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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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we understand that all these republicans are focused on trump, but trump is thus resisting attempts to drive him, what is called freeze him, because on the one hand there is a rush against him in the courts, on the other hand trump himself is expected, several more courts that should start in the spring, it’s unclear where it will turn out and... and
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yes, of course, this is also what they talked about in 2020, but it’s like with impeachment, with impeachment of trump, with two impeachments of trump, they impeached trump, turned impeachment into new, to the new rule, yes, by which is how american politics lives, well , you get the same thing in return, now the story with the impeachment of biden is developing, the same thing happened in 2020 by blm, they organized the internal one.
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biden will also want to flex his muscles and play for aggravation and somehow motivate voters in his states or, for example, portray trump and the republicans once again as rebels and people who are aimed at dismantling the american system, in fact, this is already experience 6 january, there are a lot of options, it’s impossible to calculate them, well, you can try at least monitor their development.
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valentin, it’s very interesting, against this background , iran suddenly appeared, when it is necessary to react somehow, it’s not a fact about iran, but the fact is that american soldiers died, and america takes this very painfully, of course, the situation with iran is getting worse, biden in general , it is already in a situation of a perfect storm, so to speak, american presidents have not had worse ratings. since george w. bush 15 years ago , bush had 33% support, but bush was officially a lame duck back then, he was president second term, his replacement was chosen from a pair of obama mccain, biden is now at the end of his first term, and the economy is collapsing, and according to official figures there is some stabilization, but ask any american at any gas station, he will complain about the prices.
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for gasoline, whether in new york, alabama, or texas. the situation with migrants is very interesting, but they don’t pay attention to one point, i think it’s worth highlighting, because we don’t see conflicts in texas, for example, in texas itself or in the southern states of america with migrants, this is very understandable, why, because the main flow of these migrants is moving here, just to new york, to chicago, to the so-called cities of refuge, they are accommodated, and here dissatisfaction arises with biden among pro-democratic voters, because this is in new in york, visiting migrants take away jobs, for example, from local people, yes, now i’ll ask our operator, i want to ask him to literally pay attention to this island, if possible, you see the white hangars, and they are located on this island. here
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this is a temporary detention center for migrants, it was built on the site where at one time there were grounds for playing football, children played there, so... now migrants are housed there, this is the center of new york, this is manhattan, this is in some couple of kilometers from logguardia airport, here it is near the headquarters, like this, this is life, this is a sign of new york life, and of course, biden’s popularity in this regard, in connection with all this, but it will not grow , and it is clear that even if foreign policy problems are added here, we need to somehow react to everything, that is, one literally falls one after another, it’s like... wolf, well, in the old electronic game, wait a minute, you need to press buttons, because there are some objects on all sides, but you need to catch it, as biden will be on it is incomprehensible to react, especially since from the right flank, from the republican flank , there is always the same recipe, you need to bomb
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iran, you need to bomb iran in the stone age, in the middle ages, john bolton spoke about this at one time, now they are talking about the same various senators, such as lynsey graham, one of... wrote that let’s bomb, let’s quickly organize a third world war, but there is also ukraine, where the issue is also not being resolved and is not moving in any way, well, in general , the american president is in a difficult situation, i think it will be interesting to look at his ratings after february , firstly, how will he get out of all these traps, perhaps another anti-record will be broken, even more, even stronger, well, these conversations on the topic... but shouldn’t biden be changed immediately after his first term, it’s not worth it should we look for someone to replace him, vladimir, thank you very much, valentin, it’s hard for them like in america, but just like me, although i imagine, imagine, in the morning
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zelensky watches the broadcasts like this and sees that there is a strike on the america base and he’s like, are you kidding me or what? i believe that american help is a matter of faith, but what else should he believe in, he is a satanist, so everything is obvious when reading him, please, about 10, maybe 15 years ago , this concept of business in the style became very popular in business literature fang, it doesn’t matter how your business is going, the main thing is that it’s fun and interesting, that’s basically it came up with startup specialists who have 99 out of 100 projects, and... disappear, but many experts began to say that politics, even diplomacy, of western states suffers in many ways from the same disease, when many different movements are made, of which very few turn out to be rational, so residents vote for an outlandish party of outlandish candidates, so the united
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states makes a completely idiotic decision from the point of view of common sense to go into conflict with russia, which is impossible explain with no rational things and so... now the current crisis around a military base somewhere on the border between jordan, syria and apparently iraq has led to a situation where the united states is no longer suitable for funky diplomacy, it stands against them the most important thing is that they are not a serious enemy, they don’t have ukraine, which is ready to rush in and fight for the interests of israel, it’s not ukraine, but israel is ready for the truth? but iran has talked about this a million times, well , maybe it’s really israel, you’re asking some strange question, yes, well, they should at least think about something, as we said, and in the fang style, that’s the point , the last time the states dealt
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with the enemy at a conceptual level was in the eighties, during the soviet union, then such a strategy was developed or the concept of casper weinberger and colin paol, which was based on three... the states must have absolute military superiority, colin paul especially insisted on this, in order to be guaranteed to defeat any enemy and the united states must, that is, their military activities should be actively supported by public opinion, now, by the way, this concept can be applied to the american-russian conflict, but if we say: iran, well, yes, it is an important enemy from the point of view of public opinion, but american business,
