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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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she brought it for herself, so she turned around, you know , the rag fell out to her, she began to sit down, and it seems to me that i ran towards her, so on these stairs we hugged, kissed, this is a year later, a little more than a year later year, i met my mother, during the blockade, about 2.5 million residents were cut off from the outside world, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians died from hunger from constant shelling, the invaders dropped about 107.00 air bombs and 150 thousand shells on the city. by august forty-second, according to the plans of the fascist command leningrad had to fall. the wehrmacht troops were already preparing to organize a parade, but on august 9, instead of german marches , the city heard the music of the russian composer dmitry shostakovich from leningrad. his seventh symphony sounded so that the enemy could hear who he was: the voice of the soviet people. this period is one of the most important in the history of the great patriotic war. surrendering leningrad
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actually meant raising a white flag over moscow. the fascists were going to wipe it off the face of the earth, exterminating a population that had nothing feed. this is data from german documents, another plan that was not destined to come true. first there was a breakthrough of the blockade, which showed that the operational art of the soviet troops had reached a new level, in principle becoming higher than the german one, and the complete lifting of the blockade simply proved that a fundamental turning point in the war had occurred, and the soviet troops were starting. leningrad artists immortalized the events on canvases; their original works and archival materials from museums were presented at an exhibition in the state duma. today, when russian another war has been declared on the world, we must understand perfectly well that this kind of exhibition, they must show not just a feat, but confirm the historical truth that...
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with this brown plague, these people created not only on canvas, a detachment of sixty artists in leningrad was engaged in camouflaging objects, protecting them from constant enemy attacks. imagine, the bridges were so camouflaged, not a single bridge was bombed during the entire blockade, because the pilots did not see it, because it was camouflaged, on the embankments of the houses were so camouflaged that it was unclear where the pavement was. where are the roofs, where
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are the houses? not only artists did not abandon art in the most difficult times. the artists of the musical comedy theater in leningrad continued to give performances no matter what. due to shelling , productions sometimes had to be interrupted up to 9 times per evening. history has never known such examples. the artist’s failure to arrive at the performance meant the death of the artist; this is a completely unique phenomenon that concerns us, well, the world of art, but only in our country. people who, in such a difficult time, the heroism of our people, our army, ours , showed courage, fortitude, persevered, and in the end we were able to win. the blockade survivors themselves came to the exhibition at the state duma. mark umansky remembers how he and his mother ate wood glue and belts.
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the first endoscopic diagnostic center in the south of the country has opened in krasnodar. innovative equipment will make it possible to identify diseases at an early stage, and on the basis of the new department they will train students of the kuban medical university to improve their qualifications as certified specialists. details from alexander kroshny. the cutting of the red ribbon, standard for such events, essentially opened a new page in kuban medicine, identification. oncology at the early stage of treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract - this is only part of the capabilities of the new endoscopic referencing center. the new center has five research rooms, two operating rooms, and two treatment rooms. more than
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fifty operations can be researched here in a day alone, although previously this number did not exceed and twelve. each office has the latest equipment: modern endoscopes, durable endoscopes and video capsules that allow you to detect even the smallest deviations.
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suspicious formations should be promptly, most importantly and conveniently, reliably removed. so far , the new center performs 50 operations a day, but soon this figure is expected to double. alexander kroshin, vadim zhaleev, news. now the continuation of the parliamentary hour program. the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. russian president vladimir putin signed a decree on the status of large families in the federal level of support provided to them. this is an important decision, noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. large families are the present and future of our country. previously , there was no unified approach to determining their status
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and regions set these criteria independently. from now on, according to the document, a large family is a family with three or more children. this status is established indefinitely, and families will receive. from large families in any region of russia, no matter where they live. now we have a single certificate for families with many children families, we have a register of large families, children from large families under 6 years of age will all have the right to
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free medicines, every child from a large family can travel to school and back for free, free... meals for schoolchildren and for those studies in vocational schools, the opportunity to get school uniforms, sports uniforms for free, discounts on housing and communal services, and so on and so on and so on. what other support is needed? at the suggestion of vyacheslav volodin , the state duma will hold large parliamentary hearings that will be devoted to the topic of large families. the families themselves, representatives of regions, and local governments will take part in them. the standard of federal support, each region, given that these are regional powers , can expand this support. the decree
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is the basis for all of us to work on. year of the family, we have a lot to do ourselves. it is important that regional parliaments hear us. let's discuss these issues as part of the large parliamentary hearings that we will hold in june. their mothers and fathers of children under 16 years of age intend protect from dismissal. voters have repeatedly made such a request to deputies. a parent who loses his job and is raising a child alone can leave his family without a livelihood. the state duma intends to protect this category and urge employers to better understand their responsibilities. maria burkova will continue. lyudmila is raising a fourteen-year-old daughter. when the girl was seven, her father died, and the family has been with her ever since.
