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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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under russia's presidency, the brix countries will explore greater use of national currencies in trade. this was stated by deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei rebkov at a meeting of sherpa and syusherb of the organization. dmitry morocco will tell you what successes have already been achieved on the path of de-dolarization. the transition to settlements in national currencies will be one of the main topics of the russian presidency. this year. increasing the share of this organization in the world economy opens up more and more prospects for conducting independent trade without reference to the dollar. brix composition now expanded to ten countries, whose total share in world gdp reaches 35%. they account for more than 40% of all oil production and about a quarter of goods exports. according to the world bank's forecast, the trade turnover of the organization's participants this year will amount to half a trillion dollars. at the same time, it is important that... that as
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many transactions as possible be carried out in national currencies, said deputy head of the russian foreign ministry sergei rebkov. in accordance with the decision of the brics leaders in johannesburg, we will explore ways to increase the use of national currencies, local currencies, payment instruments in our cross-border transactions, in order to reduce the negative side effects of the current dollar-dominated global economic system, we will explore how... thereby strengthening the role of the developing world in international finance. the brix countries' share of russia's trade balance has doubled over the past couple of years. if in the twenty-first it was only 20%, then by the end of 2023 it had already reached forty. at the same time, payments in national currencies in the mutual trade of the brix countries increased more than three times to 85%. about it elvira nabeulina, head of the bank of russia, stated in an interview with riyanovosti. according to her. this is
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a truly significant volume, and the main task now is to work on increasing the speed of payments, as well as the security and reliability of settlements, so that companies do not experience any problems during transactions. russia has achieved the greatest success in the transition to national currencies in trade with its main partner china. the share of the ruble yuan pair in mutual transactions has today increased to 95%. this result can serve as an example for all brix participants. brix spirit. we must continue to adhere to the spirit of brix. we must champion multilateralism, support each other's interests, and speak with one voice on important international and regional issues. we must carry out the instructions of the leaders of the brix countries, promote economic cooperation as a strategic priority, and use local currencies and payment systems in mutual settlements. in addition to the ruble and yuan, the brics countries are increasingly active in mutual settlements other currencies are beginning to be used, in particular the indian rupee and the brazilian real.
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and derhams of the united arab emirates, however, such calculations are often associated with financial difficulties that have yet to be resolved. the transition, of course , is taking place across all currencies, but it is clear that the yuan dominates, and dominates as an additional emirati dirham, which is actually a rigid peg to the dollar. real and rupee, they are also actively used, but still, each country has its own. chaired by russia brix participants this year will also discuss other tasks on the economic agenda, in particular we are talking about building a financial infrastructure that is not tied to swift. coupled with the transition to settlements in national currencies, this will allow free settlements, independent of the us financial system.
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there is another day of important events at the exhibition at the russian forum. on january 30, cultural events are held here. over the past 10 years , spending on culture in the country has increased 20 times, funding for creative projects from extrabudgetary funds has increased significantly. sources. today, the country is also implementing a national project called culture; they intend to extend it until 2030. in russia , annual government awards have been established. dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. since the beginning of last year, about 300 exhibitions have been held there. we will find out more details from our correspondent sofia sergieva about how the culture day is going at vdnk. she joins us. sofia, greetings, here is the cultural page of the entire exhibition. today here on
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every corner they literally sing and dance all this folk dances and a lot of other interesting things, but what do you remember most? georgy , it’s true, hello, it’s really a day of culture, the vdnkh exhibition is celebrated very widely, there are a lot of different lectures, master classes, exhibitions, art lectures, virtual excursions, all this in an interactive format, now we are in a completely unique place, there are 61 pavilions dedicated to just one work of the legendary epic novel by leo tolstoy war and peace, the exhibition is called revived pages, but why come to life, because everything here is in an interactive format, accessible to everyone. you can literally touch the exhibit, there is music, a huge interactive panel, and by touching various screens you can find out about the popularity of this novel, let’s say, let ’s come here, click on the screen and find out how popular this novel was, look at the composition of 5,202 pages, yes, the novel
