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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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they account for more than 40% of all oil production and about a quarter of goods exports. according to the world bank's forecast, the trade turnover of the organization's participants this year will amount to half a trillion dollars. at the same time, it is important that as many transactions as possible be carried out in national currencies, said deputy head of the russian foreign ministry sergei rebkov. in line with the brics leaders' decision in johannesburg, we will explore ways to make greater use of it. national currencies, local currencies, payment instruments in our cross-border transactions, in order to reduce the negative side effects of the current dollar-dominated global economic system, and explore how to strengthen the role of the developing world in international finance. the share of the brix countries in russia’s trade balance has doubled over the past couple of years; if in 21 it was only 20%, then by the end of 2023 it reached. already forty,
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while payments in national currencies in the mutual trade of the brics countries have more than tripled to 85%. the head of the bank of russia, elvira nabiulina, stated this in an interview with riyanovosti. according to her, this is a truly significant volume, and the main task now is to work on increasing the speed of payments, as well as the security and reliability of settlements, so that companies do not experience any problems during transactions. russia has achieved the greatest success in the transition to national currencies in trading with its own. this result can serve as an example for all brix participants. we must continue to adhere to the spirit of brix. we must champion multilateralism, support each other's interests, and speak with one voice on important issues. international and regional problems. we must carry out the instructions of the leaders of the brics countries and help promote economic cooperation. as
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a strategic priority, use local currencies and payment systems in mutual settlements. in addition to the ruble and the yuan, other currencies are increasingly beginning to be used in mutual settlements between the brics countries, in particular the indian rupee, the brazilian real and the united arab emirates dirham, however , such settlements are often associated with financial difficulties that are yet to come decide. the transition, of course, is taking place across all currencies, but it is clear that the yuan dominates. and dominates as additional emirati derham, which is actually strictly pegged to the dollar, the real and the rupiah, they are also actively used, but still, each country has its own rather serious currency restrictions, so the same rupee is quite poorly suited for international trade . under the chairmanship of russia , brix participants this year will discuss other tasks on the economic agenda, in particular we are talking about rebuilding the financial
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infrastructure and are not tied to swift. coupled with the transition to settlements in national currencies, this will allow free settlements, independent of the us financial system. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? what kind of coverage is wide? where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, though. megafon is even picked up there by the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed flate - this is an unusual service with payment in installments, you do not need to issue a new card look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere, play divides the price into six parts and work with a card from any bank, but there are no interest rates, go to playthrough, on avito work just find your place by... soon, i
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of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. for the navigator in the car, the fence in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, only one is replenished, all the others will be pay automatically, convenient?
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returning to the information picture, secretary of state of the union state of russia and belarus, dmitry mezintsev, believes that the last meeting of the supreme state council demonstrated a special level of interaction between moscow and minsk. we’ll find out what’s causing this right now live. dmitry mezentsov, guest of our studio, dmitry fedorovich, hello, thank you. for addressing the agenda, which yesterday was probably in the field of view of all news media, closely watched live, agent thank you, and most importantly, let us tell your tv viewers about the results that were determined by the heads of state, members of the supreme state council, a strong union, at the meeting they summed up the results
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of the implementation of 28, if i’m not mistaken, yes union programs, absolutely no, listen, these are 28 they have probably already been heard for more than two years, no one is mistaken, right?
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it was simply, it was simply not, it was very significant that yesterday the heads of state spoke about the most important issues of that supreme state council, which yesterday in the constantine palace. took place effectively and successfully, this is an analysis of what has been done to implement the basic provisions of the union treaty, an analysis of 28 union programs that have been almost completely implemented and there is a very important phrase there, maybe the lawyers wrote it in, not always considering how deep and large-scale it is: 28 union programs, as their integral part of the main directions. agreement on the implementation of the union state, most recently in november
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a meeting of the council of ministers of the union state was held under the chairmanship of mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, as the head of the union state government with the participation of roman sanavich golovchenko, the head of the government of the republic of belarus, members of the union government - these are the ministers of finance on both sides, the ministers of economy, the minister of foreign affairs, your humble servant, this is the document that was approved
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somehow quickly knocks down we will return to this we will certainly talk about the new media holding, but as for the question of what has been achieved and what has not, because, as far as i understand, there are still issues that need to be agreed upon, this concerns, as well as alexander lukashenko said, the oil and gas market, with a single currency, we have been discussing the prospects for a long time, how are things going in these areas, well, let’s touch on finance and the single currency, today... an unprecedented level of mutual trade in national currencies has been achieved, and today
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the question of a single currency is essentially not on the agenda, the question is about improving trade turnover, improving the rules for the circulation of those results of industrial policy, which was also discussed yesterday, which will allow removing barriers to enterprises do not create unnecessary competing industries. to form unified production chains, we, why there were many disputes in previous years, i really want to remember this, but the fact is a fact, because, voluntarily or involuntarily, a competitive environment of similar groups of goods was created, today it is assumed that the parties will fundamentally move away from this , so these 11 sections, one of the most important, but they are all very important, is the formation of a unified macro policy, the formation of a unified financial policy.