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which suffered from the loss of oil fields, he has long since forgiven, or forgotten about it, at least in part; of course, the states do not have any prevailing military. therefore, the question is truly fundamental for biden; when we talked about the fact that the united states found themselves on a stretch, it is unrealistic to stand on a stretch, they have neither a conceptual framework in which they could fit a new conflict, nor the will to continue it, in this sense, we in russia look at this with great interest, yes, and we know very well who is behind ukraine, and in fact is not hiding the united states in terms of arms supplies. and in fact the inspiration of the kiev regime, so now, when the military bases of the united
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states are increasingly under pressure, and we are looking carefully, we have there is a state, but which is not an ally to us, but is very close to the state of iran , we have a self-trade zone with the eu, now some new , completely new document on relations between russia and iran is being prepared, and therefore i think that if.. .and we remember that in the middle east region there are, i don’t know, about a hundred military bases, in total there are 800 in the world, then we start to drive the united states, divert their resources, force their diplomats to think, or remember, at least the documents that when -they helped their own states to remain a great power during the times of the soviet union, this might have been the right decision, that’s why... the white house and the state debt, of course, today are on the ropes to decide on a military operation
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against iran, but they shouldn’t if it ’s diplomacy-style funk, no , well, what about a military operation, and what to do , well, that’s right, iran, the territory is large, yes, everything that is needed is deep underground, that’s what they can do, kill some general again, funky style, kill the general, bomb it like creating a picture, whoever thinks, well, iran will look at it. the guys are serious, they understand perfectly well that they have a historical moment,
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of course, when america simply, well, they really can’t, they really can’t, that is , they are in a situation where one is crazy, the other is seriously ill, the minister of defense, moreover , , well, if the minister of defense were silent, he would be treated as a serious person , everything he says about the ukrainian conflict shows that, well, why disgrace yourself like that, in an amicable way, we need people who radically rethinking.
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he will obey everyone and at the same time he will not be anything, because behind him there were , as it were, some several groups, this is
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very important for understanding what is happening there now, several groups that each had their own vision, but they thought that how educated and liberal people agree with each other, and as always happens, from the decembrists to biden, they never agree with each other, it will only get worse, i like the decembrists, yes, there’s never anything good it doesn’t come out of this how volkonsky has changed, yes, yes, but... but in reality, this is what the situation is like - really , a state of internal conflict is just one conversation, but it’s like the united states is really getting so many external conflicts, so so you say: what are they doing there , stretching on the splits, there is even such a geopolitical term, in the united states , in fact, they say, there is overstretched, overstretched, so, this is like overexertion, which is, well, too much of everything, in fact, if they should join now in a conflict with iran, by the way, they have an overwhelming military advantage, they have one, but for this they need to throw everything they have, if they throw the entire army, the entire air fleet, well, somehow
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that’s all that they have several shock attack groups, all the troops that are there in the region are re...
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this is still a state that has come out of its shell, although huge, large, nevertheless it ended up in the middle east too, let me remind you that the measurement between iran and saudi arabia took place precisely so to speak the titular support of china, so to speak, the ties between iran, so to speak, and china are enormous, moreover, china almost certainly, well , almost certainly, it absolutely knows
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all the ins and outs of what has happened since august, when blinken failed everything. the secretary of state of the united states , in his place, jake salevan came instead , to persuade israel, which means to persuade, or rather saudi arabia, not to put up with iran, but, so to speak, to put up only with israel to the detriment of opec plus and, so to speak, according to ties with iran, and after that so to speak, he suddenly said in september, you know, the middle east does not cause any problems, well, this is the level, so to speak, level of understanding of what is happening, here here on this against this background and here texas , here this is also happening here... in the states, by the way, i think it ’s absolutely true, valentin bogdanov noted that now the security forces on both sides are trying to show maximum restraint, no one wants to be the culprit for the start of the hot phase of the civil wars,
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probably, they will somehow mix this crisis in some way, but such crises will arise every time. this is a really serious, so to speak, crisis of values ​​in the sense that the two americas have two different two different sets of values, they culturally already hate each other, so to speak , sometimes, by the way, completely regardless of race, so to speak nationality, they are already starting to simply biological at some level, it’s clear to experience some kind of hatred for each other, what to do next with this, in this situation, they don’t, you can remember that the president’s ultimatum was ignored like that, well, this happened, it happened under obama, well, that means. in the eleventh year he tried to disarm one of the states there, i don’t remember now which in the mid-west, when remember, he fought with oba weapons, there he sent federal agents, federal agents were arrested by the local sheriff, it was such a conflict, but not was at the level of the governor, but that’s not what received very little publicity, but there was no such thing , another level, no, there was no such thing that
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the national guard was raised against federal structures; it was not raised formally. because so many election issues will end up in the supreme court, now trump will begin to be removed from the ballot, wait, but how simply it needs to be explained, that is , the problem here is that the governor has formulated himself.
