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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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problems with credit holidays for svo participants. one of the fighters shared his story. while he was at the front he did not pay the mortgage, but the interest continued to accrue and the total amount of debt increased by 200.850. what happens? a person returns from his zone, he begins to pay the loan amount and current interest. when he pays everything, after that. the moment comes to pay the interest that accumulated during the period of time when these credit holidays were going on, it turns out that a person pays this interest twice, you didn’t go on vacation, you went to war, so of course this must be kept in mind, and this issue must be resolved. on the same day, after a meeting with students, the president gave instructions to the minister of finance.
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to understand the situation with property taxes with credit holidays, from the point of view of a financial organization, they gave a loan to banks, money is always worth something , you have to pay for it, but the situation is special, the guys go to war, risk their lives and health, some do not return with war, so here it seems to me that this seems to be... the correct logic of financial institutions, it should not work, a different logic should work here, the logic of supporting people who risk their lives in the interests of their homeland. anton geonovich, please work through both issues with your colleagues, report back on the decision in the near future, we have it, we’ll do it. well, let's return to the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. the topic will be continued by salima zarif. the drawing here is like a window into
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the past, here isai kuzinets, captain of the first rank, doctor of historical sciences, again feels like a child of a besieged city. in line at the bakery he sees a lost woman card, a mother, among passers-by fleeing from shelling, a neighbor, uncle sasha, in this child with a bandaged head, himself. they evacuated us, our kindergarten, or as they called ochak then, horror, they forgot to put a tag on the child’s arm, they forgot to write it down in the register, grandmother. she said sternly: if you forgot, you will lose your child, he left me in besieged leningrad, lived in this city throughout the siege, and the children, having gone to the mainland, were bombed, every single one of them died. the russian museum is holding such an exhibition for the first time, everything here is sculpture and painting, graphics, originally from the besieged city. together with the rest of leningraders, the artists defended him as best they could. more than 100 people went to the front, the rest camouflaged monuments and evacuated them. museum
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collections, the military pencil association produced propaganda posters, many professors lived right here at the academy, many died here, among them the famous illustrator of russian folk tales, ivan belibin, was buried in a mass grave on the smolenka river, he did not have time to realize the planned cycle of work in the war, other artists did it. vyacheslav pokulin, one of the most poignant leningrad artists, and he, for example, painted only... life, here is his frozen figure in front of malbert nanevsky, it was included in the entire film chronicle of the blockade. an impassive testimony of a terrible time, chronicle footage, the leningrad documentary film studio len dog did not stop working for days. here we see how the famous klott equestrian group is being removed from the anichsky bridge. the people called the bridge: “god carry it through.” it was often bombed, and to to save the sculptures, they had to be buried.
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into the ground, here’s an announcement: someone is trading a bed , viennese chairs for food, and this is that terrible, first winter of the siege, trams frozen into the ground, bodies on sleds, the time when there was the highest mortality rate, the lowest food, before the november holidays , mom for some reason decided to do some cleaning in the cupboard, they found an onion, a dried out old onion, for us it was a holiday. when they opened it, it looked like soup with onions, but there was some kind of smell, but what is dried up? onions, you understand, the wehrmacht command attracted scientists who calculated how long it would take to exterminate the entire population, people physically cannot live on such rations, they reported that they should not risk german soldiers, they will die themselves, one of these scientists said after the war : i don’t
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understand what kind of miracle happened there, the doctor came, she told my mother, she’s not a jerk, she won’t survive, so what, what should we do, people? they helped each other, of course, very well, and then bread, crumbs of bread, he says, they will bring superfluous, then in this, well, obviously , he says, in this way, and we, he says, survived, one day my mother lost her cards, and the cards in the besieged city were not restored, so our apartment neighbor fed himself for a whole month using his work card , mother and me, siege bread with fire and blood in half, as bergoltz wrote... food cards, and personal diaries will later be included in the exhibition of the siege museum. the museum of defense and siege of leningrad began to be created even when the war was going on, it was huge, 37 halls, and the residents themselves replenished collection, until 1949, almost
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a million people visited the exhibition, but in the same year, as part of the leningrad affair, the museum was closed, and its leaders were repressed; they were accused of distorting the course of historical events and creating a myth. about the special fate of leningrad during the siege. here they are, the first guardians. the collection they were so proud of was ruined. some, for example, tanya savicheva’s diary, were transferred to other museums, and some were disposed of. among the absurd accusations was this. the exhibition contained weapons to seize power. the creator of the siege museum, lev rakov , was sentenced to death, as were the former leaders of the party elite in leningrad. but then his sentence was commuted to twenty-five years.
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front, he published a collection of their memoirs, which no one had done before. it was valentin kovalchuk, in collaboration with gennady sobolev, who were the first to write that the number of victims of the blockade is underestimated. at the nyurber trial , the figure of 600,000 people was announced. their article leningrad requiem says at least 800.
