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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the entire operational feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti the duty department and the honest detective also subscribe to our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. well, right now on... on channel russia 24 again the main facts of this day. russia is going through a very difficult and important stage of strengthening its sovereignty, and in all directions. this was stated by the candidate russian president vladimir putin, at a meeting with proxies, set them a task: to establish feedback with voters. well, what was discussed today in gostiny dvor, our colleague anastasia efimova will tell you. a special military operation is, of course, one of them. the central theme
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of today's meeting of vladimir putin with his trusted representatives is 544 people, caring people, outstanding citizens of their country, true patriots, among them there are many heroes who have proven themselves by defending their homeland, defending its sovereignty, therefore, of course, the topics that concern them, and the topics that concern all citizens of the country today, have become one of the key ones. the first question, which was asked directly from the hall where the trusted representatives were, came from ekaterina agranovich, this is the famous blogger katrusya, a child of war, she was born near kramatorsk, all these years she observed with her own eyes what kind of shelling the donbass was subjected to from ukraine, and what it was subjected to there, is still being subjected to, it was she who spoke about what the demilitarized zone should be like, where she should.
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to ask ourselves why they are shelling peaceful cities, there are several targets, to divert the attention of the sponsors’ own population from the failures of the so-called counter-offensive, to show that they can do something, to provoke us into retaliatory mirror actions for attacks on civilian and peaceful targets on territory of ukraine itself, the plane was shot down, this has already been established precisely by the american patriot system, an examination has also
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established it, this is the first, second, the ukrainian authorities somewhere defended the phrase that they wanted to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask to send international experts and carry out this analysis. evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific place at a specific time from the territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities. despite the story of the il 76 shot down by ukraine, russia will not to stop the exchange of prisoners of war, not at all as a gesture of goodwill, first of all , because he does not abandon his own, and this is not an empty slogan and... or a meme from the internet, this is
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the true essence of state policy, we will not restore exchanges, we need our own guys we need to take away, we have the ratio of people who are in russia, those of our guys who are in ukraine, i don’t know, now, it’s one to ten, it’s even more for us, we have thousands, they have several, they have several dozen, here are hundreds, maybe here uh,
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devices manufactured abroad, which the same foreign manufacturing companies today refuse to service. they talked, of course, about patriotic education and the need to beat down. love for one’s homeland from a very early age, after all, about sports, because it is in the sports arena that the country today is also subject to outright discrimination. modern international officials distort, simply distort, the very idea of ​​international olympism, international olympicism. you know, the idea, somehow it stuck. today it looks like the direct opposite of the principles on which it was born. sports, firstly, the charter of the olympic charter states that sport is a human right,
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any sport is a human right, therefore any restrictions are a restriction of human rights. the first and second is due to the fact that international sport, high -achievement sport, is... very commercialized, everything there, every step depends on advertisers, on sponsors, sponsors, in turn, are large companies, depend on political elites of their states , the circle has closed, that’s all, ultimately , precisely for this, for human rights, for the country’s right to have its own point of view and follow its own path, for... the right to a peaceful sky, for the right to a multipolar world , russian soldiers are fighting for all this today in the zone of a special military operation, and today they were talked about, greeted, honored their memory, all this today the trusted persons in the hall did
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while standing, but vladimir putin reminded that right at this very minute, while in living room courtyard the meeting is ongoing, there is a battle on the front line, i will now remember about the veterans, here... about the group of veterans who are now fighting at the front, they are really fighting, now there is a battle going on, now we are discussing here, and they are fighting, so just like our other guys, who were just mentioned here, in all areas of contact with the enemy, this is the most acute, the most sensitive, the most dangerous section of the struggle for russia, but for everyone gathered here, for everyone...
