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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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bi2 understands - this is a famous group that performs and attracts attention, and the master who works, if he attracts the attention of five neighbors, that he is there - he does not sleep at night, he plays music around the clock, these neighbors have a police officer they know, then it will attract attention, and in principle, as it was, this is how people work, of course there are some checks, but like in any country, but working quietly is not a problem, because they had to especially emphasize that they were not performing in russia . well, it’s unlikely to be in thailand now they will be welcome, lawbreakers are not welcome anywhere. in russia, internet access has been restored for all subscription providers and subscribers. in the evening, several regions reported that problems had arisen, as it turned out. the russian army
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repelled three attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups in the kupinsky direction and the same number in the krasnolimansky direction. in donetsk they took more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost another 900. 86 combat drones were shot down. about captured equipment, mikhail andronik. explosions that even from a height of several kilometers look impressive, shaking the positions of ukrainian militants, units of the southern group of troops break through the enemy’s defenses. in those directions where the front went
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further under the control of the russian army, there were real fields of broken, abandoned enemy equipment, the same one with the help of which the maddened zelensky regime tried to break through our defenses in the summer. this dutch armored vehicle based on the american m-113 transporter was driven by motorized riflemen of the 200th brigade from the artyomovsk direction, and it was abandoned on the battlefield. we saw that the car is in overall condition, that is , repairable. they decided to evacuate it, approached the car in a repair recovery vehicle, hooked it up, pulled it out, carried out minor repairs, in principle the car is now in full combat readiness. an interesting detail: all the triplexes at the level of the vehicle were broken, that is, before it was abandoned, our servicemen blinded it and the militants had no opportunity to continue moving. the foreign armored personnel carrier has already been restored and serviced, but, according to military personnel, it is unlikely to carry out combat missions on it. whether.
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does not shut up, supports assault groups in the most difficult battles, we move forward, naturally, everyone takes a huge part in making this forward movement, we support our neighbors, we interact with our neighboring tankers and other armies. the kiev regime is constantly trying to regain lost positions, and here at the front you often hear from military personnel that the most difficult thing is not just to occupy an enemy stronghold, but to hold it. mikhail andrnik, sergey aliseev, news of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. russia more than twice
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times the production of missiles. sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled in yekaterinburg. stanislav vasilchenko found out what still needs to be done. there will be twice as many calibers. the enterprise carrying out state defense orders operates around the clock, and production capacity has been expanded. the assembly of cruise missiles is proceeding ahead of schedule, which was reported to the minister of defense sergei shaig by the general director of the experimental design bureau novator, how much is the increase for this year? and this year 17% has already been done, well, that is, you have so far increased in twice, the same applies to the production of cruise missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex. sergei shaigu visited the kalinin machine-building plant with an inspection. the company assembles launchers and launchers for the s-300v and buk air defense systems. general director of the plant nikolai klein also reported on the advanced rates of the enterprise. last year.
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there is still work to be done, first of all, we are talking about the production of engines and launchers. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. zelensky fell into despair and turned into an unpredictable joker. this is indicated by the american magazine time. the president
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of ukraine notes that he is ready to organize increasingly risky terrorist attacks to escalate conflicts with russia in order to try to drag nato into hostilities. zelensky is afraid that the west. the united states and europe are facing defeat, but the president of ukraine has become, i quote, a wild card that needs to be closely watched. in the west , they were perplexed by the behind-the-scenes games that zelensky staged in order to fire the commander-in-chief of zaluzhny, and why didn’t he bring the matter to an end? the end - stanislav bervait found out. to be fired or not to be fired, that is the question, the commander-in-chief is responsible for his future.