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well, there are very few weekends, honestly, the children want to see more, i work from 10 to 10. losing a job for single parents is several times more dangerous; responsibility for the roof over their heads and food on the table rests with only one person. today legislators are trying to protect this category of citizens. according to the labor code, single parents or people raising children are protected by the labor code from dismissal. on the part of the employer in the case. if the child is not yet 14 years old, lyudmila’s daughter is already 14 years old, that is, now the employer
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has the right to terminate the employment contract with the mother, which means leaving the entire family without means of subsistence. at this age, the child is still in school and needs the same support and protection as younger children, noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. he said that voters had repeatedly approached deputies with a request to amend the labor code to raise the age of children. whose parents cannot be fired, just yesterday a woman came to me, her son is 15 years old, she lost her job, she lost it in november, the woman has a loan, well, a mortgage, she is still dependent a disabled mother, a fifteen-year-old son, who still has to pay for tutors who want to go to college, but the money is already running out, she is panicking, nothing else. panic, in the third final reading the deputies adopted amendments to the labor code.
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the law would prohibit employers from firing single parents until their children turn 16. the bill aims to increase the level of labor protections for single mothers raising children under the age of 16. in order to protect her labor rights, in order to ensure constant income of the family, from the mother's side, as an employee, these initiatives are accepted. we see that the law will support not only single mothers, but all people who raise children of this age alone. with this bill, we are helping our schoolchildren, creating a safety net for them so that they can safely complete their studies and receive a diploma. the law will come into force 10 days after publication. in the future, we need to go further and adjust the bar to 18 years, note the heads of specialized committees. maria burkova, yulia borodina. parliamentary hour.
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the preservation of jobs is guaranteed to mobilized people and volunteers. deputies passed the bill in the second reading. the document proposes to suspend the terms of fixed-term service contracts of civil servants while they are undergoing military service and to renew them upon their return. see what other laws the deputies passed this week. in our review. you will have to answer for cruel games on the internet. the amendments to the code of administrative offenses, adopted in the first reading, provide for punishment for illegal distribution of photos and videos during which animals are tortured, random passers-by are beaten, and homeless people are abused. unfortunately, in recent years the internet has become a breeding ground for such public broadcasts, in which dangerous, simply psychologically ill people are mocked. with other people or animals live. high fines, confiscation of equipment, real terms,
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imprisonment, will, in our opinion, allow us to change the situation on the internet and save russian users, children, and youth from, unfortunately, viewing this moral content. deputies propose fining citizens 200-600,000 rubles for organizers of trash streams. officials for 300. rubles from the confiscation of the equipment they used. parliamentarians also supported amendments to the criminal code, including imprisonment. the court will be able to impose a ban on using the internet.
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understand for citizens what you can do with a drone in your hands, and what you do not have the right to do? you risk not only the drones themselves, but in general in the long term, i think that this is an administrative penalty, this is a criminal penalty, a rather serious problem. farmers will receive tourists, the bill, thanks to which travelers will be able to stay in rural houses, has been adopted in the first reading, they will be able to settle directly on farmland, it is important to develop domestic tourism. russian federation and secondly, it is very important to provide the opportunity for additional income for our agricultural producers, for those farmers who produce very good, high-quality, environmentally friendly products. this measure will help partially solve the issue of accommodating vacationers. russians began to travel around the country more.