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has been translated into more than 100 languages, that is , it’s simply fantastic, the entire exhibition is dedicated to this, this novel, today we managed to talk with the one who created this masterpiece. here is presented exactly this key work, in which tolstoy began to master literary symbolism, if earlier it was literary , so romantic, in general, such a construction of his design, i say this as a designer, as an architect, but not as vet literature, but at the same time i i also relied on these very closely, new exhibits will come here, it will be such a pulse. idea today for the younger generation, who can check today, go empty into future life, without thick or read it. the abundance of artistic elements at the exhibition allows you to immerse yourself in this novel, not only to learn its content, but to learn
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tolstoy’s philosophy itself. look, here is a completely unique exhibit, this is ivan nikolaevich’s manuscript written on the brozinsky field, an absolutely fantastic exhibit, so visit it. the exhibition will delight for a long time and let adults and children come here, just look up, what an interesting solution the organizers have chosen, this is a sphere, a sphere, which was symbolic for lev nikolaevich, he inspired him, the sphere of influence, the sphere of pressure, including the sphere, but as something airy, which inspires people to creative impulses, but since today is our day of culture, day of culture, what a day culture without cinema, in the seventy-fifth pavilion of vdnh today there was such... an expert, i would say, expert discussion of cinema, its state at the moment, within the framework of the panel of the russian film industry and in the era of new opportunities, where representatives of our industry discussed the challenges and threats that our
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film producers face today. now there are probably more tasks for producers to produce big films. twice, in fact, more than now, to fill the entire repertoire grid, and not just the new year, personnel are needed, but here the request from the industry will already be for the appearance of these personnel, from the demand here, in fact, the supply itself will be born, on the other hand, we already understand that we have reached the stage that we are able to produce paintings in those genres that were previously inaccessible to us, at the event we also remembered films... which have now won at our box office, we remembered blemen musicians, holob, film air, here’s an interesting observation, when the expert panel began, and the composition, let’s say, the collection of this the film was 298 million rubles, when it ended, the film had already exceeded the 300 million rubles mark. and this figure will only grow, our
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film producers are confident that we will succeed, despite external pressure, despite the departure of western companies from russian market, the niche is free, and it seems to me that it’s time to occupy it, here. well, what else can i say, it’s just a wonderful exhibition here, in pavilion number 61, and i think that everyone just needs to visit it, enjoy it, in fact, experience all the classics, modernity, which does not argue with each other , but complements. well, colleagues, i give you the floor. yes, sofia, thank you, all that remains is to add that all the events that take place within the framework of the russian forum exhibition, of course, free, open to everyone. so, the russian exhibition offers schoolchildren to spend time profitably at vdnkh, a truly wonderful place where you can learn about professions and scientific fields. teachers talk about quantum technologies, astrophysics, and neuroscience in accessible language. the russian
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geographical society invites you on a virtual trip around the country. in this way, the children learn about nature, climate and customs, and are introduced to the fauna in the nature-city pavilion. experts often speak there. zoologists, in the sports pavilion for everyone can do physical exercise under the guidance of famous athletes, i repeat again, all activities on excursions at the exhibition are, of course, free. and finally, the numbers of the day: 40 couples from all over the country got married at the country's main exhibition since its opening. wedding ceremonies in the customs of russian regions have already become a tradition at the exhibition at the russia forum. apartment in moscow. account five only five purchases from a thousand rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can
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on february 21, the games of the future, a large-scale international competition, merging sports, science and technology, will start in kazan. drone racing is considered one of the popular and current trends at upcoming starts. according to the results of last year, alexander kholkin became the best russian pilot. danila makhalina knows how he prepares on the eve of the most important tournament. glasses with first-person control,
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a chair, a joystick, the drone itself, a set without which alexander kholkin can no longer imagine his life. years of practiced skills with the help of which such a seemingly small device can cover enormous distances and maneuver unnoticed, like the snitch from harry potter. such a drone, which flies around me, can reach speeds of up to 300 km/h. and with certain trajectories and flights, you may not even catch it with your eyes, but in order to level it out. technical capabilities and so that it is generally visible to the audience, at the games of the future in kazan they will fly on other drones, like these with high-speed restrictions to approximately 90 km/h. coordination and attentiveness come to the fore, because just watching can make you dizzy, let alone control? along the edges and the image is thereby rounded, and i see objects
