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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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in principle, of course, if now a situation is unfolding where biden is screwing himself up, yes, but i just feel like that, that’s how i feel. well, well, well, what will the comrades general prosecutors say? it will be very, very interesting what the prosecutors general will say; this is also very important. the attorney general of 26 states has already said, the question here is what he will say now on march 4 regarding the trial of comrade trump. and the states will say, and we will provide political asylum to comrade trump. we will not let our comrades be offended. in short, it works. the situation
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turns out, if you compare it so to speak, yes, it turns out that what happened in the fifties of approximately the last century, the century before last, the century before the civil war, the civil war is what we are all talking about, the civil war was about negroes, about the emancipation of a negro like this, i remind you that the proclamation for the emancipation of slaves was issued with two decrees. the first decree was on september 22, sixty-two, the second decree was on january 1, sixty-three , the war began on april 12, sixty-two first year, let me remind you that they fought on both sides, and african americans were on both sides, the first decree stated that if the state that rebelled returned to the union before 1 january, then the question, so to speak, of the emancipation of slaves does not actually arise.
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other states, that is, american democrats and liberals tried to solve the problem of conservative states through the deliberate importation of their own through resettlement; i mean the importation of their electorate through resettlement from democratic states, well, that’s exactly what i’m saying, that they brought theirs there, about 500 thousand, they say they moved from the states of california in the last 10 years, yes... they tried, but didn’t have time, so now this is such a last wave, at the same time, what’s interesting , speaking seriously, the world has come, well, really in a situation where it can’t offer anything else but to fight, because it doesn’t understand what to do, it’s such a tsuk zwank, just like it was before the first world war , no one wanted war, there was not a single country that i wanted to fight, volodya, but in reality everyone turned out to be, you know my position, i believe that we are already at war, the world is already at war, simply.
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and we are constantly observing one military process that subsided, intensified and flowed from one war into the essence, i would note here, andrei, this is very important, it seems to me that, so to speak, here comrade trotsky was wrong about the permanent revolution, a fundamental process, well , there has been permanent war, at least since the 19th century, when the world united, that is, every war has its own goals. yes, if only the horror
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objectives of the task, therefore a permanent state of war is hardly possible, for example, the cold war, here is the first one, you are comparing with the first from the second world war, there was a military...
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of the united kingdom, yes they have two aircraft carriers, there one usually participates in exercises, but there are constantly not enough sailors and they spend about 70% of the entire time on repairs, so they just didn’t send them, because there aren’t enough sailors, and the main thing
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is that there aren’t enough sailors, not even just the aircraft carriers themselves, but these all auxiliary ships, so actually speaking, they haven’t sent a single one so far, there are three ships there now. there are three british ships cruising around yemen , two of which don’t even have the ability to hit ground targets, so they have to send their eurofighters from the base, god forgive me, in cyprus, they struck and went back, well, of course, the united kingdom from the very beginning this current crisis in the middle east, they are playing their own game there, we have already talked about this many times, and they have transferred these same gas fields to themselves mediterranean sea, which the israelis had previously wanted to develop. but they won’t do this anymore, and so on , there are of course many points here, and as for the biden administration, i think that , to some extent, controlled chaos is certainly interesting for the americans in the middle east, maybe not for the administration itself, but there for such a deep state, but of course, it is important for them that
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this very chaos is controllable and does not develop into something uncontrollable, that’s why there will be a spiral of escalation, i think that americans will unwind gradually, i in principle agree that now they will most likely limit themselves to strikes. against some pro-iranian forces in syria in iraq, drone missiles will fly in again in response, there will be some slow discussion of the withdrawal of american troops, they will try to pull off the trick of the ninth or tenth year, but they also discussed for a very long time the first term of barack obama withdrawal of american troops from iraq, in the end either they were withdrawn or they were not withdrawn, some of the soldiers there were simply renamed instructors, yes, they remain in some form, but nevertheless, if we look at the economic sphere, yes , definitely. pressure is being put on iraq , that is, firstly, in america there has been a lot of talk that we can simply block iraq’s assets according to the same scenario that was used in relation to russia, and of course the second point, and an obvious lever the pressure of the united states on iraq is that every year iraq is granted an exemption from
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sanctions for trade with iran, but how iran iraqi trade, the volumes there are very , very large, for iran, access to iraq means access to foreign currency, primarily western, as soon as the americans leave, i think that... they will immediately impose severe sanctions, well, for iraq this will be certain problems, including for iran, so here the americans still have the opportunity to play a certain game of their own, they shouldn’t be underestimated either, that’s of course. or later they will leave, i have no doubt about it, not right now, now it would look like some political, obvious and military defeat of the biden administration, but after the fact i think they will leave, perhaps in the next administration, if again the administration in washington changes, but of course with biden’s current ratings, especially on foreign policy, there is something in the area 29-31%, well, of course, admitting such a defeat would be like death, that is , even i already think that there is no emergency replacement of joe biden with kamala haris. both muvinams, whom we usually mention here, would not somehow be especially important to the democrats
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helped. well, regarding texas, yes, the situation here is certainly serious, so i agree with the assessment that this is primarily a constitutional crisis, and the biden administration retains, well, one right that they have not yet used in this confrontation, yes, they immediately filed a lawsuit, the supreme court sided with the federal government against texas, but then governor greg abate issued his decree. is that the actions of federal laws and any decisions of the supreme court are temporarily suspended in the territory texas, in everything that concerns the migration crisis, and the biden administration can the governor, and that it was possible, it turns out that just like that you pass a decree, everything is fine, the biden administration, of course, reserves the right to simply put this the very national guard of texas under our own control, because the american president has such a right, yes, the federalization of this very national guard is called, we have repeatedly received this right...
