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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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your hands, we open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret , there are resources about elections on the internet, i opened the site immediately in the know, data about candidates, elections, places and dates, the results of voting in election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet, having looked at the portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. the volume of production of air defense missiles has more than doubled, the head of the ministry of defense announced this. today sergei shaigu inspected the production of caliber missiles, cruise missiles for iskander and s-300 launch-loading installations at the enterprises of the almaste concern in yekaterinburg. the first batch of weapons is already being assembled as part of the new state defense order. read more stanislav vasilchenko.
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kalinin machine-building plant, the company assembles launchers and launch-loading installations for the s-300v and buk air defense systems. general director of the plant nikolai klein also reported on the advanced rates of the enterprise. last year we shipped the program or last year we shipped the new one early. at the end of work at the enterprises of the almastey concern, the minister of defense held a meeting with their leaders and representatives of military command and control bodies. the same goes for what we need.
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and this should give a significant increase to what we have today, while the head of the military department noted that some issues still need to be worked on, first of all, we are talking about... the production of engines and launchers. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. russian air defense systems shot down 86 over the past 24 hours ukrainian drones. this was reported to the ministry of defense. and also 12 projectiles from the hurricane and haymars multiple launch rocket systems were intercepted. and according to the military department, our military destroyed the fuel depot of the ukrainian armed forces. last night, russian drones and kamikads attacked a fuel storage facility in the city of zmeev in the kharkov region. this is
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at least the fourth such facility to be liquidated recently. in ukraine, there is renewed talk about the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. the day before, the verkhovna rada stated that valery zaluzhny has already been removed from his post. then the media disseminated information that a decree had already been signed, instead of zaluzhny he would appoint the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kiril budanov. stanislav understood the situation. will they fire or not fire, that is the question , commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, his future fate, the main topic of ukrainian news, while they are wondering on the internet , a funny video has appeared on the internet, which is quite possibly a deepfake, but the ukrainian, apparently, really likes it, so what you there, perhaps, don’t worry, dad is calling you , the night before the ukrainian media, one after another , broadcast lightning flashes, news of the resignation of the commander-in-chief, referring to...
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the ex-head of the information department of the right sector banned in russia, borislav bereza, and deputy goncharenko and a number of other politicians , although later the ministry of defense of ukraine denied this information, but today it is already clear to everyone: he is like a bone in zelensky’s throat, he is becoming a dangerous competitor, because he is supported by the states, and zelensky is still a man who is being nursed by britain. by the way, the level of trust in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine already reached 82% in ukraine at the end of last year.
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military style sweatshirts. major ukrainian politicians, for example, such as ex-president poroshenko, also do not seem to quite understand what is happening. the resignation of zaluzhny is a shot in the ten for national unity, the best thing that can be done is to immediately refute the rumors, not to sign the decree if there is a draft, not to make it public and tear it up if it is signed. the british weekly conservative magazine the spectator publishes this headline: in kyiv, panic began due to the message. about the resignation of zaluzhny with reference to a high-ranking european official, whose name was not mentioned. the result is panic not only in kiev, but in europe. panic arises if this really happens, because it means that zelensky has really gone completely crazy and decided to play
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an independent game, not coordinated with his western partners. in this case , there is a very high probability that. zelensky will already die or disappear, on his another one will appear in place, because the main requirement that the anglosaction demands from its puppets is that they very clearly carry out their orders and commands, and categorically do not do what they are prohibited from doing. meanwhile, verkhovna rada deputy maryana bezuglaya, who has traditionally been used by the president’s office in case of need for sharp criticism of the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, accused the commander-in-chief of excessive love for alcohol.