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to convey with that so that problems in the future were resolved, so it is quite obvious that their orders are wishes so that later the work not only begins, but there will be a lot of it. anastasia efimova, nikita korneev and artyom davudov, lead. the released russian military from ukrainian captivity will be delivered to moscow by military transport aircraft of the russian aerospace forces, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the ministry of defense. the department also added that everyone needs medical psychological assistance. i don’t know that i’ve never had such feelings, just like that our own land, our homeland is here, it’s very good
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, today is january 31, we finally changed, returned home, a week ago we tried to change too, it worked, we returned, now we’re happy, we hope to get home sooner, and another important detail was also reported by the ministry of defense that the exchange of russian soldiers and officers took place with the humanitarian mediation of the united arab emirates. the russian foreign ministry expressed their gratitude to the uae. we are glad that all our military personnel returned safely from kiev-controlled territory. now is safe, at home all those released are provided with the necessary medical psychological assistance, we are grateful to the united arab emirates for their mediation efforts in coordinating and carrying out the exchange. alfabank was the first in russia
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and get a superbox as a gift, you can! yota! magnet - the price is what you need. 9999. the ministry of defense will sign a long-term contract for the newest one. coalition st., this was stated by the head of the department , sergei shaigu, visited ural transmash in yekaterinburg and checked how the state defense order was being fulfilled there. as it turned out, there are questions about meeting the deadlines; we’ll find out more details from our correspondent denis alekseev. yes, denis, he joins the facts live. denis, we welcome you. well, judging by the quote that was picked up by the media, the quote from the minister of defense, he practically gave a dressing down there. yes. hello, well, work at the ural plant there really are a lot of transmash
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, the tasks of a special military operation require it, and as an example, in the final stage of production of the first batch of the latest howitzers, which will clearly wipe the nose of nato weapons, at the ural transport engineering plant, which shaigu inspected, they are producing the entire line of the most modern self-propelled artillery guns , the production of existing models has increased sixfold over the previous 2 years. the newest installation of the sv coalition has also passed tests. the minister of defense strongly emphasized the first vehicles should be handed over to the troops yesterday. just fool around, guys, we got busy with this, so to speak, in earnest in ’22, these machines should already be working at full capacity in ’23, and with you everything is so calm, so to speak, good, but really these machines they are really looking forward to it at the front, which is why , at least take a firing range of more than 70 km, such indicators exceed the performance characteristics of the best
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nato guns, the rate of fire is 16 rounds per minute, the ammunition capacity is 70 shells, they are developing around the clock. the day before on in the krasnolimansk direction, the center group destroyed a large command and observation post of militants. the russian military took up more advantageous positions and positions. in the krasnoliman direction, coordinated actions of units of the group of forces-center occupied more advantageous positions. fire damage was caused to
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personnel in the grigorovka and dzerdzhinsky areas. three attacks by assault groups were repelled. the sixtieth mechanized brigade and the twelfth special forces brigade in the yampolovka and kuzmino areas. losses the enemy consisted of up to 280 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles and seven vehicles. air defense systems shot down 21 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of zhitlovka and kremennaya, lugansk people's republic. well, here's what's on the donetsk front: ivanovo paratroopers stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. the south group improved the situation along the front line, and the ukrainian army suffered serious losses in the artyomovsk direction, more than 300 personnel, a tank, and field artillery pieces. a this is footage of the destruction of firing points in the area of ​​the village of spornoye in the dpr. drone operators simply leave no chance for the militants, they
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have dugouts equipped and their equipment is disguised to match the color of a snowdrift, but this doesn’t work when they get down to business... a group of motorized rifle platoons moved forward , took up positions, took over the enemy’s stronghold, in order to have more safe and so that the enemy does not approach them, anti-personnel mines are installed around them, a lot of equipment from this list remains in the ukrainian