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subsequently they proved at least a million. for it took a certain amount of civic courage to publish something like this. and then the conflict began. the conflict began with the fact that a certain pavlov, uh, who was then the minister of trade of the rsfsr, and before that he was in charge of food supplies in st. petersburg, so there was a figure, and he was outraged that they fed so well and everything was so good that it couldn’t so many to die, and he wrote a letter to the central committee that what is this, a revision, then a complete dump began, all this figure was banned, there was also a head, censorship was strict, collecting data, historians ... bypassed during the siege, not only cemeteries became crematoriums, the furnaces of many factories , churches, hippodromes became morgues, here lies a sleigh, on a sleigh a dead man, and next to him is the one who carried him , in short, all the dead who died from
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the siege of leningrad in leningrad, which means they were taken there to hippodrome and stacked it like firewood, like in stacks, just like that. st. petersburg city court, considering issues of recognition of the blockade of genocide. of the soviet people confirmed the correctness of these conclusions. at the hearing, the prosecutor's office provided updated information on the number of victims, million almost 100 thousand people. thanks to the academic courage of valentin kovalchuk , the scale of the leningrad tragedy became clear. nameless, uncounted deaths were classified as crimes. on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade , a memorial plaque was unveiled at the institute of history of iran in memory of the scientist. the siege museum was reopened in 1989, and now every preschooler in russia knows about the feat of leningrad. in front of you is a besieged interior, many besieged children, now grandparents, no matter how painful it is, they often remember the events of those terrible days. and
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then i learned to say the letter. i said, grandma rose, just don’t throw it away, i ’m still collecting crumbs from the table. ida serenko, children of besieged leningrad, now live in lugansk. at one time, i thought that that war was the last, but it turned out, no, they wanted to destroy us, those times, until the last in leningrad, until the last leningrader, it didn’t work out. it is also important to record these testimonies, it is important to film, record, in order to preserve the memory, so that children who grew up under ukrainian. never faced what those who grew up in besieged
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leningrad faced in donbass. salemazarif, dmitry pishchukhin, evgeny kostin, alexey sosyrin, sergey ishchenko, alexey korpukhin, galina orlova and natalya yapanchina. news of the week: northwestern bureau. heroes of the great patriotic war for today's participants in the battle against nazism on the ukrainian fronts. an absolute example of the situation on the battlefield. in all directions on all fronts, the russian army is gradually pushing back the enemy and the advance is quite confident. armored vehicles hit uaf strongholds almost point blank and the results of each shot are immediately clearly visible. yes ok. to the southeast of kupinsk, the village of krakhmalnoye was liberated. the enemy lost here more than 740 troops, seven tanks, 7 and 14 guns. the russian armed forces have gained a foothold on this bridgehead and are moving towards
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berestovoy. the kstas self-propelled gun with a large caliber finishes off enemy vehicles remaining on the battlefield. they hit polish crabs and american m113 bradleys. they were advertised in ukraine as the best means of fighting russian tanks, now in zaporozhye our t-80s reign supreme in the steppes. the car is very fast and playful. due to the gas turbine engine, it operates reliably in cold weather. a cavalry attack on an enemy stronghold, which is being fired upon with direct fire , rare footage from the cockpit. the ministry of defense is conducting a unified state acceptance of weapons this week. here the tank acquires its formidable, formidable weapon. and progress is immediately noticeable; such protection against drones on tanks is now installed directly at the ural carriage plant, where they are produced. every weapon is required is undergoing testing, each vehicle is being run-in at the training ground, although the production of military equipment in
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russia has increased significantly over the past year. the k-52 helicopters are equipped with new anti- aircraft sighting and navigation systems and an enemy detection system. twice as much removal as on the regular k-52, added a lot of improvements. the military construction directorate of the ministry of defense, of course, is restoring residential buildings destroyed during the fighting. here. increasing the range, accuracy and noise immunity of high-precision equipment
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destruction, improvement of electronic warfare equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles, security and survivability, supplied equipment, here i focus on the fact that we have a serious, big task to continue building up especially in demand weapons. this is kharkov, the consequences of a massive russian missile attack, and according to our ministry of defense, 13 of these were inflicted on ukrainian military infrastructure in a week. oh god, look out the window. kyiv authorities admit that all the destruction within the city limits - this is the result of the work of the ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data, about twenty missiles were flying towards kiev. they were all hit by air defense systems, and these are all the debris that fell on... these frames clearly show how a russian missile, which was not shot down, shoots off
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heat traps, hits somewhere far from the residential sector, a gas pipeline is on fire, and this is a hotel , where foreign mercenaries were stationed. the russian army has created entire units of drone operators. so they interfere with the planned rotation in the ssu under novomikhailovka. reconnaissance detects the movement of infantry and combat drones immediately fly out to intercept and destroy. both night and day, in avdiivka, its hits are clearly visible, lancets are also used , another enemy tank and drones are destroyed by loitering ammunition, these frames show an example of masterly control of a drone, which a ukrainian soldier is unsuccessfully trying to dodge, the intensity of fire at
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the front positions transcendental. in the northwest of artyomovsk, our troops continue to hold part of bogdanovka, from it is already very close to kalinovka and the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, immediately behind it, just 3-4 km away, is yar, a large fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. here is a helicopter group led by a k-52 alligator successfully destroying enemy equipment on the ground, and this is what a heavy fire system attack looks like, after which not a single fortification has ever withstood.
