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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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nit for investment. over the past 10 years , the number of financial partners in projects has tripled. the volume of investments is growing by 1 trillion rubles annually. currently , 3,500 initiatives are being implemented in the far east, into which almost 9 trillion rubles have been invested. at the same time , it is important to maintain a balance, to create comfortable conditions for both investors and residents, noted mikhail mishustin at a meeting with the general director of the far east and arctic development corporation, nikolai zapryagaev.
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today in these macrogarions there are quite large-scale projects in key industries, this includes the oil and mining industry in general and manufacturing and many, many others, tourism and agriculture are actively developing, there are a number of very interesting projects in the field of agriculture, we reported on them, and the amount of funds invested now in objects created by the state support amounts to almost 4 trillion rubles, this is quite serious. about 900 enterprises have been put into operation; these are the figures that today indicate fairly effective work. in the future development of the capital of the far east , the city of sputnik will appear on the shores of the amur bay, 30 km from vladivostok, where 80,000 people will live, at least 2.5 million square meters of housing and infrastructure for the development of the city will be built. vladivostok can become a millionaire; now its population is almost 600,000. according to the program, the far eastern quarter
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is building modern housing, plans to build 1,600,000 square meters, which is more than 30 thousand apartments, plus schools and kindergartens. nikolay zaprigaev noted that investment platforms are being created to support investors in areas of priority development. our existing sites are full, we have begun construction of new investment parks western in primorye and rovnoye in the amur region in the blagoveshchensk bridge area. we have already concluded some anchor agreements with investors; we assume that the construction of infrastructure will attract us more than 200 billion rubles of private investment. this is how a mechanism was created in the kuril islands that exempts new investors from corporate taxes for 20 years. thus, the number of projects that are being implemented with government support has increased by four times, on the russian island entrepreneurs are protected from sanctions. this is
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a special administrative region on russky island, it fulfills its function, protecting our entrepreneurs and their assets from sanctions. our number of participants in this region, this regime has quadrupled from 17 to 6, the number of assets has increased to more than 5 trillion rubles. these are those who moved from offshore companies to russky island. last may , the borders on russky island were expanded. territory of the priority development of primorye, which made it possible to attract more partners and to more actively implement the concept of development of the island, which will create its own silicon valley with scientific, educational and technological clusters and tourism infrastructure; a convention and exhibition center, business infrastructure and a theme amusement park will be built, similar to the one built in sochi. therefore, we continue to further develop the russian island here. there will be more
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investors who will create tourism infrastructure there and other infrastructure that will facilitate the influx of people there. they are being built on the territories. new airports that help cope with the growth of tourist traffic. in 2022 , 4,800 thousand tourists visited the far east, which is a quarter more than in the twenty-first, and over the past year more than 5 million people have already visited the region. tariffs for flights from moscow via yuzhno-sakhalinsk to the kuril islands are subsidized. tickets can be purchased for 20-30 thousand rubles. they also launched a new flight from vladivostok to kurilsk. how. noted prime minister mikhail mishustin, now the outflow of population from the far east is gradually stopping, so it is important do not slow down so that all strategic projects are implemented on time. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development
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of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 people applied to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea.rf.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 1 , 1864, the first shots of the second schleswick war were fired. prussia started it with austria. they wanted to take away from denmark the duchy of schleswick and holstein. under the pretext that most germans live there. this was the case in schleswig, but in hallstein the germans made up only a quarter of the population. the danes survived the first war, but now the prussians and the austrians assembled a powerful invasion army. u they had more modern artillery. and after heavy losses, denmark capitulated.
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schleswick went to prussia, and hallstein to austria. for the head of the prussian government , chancellor otto funch bismarck, this was the beginning of the forceful unification of germany. he. said, quote. the great issues of our time are being resolved not with pompous speeches, but with iron and blood. the next step was the defeat of austria, from which bismarck took holstein and other lands, created a north german union, which he had already transformed into the german empire. now, after the defeat of france, ceded his ilsace and lorraine to the germans. the first one opened on february 1, 1923. ussr savings bank in petrograd. the first investor was a worker at the elektrosila plant, who contributed part of his bonus. but the soviet savings books had not yet been printed and he was given a royal one with a two-headed eagle. in general , savings banks appeared here under nicholas i, but after the revolution they lost all meaning.