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a meeting with the co-chairs of his central election headquarters, discussing the main tasks of the election campaign. our correspondent egor grigoriev joins the broadcast from the civil service academy, where the meeting is taking place. egor, hello, once again, judging by the footage that you showed in our previous broadcast, a lot of trusted representatives came, and from different regions, even i saw representatives. natalya, hello, absolutely right, 544 proxies, i remind you, are registered with the central election commission, they came from virtually all regions, all subjects of the russian federation, these are representatives of completely different professions, there are scientists and athletes, there are artists, representatives of the agricultural sector. sector, industry and business, today their working day began with such an introductory session, induction... events then everyone went to round tables, according to the area of ​​their professional interest, where they already
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we discussed the developments that we managed to obtain while working in their regions, in their regions they outlined plans for the near future for the next month and a half of work before the actual elections, well, the co-chair of the election headquarters maryana lysenko especially noted the important connection that is necessary.
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apply, but the very mechanism for implementing the election campaign will depend on the subject, on the region that each proxy represents, that’s what the representative told us murmansk, for example: without the development of a nuclear icebreaker fleet, the economically beneficial development of infrastructure projects will be very difficult or set back for several years, as they say upward, so i see my work... as a trusted person, i will work with people,
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let me remind you that vladimir putin is running as a self-nominated candidate, he did this in order to better feel the demands that come from the population, depending on their political preferences, on their political belonging, however, the work of collecting signatures was actively carried out by the united russia party, this is the party of the president, it was created by presidential candidate vladimir putin, today at a meeting of the presidium of the general council of the united russia party, the secretary of the presidium andrei turchak summed up the unique results of collecting signatures. let's listen to him. we have completed the most important stage of the presidential campaign, the collection of signatures in support of the president. in total, more than that was collected.
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that this election race has already established itself, has proven itself to be very professional behavior of candidates in terms of behavior, for example, irina sviridova is a potential candidate. and today she came to the central election commission and stated that , unfortunately, she was unable to collect the required number of signatures, but she considers it appropriate to transfer the orders that voters came to her with to the headquarters of candidate vladimir putin, because in her opinion, it is vladimir putin is the person who can implement each of these instructions, solve every problem that people come up with, and
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sergei baburin, who also collected signatures, today he honestly said that...
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he is giving them to the candidate for the further conduct of the election campaign. natal, yes, egor, thank you. egor grigorev on the main topics of the meeting between the co-chairs of vladimir putin’s central election headquarters and his proxies. well , the candidate for the post of president of the country from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov and the head of the party gennady zyuganov came on a working visit to st. petersburg. the delegation was shown the kirov plant, one of the oldest machine-building enterprises in the country. and they said that the production process was only benefited by the departure of foreign companies. nikolai kharitonov noted that even such successful enterprises today need support. the development and industry fund was established in russia in 2014. but it seems like 10 years have passed. we are convinced, we are convinced,
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it is not enough, and today such an enterprise needs at least 20 billion, not 5 billion. and at least 20 billion loan repayment period, but not less than 10 years, you won’t be able to repay this product in 7 years. vladimir putin today met with the head of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov, and also discussed the main directions of the international work of the academy, which, by the way, is preparing to celebrate its three hundredth anniversary this year. your decision to nominate your candidacy for the post of president has given us deep satisfaction, and we have been expecting this for a long time, and i would like to note that the russian academy supports this and asks us to also consider the harm of your team. thank you very much, thank you, the first task we set was to fit into
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the state decision-making system as quickly as possible, to restore relations with all branches power, do. so that we have an authoritative academy of sciences, and yes, and most importantly, so that, based on the hopes of the state, we begin to examine not only state assignments in science, but also high-tech projects, including these 10 roadmaps for quantum technologies, artificial intelligence , on new materials, on new mobile communication systems, international activities, we have 439 foreign members from...