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he becomes a dangerous competitor, because he is supported by the states, and zelensky is still a man who is babysat by britain. by the way, the level of trust in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine reached 82% at the end of last year in ukraine. if they remove zaluzhny, it means they are completely breaking off relations with the united states. and this is good for us, because it will start... then they will start filming zelensky. a certain ukrainian publication, with citing his sources in the presidential office, he writes that zelensky had met personally with zaluzhny the day before and invited him to resign of his own free will, but he resolutely refused. according to another version , zelensky offered the commander-in-chief to become an ambassador to
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one of the european countries, but he allegedly also resolutely refused the commander-in-chief. and instead of news about the resignation, he posted a joint photo with the head of the general staff of ukraine on his page on one of the social networks. on which they are, like, well, twin brothers, both smooth men dressed in identical military-style sweatshirts. major ukrainian politicians, for example, such as ex-president poroshenko, also do not seem to quite understand what is happening. zaluzhny's resignation is a shot at national unity. the best thing that can be done is to immediately refute the rumors, not sign the decree if there is a draft, and not make it public and tear it up if it is signed. british weekly conservative. spectai magazine is published under a loud headline: panic began in kiev due to reports of zaluzhny's resignation , citing a high-ranking european official, whose name was not disclosed. the result is panic not only in kiev, but in europe. panic arises if this really happens, because it
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means that zelensky has really gone completely off the rails and decided to play an independent game, not coordinated with his own. western partners, in this case there is a very high probability that zelensky will die or disappear, and another will appear in his place, because the main the requirement that the anglo-saxons demand from their puppets is that they very clearly carry out their orders and commands, and categorically do not do what they are prohibited from doing. meanwhile, verkhovna rada deputy maryana bezuglaya, who has traditionally been used by the president's office in case of need for harsh criticism. addressed to the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, accused the commander-in-chief of excessive love for alcohol, they say he drinks like all his generals, shamelessness, in general, the clinic is no different, alcoholics, drug addicts in the struggle for power in a poor, sold-out and plundered country. stanislav bernwald, news! only
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10% of german residents believe that the conflict in ukraine will end positively for kiev, according to surveys conducted by the ahlensbach institute. but in the past. perceives it as nothing more than an organization that supplies sponsors with personal data of citizens, along with their lives. this opinion was expressed by a journalist from the arabic publication al-mayadeen, noting that in kiev, against the backdrop of the situation in the middle east, they are constantly thinking about what else they can sell to the west in exchange for maintaining support. in mid-january, the verkhovna rada approved a controversial law that will introduce electronic registration of ukrainians subject to military service. personal data, phone numbers, email addresses. about trips within the country abroad, financial expenses, medical records, knowledge
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of foreign languages, all this and much more will be collected and transferred from state registers of ukraine without the consent of ukrainian citizens, and stored on servers in nato countries. at the same time , kiev also concluded an agreement with london that in the event of an attack on britain, ukraine would defend itself kingdoms. apparently, the political elite of europe nevertheless decided to begin psychologically preparing the population for the tightening.
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the temptations of reconciliation are surfacing; these ideas were wrong in 2022 and remain wrong today. we must not allow them to shape our policy towards ukraine. at the eu summit, eu leaders are already preparing to announce a new commitment to continue to provide timely military support to ukraine. those who do not agree with this position, like slovakia and hungary, are accused in illiberal behavior and block access to european financial resources. we do not need arms supplies, not military psychosis , but a truce and peace negotiations, which is why we do not consider it a good proposal
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to direct billions of euros to continue the war, but we understand that the majority of member states of the european union are in a state of military psychosis, so a compromise can be found the decision, if the provision of money to ukraine from the eu budget will be approved annually by observing the principle of unanimity, if the decision is adopted again every year, this may become a compromise. even. from rare diseases. in addition, the rules for the protection of intellectual rights are changing. now
