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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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the target is hit, there is an order, there is a task, we carry out, the battle crew is charged.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the gang of credit fraudsters was caught by fsb officers together with the management. security ministry
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of the ministry of internal affairs, six muscovites came up with a simple scheme to steal money; according to investigators, they registered shell companies for dummy managers, and then opened accounts using remote banking services and took out loans that from the very beginning at first they weren’t even going to return it, so they managed to get over 10 million rubles. as a result of searches conducted with the support of employees of the special forces center of the federal service. russian security services discovered and seized seals, bank tokens, and funds in the amount of over 5 million rubles. bank cards, documents and other items of evidentiary value. investigators have opened a criminal case, and a preventive measure has already been chosen for six suspects. one of them was taken into custody during the investigation, three were taken into custody house arrest, and the remaining two are under subscription, not leaving. a large poacher's catch was seized in kamchatka, from one of the local border residents. the fsb
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found more than half a ton of red caviar. an underground trading store at home was located in the city of elizovo, judging by the agricultural walk, this is the name of the sieve for sifting caviar; the catch was prepared for sale here, simultaneously packaging the containers according to the tastes of customers. 184 plastic containers with caviar, salmon species, without documents confirming their legality were discovered and seized origin. the market value of the seized caviar exceeds. the procedural decision will be made based on the results of the proceedings; the unsuccessful entrepreneur is unlikely to be able to refer to the fact that his garage has become a spawning ground. a master of martial arts against schoolchildren, a jiu jitsu trainer was arrested in the capital, who, according to investigators , beat the teenagers half to death. so, supposedly he wanted to teach the children good manners, but the schoolchildren dared to disobey the adult and the brute became furious. material by maxim shevchenko. in the hall of the solntsevsky district court
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moscow is being turned on by serik ibatov, an athlete who, the day before, was furious and almost beat a schoolboy to death, is now extremely calm, and protects himself from the attention of the press by pulling a hood over his face, this is how he behaved during a conflict with teenagers, after a skirmish, the ibats are pursuing young people people who are clearly weaker than him, when he catches up, he hits one of them on the head, causing him to fall into the snow, he hit him, you see, he caught up with him, he hit him, the athlete thrashes the teenager... with his arms and legs, including aiming at the head , doctors diagnosed the teenager with an open traumatic brain injury and concussion. as a result, the minor's health was seriously harmed. the victim was hospitalized. bringing the person involved to criminal liability for intentionally causing grievous harm to the health of a minor under control of the prosecutor's office. serik ibatov, thirty-eight-year-old jiu jitsu fighter. his life is inextricably linked with the discipline of sports. he studied in the cadet corps and served.
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in the airborne forces, in recent years he worked as a coach, including teaching teenagers, on social networks he showed subscribers special techniques, 50, to loud applause. ibatov set records for lifting weights. as a professional fighter, he could not help but know how dangerous his punches were. after beating the student until he lost consciousness, he ran away. a man born in 1985 was detained on suspicion of committing this crime. during interrogation , the defendant fully admitted his guilt. the investigation decides the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the detainee. conflicting information appeared in the media about the athlete’s motives. according to one version, the schoolchildren behaved too emotionally and even... smashed cars in the parking lot, and in another, the athlete mistook them for drug pawners. for the beating , ibatov faces up to 10 years in prison, and although he was absolutely uncommunicative with the press, the judge during the procedure for choosing a preventive measure, he asked not to take him into custody, but nevertheless the sontsevsky district court decided otherwise, and thus
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the fighter juudzhik ibatov until the end of the investigation will go to pre-trial detention. maxim shevchenko, anton fedotov, lead: duty department. security forces in dagestan. are looking for a suspect in the murder of mixed martial arts fighter magomed rasul mutaev. the day before the criminal waylaid him near the entrance to the entrance and opened fire with a pistol. according to investigators, this could have been revenge. first things first sarkar magomedov. this is the very scene of the murder, which was captured by the cctv camera. judging by the footage, the killer was hiding in this entrance. the door was open precisely so that it could be seen when the target was approaching and committing. the incident was recorded by this camera, aimed directly at the entrance, mmi fighter magomed rasul mutaev did not reach him a few steps, when from in the darkness, a killer jumps out to meet him and shoots at point-blank range. seven out of eight shots hit the fighter, only one missed and struck a spark on the asphalt, that’s the hole.
