersburg pulkovskoye highway, to ten lanes. we also did a lot of work within the framework of cooperation. with
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st. petersburg, as part of the implementation of the project for the reconstruction of the tsembalinsky highway overpass. here it is necessary to increase the width of the roadway from two to four lanes and after the completion of the reconstruction, the transport connection between frunzinsky, nevsky districts, and will also ensure unimpeded passage of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway. this is what makes this project unique: funding is ongoing. we together with st. petersburg, the design documentation was developed by us and transferred to the city, this year we will transfer the budget of st. petersburg 1.700 million rubles. the total cost of the project is 10 billion rubles. well, in the near future, in the coming years, the project will be implemented. we are also currently working on
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launch issues within the framework of the concept.
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37 countries, the world remembers, honors the feat of leningrad, leningraders, everyone who defended our leningrad, on your instructions, the city organized rest and treatment for siege survivors from forty-three regions, in our boarding house, all of them will take part in the ceremonial events as honored guests, on behalf of all the blockade survivors, we are meeting with them, i would like to say a huge thank you, because on
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your instructions the government allocated money, literally, it’s already there.”


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