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five other republican states supported texas, and some of them are already sending their national guard forces or certain law enforcement forces there to support texas in terms of ensuring the security of the southern border, florida sent oklahoma there, and so on, that is, here they will eventually have to do the same federalize everyone into the national guard, if they also do not submit, well , this is the real split in america. in the meantime, apparently, the biden administration is trying to maintain a shaky status quo. so i think that if i, again, proceeding from a certain logic of biden’s political strategists, i would actually
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let this situation take its course, no matter how strange it may sound, for some reason, biden himself, he has been going with the flow for a long time, yes, that is, maybe he i would like to solve the migration crisis myself , well, you understand, yes, there is very serious pressure on his entire administration from various liberal groups, liberal ngos that are engaged in this import of uncontrolled migrants, uncontrolled import of migration, it is clear what benefits them money, including... a certain large business that is interested in this cheap labor constantly going to america, and a huge number of scandals have broken out recently, some doctors without borders work in the north of mexico, supplying these the most migrants help them cross the border, that is, of course, george soros is here, even i think that alex soros, most likely, yes, the heir to this entire huge empire, is actively working on this activity, and at the same time, at the same time, yes , uh, well, of course texas is not going to watch all this with folded hands.
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i think that the next step on the part of grog abbott will be that he will try to bring the entire southern border of texas under his control, if, of course, he has enough forces of his own national guard and those states there that help him. that is, if you have a precedent created in this one corner of the border and near the city of iglpas, why not put this entire border under your own control, again for biden in fact. theoretically, yes it would even be nice, that is, look , you can use someone else’s hands to reduce the level of the migration crisis, at least at the level of one state, yes, we are not talking about arizona, new mexico, california, where all these flows of migrants are happening, and you can in response to all the criticism from, for example, left-wing democrats, i would say that these are those terrible fascist republicans who blocked the border, i can’t do anything, but if the flow of migrants does decrease, i admit that there in the future, no matter how strange it may sound, for biden's ratings this may play a certain benefit, even... he himself is not involved in this, this is such a paradoxical point of view, so i think that some people are telling him about this, it is quite possible
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that such a decision will be made, but what is much more important here is that the current split there are approximately 26 states, yes, where republican governors are in power, against twenty -four states where democrats are in power, it can play its part closer to the elections in november 2024, that is, now we are again seeing a certain rehearsal, yes well, some really big charm , which is theoretically possible, that is, i basically think that it’s not those where, for example, donald trump now has the opportunity to win, yes, the same wisconsin, the same pennsylvania, here’s the latest poll i i saw that trump has a lead there in the region of points, of course, there are still 10 months before the elections, a lot can still change, there are already nine months left, but nevertheless there are still opportunities to win there,
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well, about the supreme court, i think , here the decision will still be in favor trump, most likely. trump as an option , this could be an attempt to arrest him in one of the criminal cases that have been opened against trump, this could be some kind of large-scale mail fraud that will outrage the entire republican america, yes, given that trump is ahead of biden in ratings, suddenly he loses in the elections, well, it’s not in order, that’s a plus, as we know, trump is now better prepared for these elections than his situation was in 2020, and
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all the cards were laid out at these negotiations and in fact, so to speak, between china and the united states there was a clarification of relations about how to live further, so i generally agree that in the conditions that are actually developing now, the americans are of course interested in reducing the tension in relations in a certain way with china, although on the other hand , during these negotiations, the chinese launched either 18 or 12 planes there every day, the americans ambassador...