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well, at about 10:30 p.m. i heard shots, but i didn’t pay any attention, i live there, there ’s kaptsakhskaya street behind me too, but as usual at that time i thought that the claps were fireworks as usual here and they were letting off when the residents of the neighboring houses came running at the sound of shots, the criminal had already disappeared, apparently, it was not difficult for him to plan the attack, the house is new, neighbors are really friendly they don’t know, there on the cameras we saw the door to the entryway in the entrance was open, you don’t have an intercom there, but there is always an entryway there, but there is no intercom, of course it’s a pity, i saw him often passing by, i wasn’t particularly familiar with him, of course he like with a bag during training, probably, yes, yes, i walked during training. magomed rasul mutaev returned from one of these training sessions this time. here is the latest photo he posted on social media. family friends say that the twenty-one-year-old fighter showed great promise. there are a lot of athletes respected, known. and frankly, this is a big loss for dagestan sports, for the youth
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of dagestan, and of course, for the family, for relatives. there are already first versions of what could have caused the tragedy. some time ago , something happened to magomed rasul mutaev. his alleged killer also liked to pose with a firearm;
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the investigation will determine whether this is the same gun that mutaev could have been shot with. the investigative department of the poleninsky district of the city, the investigative department of skarosia in the republic of dagestan, initiated. also, calls using artificial intelligence will now be available; communication through government services will be available. the time of communication between the collector and the debtor is limited by law. for example, a citizen should not be disturbed in the evening and at night to meet in person too often. rudeness, aggression, and threats are not allowed. professional
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debt collectors occupy the very last place in the total volume of violations committed; their violations amount to an order of magnitude. 13%, the remaining 87%, violations are committed by microfinance, mainly credit organizations with which, starting february 1 of this year, we will have to work very closely in order to introduce them into the legal field of return by legal means. medical error, criminal negligence or coincidence. surgut researchers delved into the medical history of a girl who died in a city hospital. according to relatives, despite the patient’s complaints, the doctors literally abandoned her to her fate. svetlana krukovskaya, more details. cheerful, responsible, she loved traveling, meeting with the whole family, working
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a history teacher at school, twenty-three-year-old svetlana sobakina died in the infectious diseases department of the surgut hospital, says her sister olga, according to doctors from inflammation of the heart muscle. an ambulance took the girl straight from work due to severe dizziness and complaints of chest pain. at first, svetlana was completely denied hospitalization, then that was it. when my grandmother called the department, they told her that she was nervous, that after discharge she should be shown to a psychiatrist, this is an ordinary urvi, she stimulates, on the day we took her, uncle stopped by the same department, to which he was told that at 2 o’clock one of her ventricles failed. then the second, but if at 2 o’clock her ventricle failed, why didn’t you take her to the cardio center? the last messages
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sent on the morning of december 29, svetlana asks to take her home, the girl did not get in touch again, on the same day she ended up in intensive care, a few hours later she was gone, the dog’s family blames the doctors, they believe that the light had a chance to graze, in this the family's lawyer has no doubts either. today we also know about that in periodic... sobakina within the walls of the surgut hospital in the ugra department of health does not
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comment, citing medical confidentiality. but the department also promised to look into the tragic situation. the diplomatic health department of ugra initiated a review of the quality of medical care provided to the patient at the surgut district clinical hospital. it is not possible to provide detailed information according to the law, since the situation concerns the patient’s personal data and information that constitutes medical confidentiality. from all these checks on the family dog.
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illegal business in the elbrus area, but the trick starts like this, everyone gets down as quickly as possible so as not to become the hero of the next news that here is a group of tourists, blah blah blah, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. an international manhunt has been launched for krasnoyarsk ex-detacht and businessman roman goldman. mr. goldman, one of the region's largest businessmen, was elected several times. in november he was charged with fraud. the investigation believes that he deceived more than a thousand shareholders,
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investors of their cooperative. the estimated damage exceeded a billion rubles. the total amount of the ex-deputy's seized property currently amounts to more than 4 billion. a decision was made in absentia against golman to charge him with two counts of criminal activity. at present , a decision has been made to put him on the international wanted list. the investigator is preparing a package of documents and a petition to the court to impose a preventive measure against him in the form of detention. goldman himself is hiding abroad, as journalists were told in krasnoyarsk. the head office of the ministry of internal affairs knows his whereabouts. the case of the killer fencer. she decided to test her skills just like that on the defenseless bonfire of the store. investigators are sure of this. the lady allegedly attacked with a knife and stabbed her right in the heart, and after her arrest she came up with such excuses that the security forces initially doubted her mental health. word to alexandra mostova. like
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an animal driven into a cage. she huddled in a glass box in the hall of the supreme court of the republic bashkirtastan. thirty-year-old tatyana nasyrova met for the first time with the relatives of her victim, she even tried to squeeze out a stingy tear, pulling a medical mask up to her eyes, the girl asked not to punish her too harshly, they say she repented and regrets, only the relatives of the murdered elina gilyazeva, sitting opposite, do not believe in these words , everything is boring, of course, to the maximum, so that everything is fair, maximum punishment. now nasyrova has calmed down and is posing as a modest lady, apparently in order to pity the court, because she is accused of a brutal murder. in in march 2023, she, a former fencing coach, armed with a knife, tested her skills on a defenseless girl, chose a random victim, came to the store, walked around the hall for half an hour, and then, for
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no reason, attacked the cashier, from behind. blind just wanted to grab her, it turns out for. in this footage of the brutal attack, nasyrova, tightly grasping nineteen-year-old elina around the waist, stabs her several times in the chest. the girl fights back as best she can, but she no longer has a chance to escape from the killer’s hands. but the wounded elina is already lying on the floor. eyewitnesses who arrived in time provide her with first aid. do you remember how you came to work? investigators studied the footage of the attack and came to the conclusion that nasyrova planned the crime in cold blood. she came armed and delivered precise blows, but what was most shocking was the motive for the murder, which the woman voiced after her arrest. during the interrogation, the woman explained that the motive for committing the crime was the desire to get into a solitary detention center to be there with her close friend,
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who was arrested for causing harm to her. wound. considering that the store employee was stabbed without cause. that is, in the absence of any reason for the conflict, the attacker was charged with murder committed out of hooligan motives. nasyroova now assures that she only wanted to injure a random victim, that she simply overdid it, but it is unlikely that it will be so easy for her to convince the judge of such a version, judging by the examination, the alleged killer is sane, that is, even if she has some kind of mental disorder , at the time of the crime she was fully aware what does it do, the trial is still at the very beginning, this is the first meeting...