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the bolsheviks abolished the secret of deposits and confiscated them if they believed that the funds were not acquired through labor. well, the money, of course, was not cancelled. however, they quickly depreciated and there was no need to keep them. the situation changed with the beginning of nepa, the new economic policy and the revival of the hard ruble. savings banks, now called labor banks, regained their former popularity. the secret of deposits was formally restored and citizens were lured with advertising, for example this one. i saved money in my savings account and bought a button accordion for my son. in the late eighties, savings banks accumulated savings worth 360 billion rubles. but almost all of them were devalued by market reforms in the early nineties , and a completely different era began. 1st of february in 1930, the ussr government adopted a decree on the beginning of collectivization and the fight against the kulaks. it was large agricultural
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enterprises, collective farms and state farms, that were supposed to provide the country with bread and meat and ensure industrialization. the peasants and individual farmers could not cope; the right-wing communists had already introduced the rationing system. the soviet leadership, led by nikolai bukharin, offered to help them increase purchase prices, but stalin needed total state control over the countryside and the destruction of the private sector. fertile region of the country was swept by massive famine, millions fell victim to it. only by
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the end of the thirties did the situation improve, although food shortages were felt even after the war, even in the most well-fed years. on february 1 , 1992, the presidents of russia and the united states, boris yeltsin and george h. w. bush, signed the camp david declaration. then it was declared a historical document that ended the cold war. and today they call it a declaration. missed opportunities. it said that the leading world powers were no longer adversaries and would be friends. in fact , washington viewed moscow as defeated opponent. bush said so at a meeting of congress. the americans avoided specifics and refused to consolidate the alliance clause. they avoided discussing issues of strategic weapons. the jackson veneck amendment, which limited bilateral trade, remained in force for another 20 years. real support from russia, having survived. and the deepest crisis limited grain supplies. other countries in similar situations
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received tens of billions of dollars from washington. us secretary of state james baker said that quote: politically it was very it is difficult to justify economic assistance to russia, with which we have been fighting for 40 years. president yeltsin was pleased with the visit. this became his international debut after the collapse of the ussr. he liked bush's birthday present, cowboy boots with his initials on them. this is what this day in history was like, we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, learn more at, every cutting-edge engineering school is a hand- picked story. what you are doing now is trendy, what can go down in
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history, this is an incredible feeling, i am driving through the university, and this is an electric atv made by students under the guidance of experienced mentors, this is aerobatics, companies lure you away with business, there are such companies , it happens, it happens, it happens, but we hold on, of course, an unmanned shuttle, another university development, a mission control center. students really control real satellites? certainly. what can we do right now? let's try. being self-employed is beneficial, there is a special tax regime, but there are types of activities that you should not engage in if you want to continue to benefit from a reduced rate. we will tell you about them in 5 minutes in the program instructions. but first, about the benefits. self-employment is, as they say in taxation , a professional tax activity. income. the biggest advantage of being self-employed is very low preferential rates. 4% on income that
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you receive from individuals and 6% if you are paid by an individual entrepreneur or organization. self-employed people can work without a cash register and do not have to open separate bank accounts to accept payments. checks can be issued through the my tax application and sent to the client by email or via instant messengers. the taxes that will need to be paid are calculated automatically, and the declaration. there is no need to give, insurance premiums are voluntary, if you want, for example, paid sick leave, also with status an individual entrepreneur, if you don’t want to, you can work without him. a pleasant bonus for everyone who registers for the first time - a tax deduction of 10,000 rubles. until it is spent, in fact, the self-employed will pay only 3% of income from individuals and 4% from the iip organization. the balance of the deduction can always be viewed in the application. by the way,
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we have already told you how to use the my tax application, for example, to prepare a certificate of income for the bank, if, say, you want to take out a mortgage. on the portal с you can find two issues on the topic self-employed, they have a lot of interesting things. however, such benefits do not apply to absolutely any activity. there are restrictions. first of all, you cannot work in this mode if your annual income is more than 2,400 thousand rubles. the annual income limit is set at a fixed amount. as before, as 5 years ago, at the time the law on self-employed came into force , it was 2.4000 rubles. despite rising prices and inflation. the law does not provide for any indexation for inflation; amendments are being reviewed today and are being considered in government in order to increase this limit to 4,800,000 rubles. and accordingly, this means that indexation does not occur and is not tied to the amount of inflation, but other decisions are made, or other reasons
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are taken to increase this limit, this is connected primarily, of course, with the income of the population, this is with the growth of trade turnover and the need to attract labor into the labor market. a preferential tax regime cannot be applied if you simply resell other people's goods, but it can be used if you have invested your labor in someone else's goods. for example, if you purchase batch of mugs and resell, then the tax on professional activity is not suitable here, but if you bought simple white mugs, painted, decorated them... sold them, then yes, in this case you can use tax benefits, you also cannot trade excisable goods or minerals . the law establishes certain rules, violation of which may lead to the fact that a person will not be able to apply this special tax regime and pay
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tax on professional income, but this does not apply to the self-employed person’s choice of location. information about your services, work in order to find customers, that is, it can be any specialized internet portal, any platform, any resource, both russian and foreign, the main thing is to comply with the restrictions established by law, including by type of activity , buying a used car, doing tuning and quickly resell it won’t work either, the same story with real estate, if the minimum ownership period has not passed, then you will have to... pay personal income tax at the usual rate of 13%. self-employed people can take rent only housing, house, apartment or room. if you want to rent out non-residential premises, for example, a warehouse or office, then you cannot apply the preferential regime. some professions that require a special license to work do not fall under the self-employed regime, for example, lawyers or notaries,
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agency and intermediary activities are also not suitable, and civil servants can use ... professional activity tax only in one case - rental housing . in all other cases, you can safely use the preferential tax regime and keep almost all the income for yourself. any activity with restrictions that are not in the law on self-employed people is suitable. the law itself can be found on the official website for the publication of legal acts in other reference systems on the internet. accordingly, if a freelancer is located on the territory of russia and... provides services to citizens or organizations on the territory of russia, then he has the right to apply the nap regime. if a freelancer is located outside the territory of russia and provides services to organizations that are not located in russia, citizens are not on the territory of russia, then this law cannot be applied, and this regime does not apply
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to such citizens. let us repeat the main thing, the professional activity tax has many advantages, but it cannot be applied if the income exceeds the established threshold, if you are engaged in the resale of goods or have a profession that requires a special license, you can only rent out housing. if you want to know more about other tax regimes or how to communicate more easily with the tax service, write to us in telegram, we we’ll collect your questions, ask experts, and we’ll tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. how's the signal? the signal is normal, stable, for combat use.