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which they discussed on fintanil, on military contacts, on the situation in the south china sea, on the taiwan strait on north korea, that is, a lot of issues that they discussed, the funny thing was that salvan at the end asked onei to talk with the iranian leadership, so that the iranian leadership would talk with the houthis so that they do not fire at american ships, this is, in general, so to speak, very interesting, so to speak, option, which means the use of china, at the same time... salevan said that it is necessary for you, too, to constructively participate in world politics someday, that’s what is very important here, why i so i think that, so to speak, china is also generally moving in this regard towards a certain compromise with the united states, i think that the situation here is not even so much now the taiwan strait, north korea, the situation is primarily related to
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the situation around the philippines, you know , it turned out to be a paradoxical situation that this ferdinand. marcos jr., he actually turned into a real proxy ally of the united states, he actually said that these are all the deposits we are talking about so we talked so much with china, talked about some kind of joint use, this is all ours, which means that we are all, if anything, we will achieve all this with military force, and how does he expect to do this, he expects to do this by creating a military alliance, in fact working, so to speak, number one even under the united states. i think, with full american support, he is constantly sent to different countries, he is now concluding an agreement on the mutual use of bases, he has concluded such agreements with the united states and with japan. with australia, that is , in fact, what is the meaning of these agreements, the fact that for the first time in many, many years, the japanese actually received a military base on luzon, and japanese troops,
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it was a fantastic picture, so to speak, the imperial japanese flag was again in the philippines, you understand, this, well, in general, if you remember the year 1941, korihidor, botaan, and so on, that is, this is a spit in the soul of the philippine people, yes, of course, this is absolutely, so to speak, an oberation of memory. it's quite obvious, right here indeed, he is actively acting , now he has tried to bring vietnam into this business, that is, creating a military bloc against the united states, what is the point, we talked about this with heromadra, there are also several ships that the filipinos sank there on the disputed ones of these very the second tomos shoal and so on, they want the japanese and americans to go with them to accompany those ships that? these filipino sailors are supplied with ammunition, first of all, you know what they are bringing there, cement, because the filipinos, this means that these ships are trying to be cemented
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in the place where they sank them, and the sierra is also a very interesting ship, it was launched back in 1944 and fought against the japanese, this is a tank landing ship in general, so it’s very interesting, now the japanese they will, so to speak, how to move there, the hope is that these chinese ships that are blocking... in fact the whole thing is being blocked by these ships, plus the chinese said they demanded that the filipinos remove these ships, so to speak from this point, there will be a collision of not philippine ships, for example , american, for example, south korean, south korea is also actively participating there, and this creates a very serious problem for china, how popular is the market now in the philippines, you know, its popularity is growing , you understand, he speaks very simply, his propaganda is very simple... he says: we are very poor, why are we poor? because the chinese have captured all our oil-bearing areas, if we return them back, if we pump oil from them, then we will become rich, i promise you, and we must
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achieve this, but the poor man can’t dare name the family, freshly speaking, but you see, no one accused of asceticism, this is still not a very clear thing for me, whether this is it was an accident, so to speak, well, indeed, the american comrade managed to come after disappointment.
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with great difficulty they translate their economic power, their economic ties into political ones, you see, they don’t have it, unlike the americans, who , so to speak, for whom economics-politically, all these connections , preparations, contacts, mythology, all this is very simple, they translate it all very easily, for the chinese, even where they control, it would seem that everything is possible and they can generally determine political courses and dictate , in fact, they do not they do and cannot, they fail, because...
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the military budget is more than 80 billion dollars, the fact that they are going to spend 38 billion dollars on new developments in 5 years, the fact that they are already supplying the philippines with radar , and new ships, patrol ships, and so on, and the fact that the japanese have very big plans for the construction of their armed forces, and this is a threat not only to china, and this is a threat not only, so to speak , the whole south china sea, but we, too , must very carefully monitor what is happening there now, we will, we will, well, i don’t want to interfere in the dispute about whether there is a war or not, well, the information
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war, of course, is going on.
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this work inside russia after returning from this of these courses, from training, i am in this no doubt. the americans have counted approximately 80 thousand young men and women who study under such programs, this does not mean that these are all potential opponents of russia, that all will potentially be ready to join the ranks of the fifth column and march where they are shown and do what they are told , but of course, work will be carried out with them. in the near future, in 2 weeks , the first seminar of this kind will be held in riga, which will be held under the auspices of the united states of america, a number of people have already been invited to this seminar, so young people, including , you can find a lot of such information on the internet, and this seminar will be conducted by representatives of several embassies of the united states of america, representatives who, i
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assume, probably did not work as diplomats, but most likely worked under diplomatic cover, will now work at this seminar, it will be the 16th, if my memory serves me right, such a seminar will be held in riga on february 16, 18, it will be very interesting, of course, to see which famous person will show up there, i think it will be it’s obvious that it’s impossible to hide it, but they’re not going to hide it, it’s going on quite openly, this is the kind of machine that has started working and is already working and will continue to work, a machine that...
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