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the losing country is obliged to reimburse the costs incurred to the opponent. another law allows the use of reserves to prevent emergencies. a law has also been signed that clarifies the payment of interest to an employee for delayed wages, vacation pay or severance pay. vladimir putin met with the head of the russian academy of sciences, gennady. also discussed the main directions of the international work of the academy, which this year is preparing to celebrate its three hundredth anniversary. your decision to nominate your candidacy for the presidency has found us deeply satisfied, and we have been expecting this for a long time. i would like to note that the russian academy supports this and simply count it in your team’s bulletins too. thank you very much, thank you, the first task we set. this is to touch upon the state decision-making system as quickly as possible,
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to restore relations with all branches authorities, to make sure that our academy of sciences is authoritative, and most importantly, that on the basis of the hope of the state we begin to examine not only state assignments in science, but also high-tech projects, including these 10 roadmaps for quantum technologies, for artificial intelligence. on new materials, on new mobile communication systems, international activities, we have 439 foreign members from 55 countries, we worked, we are... today a very comfortable platform has become an academic platform for international contacts, we conduct a lot , as an example, we held a general meeting, awarded large gold medals to outstanding scientists, including the british, and he made a presentation at the general meeting and the deputy director general
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of unesco came to us from unesco, we awarded international mendeleev prize, came from the institute. maxplank, professor klaus, scientists, smart people and independent, we made an association, the southern regions, which included our crimean scientific institutions, all new regions, this and lenr, dpr, kherson, zaporozhye and we hold regular meetings, resolve all operational issues, including using the experience of crimea. the united states is faced with a quote: a death spiral of growing national debt, financial analyst nasim taleb pointed out this, it was he who predicted the 2008 crisis, and its state of affairs was precisely the attacks of the stock exchange. taleb noted that the government debt exceeds $34 trillion and is growing by 5 billion a day, and the states simply don’t
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know how to get out of this; they can only hope for a miracle. well, former treasury secretary robert rubin too warned that save. the quote is in dire straits. elon musk announced the first successful experiment in chipping people. this will allow, for example, paralyzed people to control gadgets with the power of thought. but such technologies are of active interest to the military. valentin bogdanov, our us correspondent, assessed what this could lead to. they created me to be me. received data from the city computer system, if the neurolink story ends with something bad for humanity, well, for example, cyborgs take over the earth, then at least the point of no return can be restored down to the minute. elon musk himself left a testimony on his own social network x. imagine if stephen hawking could communicate faster than a speedy typist or auctioneer. this
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is the goal. astrophysicist stephen hawking has communicated with the world in recent years using... it turned out like this during our interview with hocking. our planet regularly encounters astronomical phenomena such as asteroids and supernova explosions, and this is a potential danger. to to survive as a species, we must literally reach for the stars. there is no one to demonstrate the mask yet. name. the patient is classified, the tangle of ethical issues in this case is as confusing as the safety issues of the implant. permission for the operation was received less than a year ago. the neurochip transmits brain signals via bluetooth and can be controlled using a computer or smartphone. the capsule is attached behind the ear, and thread-like electrodes go into the brain. four times thinner than
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a human hair. from a marketing point of view, pure futurism, but from a scientific point of view. in in general, musk is not the first. in fact, what musk is doing is not something new, well , to understand, we are already implanting electrodes and stimulators into the brain to treat protentional disease, epilepsy and other diseases. in addition, our domestic scientists, for example, professor lebedev, who worked at duke university in the early 2000s, carried out similar studies on monkeys, he implanted the same ones. computer into the brain, by the way, at one of the first presentations, in my opinion, the very first presentation, elon musk begins his presentation by referring to an article in which professor levediv is one of the co-authors. neurolink specialists also worked with the monkeys, and it looked funny. this is pager, he is a nine-year-old macaque and he was installed with a neurolink chip, he learned
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to interact with the computer to get a delicious banana smoothie. first macaque had the joystick, then the treat. we'll insert a chip into your brain to control your mind. musk tried to be ironic, but many of his 170 million subscribers, in last 24 hours.