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but to ride, no. as a result of the measures taken by the police, together with employees of the national guard , 19 administrative materials were compiled against violators. by the way, as soon as the brave souls began to go home, they immediately got stuck in the snow, and again the police had to rescue them, fortunately at least no one fell through the ice. podium, catwalk, photo shoots and credit at 55% per annum. the company's employees invite girls to the casting, they promise.
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in one of the capital's modeling agencies, which can be imposed loans at huge interest rates. as part of a journalistic experiment, we auditioned for potential scammers under the guise of clients. we’ll talk about its results a little later, but for now we’ll tell you about what brought us to this agency. when i saw what i signed, i had a panic attack. muscovite elizaveta sukhoyarskaya panicked when she learned about her debt to the bank. as it turned out later, she signed the loan agreement without suspecting it in one of the capital’s modeling agencies, she says, she saw an advertisement on social networks and came there to checkout. not for the sake of the podium and fame, but to act as an extra and earn extra money, extras, it seems like you don’t need to do anything, you don’t need any education, a part-time job is such a student, why not, well, instead of a role, supposedly... they offered to undergo training first, paid, of course, the issue price is about 100,000 rubles. they praised me there, they praised me that my appearance and everything suited me, but psychologically
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this factor would have a very strong influence on me, and i didn’t look closely , without looking closely, they just kind of slipped it in, only then lisa understood, they slipped her a loan agreement, exactly in the amount of the cost of training, as much as 55% per annum, if they had originally told me, here’s a girl, sign the loan agreement, that you will... the company offered to fill out a questionnaire, and then invited you for an interview. mainly advertising, advertising for marketplaces, for
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various websites, catalogs, magazines, the casting manager promised a solid income, but becoming a catwalk queen, as it turned out, was not so simple: first they offered to do a couple of fashion shows, then a mini-photo shoot, and then they rolled out a bill for training, about 120,000 rubles. when it turned out that i did not have such a sum...
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citing civil law relations, in the end the prosecutor’s office took over the false agency. loan agreements were concluded with them for various amounts that they did not intend to take. at the initiative of the prosecutor's office
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, unfounded decisions to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings were cancelled. representatives of the fashion industry assure that a real agency never offers learn the basics of fashion shows or acting skills for money, if such services are still imposed on you, most likely you have run into scammers. vlad yagorova, lead, duty department. the trial misfired in the united states; the trial of hollywood actor alik baldwin began only on the second attempt. before this , the movie star, who was suspected of manslaughter in the murder of cameraman galina hutchins, had already been cleared of all charges, but then the results of the examination appeared. it turned out that the prop pistol could not fire itself, no matter how baldwin insisted on it. let me remind you that the tragedy occurred in the fall of 2021 right on the set of western rust. the actor allegedly accidentally opened fire and was hit by a bullet.
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and up to one and a half years in prison. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe. also our investigations and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has a special gift. who are you all looking at? the girl is standing scratched, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, listening? we look ahead of everyone else
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in the application or on the website, those who come to cuba have the fun of riding in a pink american car, we chose something different when traveling around this island.
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focus on the trainers, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice, soon, a a
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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in one day, the russian military thwarted six attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to strengthen its positions in the southern donetsk direction of a special military operation. in the novomikhailovka area, motorized rifles of the vostok group of forces repelled two attacks. in addition, in this area our soldiers destroyed several vehicles, armored vehicles, an enemy rocket system and five howitzers. in the kupinsky direction against enemy targets.


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