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that this is a good example, an opportunity for all of us partners, across the five, across the cis, take what
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has been developed, use draft regulatory documents, already adopted regulatory documents, use those agreements that were signed in pursuance of that program of twenty-eight union programs, as a single, large-scale integration program and unite, becoming stronger and forming a much more powerful potential than... today, what is obvious is that national leaders are consistently skillfully busy, teams are busy, of which 100, more than 150 million russians are almost... 10 million belarus, and what kind of experience can you to scale, as you think, macroeconomic policy, yes, approaches to the formation of the transport market, of course , yes, industrial policy, yes, cooperation in the agricultural sector, yes, one of the issues that we are obliged to say on the agenda of the outgoing meeting of the supreme state council, the strategy
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of scientific- technological space until 2035, but a single union state. we are the academy of sciences, this is a proposal from the kurchatov institute, institutes of the russian academy of sciences, research centers, universities, which we have proposed to use today to the belarusian national the potential, first of all, of fundamental research, which is available for work in russia, not to spend unnecessary funds on the formation of competitive scientific potential in belarus, but to work together at the peak reactor in gadchin, at the kurchatovskaya site. institute to follow unified plans to promote genetic research, you know how much attention vladimir vladimirovich putin paid to the development and formation of attitudes towards artificial intelligence institutes, this is not only his own artificial intelligence, it is digitalization challenge to the development of the economy and
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social sphere, here we must also be together, we probably do not always know that belarus is a country.
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of course, one of the programs will be devoted to the most advanced developments in the field of bioengineering, which will be in demand by the ministry of health and those enterprises involved in the production of medicine. how is the budget filled? the budget is formed by shares in an agreed proportion between belarus and the russian federation. and i’ll tell you that as part of the discussion on regulation issues of property of the property of the union state, that.
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this is a question of using intellectual property, this is a question of using property, conducting scientific research, this is the property that is created for real sectors of industry, including the automotive industry, there is such a special dual-use program, automakers are happy with the joint work, but we are happy that the matter in general, no money was spared. regarding the work to strengthen technological sovereignty, what is being done in this direction and how successfully. results, how do you evaluate them? well, i’ve already said that one of the basic issues is the strategy of a single scientific and technological space, its joint development until 2035, this cannot be done without the formation of infrastructure, fundamental and applied scientific research of the union state, moreover, if we return a little to my
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the thesis that some experts, well, let's just say, are a little wary of the depth and...
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what is this question for and what are the prospects? today we are responding to that sanctions pressure , but we have already given assessments more than once, emotional, legal, unprecedented, sanctions, unfair, boorish, in this regard, belarus needs to maintain access to foreign markets, access to foreign markets can be provided by new logistics, transport logistics via russian railways with access to the ports of the baltic sea.
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regarding security issues, which you have already partly touched upon, vladimir putin said that russia and belarus will work together to ensure equal and enduring security. how will it look like? could you tell? firstly, we have heard more than once from heads of state. the thesis that belarus and russia have a single external border is the external border of a union state. and, by the way, in support of your question, it was accepted. yesterday , the leaders of our countries decided to appoint the chairman of the border committee of the union state; he became army general vladimir grigorievich kuleshov, who
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heads the border service of the federal russian security services. but let’s also say that this decision is a response to the principle of rotation, since 2007, the border committee, until yesterday, was traditionally headed by the chairman of the state border committee of the republic of belarus. i say again, defense tasks , improving the training regime for forces and means, training personnel
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, improving the practice of commander training, these are all the goals of the work of the military group, but at the same time you also know that russia, in response to the request of the president of belarus, responded by strengthening the defense potential of the republic, this is justified, this is a response to complication.
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education, culture, sports, solving humanitarian issues, questions have been adopted on improving work with the property of the union state on possible replenishment of the budget due to what has already been done, what generates profit, inventory, introduction of an electronic register, what will the federal property management agency, state property permanent committee do . you yourself spoke about the importance of the issue of improving the railway infrastructure.
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well, see you later, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive a superbox as a gift, you can iota.
3:00 pm
the co-chairs of the central election headquarters are meeting face to face in moscow with proxies of candidates for president vladimir putin. what are they discussing? set aside or leave? new details of the scandal surrounding the possible resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. what are the scenarios called? the school was under fire. the ukrainian armed forces attacked gorlovka in the donetsk republic. in half an hour 14 nato- style shells were fired at the city, including cluster charges. what consequences? figure prospects in the kremlin commented on the disqualification of figure skater kamila valieva and confirmed the status of russian olympic champions. what statements were made?


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