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i was very lucky with them, this is vesnet, the studio of philip trofemov, the largest failure on the russian internet, sites and applications were unavailable last evening for about 3 hours, and for some operators almost no sites opened, almost everything worked, problems began to be reported in the area pm moscow time, the failure affected such giants of runet as yandex, vk, amazon and waltberis, large banks, sbertinks, alfa and many. such large companies, interestingly, messengers, for example, telegram, were not affected, users wondered what happened for about an hour, there were versions from cyber exercises to a hacker attack. about eight official comments were published. ministry of digital development, it said that the problem was related to the infrastructure of the dns sec, and specialists were working to fix it, and an hour later, internet access
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was restored. that is, we were talking about one of the key elements in the structure of the internet. dns - this is a domain name system, roughly speaking, a constantly updated address book of the internet, which translates the human name of sites, say, into an ip address understandable to machines, a set of numbers that no one can remember, but according to... dns sec - this is an extension that is responsible for the security of the dns, so that no one can replace the domain name, instead of the yandex server, redirect the user to the address of the scammers, this is where a failure occurred in the key signing system, and due to the peculiarities of the technology, it turned out to be extended over time, the problem was not discovered immediately and did not affect everyone, says alexander tobol, who for many years was responsible for the infrastructure of the entire vkontakte. a situation arises that all the records are cached, they are cached on your device, not for an hour, for two, somewhere even for 4 days, they can, for example, be cached there, they are also cached on this in the resolver, in
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some then this doesn’t happen instantly, some cache more, some less, it starts to fall off little by little, it sees that the signature is invalid, the longer the signatures continued to not work, the more the situation would worsen, more and more people would continue to complain, which is why such a smooth situation unfolding over the course of hours. at the communication network management monitoring center at roskomnadzor, our program was told that the fastest way to fix the problem was at the level of the national domain name system; it was created in accordance with the law on a sustainable runet and duplicates the russian part of the global system dns. now it is a complete copy of the global internet, but due to the fact that this resolver is ours, it reaches the domain. for example, in the event of failures on...
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well, it should be noted that a failure of the dns system is not a unique phenomenon, the last major problem was in the twenty-first year, then mark zuckerberg’s corporation , a giant in the world of social networks, distinguished itself, access to its resources was completely disabled, and this not only several billion users, it is also an authorization system for other sites. against this background, other social networks also fell, for example twitter, where users who had lost their usual platform switched en masse. in the end it turned out. that the reason was an employee error when setting up network equipment, they screwed up the dns table, the equipment stopped processing traffic, did not respond at all, and everything happened during
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global quarantines and it was not easy for an engineer to get into an empty office remotely to fix everything manually, the identification system was not during the course, it also did not work, as a result, the largest social networks on the planet and the entire world business tied to them were unavailable for more than 7 criadu hours. but there is good news, genderx travel is now with computer vision, the search engine has built a smart camera into this application, that is, you literally point your smartphone camera at a landmark, the neural network recognizes it and issues a detailed certificate, again compiled by the neural network based on various sources, or just a link on wikipedia, what happens in the end depends on the accuracy of object recognition. if the algorithm is not sure of the answer, then we are more likely to present links to sites, that is. it could be wikipedia, if we are confident in the answer, in the authenticity of the answer, that this particular monument is indeed presented before us, then we will give out this summary of information about it,
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however, it should be noted that the smart camera itself is not exactly news, actually built into travel is a technology that has already existed for a long time , including yandex, it’s just that now a tourist won’t have to go to another application for such a neuro-directory, and when transferring to a trip, the
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russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. those who come to cuba have the fun of riding in a pink american car, but we chose something different to get around this island. i witnessed all these moments of leonid ilyach’s visit to cuba. brezhdev became the first soviet leader to gather in govana. why exactly then, with what? here
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it is, that same well. russians, my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not skating, just skating, focus on training, you dreamed in this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand that?
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three years, soon, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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today, the president of russia announced the results of an examination of the il-76 military transport aircraft shot down over the belgorod region. the head of state drew attention to passivity.


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