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at the end of last year, the domestic tourist flow amounted to 75 million people. the goal for the next 6 years is to... double it, so accommodating tourists with the growing demand for travel around russia is a matter of paramount importance. we understand that there is a shortage, and this leads to rising prices and the fact that it is simply difficult for people to get on vacation. this is a new direction, it allows, firstly, with minimal transportation costs, with the opportunity to relax with children, and provide good accommodation. in the saratov region, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin this week visited a closed administrative-territorial entity, the village of svetly, over which he took patronage. vyacheslav volodin was the initiator of the program for the social development of the military town. the state duma speaker discussed the results of its implementation at a meeting with residents of the territory. just recently
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, construction was completed in the village and an ice arena at schools was put into operation. u local kids now have the opportunity to study. winter sports , all year round, it is right to think that the ice skating rink should be assigned to two schools , physical education classes in the areas that can be developed here, fluoride, figure skating, hockey games are purposefully organized, by the end of february the village will have a physical education and recreational course a complex for playing mini-football, volleyball and basketball, also in this year , a park will be created in front of the garrison house of culture tamanitsa and the central square will be put in order - said vyacheslav volodin. previously, with the support of the chairman of the state duma , landscaping was carried out in svetly, a new art school was opened, a sports stadium and a cultural center were reconstructed, and an overpass was built. parliamentarians ask the ministry of digital development to protect children from the fakes of the kiev regime. ukrainian
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nationalists are trying to manipulate the consciousness of russian teenagers through social networks. drawing children into conflicts. at a meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate crimes of the kiev regime against minors, deputies called for increased opposition to such sites and information channels. politicians managed to establish that the kiev regime uses closed telegram channels to incite ethnic conflicts among russian teenagers. those destructive forces that incite hostility and incite extremism have become more active. on social networks, on the internet, so it is very important to become more active in this direction, together with our colleagues, we agreed on this. the parliamentarians also drew attention to the ongoing attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on social objects. in just 3 weeks of this year , more than 800 of them were recorded. politicians raised the topic of child abduction and violation of the rights of ukrainian schoolchildren in europe. all ukrainian children who were saved from
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the aggression of kiev terrorists are fully mastering educational programs in russia. however, in the european union. school - said state duma vice speaker anna kuznetsova. the state duma reacts to the high-profile story of twix the cat being thrown out of the train. joint meeting with russian railways, organization of a working group, committee round table on the topic of rules transportation of pets by public transport.
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the conductor dropped him out of the carriage. about 300 volunteers joined the search for the lost pet, but it was too late. nine days later, twix was found dead. this news shocked many russians, and those who also travel with animals reacted especially sensitively. elena koval has two such companions. the dog kuzya, due to his size , usually travels long distances by car. on trains for large dogs. you need to buy a whole coupe, here's rumple the parrot almost a regular customer of russian railways, and although responsibility for the pet lies entirely with the owner, i would like to see that the company is also
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concerned about the safety of the trip, elena believes. to be honest, i directly took this tragedy as personal, like my cat, and cried all day, my husband is a witness, the conductor of the animal car, he should know all his people... he should have all the information, who is with whom, in which compartment? an internal investigation into the russian railways incident revealed shortcomings in regulatory documents. necessary adjustments for discussed at a round table in the state duma. the deputies emphasized that the very attitude towards pets in transport should be changed. these are passengers, not luggage. in quotes, of course, because we understand that legally, they fly according to the trunk receipt, they are the property of the passenger, and the passenger is responsible for them. but this is not garbage that can be thrown away at the station. as it turned out, during the check, before expelling the furry fellow traveler, the conductor walked through the carriage and interviewed people in search of
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the owner, while several times the animals were in her hands she walked past the desired passenger, but no one reacted. the problem is that the employee could not know who exactly the code belongs to, the conductors do not have such information, the competent authorities will evaluate its action, but cruelty to animals is unacceptable in any case. parliamentarians noted that this is not the same property as a table, chair or suitcase, this is a living creature, and no one has canceled the humane attitude towards animals, and the fact that the conductor made the decision to actually eliminate the animal, he is not of course in any way no matter what, about 600,000 russians travel with their pets on long-distance trains every year, about 57 thousand animals are transported by russian railways unaccompanied by their owners, improving the safety of such trips should be a priority for the transport company, the deputies noted. this is a serious reason to draw attention to the fact that it is necessary to significantly regulate in general the issues of transporting pets.