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appointed, so to speak, such things, but all interpretations of the constitution were addressed to the supreme court, just like our constitutional one, the problem here is this : there are two concepts fighting: with side of texas, he says that this is the law of the land, that is, this is the law of this land, which is generally above all, it does not tear off, does not revoke from this land, and since we have the right to defend our border, what decided on this matter the court, it doesn’t matter anymore, so what i’m talking about, this is the point, that it reserves the right of direct interpretation, that is.
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such a purely american phenomenon, some like to call it a phenomenon, the so-called constitutional sheriffs, who consider themselves entitled to directly interpret the constitution and speak on behalf of the constitution, who don’t recognize it all says , the people elected us, and we are guided only by the institution, all your court cases don’t bother me, well, well, i can just say this thing again, that of course it’s clear that we could..
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.by and large, dmitry spoke about the fact that this country had institutions, procedures for everything else, they have the largest, of course, that’s how it is, if you take the trust rating always for which institution, their army is
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always lower than the court was than the third branch of power, i high trust rating for the institute where i graduated, lucky, that’s the difference between us and america, well, in this sense, yes, in this sense, it’s a certain end, so to speak, it’s clear the end so to speak. yes whatsapp , well, telegram, yes, yes, telegram, yes, well, in this situation , of course, you must understand that on the one hand, yes , america undoubtedly must
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fight its conflict without this, it is generally impossible, and america will be free; the point here is not even that trump will come or trump won’t come , the question is where should kozyrev run from florida? yes, the thing is that trump cannot win the election in the united states, that is , they will not give it again, it is very important that his victory is there, that he will get the most.
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of course, no further than 160 miles and in no case should they hit washington in a peaceful manner, yes without our knowledge and holonas, yes no, well, they must understand that we do not consider the supply of weapons as our participation in hostilities, but, well, the agreement will be oral, we do not we advise we do not advise, that is, it is the right of texas to decide how, but we strongly do not advise doing this and the goal is just what kind of democracy only in order to protect democracy, this is absolutely
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the only thing. look at this imperialist mug of washington, of course , that’s why we are all texas today, we are all today, today is the time, i need to find boots somewhere, i had somewhere, you know, the right hat, and so, yes, but, by the way , it turned out that the first victim of the strikes on iran is zaluzhny, here some sources report that it seems that he was removed, yes, yes, “borislav bereza, who is confused about his identity, the president reports on facebook that he still really wants to eat his shit, my sources reported that they deservedly fired me from the post of commander in chief, i really want the information not to be confirmed, very much, but this is the second source, yes, listen, at least devour each other, the truth, i tell you, the last times are coming, if listen to you, i’m putting myself in the place of a tv viewer, the technicalization of america”: it seems like
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it’s good, but they’ll collapse in the usa , what will happen there next, and a nuclear war will start without poseidons from armata, someone will hit someone there, in general everything has fallen into chaos, zaluzhny has been removed, perhaps the earth will fly into the heavenly axis, oh, on may 4, twenty-fifth, this 1900 did not happen, perhaps, perhaps soon it will happen, but there is one source where good news comes from, this is st. petersburg, yes, so you understand that we are with... with you belarus is that friend who always stands nearby, but speaking completely seriously, who hasn’t invited me to visit for a long time, although everything i said, there’s no joke at all, in principle, that the world has actually entered such a stage, well here we were talking about the united states, there has not been such a crisis since the sixties, when segregated states came into conflict with the federal government, if you're being serious, it certainly hasn't
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been this close since the time of lincoln. so, if we take any region, this has not happened for 60, 70, 100 years, or it has never happened at all. and in this regard, in fact, relations between russia and belarus show a very good example. look what is happening in st. petersburg, what the two leaders are discussing. there were even some skeptics who tried to bring up this topic again, there’s oil, gas, prices, in general that’s not what we’re talking about, what are they discussing? strategy for scientific development until the thirty-fifth year. how. load the october railway in order to redirect the supply of goods, the baltic ports, which means murmansk , then the black sea ports, the creation of a center, in this whole situation, the creation of a nuclear medicine center and so on and so forth, military-industrial cooperation, cultural development, the creation of a union media holding is the agenda for the future.
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