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mendeleev came from the maxplanko institute, professor klaus. scientists, smart people and independent. we made an association of southern regions, which included our crimean scientific institutions, all new regions, these are the lpr, dpr, kherson, zaporozhye, and we hold constant meetings, resolve all operational issues, including using the experience of crimea. the average level of achievement of goals for national projects is close to 100%, mikhail mishustin announced this at the strategic session of the government. my colleague konstantin will talk about the indicators cited by the prime minister. churikov. the implementation of national projects is on schedule, plans for national development goals have been fully implemented. about this at
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mikhail mishustin said at the strategic session of the government. everything that is planned is carried out. the average level of achievement of current tasks is close to 100%. there are significant results in all areas that these projects cover. and if we talk about national goals, then plans for last year. fully implemented, this was achieved through the implementation of government programs, strategic initiatives, operational actions, federal executive authorities as a whole, the government. the prime minister spoke about specific results of work in each of the areas. the most important thing we have is health , and that’s probably why mikhail mishustin started with medicine. during the year , 900 medical institutions were built or reconstructed in the country, and another 400 were repaired. as for something else. housing, the prime minister emphasized that this is already 90% of the plan
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for 2030. last year, more than 110 million square m2 were commissioned, this is 90% of the plan for 2030, a record figure in the entire history of the russian federation, both for apartment buildings and individual buildings, and improved. living conditions for 4,300 families. about 800 thousand parents with children have already received mortgage loans at a rate of 6% per annum, more than half of them last year, which confirms the demand for such measures. the development of such a huge country as ours is impossible without transport accessibility; mikhail mishusin spoke separately about the implementation of the national project for safe, high-quality roads. and here, too, there are concrete results. transport accessibility is being increased under the national project for safe, high-quality roads. total the country has laid over 31 kilometers of trails. the implementation of a comprehensive
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plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure also continues. the total passenger flow through the central transport hub from the twentieth to the twenty-third amounted to 2.7 billion people. speaking about the preliminary results of the year, the prime minister cited gdp indicators, if... the prime minister emphasized. for comparison, in europe, which constantly imposes sanctions against us, growth is generally around zero. well, as for our country, economic development was ensured by growing demand. this is the dynamics of russian gdp. primarily with an increase in domestic consumer and investment demand, including through the implementation of national projects. last year, for example,
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consolidated financial support of more than 1.5 trillion rubles was provided to small medium-sized businesses. a year ago, the president instructed to pay special attention to six areas: interaction with friendly countries, technological and financial sovereignty, infrastructure development, and growth. state citizens, support for families, as the prime minister said, for the sake of these national priorities, it is necessary to maintain the momentum and do everything to ensure that the planned indicators are achieved this year. eu leaders are preparing for new tranches of military aid for ukraine. this, as the western media write, should be announced at the upcoming eu summit. and those who disagree, slovakia and hungary, are threatened with economic restrictions. our correspondent anna voronina knows who is ready to go to kiev for the sake of new funds. there was a country became a private military company, now the west perceives ukraine as nothing other than
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an organization that supplies sponsors with personal data of citizens, along with their lives. this opinion was expressed by a journalist from the arabic publication al-mayadeen, noting that in kiev, against the backdrop of the situation in the middle east, they are constantly thinking about what else can be sold to the west in exchange for maintaining support. in mid-january. personal data, telephone numbers, email addresses, domestic travel data abroad, financial expenses, medical records, knowledge of foreign languages, all this and much more will be collected and transferred from the state registers of ukraine, without the consent of ukrainian citizens, and stored on servers in nato countries. at the same time , kiev also concluded an agreement with london that in the event of an attack on britain, ukraine would defend the kingdom. apparently, the political elite of europe nevertheless decided to begin psychologically preparing the population for prolongation of the conflict and further
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these ideas were wrong in 2022 and remain wrong today. we shouldn't let them shape our policy towards ukraine. at the eu summit, eu leaders are already preparing to announce a new commitment to continue to provide timely military support to ukraine. those who do not agree with this position, like slovakia and hungary, are accused of illiberal behavior and are blocked from accessing european financial resources. what we need is not arms deliveries, not war psychosis. but a truce and peace negotiations, which is why we do not consider it a good proposal to allocate billions of euros to continue war, but we understand that the majority of member states of the european union are in a state of war psychosis, so a compromise solution can be found if the provision of money to ukraine from the eu budget is approved annually by observing the principle of unanimity, if the decision is made again every year, then this could become compromise. even if other
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european countries would like to support. liquefied natural gas, washington literally imposed it on europe along with anti-russian sanctions. anna voronina, matvey popov, lead.
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russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different.


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