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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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united regions, that we will definitely achieve all our goals, this is our responsibility, because without exaggeration, all of our great russia today has united, rallied, and, as we say throughout the world, is helping donbass and novorussia return to a prosperous peaceful life. after the formation of state authorities of the republic and local authorities. self-government
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within the framework of russian legislation, conditions of service in the region for state, civil and municipal employees are brought to all-russian standards, which allows us to count on an increase in the indicators of staffing in the industry and the sustainable functioning of state and municipal authorities.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. how's the signal? the signal is normal and stable. in combat
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use, in fact , it is much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply, and after that just fly in side of the enemy, we have a sapper, there is someone watching and there are pilots, we again destroyed one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see that they have a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer , i'm very proud of them. super fighters, i was very lucky with them, mikhail mishustin is on a working visit to kazakhstan, tomorrow the russian prime minister will take part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council, today he has already held bilateral meetings with colleagues, the head of government...
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on the other hand, thanks to the political will of our heads of state, bilateral relations are developing progressively on the principles of good neighborliness and mutual respect. russia is one of the main trade and economic partners of kazakhstan, this is evidenced by the impressive volume of trade turnover, which in just 11 months of last year amounted to $24 billion. it is important for us to further expand this global trade turnover between our countries. during the meeting with the head of the kyrgyz cabinet of ministers okylbek zhapparov, the parties noted their interest in development of strong, friendly relations between countries, russia is a leading investor in the economy of kyrgyzstan, joint projects are being implemented in such areas as
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manufacturing, mining, geological exploration, great attention is paid to the humanitarian educational spheres, in particular to supporting the russian language in kyrgyzstan. considerable efforts are being made, there are now about 100 teachers working in the republic who teach the russian language, in addition, a project is currently being implemented to build nine ultra-modern schools in kyrgyzstan, where teaching will be conducted according to russian standards, but is all this supported by successes in economic interaction? we are sincerely interested in strengthening friendly, partnership relations with...
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the participating countries once again confirmed their commitment to their obligations, perhaps this is the main result of this meeting. a high level of implementation was recorded , more than 100% in relation to those quotas and voluntary commitments that were undertaken, it was agreed that
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we will continue to carefully monitor the fulfillment of our obligations with the countries included in opec plus. the situation on the market was also reviewed and we agreed to monitor it closely. today the situation is stable, we will continue to monitor, if necessary, make additional decisions that should stabilize the market if necessary. opec plus participants will continue to voluntarily reduce production above quotas during this year, as well as voluntarily reduce exports. russia, in particular, in the first quarter pledged to reduce supplies oil by 500,000 barrels per day. and for now , such decisions are enough to maintain stability in the oil market, the current price level is. thanks
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to the decisions that were made at the end of last year, according to our joint actions, starting from january 1 of this year, the market is in a stable position and the balance of supply and demand exists, the price that is being formed on the market today corresponds to the current situation in demand and offer. the consensus analyst forecast promises an increase in oil demand this year by more than two million barrels per day, so demand will reach 28.5 million barrels, and what will be primarily facilitated by the recovery of the global economy, including the growth of the chinese economy, while certainly certain problems remain in the market, these are tensions in the middle east, the situation in the red sea.
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but market participants do not expect sharp price fluctuations in the near future; it remains to be added that the next meeting of the opec plus monitoring committee is scheduled for april. colleagues, yes, dim, it’s clear that he’s been caring plus is making special efforts to stabilize the oil market.
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for example, the size of monthly cash payments to federal beneficiaries will increase. we
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are talking about combat veterans, participants in the great patriotic war, people with disabilities, and chernobyl survivors. it is clarified that the amount of the payment depends on the category to which the beneficiary belongs, how he receives a set of social services and, of course, his region of residence. from february 1, pensions of some categories of citizens will also increase, for russians over 80 years old, provided. double fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, but more on that a little later, now we have a live broadcast from vdnkh, good afternoon, dear friends, i...
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say, these are interesting, beautiful things, i ’ll come back to this now, but you just met at vdnkh at the russia exhibition, we wanted to show here what our country has done over the past few years, over the past 10-15-20 years, we have something to be proud of, but what’s interesting is that what was presented here was once upon a time someone's dream, and you know, i remember... postal postcards, the beginning of the last century in the far east, in vladivostok, there is a picture of a bridge that people dreamed of, but did not dream that it would one day exist, and this was at the very beginning of the last century, today there is this bridge, we
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have it built, and another one, even larger than the one people dreamed of, and many more achievements. something we couldn’t even dream of at one time, i am sure that if you also purposefully feel confident, purposefully go towards your goal, fulfill your dream, we will succeed even more more, you have done a lot in the last year, in the last year, i already said, well , i don’t know, 2 million trees were planted per day...
