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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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a special board of the ministry of defense delivered russian military personnel to moscow, who were returned from ukrainian captivity. russia and ukraine carried out an exchange according to formula 195 for 1995. the russian foreign ministry is grateful to the united arab emirates for its mediation in agreeing on the procedure. everyone will receive the necessary psychological and medical assistance, they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation.
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our correspondent igor pikhanov met the returnees at the airport. for a huge number of military personnel, a huge number of their friends and relatives, this a joyful event that i had been waiting for for several months. this il-76 board brought 195 military personnel who were in captivity here to the moscow region, they were met by military police officers, and buses were delivered here. they loaded the people, they are now visiting the territory of the military unit where they will be stationed, where they will subsequently be provided with all the necessary assistance, including medical assistance and help from psychologists. people told us that they were in quite difficult conditions, some were captured in the summer, so they didn’t have winter uniforms , they were given poor equipment, like in a prison , like in a zone, well... well, of course they didn’t kick them,
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but mostly morally, it was a little tough, but tolerable, this itself is like his camp in lviv region, some even said that they were forced to work, there was both physical and moral impact, but fortunately now this is... everything is in the past, now they are returning home, many have not even told their families that they are already in their homeland, they had a great flight, thanks to the ministry of defense and senior management our country for bringing us back home, thanks to our loved ones, judged and huge gratitude to my wife, who believed until the last, the flight was normal, excellent, we are glad that we returned, there was a storm of emotions, just a lot of very feelings. managed to report, yes, they let me
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contact you, what did they, how, how did they perceive it? well, my mother, of course, immediately burst into tears, my grandparents too. during the transportation of the guys, the guys were accompanied by employees of the ministry of health, there were also employees of the ministry of health, they monitored their condition, some fighters were wounded, now they are all receiving all the necessary help. igor bikhanov, artyom grigoryan, news! the russian army repulsed 10 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, including six in the kupinsky direction, in krasnolimansky they took more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost another 900 soldiers and mercenary officers, three tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as four self-propelled guns and a galbitsky. air defense forces shot down nine missiles from the american hymers system and 81 combat drones. about the situation on the front line stanislav nazarov. during rotation
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of the ukrainian armed forces, our drone operators discover a car with a swastika on the roof, symbolizing the nazi ss division. there is too little time to aim the gun, but the crew of the 2s1 gvozdika self-propelled artillery unit of the first slavic brigade manages to obtain the exact coordinates. after the third shot , spotters report the destruction of the target. the crew is preparing to leave for another firing position. lately we have been working at night, at night, to prevent the enemy from using fip drones. disguise is life. others there are no options, and, accordingly, movement and movement were immediately shot as far forward as possible. the position of ukrainian neo-nazis from these lines of donetsk defense is about 8 km.
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the crew camouflages the self-propelled gun and heads for cover. the logs are generally rolled up in three rows: the first roll-up, then the film falls asleep, well, it lies down, then a little earth for that, then another roll-up, trying in small groups to pass something somewhere, but mostly on the defensive. sergei has been fighting since august 2014, he started with the militia, infantry, attack aircraft, together with their comrades from the repair battalion, installed this protective canopy against drones. on our own, when we really need support, we can go out into the open, at the moment we are in a closed firing position, the senior battery officer gives the target, we aim effectively, as quickly as possible, as carefully as possible, we hit, a shot, while one
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platoon is preparing to leave the position, the other crew is aimed at an electronic warfare station of ukrainian militants, after an accurate hit on the equipment, the target is destroyed, stanislav and...
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defended the phrase that they would like to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system. from a specific place at a specific time from the territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities, it would seem that more than one and a half thousand people, outstanding doctors, scientists, heroes of labor and heroes of russia. vladimir putin noted that
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the country has a set of support measures for fighters who are already returning to civilian life, and a defenders of the fatherland fund has also been created for the families of those fighting. answering the question of where the demilitarized line will be. even more, we have thousands, they have several, they have several dozen, here are hundreds, maybe , here, but we will still take our guys, if the ukrainian side, of course, is ready for this, they always give us a signal about that they are ready, well, ready, please, it
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’s their business, what to do with their military personnel, russian banks should start working in the donbass and novorossiya, without fear of sanctions, vladimir said. putin, he held a meeting on the development of new regions. as the president noted, integration is progressing at a good pace, thanks to the coordinated work of all structures, both local and federal. but much remains to be done.