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steppes, for example, in the summer, remember, when in the ukrainian armed forces they tried to show what a counter-offensive looks like, in the end they attacked... they continue to do this again and again, they send forward their equipment and poorly trained or completely untrained personnel, after a while military commissars run around ukrainian cities in search of unfired men, and those in turn from them. the situation with the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the ssu zaluzhny is one of the main topics analyzed by the western media today. the resignation is postponed due to information leakage into the public space. reports the new york times. have zelensky and another problem. judging by the polls , the president is more popular and will regard the dismissal of the general as the removal of a competitor. about scandals in the kyiv elite. boris ivanin. the fateful conversation between zelensky and zaluzhny, something that the top of the kiev regime tried so hard to keep secret, was declassified by
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the western press. the enmity between the ukrainian president and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is gaining momentum, writes a british economist who used to. replicated the general's articles about the failure of the counteroffensive. took place early in the evening a meeting during which the president informed the general that he had decided to fire him. zaluzhny was offered another position as secretary of the national security council. he refused. it is reported that this was the first tet-tet meeting in a year and a half, but in the bank, apparently the walls have ears. claims against the general are caused by failures on all fronts, and a dispute has flared up over mobilization plans, washington claims. according to people familiar with the conversation, zaluzhny proposed mobilizing about 500 thousand people, but zelensky considered this the figure is not practical, given the shortage of uniforms, weapons training grounds... as well as potential problems associated with conscription. when zaluzhny refused to surrender his occupied positions, including those at the head of the armed forces of ukraine, zelensky attacked headlong.
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western media continue to savor the details. he stated that he himself would sign a decree on the resignation of the commander-in-chief, but soon backed down on the orders of western curators, notes the london times. president zelensky informed the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine that he was dismissing him, but was forced cancel your decision. under pressure from senior military commanders and international partners. great britain and the united states were concerned about the general's uncoordinated resignation. and now american special forces have landed in kiev to distribute cookies. victoria, deputy secretary of state for political affairs. what issues they came to solve this time is also no secret, experts say. there are two programs underway: the program of the british and americans, who are preparing a program to replace zelensky. maybe. now, perhaps there by spring or by next fall, an alternative attempt by the office of the president of ukraine to throw out of
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ukrainian politics those with whom it could potentially be replaced. in terms of popularity, zaluzhny has long been ahead of zelensky, which is why they want to replace the commander-in-chief with less noticeable figures. his post was allegedly offered to the head of ukrainian intelligence, kirill budanov, who is wanted by russia on charges of organizing terrorist attacks, but he refused. the commander of the ground forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, followed suit, but there are no other candidates in kiev. this is one version. by another zaluzhny retained his post only because rumors of his resignation leaked to the press, just in time,” the economist notes. the rumors came at a critical time. ukraine's summer counteroffensive failed and it is unclear what level of foreign support the country can now count on. the fight over the fate of general zaluzhny is unlikely to bring the renewal of funding any closer, since the commander is highly regarded in the west. and ukrainian soldiers on the front line are already complaining about a lack of ammunition. europe can support the kyiv regime more words. eu defense ministers in brussels only make promises. the supply of weapons
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was cut four times, instead of aid worth 20 billion euros, they will provide only five, the british telegraph found out. with the ammunition from the european union , american bloomberg is adding fuel to the fire. european allies do not have the 1 million shells they promised by march 1. in that. regarding stock depletion. but the pentagon boasts that it is transferring weapons to ukraine that are not even available in the united states. these are the new jls-db small- diameter ground-launched, long-range, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 90 miles, that’s almost one and a half hundred kilometers, but against the backdrop of dried up supplies, it’s a drop in the bucket, experts explain. they will be used. rszzo, specifically from the notorious hymers , which means m-270, for delivering strikes against near rear areas at long distances against
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civilian targets, given that there is also a cassette filling, this suggests that they are still coming to completely asymmetrical actions, that is, a completely terrorist war, based on the process that occurs in all operational-tactical directions. it is a complete failure from the actions of the ukrainian armed forces, so now they will do everything to strike from afar, to say that this will solve something on the battlefield, no, but it will not bring any fundamental changes on the battlefield, the supply of fighters will not make a difference f -16, the netherlands announced their preparation for transfer to kiev back in december, but there is still no exact time frame for when they will appear in the skies over ukraine, this year it sounds very vague, something like this the same as it looks...