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further than they should be, in front, on the contrary, i see closer than. they should be, accordingly, because of this distortion, sometimes the pilot gets confused, but a professional pilot already adapts to his quadcopter, and this does not bother him. thus , nineteen-year-old alexander kholkin has already become a professional, not a single victory at domestic and international competitions is behind us. his passion for the art of design began in school. before that, i was involved in robotics, 7 years of olympiad work technology, and programming. and then i saw what was above me. a copter is flying, it was somewhere in the eighth grade, i was very interested in it, i found where i could do this, that is, a section, and it was the quantorium technology park, and i myself am from krasnoyarsk, so i studied there, and entered there , i had to take a special test there, and i was there taught unmanned aerial vehicles , how to set them up, how to assemble them, how
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to fly them, the key character for alexander in the process of getting to know and mastering them at that time was far from... engaged, so to speak , in some extraneous matters, toys, then yes, he invested all the time in his studies and his hobby, but improvement in the work of drones is not the limit for alexander. as a second-year student at baumanka, he went even further in his work. i found like-minded people in baumanka, and we, together they and the physics professor began
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developing a silent propeller and already. last year in january we defended him at the self exhibition, in addition to training with a real drone, alexander spends at least a few more hours at home on the computer, this is what his exercises and flights on the simulator look like, the routes are as close as possible to real competition ones, the joystick is the same size, only instead of fpv glasses there is a monitor screen, only thanks to such painstaking work significant titles came, this is this cup, a cup and a grand prix. comer of moscow, i him won, and moskvich won, electric. drone racing will take place in kazan from february 27 to 29. daniil makhalin, alexander makridin, stanislav petrov, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. well, now the story is shocking, but this is our reality. for the first time in history , an operation was performed to implant
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a neurochip into a person’s brain. elon musk's company reported that the test subject was feeling well. well, the researchers promised that the implanted device will allow you to control your smartphone and computer with the power of thought, and subsequently the technology will be able to help those who paralyzed alina katilevskaya knows the details. alina, hello, it turns out that what science fiction writers wrote about has happened. well, it’s probably more correct to talk about the first step. the technology is truly revolutionary in many ways, in terms of controlling objects or transmitting a signal to paralyzed limbs, scientists are still at the very beginning of the journey. elon musk’s company organized a presentation of the neurochip at the end of 2022, received permission to conduct clinical trials on humans in may last year, and announced a recruitment of volunteers in september. the ideal candidate was a person over the age of 22 who was immobilized due to a spinal cord injury or myotrophic lateral sclerosis. experiments with
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attempts to remotely control objects through the transmission of brain impulses have already been carried out more than once. 20 years, but earlier, previously, bundles of wires were used for this, while the electrodes could read only a limited number of pulses, and the experimental subjects could perform a limited number of operations, controlling either a cursor on a computer screen or a robotic hand. the current implant is a small tablet that is implanted into the rectitory zone of the cerebral cortex using a specially designed surgical robot; the prototype included 1020. four electrodes; the latest version, according to experts, has tens of thousands. before the mask, no more than 200-300 contacts were implanted into the brains of animals or people. i think it has potential. he has 100,000 contacts, you just need to keep in mind that there are 86 billion nerve cells in the human head, that is , much, much more than even these 1000,
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therefore, it will be impossible to obtain complete information from the brain, this is a very small fraction in elon musk’s company, they intend to take both quality and quantity, the implantation company has already attracted 28... they plan to enter into a research agreement for 6 years, but experts are convinced that the main thing is not quantity people with neurochips in their heads, and progress on the path to unraveling the mysteries of the brain, these tens of thousands of streams of nerve impulses will go into the decoding system, well, will this system be able can you do the decoding?
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support, don’t miss your chance in the new year, perhaps your idea will become the best and will receive resources for implementation. applications are accepted until january 31. the confrontation in the united states is escalating and expanding in texas, with mass protests in support of the governor. in his confrontation with joe biden, other states are also increasing their support. governor greg abbott has made it clear that
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he is ready for a fight, even a serious conflict, with washington. biden's order ignored the supreme court's ruling that measures taken by texas authorities to the border with mexico is excessive, too. now the move is up to the federal authorities. they took a pause in thought, since, according to political scientists, there are actually few options. it is not profitable for biden to aggravate the situation, but in the meantime, various events are being launched in texas, for example, a large-scale truck rally, return our border. the action has just begun, but more and more states are joining it, from california to virginia. in total, ebot's governors openly supported the authorities of 26 american states. more than half they are sending their national guardsmen to texas to help guard the border. statements made at the prosecutor's office level.