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it is necessary to take into account comfort, take into account safety, take into account such situations. the corresponding changes are long overdue, changes to the rules for transporting animals. i hope we will carry out this work as soon as possible and changes will be made. and incidents of this kind, at least, well, we will reduce them to zero. the first changes have already appeared in the russian railways regulations. the first thing we did immediately and promptly, today the company has a procedure prohibiting landing without pets. secondly, regulations for the actions of train crew personnel have already been established, and we are now conducting briefings. train crews are now required look for the owner of an ownerless animal throughout the train, if one is not found, transfer. pet to the station for further searches. the deputies also noted the need to develop a mechanism for personifying animals. this kind of work has also begun in the company. everyone should know that
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there is a pet on board, whose specific pet it is, these are the steps that can only happen through changes in internal policies and company regulations. the state duma will create a working group to improve the rules for transporting animals. it will include deputies, representatives of transport companies, the public and relevant departments. the first meeting is scheduled for early february. now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, dear alexander grigorievich. good afternoon, greetings to everyone. opening of a new film complex at the legendary vostok station. this event is big. and significant, and for our scientists, polar explorers, i think even for the whole country, i will now say something about this, it will be clear why. i have the right to say so
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that this event concerns the whole country, but also for our country and for our partners, for our friends, in the exploration and development of this continent, our pioneer researchers have one of the key places, it is enough to mention the russian expedition led by a naval officer and belenshausen, who slightly more than two centuries ago from... they discovered this icy continent, as they themselves called it, this is our common history, the history of the achievements of our ancestors, which russia and belarus are rightfully proud of. as you know, our scientists have been working continuously in antarctica since 1955. they have hundreds of the greatest discoveries
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that have expanded. horizon of knowledge. today, five russian scientific stations operate on the continent all year round. vostok station is the southernmost, although in this case the word southern here has a completely different meaning than in our northern latitudes. the south in antarctica is harsh, extreme conditions in the full sense of the word. vostok station is located right on the strip, at the cold pole of our planet, but the temperature at vostok station is august is the coldest month of the year, in my opinion, it reaches -80°, probably colleagues who are there will confirm, so it reached, in my opinion, up to -89, in my opinion, somewhere
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in the eighties, yes. i repeat, the conditions at vostok station are, without any attraction, extreme. real highlands, almost 3,500 meters above ocean level, low oxygen content, extremely dry air, hard ultraviolet radiation, and you also need to add to this the distance from the coast, about 1,500 km, and 5 full months. it’s hard to imagine, but polar explorers, scientists, specialists of various professions not only live here, but also work, implement large-scale research programs, this is really such a feat, you can imagine the conditions in which people live before they work, and until recently the conditions on the stations
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were very modest, ascetic... one might say, far from the modern level of comfort, the last major renovation took place here more than 40 years ago, the first buildings, as far as i know, have long been buried under the snow, even a little later, partially or completely immersed up to 5 m in snow, now the situation has changed, the capabilities of the station have increased by an order of magnitude. today it is in antarctica, one of the most modern and well-equipped in antarctica, so i would like to address special words of gratitude to everyone who contributed to the creation of this new wintering complex, including, of course, the novatek company. connections, lyavich, i remember how
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they reported on this more than once, twice in 1919 and 2121. project at meetings of the russian board of trustees geographical society, the project is truly a complex one, it was necessary to develop unique technologies and engineering solutions, organize the production of station elements, turnkey a modern and comfortable complex for people with a multiple safety margin, by the way, all the equipment, well, maybe they will tell you more about this. heating, ventilation, energy and water supply, everything is made in russia, the company invested several billion rubles in this project and completely transferred it to the ownership of the state, once again i want to express my gratitude to you, i would like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to the builders of the station, of course, to the participants in the most complex transportation operation.


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