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and of course you will do many, many, many more in the future, you know, your mentors, your parents, they are always with you, they have always been and will always be with you, and i really want to say words of gratitude to them, but it will be better, so i just thought, it will be better if you and i do this right here, now together, let's do it? count three inhaled, thank you, one, two, three, thank you, i wish them good luck, russia, russia, russia!
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russia, blassia, russia, russia, our great power, russia. and my our country, mighty will, great glory, yours, in all times, glory of the fatherland, our
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free. the fraternal peoples are an age-old union, pretmed, the wisdom of the people, glory to the whole country, be pleased with you, the hell of the southern maleta. our forests and fires spread across the polar region, adnakts on...
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successful devoted folk wisdom, glory to the country, we admire you, wide open space for dreams and for life. the coming years open to us, our loyalty gives us strength
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fatherland, so it was, so it is, and so it will always be, the glory of our fatherland. free, fraternal peoples, union, centuries-old, given to the times, folk wisdom, the whole country has united, we are adzi. thank you, good luck, we want to hit
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you also with our traditional thank you for moving first, let's get together, thank you, for us this is not just a word, we will definitely meet again, thank you, good luck to you. president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. performance of the russian anthem by capello. it was a live broadcast from the congress of the russian children and youth movement, movement of the first, which takes place as part of the russia forum exhibition at vdnkh. well, let's move on to other topics for now. the crisis in the agricultural sector is growing in the european union. farmers from portugal joined the demonstrations in belgium, france and germany. they blocked the roads leading from the north to the south of the country. in total, over 300
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tractors were brought to the event. natalya goncharova will talk about why protests have gripped europe and how brussels is reacting? baguettes, ketchup and sausage. this is a field kitchen where food is prepared for demonstrators. farmers will smell right at barricades. the roads to brussels are blocked by tractors. and this is what the street looks like opposite the european parliament building complex. demonstrators set fire to everything they can get their hands on, tires, hay, cardboard boxes. security forces are trying to put out the fire with water cannons, but tires and hay are set on fire again. allusions to the maidan stories of 2014 involuntarily arise
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. if the family has already spent part of the maternity capital, then it will index the rest. you can check the amount of unspent funds at government services. also from the beginning of february maternity benefits will increase. the social fund will increase the monthly child care benefit for up to one and a half years for... working parents, a one-time benefit for the birth or adoption of a child, as well as a one-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth. the listed payments, as well as everything else, will be indexed by 7.4%. the social fund will make all increases without application, so russians do not need to go anywhere or submit any applications to receive payments in the new indexed sizes. today.
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amendments to the legislation have come into force, which clarify the methods of interaction between debt collectors and debtors, possible personal meetings, telephone communications, sms, and emails. also, calls using artificial intelligence will now be available; communication through government services will be available. the time of communication between the collector and the debtor is limited by law. for example, a citizen should not be disturbed in the evening or at night or meet in person too often. rudeness, aggression, and threats are not allowed. professional collectors, in the total volume of violations committed, occupy the very last place, their violations account for about 13%, the remaining 87%, violations are committed by microfinance, mainly credit organizations, with which we will have to work very closely from february 1 of this year in order to enter them into
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the legal field of legal return. ways. from february 1, banks will be required to inform their clients that their deposit period is expiring. let me remind you that earlier, credit institutions, if they did this, then voluntarily. now they must do it for free. the client must be notified of the expiration of the deposit period at least 5 days in advance. a detailed message, and - such a message must come in any way provided for by the contract. this could be a call, email, sms, or push notification. and more innovations, for example, from february 1, the time frame for eliminating errors in the unified state real estate register is reduced from three to one month. the law on agricultural land also comes into force, specifically on the delivery them for rent without holding special auctions. well, in addition, from the end of february , amendments to the technical regulations on the safety of food additives, flavorings and technological means will come into effect. the point is to tighten
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the requirements for additives and simplify them. these are the facts, we continue. vladimir putin takes part in the congress of the all-russian social and state movement of children and youth, the first movement. the event takes place on the site of the international exhibition russia forum at vdnkh. let me remind you that the first movement was created in 2022 with the support president.


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