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the key goal in the coming years is to ensure that people in new regions live at the same
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level as in the rest of the country. therefore, there are many tasks to be implemented, and the approach to them will be comprehensive. in 2030, donbass and navarrossia must enter and reach the all-russian level in key areas that determine the quality of people’s lives. to achieve this, we have launched a comprehensive program for the development of our historical regions. it contains almost 300 events that are linked to specific targets, literally in all areas, including the economy and infrastructure, healthcare and education, culture, sports, and last year we achieved these goals sent, i said trillion 77 billion, it turned out a little more, trillion 83 billion rubles, decent money, in the next... several years we have planned this level of funding, the money has been counted, it is there,
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and we need it not to disappear anywhere . unfortunately, for obvious reasons, the medicine of the donbass regions has made particularly strong progress in traumatology and prosthetics since 2014. last spring, president vladimir putin ordered the reconstruction of the donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic center, and now it welcomes residents of donbass again. the center is a unique complex. approach to solving the patient’s problem, there is everything from the production of prostheses to rehabilitation and laser correction of scars. and in mariupol , a multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency began operating. it was created in record time, it took less than a year and a half. using the most modern equipment, it is possible to conduct examinations in all profiles, which means that you won’t have to travel far for high-tech help. touched upon at a meeting housing topics are an absolute priority in development. new regions of russia, for example, in lugansk, a residential building was commissioned, the construction of which was frozen in 2014.
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moscow helped complete this facility. the capital, let me remind you, took over patronage of the dlnr. now 24 apartments are ready in the five-story building; they will become part of the so-called maneuverable fund, that is , teachers and doctors who come to work in the region will live here. in addition, participants of a special military operation, disabled people of the great patriotic war and orphans will be able to get apartments. and in melitopol. opened after a major renovation of the dormitory building of the city multidisciplinary college in a five-story building, which is designed for approximately 160 people, not only were the residential, administrative premises, and classrooms updated, the heating and water supply systems for ventilation were completely repaired, and the electrical wiring was replaced. college students told the president that in the new conditions they are becoming more and more motivated to learn to work for the benefit of their region in the future. at a meeting. it was noted that people want to live in new regions of russia, we are ready to connect the future with them, the task of our large country is
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to create all the conditions so that the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions not only revive, but also move forward, together with the whole country. there is electricity, heating, hot water and wi-fi. it was this mariupol that the correspondent of the german channel zdf was very surprised by. we also. we see a lot of restoration work, streets, schools, residential buildings, entire neighborhoods are being rebuilt, this city is functioning, there is electricity, heating, hot water, internet, shops are open here. armen körper filmed a report about life in the city, which the german press usually calls a ghost town, for which a number of liberal media in germany were criticized, especially they did not like that the journalist allowed the residents of mariupol to speak out. director alexey decided to make his choice in favor of
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russia, he believes that it will be difficult for me to understand, but he tried, nevertheless, to explain to me those who are in ukraine. will remain in his post for now, but zelensky has already made the decision to resign; the commander-in-chief’s high popularity rating is annoying, as reported by the washington post and other western publications. evgeniy reshitnev found out why this story cannot end. well, now let’s talk about the political situation, about political scandals, whether someone gets fired or not?
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what was discussed yesterday on every broadcast is today almost forgotten in the ukrainian media, but in western newspapers. according to three sources, after this he was asked to resign, when he refused, zelensky said that he would sign decree of his dismissal. deputy bezuglaya is clearly playing zelensky’s part, spreading rumors about zaluzhny’s alcoholism, while she does not spread information about zelensky’s own addiction to drugs. some are distributing this photo, keep in mind that
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here he looks like this, not because of the harsh sun, he very rarely gets out, at least from the office, not just from kiev, but from behind. excuse me from zelensky’s office continues, zaluzhny went to his office and told his deputies that he had been fired, rumors began spread rapidly and reached washington, where everything that was happening was not approved. zelensky was forced to reverse his decision under pressure from senior military commanders and international partners. now the situation for the ukrainian president is stalemate, although he must surely hate this word uttered by zaluzhny in relation to the war, which, in his opinion.