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these same measures are supported by donald trump, the republican party's favorite in the presidential race. the point of this show of force on the part of texas and other states, republican , conservative-minded, is that the future president will be donald trump, and don’t try to disturb us, it is obvious that in the trump strategy in the trump agenda , this is this tough immigration policy, is just one of the key elements , with regard to a possible suppression, i don’t think that biden is on... joe biden discussed with his aides a possible response from the united states to sunday’s attack on a us military base in jordan,
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the washington newspaper reported. post with links to your sources. during official interviews, white house officials accuse iran of orchestrating the attack and warn of harsh retaliatory attacks. the topic will be continued by alexander belibov. as a result of the blow to the american tawer-22 base, which is located in jordan, near the syrian border , killed three american soldiers, and about 40 more american soldiers were injured. this became the first losses of the united states. first, the escalation of the conflict in the gas sector, it is clear that washington simply cannot leave such an attack on its military facility and will not leave it without an answer, what will this facility, this answer be? and they’ve been guessing for two days now, well , probably the entire world media, and this is probably one of the main questions now american foreign policy, but so far neither the pentagon nor the white house has given a clear answer on this matter, exactly what
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the answer will be to the fact that it... will definitely be, they are now talking about it on capital hill, in the white house itself , that's all that us secretary of state antony blinken said. we are not looking for war with iran, but we are forced to protect our military personnel and will continue to do so by taking all necessary measures, including a very tough response to the attack that occurred. i'm not going to get ahead of the president and won't give details. but this answer can be multi-level, consist of many stages and take a long time. still, according to a number of regional experts, there is no need to talk about a full-scale conflict between the united states and iran. most likely, washington’s response to an attack on an american military base by what it calls pro-iranian groups in the region will consist of a series, possibly combined strikes on iranian proxy targets in the region, these could be
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positions. hezbollah, as well as the positions of the yemeni houthis in the ansar alah group, as well as positions of iranian forces, the islamic revolutionary guard corps on the territory of iraq, and the answer could be the targeted liquidation of a number of high-ranking military members of the military political leadership of the islamic republic, and as for example, this has happened more than once, just the day before, and the israeli west launched a strike on the territory of syria under attack, again turned out to be like... 10 days ago damascus, in the capital of syria, the target of the attack was iranian military advisers, for example, 10 days ago, during another attack on damascus, the israeli air force destroyed the building in which there were, and this was confirmed in the islamic revolutionary guard corps itself, four high-ranking ksir officers, all of them died. in tehran itself, while they deny their involvement in the attack on the american base, they call all accusations against iran
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unfounded, here is the official statement. ministry of the islamic republic. resistance groups in the region do not receive orders from the islamic republic of iran. the islamic republic of iran opposes the expansion of conflict in the region and does not interfere in how resistance groups decide on their actions. if we talk about how the united states is reacting to the so far inaction of the presidential administration after the attack on an american military base in jordan, then the loudest voices, of course, are the republicans on the capitalist side. hill, which call what is happening now, what is now making the united states in the middle east virtually inaction, talking about useless strikes against the yemeni group ansar allah on another, another us presence in the region, which in general does not affect security in any way region and only worsens the image of the united states states in the international arena, here is a statement from one of the republican senators. they,
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iran, are waging a proxy war with us, they are setting their militants not only against israel, but against us, as well as against world shipping, and from the statements of the white house, iran understands that it can get away with it. how we react to an attack on our base will not yield anything. i've talked to soldiers and commanders who are in the middle east right now. we're bombing empty warehouses in the middle of the night so the biden administration can check the box to make it look as if they were something. houthis on missile and drone launch stations, despite ongoing strikes on targets , attacks on ships, civilians, as well as military vessels by the ansar allah group in the gulf of atan continue.


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