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titles, awards, property, and today they use these means to spoil the country, betraying it, betraying its soldiers.
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officers, throwing mud at them and criticizing them, the bill gives the right to bring them to justice, confiscate their property, deprive them of honorary titles, this is a long-awaited bill, citizens demand its adoption, as the authors of the bill explained, what will be confiscated is what is used as... the weapon of the crime is sent to finance criminal activities, property obtained as a result of such crimes will also be confiscated. for spreading false information about the actions of the armed forces, discrediting them, and calling for extremism, they will also be deprived of military and honorary titles and awards. those who call for the introduction of sanctions against our country and its inhabitants, rehabilitate, for example, nazism, and participate in the implementation of decisions of international organizations,
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which... which are not part of russia, will also remain without titles. coach eteri tutberidze said that she has doubts that the interests of kamilla valieva hearings before the court of arbitration for sport were properly presented. she emphasized that after two years, anti-doping services were still unable to establish the origin of the drug in the athlete’s doping sample. about a high-profile trial with the most severe punishment, which has so many questions. maria valieva. minor chords, bitterness, pain, a few seconds of kamilla valieva’s graceful glide and departure into the shadows, the figure skater’s reaction on social networks to her four-year disqualification by the court of arbitration for sports, but that’s the point it’s too early to decide on a high-profile case; rather , it’s worth drawing a comma gracefully on the ice, gathering all the strength to try to appeal the decision of the kaz in the supreme court of switzerland within a month. about only 3% of all.
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the decisions of the kaz are rejected by the supreme court of switzerland, but in accordance with the european convention for the protection of human rights and freedoms , which is in force in switzerland, it is possible to appeal this decision, or rather , file a complaint against switzerland, the european court of human rights, this is the next step, in in accordance with article six of this convention, which presupposes the right to a fair trial, in accordance with article fourteen there may be a prohibition of discrimination. in 2022 in beijing caused delight among the public. for the first time in women's single figure skating at the olympic games , a fifteen-year-old russian athlete performed a quadruple jump. her most complex cascades delighted even hollywood stars. it seemed that a new little bright star had lit up in the world of big sports, but it was too late to stand on
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receive the long-awaited honor. camila never succeeded. the award ceremony for the winners in the team tournament did not take place, everyone was waiting for the decision of the court of arbitration for sports, but after it was announced, the russian team dropped to third place. 20 points earned by camilla were subtracted from the overall results. figure skater victoria sinitsina spoke harshly about this. “ i’ve been turning my thoughts around in my head all day, now it’s time to go to bed, but i’m still doing it, tomorrow i’ll collect everything, but for now i’ll tell you it’s just that it’s a shame, the boomerang is coming back, i love all the guys, but there may be new twists in valieva’s case, according to the latest information in the media, after the publication of the full decision of the court of arbitration for sport, the world anti-doping agency may resume the investigation, if this happens, then rusada will
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work closely with you." wada stated that it is possible that the investigation will be resumed after studying the full text of the cas decision. we are ready to provide them with the necessary assistance within the framework of our competence and capabilities. k the investigation previously conducted by rusada did not raise any complaints. everything was done in accordance with wada recommendations and the best practices of leading anti-doping organizations. rusada said those who provoked the young athlete to take doping should be brought to justice . just one at a time. of the versions, trimetozidine entered valieva’s body accidentally. camilla simply drank water from the same glass as her grandfather, who took this drug after the operation. kamilla valieva did not dispute the fact of the presence trimetozidine in a positive doping test. at the same time, during the hearing, her side had to prove that the violation of anti-doping rules was unintentional. the court of arbitration for sports has considered it.


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