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most of these videos are filmed in odessa, military commissars stop minibuses and block their further movement, women come to the defense of their husbands, i can do one and a half, but why sovereign, but he can’t, and you know, i
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’m sure that under your skirts are those who support the tskashniks. colino: you can’t leave the country, you can only hide inside it. an advertisement from a seller of funeral services has gone viral on social networks. you sit at home, don’t go anywhere, don’t go anywhere, there is a way out, buy
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a hearse from me and drive calmly, whether you want it in front or in the back. victoria came to ukraine, this time without cookies. maidan under military dictatorship is more difficult to implement. in this sense, the post-maidan government took into account the mistakes of its predecessors. evgeny rishetnev and maxim shchepilov, news! the kremlin called large-scale nato military exercises a threat to russia's security. they emphasize that the maneuvers are becoming more and more aggressive and provocative. they take place in germany, poland and the baltic countries. alika komarova will tell you what they are working on. the north atlantic alliance brought 90 people to the exercise. they are practicing the transfer of troops to the eastern flank, to the baltic states and poland, so that it happens as quickly as possible. more than a thousand ground vehicles, including 133 tanks
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and 500 infantry fighting vehicles. such a scale is necessary to strengthen the shaky european confidence in its own impunity. the main role at the training grounds was given to the americans and the british, the latter bringing about 20 thousand fighters. the poles added 15 thousand, the germans 10 thousand and also scraped together 500 dutch. this is the biggest one. alliance exercises over the past 40 years, since the end of the cold war, because of such a march, the europeans even had to rewrite the laws. germany, the netherlands and poland agreed to pacify the time for bureaucrats to quickly drive armored vehicles and trains across europe. germany, the netherlands and poland have signed an agreement aimed at cutting bureaucratic red tape hampering the rapid cross-border movement of troops and weapons along one of the main corridors leading from the north sea.
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we had a very interesting and exciting council of defense ministers, the discussion was as open and honest as possible. obviously,
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we discussed military support for ukraine, this is a primary issue, but i will be honest. in last year we committed to deliver 1 million shells to ukraine. according to the latest information, these numbers are changing daily, since march last year and until now we have delivered 330,000 shells, this is the third of our goal. i expect that by march another 2000 will be delivered, bringing the total number to 530 thousand, which is slightly more than 50% of the goal. barrel promised that europe would supply weapons to the kiev regime for another 21 billion euros, but he did not name the sources of funding. by the end of summer , the european union also promises to train 20 thousand ukrainian military personnel, because the previous 40 thousand have already are over. alika komarova, news! in france, farmers have blocked all the highways leading to... they want not to allow goods to pass through, so that the capital will finally understand that it is simply impossible to survive without farmers, and the reaction of the authorities, anastasia popova.
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the head of the ministry of internal affairs , gerald darmanan, decided to stop the tractor drivers moving from the south of france at all costs; he sent new police reinforcements, an armored vehicle and the gendarmerie again blocked the column coming from agen. farmers are staging a legitimate protest, not a single farmer has been attacked. sympathizers along the way they deploy mobile aid stations where you can refuel your vehicle to eat, and where the police get in the way, they carefully ram them or go around, their equipment allows this, but the law enforcement officers in this case are powerless, tractors turn off highways, go through fields or through small towns. slowly but surely, french farmers are making progress. closer and closer to paris in order to take it into a tight ring. the most desperate still get to the rongis wholesale market at dawn, 15 people are detained by the police, eight entrances.
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great, but this is not russia, europe doesn’t want it, refuses, imposes sanctions. oh, how tired we are, this is europe, it’s nothing but problems. 10,000 farmers across the country are participating in a blockade, traffic is paralyzed on hundreds of roads , giant bonfires near montluçon, in the center of france, a highway near the city of nimes is burning, near avignon they are emptying a truck with foreign lettuce, destroying tomatoes, pouring imported wine on the road, they are beginning to lose
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patience. the head of the union is trying to reassure his own people. this is a national issue, but it is linked to a european one. european issues are not are resolved in 3 days, so i try to urge everyone to calmness and common sense. the french minister of agriculture is today in brussels preparing the ground for macron's arrival tomorrow at the european summit, where the topic of farmer protests will be discussed. i told my colleague when i was in kiev, i told the vice president: “be careful, you are reaching the edge.” it is necessary to help ukrainians and resolve the issue so that their chicken and grain go outside the eu to their original markets. but the european commission persists and says it will again extend duty-free imports ukrainian goods in june, but promises to introduce some kind of emergency brake so that the european market does not completely suffocate. for the most sensitive products - meat, poultry, eggs and sugar - emergency measures are envisaged to stabilize imports at the average
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levels of the twenty-second. the police ask you to travel without cars if possible. anastasia popova. anna lvova. news france. russia, traditional, modern. logical, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to international exhibition forum russia.
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in this war, of course, the full struggle of technology has now begun, who has the technical advantage, here we train people to work with t-shirts, that is , direct adjustments, reconnaissance, well, resets. there’s just some kind of sports excitement between each other, of course, the target is hit, there’s an order, there are tasks, we carry out the calculations, we’re done.
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