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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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an army group near the lebanese border conducts fire coordination exercises in mountainous terrain, practices combat in populated areas, interaction with armored brigades, in the gaza strip, idf infantry and armored vehicles are fighting their way deep into hanyunas, the city where the resistance of hamas militants is greatest, operational tunnels are being destroyed and weapons caches discovered as a result of military operations. the day before, israeli intelligence compiled a special dossier; it turned out that at least 13 humanitarian aid workers un agency in gaza. now live broadcast on our channel.
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welcome. if we talk about the agenda that is relevant today for our association, then, of course, these are all issues related to the objective processes that we are observing, we are observing a profound transformation of international relations, which reflects the formation of a more democratic, fair, multipolar world order.
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because the collective west, led by the united states, is trying with all its might to maintain its dominance or whatever it is it remained, the dominance that they enjoyed for about 500 years in the history of mankind, this dominance was based on colonial wars, the exploitation of other peoples and much more and...
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this is obvious to everyone, by the way, recently another meeting of the copenhagen format took place, so called according to the zelensky formula, in davos, where some of your countries were represented, and after that i
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had conversations with colleagues from a number of friendly states, including about what is there, what role is assigned to the global... south at these so-called meetings, because the goal is one: to establish that there is no alternative to the peace formula. i asked, let’s say, our chinese friends, they had their own initiative, their own document, which is primarily distinguished by the fact that it puts the need to eliminate the causes at the forefront.
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capitals in relation to the global south, before this contrasts sharply with the approach of western all african countries. kiev, as you know, is rapidly receiving new, huge sums. aid to kiev in 2 years, in less than 2 years, has already exceeded 200 billion dollars, while humanitarian supplies for developing countries are transferred.
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brix is ​​such an organizing principle at the global level for the global south and east, but not on a bloc basis, i want to especially emphasize this, on the principles of mutual respect, sovereign choice of development path, ensuring in practice the key principle of the un charter, the sovereign equality
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of the state, if you please note, since the creation of the un. all her subsequent activities are a clear example of the fact that in not a single crisis situation, not in a single conflict, neither the united states nor its allies ever respected the principle of sovereign equality of the state, they always wanted to be more equal than others, and so, of course, the accession of new members to the brix, which i once again ...
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is a product of the brix countries by purchasing power parity has already accounted for about a third of the corresponding global values ​​and exceeded the corresponding indicators of the group of seven. brix accounts for 30% of the earth's land mass, 45% of the world's population, significant volumes of global oil production and other resources, and about a quarter of the world's exports of goods. i i believe that having such a rich potential, we cannot afford to simply be outside observers and follow in the footsteps of historical processes, especially taking into account the hopes that are placed on brix, the countries of the global south and east. brix is ​​quite capable of shaping the global
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agenda, consistently defending the interests of the world.
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that these instruments are universal, that the dollar is not some property of the united states, but a global property, everyone can use it to their own benefit, to their advantage, in the interests its development, to freely use the dollar and other instruments and principles, by the way, the free market, the principles of globalization, such as inviolable property, the presumption of innocence and much more, i found out. that all these sacred principles of the free market could be torn down overnight and turned into a tool
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of coercion for those who did not like washington today. such a fate can be given to any country, therefore the regionalization of the economic development of the world, and logistics processes, is a natural reflection... only - here is life in the corresponding parts of the globe, but these processes will accelerate due to the fact that washington and those who control the current monetary, financial, trade, world system have proven their inability to negotiate and unreliability, and this a very healthy process that frees the countries of the global south and global east from the risks of manipulation by the former...
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something like a cooperation network for regional subregional processes in the countries of asia, africa, latin america, a cooperation network that... will promote the harmonization of the development of integration in the countries of the world majority at the global level. let me emphasize once again that i know all this, i talked with my colleagues, these topics were discussed at the level of our presidents and prime ministers. let me emphasize once again that all this is in no way intended to create a new mechanism.
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meetings of brix representatives within the framework of the russian chairmanship of the organization. now a short advertisement, and then we will be back, stay tuned. alfabank is the best
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this was a live broadcast from the first meeting of brix representatives under the russian presidency of the organization. let me remind you that our country’s chairmanship in the organization began on january 1 of this year. we'll get back to the live broadcast a little later. we are also waiting for sergei lavrov to communicate; well, in the next hour the minister of foreign affairs is due to speak at a meeting of the international affairs committee in the state duma. sergei lavrov has a busy program;
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the minister spoke as part of the russian chairmanship. brixa will soon take part in a meeting of the state duma committee on international affairs. what caused the largest failure on the russian internet and why the problem was not discovered immediately. our colleagues from the vesnet program sorted it out. new attack on an american ship in the red sea. meanwhile , western media report that iran is bringing its army and air defense forces to maximum combat readiness. and thaws down to -20 in just a day, sharp temperature rises are predicted in the southwest of siberia, what surprises to expect from the weather this february. the russian minister of defense will sign a long-term contract for the production of the latest gunships with the coalition ground forces. the head of the ministry, sergei shaigu, stated this during an inspection at the ural transmash enterprise in yekaterinburg. first samples coming soon.
10:00 am
and here, of course, if we went out today repairs on new guns are already at a good pace, we need to strengthen this, and uh, in this regard, i would like to receive a specific proposal within a week on how we will reach the indicators set by the order.


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