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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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unlike russia , the death penalty is still practiced in the united states; if previously a person sentenced to death could be shot, hanged, put in the electric chair, or poisoned by injecting poison through a vein, now the executioners can...
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for smith, this day began with the last he shared the meal, a piece of meat on the bone, aladi with cheese and scrambled eggs from a cheap diner , with his family, then his relatives will take a place in the next room, where, from behind the glass , they will hear the words of the condemned man spoken into the microphone, the last words, here they are. today in the evening alabama forces humanity to take a step. back, i leave with love and peace, thank you for supporting me, i love you all. a moment later , a mask similar to the one worn by firefighters will be placed over smith's face, and all hell will break loose for him. spread out on this couch, a man in a government-issued shirt and trousers with the seal of the alabama department of corrections, his arms and legs tightly bound with leather straps, will desperately fight for his life in front of his confessor. when he
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was turned on nitrogen, he began to convulse, he was shaking and he constantly jumped up on the gurney, shaking it. the corrections officers, i think, were very surprised that it didn't go so smoothly, and one of the state representatives was so nervous that he was stamping his feet all the time, everyone wanted it to end quickly, he continued to breathe for maybe 9 minutes, 10 minutes, unimaginable evil was unleashed that evening in alabama, it was torture, and the second torture in his life and for... in 2022, mr. smith was taken to a cell, chained to a couch and they spent 4 hours trying to get the needle into the vein to administer the injection to complete the execution. it was torture and barbarity. despite the fact that the district court overturned that execution. 2 minutes before its formal start, the team of executioners donned a multi-colored robe.
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he repeated, the condemned man refused, now after death they make him guilty again, they say, he persisted and resisted. smith held his breath as long as he could, of course he struggled a little, there were involuntary movements and agonizing breathing, but... in general, all this was expected, and then the side effects that we saw with nitrogen hypoxia, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary that we expected. where such confidence? is unclear, because even the company that produced the mask that was used for the execution
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asked to cover the brand name with tape just in case , however, the manufacturers, who have already been called merchants of death, have been revealed, the company allegro industries is located in south carolina, from their website it sounds very black humor. since 1987, our growth in this market is the result of our commitment developing and manufacturing reliable , innovative and high-quality products that meet industry needs and facilitate compliance with safety requirements. whether allegrostries will agree to continue to act as a technical sponsor of inhumane lethal torture is a big question. nitrogen for executions in alabama, oklahoma. and mississippi, and were allowed to use it because pharmaceutical giants began to deny american prisons supplies of chemicals for injection. everybody in this room knows they're the number one team in the country who carried out the nitrogen execution and what
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happened last night was textbook, they deserve a huge thank you, thank you for wanting to be the first in this country to do it. and now i suspect many states will follow our lead. that the jailers from alabama pass off as almost a feat for everyone else the recognition that an unpredictable experiment took place on a living person, smith might not have died , remained, for example, in a vegetative state or choked on his own vomit, a mortal execution in america is still an everyday matter. of course, the president was informed, the president said...
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so to speak, the camera had not been used for its intended purpose for 22 years, but when problems began with the injection components, a way out was immediately found. the arizona department of corrections spent more than $2.00 to purchase the ingredients to make cyanide gas. the department purchased potassium cyanide briquettes for $1,530, as well as sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid, which are necessary for the production deadly gas. a simple mechanical combination of potassium cyanide granules with sulfuric acid causes. a violent chemical reaction, the product of which is hydrogen cyanide, a poisonous gas that stops cellular respiration. it was first used as a pesticide in california in the late 19th century to control pests. then they used it to treat the clothes of mexican migrants.
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the german chemical industry improved the substance under the brand name cyclone b. it began to be used for mass executions in nazi death camps. usa. ministry of defense russia has distributed footage of the combat operation of the gecents self-propelled gun, a group of troops in the west. in the kupinsky direction, artillery delivers precision strikes around the clock against military targets, armored vehicles and enemy personnel. objective control footage.