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works at the command post of ukrainian militants, from where the enemy is trying to operate from unmanned aerial vehicles. the positions recaptured from the enemy are examined by sapper groups. first we must go through, then behind we are the infantry, that is, until we check some section of the road or path, there is no point in moving there. we mostly work at night, or at dusk in the gray, as we call it. and we can see, it’s not so noticeable on us anymore. the work of sappers to clear mines from these streets.
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often they left here the so-called mine barrier, that is, these are just anti-tank mines that are either placed on the road, or even buried with mines, surprises for us, we check it all, remove it so that our equipment goes forward, bmp tanks, grenades, tripwires not detonated by ammunition, each sapper, during engineering reconnaissance, neutralizes up to 450 different types of mines in artyomovsk for a month, my eyes and my hands, that’s each one. the path that the infantry walks, there, for example, in a day up to 15 to 20 pieces can fall on the path, cassettes are poured when cluster shells, there are those that do not explode, they just fall to the ground and lie, that is, if a person touches them , it explodes, we pull two or three,
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so come on, the second one while working.
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11:52 pm
gifts, what’s possible? you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles, get super boxes as a gift, you can iota, one application for all mortgage programs of sberbank, if only a house in the countryside, better an apartment in the center, or not in strelde, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property, submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types
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the croque star burger kill, votter on the fire taste, open more new buildings on cean with the largest catalog of discounts. choose and call. last tuesday, president putin solemnly proclaimed the year of the family. putin held a separate meeting with participants in all-russian family competitions. read more about all other important events of the presidential week in pavel zarubin’s telegram channel in the “moscow-kremlin-putin” program. right after ours.
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yes, yes, yes, yes , yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, well, they run, this one doesn’t get tired, the deer walks everywhere day and night, like athletes on skis, there is no safety train, no, no, not needed, but there is a rope there you are going to fasten the president there with a rope, yes, but i showed that here are the ropes and grant, right, left
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, yes, your dad is always so fiery, yes, always, he’s just a tv star today, i ’ve worked as a foreman all my life, i there was a commander , but it’s understandable, but you always commanded with a smile, judging by everything, of course , he loved me, he loved everything, and he loved whoever else there, the atmosphere of the meeting was such that he addressed putin as you, he loves you very much, tuntri, we got it also an invitation. kolenivodom's wedding, we'll go for a walk, we'll get ready, we're already making arrangements with president almost agreed, i understand that you will rush together on the reindeer early in the morning, yes, we will rush straight to the reindeer, so if we go, let’s cooperate, i will definitely help you get there, i promise you that, thank you, we they brought two new button accordions here; you won’t ruin the wedding there, no, no, no, how do you know, how
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will it turn out? it seemed like they had already said goodbye, but immediately, as if nothing had happened, after that the presidential plans for the next few minutes were already predetermined by the children, parents with children.
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also parents with children, but how could it be otherwise, relatives, loved ones, an all-russian forum with this name, the beginning of special events, the start of a family year, an important presidential decree so that large families have the same status throughout the country, this status is established indefinitely,
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peskov tall, it was decided to rise a little, brothers from another family argued slightly for the microphone and even showed it to dad, they say, let me talk to putin, the eldest, now it’s obligatory, this is sava, our second son, but when they threw the microphone, right? however, everything they told everything, although it turned out to be easier to argue for the microphone than to talk about yourself. my position is forward, mom tells me what do you love most? myself, i don’t know, i don’t know, it is the family that should be at the center of all government policy, but we are trying to do this, the government continues to count, but they
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will count correctly. we will extend this measure. this is putin about the payment of 450 thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage at the birth of the third child. preferential mortgages for families with children will also continue, despite the fact that they are issued at 6% per annum, and real bank rates are already 16 and higher. with an increase in the key rate, budget expenditures for subsidizing preferential mortgages will double, to a trillion rubles. we are doing this, we are not canceling anything, and we will continue to do this. they tell everything in detail. i never, i want to emphasize this, never saw my father drunk, i’m not even talking about my mother, i never heard a single swear word from him, in general, you know, responsibility is manifested in the little things, i remember how my father was on such a ladder, we lived in a communal apartment, there was an electric meter on the site.


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