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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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on the twenty-first, they reported on this project at meetings of the board of trustees of the russian geographical society, the project was actually very complex, it was necessary to develop unique technologies and engineering solutions, organize the production of station elements, make a turnkey modern and comfortable complex for people with a multiple safety margin, by the way, all the equipment, well, maybe... will say more about this, heating, ventilation, energy, water supply, everything is made in russia, the company has invested several billion rubles in this project and has completely transferred this to the ownership of the state, once again i want to express to you words of gratitude, sincere gratitude and admiration, i would like to express to the builder of the stations, of course, to the participants in the most complex transportation operation.
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modules, crews of sea vessels and crews of crawler trains, all this equipment was transported by two motor ships, accompanied by a diesel icebreaker, a tanker, and why else would a sleigh-caterpillar crossing be almost 1,500 km long, with the first 250, an ascent of 2,500 meters through loose snow and sastrugi - these are long tall. solid snow ridges, and at a temperature of -50°, it’s just really so impressive, i can say, impressive, usually the hike from tala bay and the coast station progress to the dome of the continent, where the vostok station is located, took a month, you, along with a colossal load, were able to overcome the icy desert. in antarctica, they worked
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in 50-degree frosts in just 11 days, as far as i know, since the situation is so extreme, the builders underwent special training with climbing elbrus, because it almost corresponds to the highest mountain in europe, corresponds to our level, thanks to yours. courage, dedication, work at the vostok station receives a powerful impetus for development, the long, glorious history of presence in antarctica is confidently continued. the new wintering complex is perhaps the best, main gift for the seventieth anniversary russian antarctic expedition, which starts in the fall of this year, the key to success in fulfilling its tasks that are important for russia, and... for all of world
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science, and tasks of course really a lot, including monitoring solar activity and other space weather phenomena that affect technology on humans, studying the role of antarctica in global climate change, many very questions and achievements are already here along this path, and of course it was very important to create conditions for the continuation this... so necessary for our country, and for all of humanity to work, i am convinced that the new station will strengthen the cooperation of scientists from different countries, will become an open platform for solving pressing problems in the field of studying nature, the environment, and of course to promote joint scientific and innovation programs within the framework of the union state of russia and belarus. i know that our plan was to include our belarusian colleagues, but... the conditions there
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do not allow us to do this, we will definitely work together, as the participants of the sixteenth belarusian and sixty-ninth russian antarctic expeditions are now working together, shoulder to shoulder. alexander grigorievich will talk about this in more detail. i'll add only that the task facing our polar explorers is very important and interesting, it is enough to mention just the continuation of research on... the existing results have already brought unique data and i am sure that with the advent of a new wintering complex, with the assistance of belarusian colleagues, the work will go even more intensively. this means that new great discoveries await world science. back in the seventies, i remember they told me, my colleagues met with them, unique technologies for deep drilling of glaciers were developed and obtained. ice cores
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information that over the past 400-420 thousand years, four complete climate cycles have passed from warming to... unification is interesting, yes , very, yes, but such a schedule is being built, as far as i understand, and you can understand where we are moving in 22-2 the drilling continued, by the way, my colleagues from the international community and i spent a long time studying the issue of continuing this drilling while the international community.
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millions of years, once again i want to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of the new wintering complex at vostok station, and i wish great success to all, and in all your endeavors, i know that in the twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh years, several billion are required there to continue this work, the government has not yet made a decision, but it will be made. i assure you that everything will be fine and on time. thank you very much and i am pleased to give the floor to alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. dear vladimir vladimirovich, you described everything in such detail, but what impressed me most was the information that you
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presented before the start of our video conference. you what you say is very interesting, the fourth period in the last one.
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russian guys will inform belarusian scientists about the situation that is developing in antarctica, which to this day is
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the most poorly studied continent on the planet, but at the pace that russia is showing, russia is the leader in the study. with placement at their stations, support research, share scientific data, provide equipment, i know that our equipment works, they gave me information there, in the eighteenth and twentieth years
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an ultraviolet photometer designed by a belarusian university was put into operation here; the program, i am sure, will continue using this. i was not as immersed in this topic as my colleague, vladimirovich putin, but it will give a good impetus to development, and we will take it very seriously. vladimirich was very brief and, nevertheless, outlined the entire history, prehistory, in some way frightened us with these periods, god forbid that scientists make mistakes in our favor, we are very... proud that we have something to do with this, more once i thank the russians, you, vladimirevich
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, you pay a lot of attention to this, well , attention, it’s a lot of money, it’s not easy , it’s not behind fences, it’s getting there, so far, our comrades from the russian ministry cannot get there due to the weather conditions that are developing, i asked the president how it turns out that i need to fly to chile. well, maybe from argentina, well , you have to fly to the ends of the world, and then fly there on icebreakers or planes, and then almost walk to this station on a sleigh or on tracks, this is a feat, you are performing a feat, we are proud of you, thank you very much, i emphasize once again, we belarusians will be more actively involved in these processes. live together, we are brothers , we have nothing to divide, the contribution to science should be