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the road to artyomovsk at night, during the day it freezes and comes to life only with the onset of darkness. all movements now are mainly in the dark, because all sorts of different ones are working. we are immediately offered to look at a local landmark, we don’t refuse, oh the fact that something similar exists here at the front is generally known, but i personally managed to see it for the first time, the chassis of a ural car, on its platform something very naval, very artillery and very naval was recorded, originally it was was called. thousands were used to destroy enemy torpedoes and submarines, but in the donetsk steppes everything also
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works fine. our guys, so to speak, mechanics, scratched their heads a little, installed it on the ural base, at the same time putting all the settings completely in manual control, and the electricians also strained themselves a little, brought the trigger mechanisms into the car’s cabin, and tried it. the fuses have been installed and the target coordinates have been obtained. the command post of one of the brigade's assault squads. work here goes on around the clock; the fact that it’s a bit empty only seems to be there, because in principle, few people express a desire to film here. there is even a gym in the next room. we organized a gym on our own, on the basis of a destroyed city, as if we found a lot here, we simply moved it here, organized it. you need to keep yourself in shape, that's it fighting,
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nothing else will save you here except your legs. the unofficial commandant of the premises is the cat thomas, his merit is enormous, there are no mice here, from an unexpected decaprio on the wall and schupenhauer on one of the tables in a working environment, the unit holds positions on one of the flanks of artyomovsk, holds tightly, constantly controls from the air, the enemy infantry has just tried approach the positions, they were allowed in. then they opened fire from the ags. lately, yes, they are using less artillery, it is clear that they have a shortage of ammunition starts, but they are now using drones to the maximum, especially fpv drones, kamikaze drones. can we say that they are trying to replace artillery with a drone? this is true. it turns out? no. a daytime walk around artyomovsk can now be very short, sometimes you have to run all the time to listen to the sky. the mood is fighting, the warriors are eager to fight. it was busy not too long ago. one of the lines, let’s say, where the enemy troops were, the enemy fled, left everything
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they could, they entered everything as expected, as they were trained, that is, the artillery is preparing, next comes the infantry, under the cover of cliffs, ages, that is, there was no chance at all. at the same time, our interlocutor remembers the city as flourishing and intact; he was here back in 2014 . now here in artyomovsk the situation continues to be quite good. a tense city, our troops are holding confidently, while the front line is moving away from it, but quite slowly, that is, the shelling continues, in such a situation we are talking about the beginning of restoration, of course it cannot go yet, but there is no doubt that the city will be restored quickly and completely , as soon as this is where the war will finally end. a commission from the ministry of construction has already visited here, despite the fact that artyomovsk is very compact, so far the fighting is quite active. are still going on in its vicinity. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, reporting for the week
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from artyomovsk, dpr. the light has melted into the night, and the fire has long gone out, and the stars see us, perhaps for the last time. the farewells are coming mercilessly, bandages and wounds await you, a long journey awaits me, you are a medical sister, and i am a regimental reconnaissance officer, my the heart was hardened, suddenly lost peace, on swaps...
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performer of folk cossack songs and city romances from volgograd, a unique harmonica player. soloist of the cossack song ensemble stanitsa, i’m a real fan of gory and yura shcherbakov, i think this is some kind of colossal phenomenon and of course this is our national treasure, this is some kind of power, this is some kind of land, this is something smoking, this heart, the heart of the homeland, which, it beats , beats.
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fourth year, not long at the front, the war was almost coming to an end, finished he was in lithuania, my father, where he actually met my mother, she escaped from the camp and was a miner in a partisan detachment, then , after the war, she once cleared minefields, my mother told me, fortunately i was not... taken to the village of spils, where , where is the death camp for children, so she was terribly afraid of this, she was sober, they knew this word, children, the light melted in the night, the machine gun was hitting the course, suddenly the friedians decided to cultivate
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our square, and you are minsta. there is no salvation, i’m struck by the pain of a joke, i won’t see you again, dear, and i’m alone and doomed, melted either, night, or alive, or not, suddenly i hear your voice, either a solka, or a creed, i know.
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the doctor bowed to me, heal, kaza, heal, yashche you will avaevats, palaga.
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important news from the government: from february 1
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, a number of social benefit payments will be indexed by 7.4%, and maternity capital will also increase. a decree on this was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. help for families will increase, first and foremost. a one-time benefit, which is provided at the birth of a child and monthly for child care. will grow up also, maternity capital, on behalf of the head of state, it began to be indexed over the past few years, this year it will amount to more than 630 thousand rubles for the first-born, almost 834 thousand for the second, for subsequent children. there is also an increase in payments for people with disabilities.
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the ceremony coincided with the birthday of one of the laureates, yuri abramovich bashnet, a virtuoso artist and conductor who is known in russia and far beyond its borders. it
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was an event, a piercing requien, sounded on june 22 at 4 am, on the day eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war. and this music spills over the neva, on the anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, yuri bashmet speaks to the residents of the unconquered city. to cancel tchaikovsky means to ban the concept of love, part of your divine soul, it means to cross out all of this, i don’t want to speak rudely, but i’ll say it gently, those who banned are fools, how unthinkable it is to cross out dostoevsky from the world’s treasury, thanks to the efforts of prize laureate baka, it was opened moscow museum center. a modest service apartment on the first floor of a wing in the mariinsky hospital for the poor, books, things, memory. for the performance dedicated
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to i sergei obraztsov, the sergei obraztsov puppet theater, its director with a dazzling smile, his granddaughter and the theater staff were awarded a government prize. we are proud, and as sergei obraztsov said, happiness is being needed, and today we are needed. stood up, cried and everyone was also proud. pride in the history of the country's people in beautiful music and dance. the sixth world folklore festival, bright and colorful, gathered in
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bashkartastan artists out of thirty. dagestan and captivates with the incredible charm of its national color. and real stars light up under the sky of the warriors, this is the name of the ballet staged by artists from chechnya. our work was appreciated at such a high level. we accept our awards as an advance for the work ahead. in the development of our diverse culture, so that bright, original talents gain millions of fans, on the initiative of the president, a pushkin map was created, all the conditions for supporting art in the country. the state gives its obligation and guarantee, to provide resources to all beneficiaries of the pushkin card, and these are our youth, from 14 to 22 years old, and we do not select all these amounts, since
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the events themselves are not enough. my dad and i went here as children , we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, don’t let me skate, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of being in this cup, you can jump, why don’t you believe in it yourself, i i will prepare myself, i have a thirst for victory
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... we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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a stunning event. for the first time in history , the ballet company of the bolshoi theater of russia performed on the stage of the royal opera of oman. they gave it to raymond, directed by yuri grigorovich. the success is enormous. about how it was, polina ermalaeva. isoman wood, marble from.


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