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at first glance, no more than internet memes, but musk, if necessary, will adapt them to the case; the head of spacex and tesla has great plans for neurolink. with the help of neurochips , elon musk in the future wants not only to make life easier for those who cannot move independently, but also to treat diseases such as autism, depression, obesity, however, on a commercial basis neurolin. will rise no earlier than 2030. cyborgs, of course, are coming, but definitely not in this five-year period. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin, timofey mukhin and viktor kazakov, lead the usa. in
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in germany, protesting farmers blocked several autobahns; in belgium , they frightened the authorities so much that hedgehogs with barbed wire have already been installed in brussels. paris is now in a state of siege, but what are the farmers trying to achieve? lunch time, the meat is exclusively french , along with wine, baguette, water, enough supplies for at least a few days. we are in paris, there is smoke rising from the tires, we produce french goods and we want the french to buy our goods, for example, french wheat. most of wheat goes to export markets while we import grain from abroad,
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the market, and this will simply destroy our industry, this is our death sentence. therefore, by the second day of the siege of paris , there were already more than 200 tractors on one of the eight blocked routes. from here , sharldy gol international airport is just a few hundred meters away. the convoy of tractors stopped on the highway and did not block the air harbor, at least not yet. they are waiting for new announcements from prime minister gabriel attal, and then they will decide. program speech. premiered in the national assembly is france's development strategy for the next few years; the youngest head of government in the country's history and the first openly gay man in this position admitted the problem with farmers, but still
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found something to be proud of. to be french in the twenty-fourth year means to live in a country whose honor it is to fight for the stability of the world, for justice and peace. to be french in twenty-four means to be able to be prime minister while openly admitting one's homosexuality. farmers. not they realized that in corsica they lit a fire near the prefecture, the strikers came close to the toulouse airport and set fire to tires. the reinforcements coming to paris from the south were stopped by a gendarmerie armored car on the way, but the particularly cunning ones punched a hole in the fence and went around the police through the fields. logistics platforms near the city of nimes are blocked, and foreign trucks are being opened there to look for anything that is not french. president macron, who is rebellious in france, is still watching from the sidelines, today he is in sweden, where is he going to europe from? i'll meet with the head. on
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at the european level, a policy is needed that is compatible with the principles of food sovereignty that france defends. the capitals of belgium are also preparing for defense. security fencing was installed near the european parliament. belgian farmers are blocking major cities and highways and breaking into brussels itself. the largest citrus producer has joined the pan-european protests.
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on cats and has served in more than one painting, a horse with wings, why are you clinging to it, i ’m related to her, you don’t have the same one, but without wings, in this small dress irina’s heroine muravyova greeted guests in the high-rise buildings on uprising square, lay it out, lay it out, anton, the pioneers wore ties made of just such fabric, and costume designers could sew anything they wanted from any fabric, historical costumes were often sewn from fabric. yep, that very fur coat from the royal shoulder was walled up by demons, the iconic twenty -first volga witnessed one of the most poignant scenes. the sky has lowered all of you. oh, and behind each item there are names written not only in the age of masfilm, but in the history of the country. in many ways it’s the films
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massfilm. preserved the identity of our nation, you know, what we today call patriotism, education, this was all soviet cinema, masfilm was, of course, the main component of soviet cinema, the collective farm workers became a symbol of massfilm after the war, first appearing in the film alexandrova’s spring, the film factory in the village of potylikha was then on the verge of great changes, after the implementation of the raw material plan. after the construction of pavilions, tone studios and residential buildings around , foreign guests began to be taken to mass films. they wondered how the country having just survived a terrible war, she managed in such a short time to build a first-class film studio, the largest in europe. for me, mosfilm is, one might say, the homeland, the smells of mosfilm, the corridors of mosfilm, the people of mosfilm, everything connected with what is behind the scenes. the first impression
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was that if i get out of here, then this, then this will be a miracle, because to understand these labyrinths, when i crossed the threshold of a mass film for the first time with trepidation, and raisman was walking towards me, the plot, right?
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well, what do you dream about in life? on masfilm together with the audience they dreamed, loved, hoped, won and celebrated the birth of a new film language. starkovsky swore, he even kicked me out of the editing room, said don’t come again, i won’t come, that was all, but this is all creativity, my god, this is happiness. 80 years ago, esenstein brought konchalovsky to the masfilm site. i will be crooked. and here are
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scenes from his new, grandiose one.


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