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from both russia and belarus, success to you, good health, i know that you are not sick there, there is no infection there, clean air at an altitude of 3,000, although everything is much better it’s not easy, i’ve just been at such a height more than once, about 3 s to 100 m above sea level, i must say that you just can’t work there, but stand. those who haven’t gotten there yet, well, let’s go , thank you very much, dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, alexander grigorievich, dear polar explorers, builders, russian scientists are really looking forward to the new wintering complex of the vostok station, and those comfortable conditions for living and working are extremely important in these extreme , antarctic conditions, in reality the temperature drops below 80°, plus pressure compared to the altitudes of the arctic. but even now, when the old complex is covered with snow, scientists do not stop their research in the east, because the passion for knowledge, science, for finding answers to global universal questions is the code of our nation, and antarctica is exactly the place where a huge number of new discoveries and knowledge are hidden. at our arctic institute in antarctica in st. petersburg, we are studying ice that is over a million years old; it was brought just from the station. vostok, you talked about this, these samples will not just tell us about the past, but will allow us
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to predict future climate changes on the planet, which are now being talked about a lot at every international platform, here alexander grigorievich said, after all, what awaits us ahead, i will say, we are in an interglacial period, it guarantees 20,000 years of warmth, we have already lived 10,000 years, we still have 10,000 years of warmth guaranteed, normal. we’ll eat more, that is, i’m reporting, this is according to the data studied by the core from the vostok station, vladimir yakovich lepinkov, he ’s present here in the studio with us, a scientist who devoted his whole life only to this, his own is guaranteed, as they say, promises these figures, one of the most important tasks of the station - this is, of course, a study of the subglacial lake vostok, the search and research of ancient ice over one and a half million years old, now at... vostok station we have found 1,200, we see that nearby, within a 300 km radius
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, the working name is dome b, we will find ice, ice age 1 .5 million years, and most importantly , it is not mixed underneath with each other, which is very important for scientists, because it has its own purity for subsequent studies, and i note that the lake was the last largest geographical discovery on earth, and it was made by russia , here are our fellow scientists compare: this is with the lunar race, that is, this is very important, now scientists are preparing to penetrate the reservoir and study it, we have a work plan, we have drawn it up, most importantly we have partners, i would like to say about them , because with their help we plan to carry out this work, this is our , of course, st. petersburg mining university, in this case we are counting on their help, technology support and support on how exactly to penetrate the lake, this is very important, the kurchatov institute and siberian the wound department is molecular biology, in
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which the ocean of geology is the bottom sediment in the lake, the polar sea expedition of rosneder. this is necessarily a remote method of geophysical research, and the ras institute of geography is laboratory research by kernov, which should answer many questions, we plan to include funding in the federal budget, and literally in may we will submit this application for the next three-year plan for future years, because the project, according to our estimates, together with scientific articles will last 18 years, which we plan to lay down now, dear.
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i would also like to congratulate our belarusian colleagues on the first inland campaign under the leadership of alexey aleksandrovich gaidashov, which ended just a week ago. 570 km, 10 people walked across antarctica, well, it’s a round trip with mileage and they returned, this is their first trip. i am sure that our friendship will be strong and long, and of course i would like to congratulate everyone on the 24th anniversary of our sailors. discovered antarctica. thanks for please note, the report is finished. thank you. vladimir yakovlevich, we have a chance to exist normally in the next 10,000 years. yes, but what alexander alexandrovich said concerns natural climate changes. and we also add to this the anthropogenic
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impact, which can, as it were, aggravate this whole situation, and the temperature will rise. slightly higher than the comfortable one that we would like to have, so of course we need to study to better understand the mechanisms of climate change, namely the ice core, it allows not only to restore the history of the climate of the earth, but to study these mechanisms, and therefore to improve forecasts of future global climate changes, is our task, thank you, i’m sure it’s a task.
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the entire equipment of the station was provided by russian suppliers, i apologize, but i’m taking this opportunity to note that in its main activity it successfully works with belarusian suppliers, for the supply of pipes, this is the belarusian metallurgical plant, for cables and electrical products, with the minsk electrotechnical plant , companies belaruskabel, katek. power kit for pumping equipment from the hydrodynamics company. i would like to thank alexander grigorievich our belarusian partners. i'm sure. our cooperation will develop in the future. in november of the twenty- first year, the first modules of the new complex were delivered to antarctica. further
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delivery of cargo deep into the continent to the vostok station was carried out by sleigh rides on specially designed patented cargo platforms with a carrying capacity of up to 60 million tons. the modules were transported from the coastal progress station. the ends and the east, as you said, at a distance of about more than 1,500 km through the icy desert, and the climb was more than 3 km. the installation of the wintering complex at vostok station was carried out in record time, i believe, in the harsh conditions of antarctica, from january twenty-two to january twenty-four. the complex consists of five modules with a total area of ​​more than 3,000 m2
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of discovery and let's watch a short video about how the construction of this unique wintering site went
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complex. please.
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you delivered the equipment there, and your company, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear alexander grigorievich, yes, it was a great honor for us to participate in this grandiose project, and allow me to express a huge word of gratitude to lenid viktorovich. that gave us such an opportunity, yes, we were engaged in delivery to antarctica, transportation from the coast of antarctica to the south geomagnetic pole,
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assembly... of the institute of the arctic and antarctic of the mining university and the company zapsip gazprom welcomes you from the coldest point on our planet earth, vostok station, as you have already noted, we are conducting very interesting and wonderful research, and as a rule , in addition to the main work, they take place only in
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the summer.
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thank you very much and i give the floor to the head of the vostok 69 station of the russian antarctic expedition, akulavuch. i ask for your permission to transfer control to the new wintering complex. please, i beg you, i allow it.
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i accepted the command and am launching. control transfer completed, new winter-involved the vostok complex has been put into trial for commercial operation. hooray!
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parts of bacteria are dened, but not whole bacteria , this is one, second, why we want a new project for studying the lake, because the main life understanding of how everything happens happens at the bottom of the lake, currently we can only build some, well so to speak.


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