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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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they, feeling this support, of course , acquire new strength in order to carry out the most complex and dangerous tasks that they perform, perhaps this is what i would like to say at the beginning, we still have such a wide forum, but i must note, that several years ago we introduced an honorary badge for... for successful work,
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now, yesterday i signed, probably today, a decree was already issued and for additional work, this is an order, in soviet times, well, in soviet times, you know, there were orders that celebrated people, which celebrated people for their labor valor, the order of the red banner of labor, and many other incentives, partly, of course, this needs to be restored, especially today. when it is so necessary , so in demand, but we must notice people who, without any attraction, achieve outstanding success in the business to which they dedicated themselves, dedicated their lives, and today the tulausplav enterprise will be awarded the first such order, this is perhaps what i would like to say first , i’ll be happy to listen to you, let’s discuss your suggestions and comments. and if possible,
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we will respond as quickly as possible, please, i ask you, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, good afternoon, my name is litvinova anastasia, i head the meteorological service of one of the leading defense plants in the tula region, the tultoch joint-stock company, where we are all now, and i am chairman of the council of young specialists of our enterprise, our employees are involved in fulfilling the state defense order for the production of the product. air defense, including the pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun complex, and range equipment , tultmash also develops and mass-produces close combat weapons, flamethrower systems, training equipment, and is engaged in the restoration and adjustment of equipment directly at the field of operation, this is what you talked about in military units, in their deployment zones, now this is extremely important, and we... gunsmiths, tula, like our
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grandfathers and great-grandfathers during the great patriotic war, we work according to the motto everything for the front, everything for victory, and today we are faced with the task of increasing the volume of production and development of new products, the hard work of our engineers is aimed at improving designs, introducing new technologies, factories are setting up new production sites, preparing young personnel, we are doing everything,
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but as for defense enterprises in general, tula in particular, of course , now we all understand orders. there 's a lot there, but apart from the current requirements of today, i don't know how at your enterprise that makes shells, shells are in great demand, i must say, that they are very popular on international arms markets, they are selling like hotcakes , just come on, well, it’s simple - i must say that last year we also supplied, oddly enough, billions of our military equipment to world markets dollars, but of course we need them today
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in order to cover civilian objects, infrastructure, because we see how this government behaves, hitting civilian objects, they need to be covered, and the border needs to be covered, so your products. is in high demand , but in general, i want to note this, in general - a defense industry enterprise, as strange as it may seem, even at first glance, if necessary, supply weapons to the front line, almost 30% to 30%, almost, well , 27%, to be more precise, have increased the output of civilian products over the past year and a half, this is a very good indicator. this means that we will firstly load now and reload in the future in the nearest military products, since we we need to replenish reserves, or rather create reserves, replenish what was used up
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during the fighting, but above all else , we will in every possible way support all undertakings related to the development of the civilian part of production. therefore, i have no doubts , especially since such enterprises, as i have already said, are enterprises with a high quality, level, production culture, high-tech enterprises, they, of course, will be provided with work from orders, there is no doubt about that, so good luck to you , thank you very much, please hello, good afternoon
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, product assembler, denis came from bryansk, you know what a difficult situation there is now, he recently got married, is growing professionally, is studying by correspondence, but even at a reduced price he refused to buy an apartment, because that’s the kind of housing that... .. we built him for him, for the employees, that is, the interest rates that the bank announced, they were very high for him, i know, but they have children, no, he just got married, literally, give me advice, denis , let 's have children, young family, preferential
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mortgage, and if we immediately give him a preferential mortgage, and he will put off children, yes, i agree with you, yes. but in the far east, on your instructions, a program is already running , which already includes employees of defense enterprises, but unfortunately, in other regions there is no such program yet. is it possible to make sure that this program includes other workers from defense enterprises from all over the country, so that we can attract and retain young and promising personnel? there is also a second point, he comes to me very young
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a worker, well, he has just arrived, he is just joining the team and is not yet ready to buy housing, well, because of the salary, well, there are no funds yet, it is possible to create a rental housing fund, so that defense industry workers can rent this housing, well... for a reasonable fee, so that while the process is involved, while he undergoes training, and simply gains experience in production, thank you, sit down, please, here is denis, who you said, how much is his salary, what? here is denis, whom you talked about, his salary, what is his salary now? our average salary in revtov, well , for the enterprise... it’s about 89 89 thousand , somewhere around 90, which is a little more than in the country in
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the country as a whole on average 77,000 well now , yes, you’ve already said on the forum that salaries have increased significantly well, on average 77, yes, on average 77 , yes, well, you see, it’s a little higher, well, of course, this almost makes it impossible to purchase this apartment, but nevertheless, for young families with children , this benefit remains and in general, of course, they, well , a young family should not this is inappropriate word, but he can think about it on the advice of advice, yes, of course, you need to talk to your wife as she can’t do it alone, it ’s obvious, yes, but let him convince her , let him persuade her, yes, yes, mat capital mat capital you can already get after your first child, we have introduced maternity capital for the first child was already only for the second, in order
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to stimulate the second child, then we decided, okay, not to give maternity capital for the first child, for the second, that is, we would like even more, but these are what now the state is in a state in order to maintain the macroeconomic stability of the economy as a whole, well... and they increase, that’s understandable, well, the child itself is the whole meaning of life, so you
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invite him to your place, or better yet, together with his wife, okay, thank you , here, but as for, you are right, as for the far east , well, why did they introduce this two percent rate there, well, because there we have 12 million people living beyond the urals, you understand that it happens like this, we have 100 - 50 million almost yes, but beyond the urals 12 million, and in order to attract there people, so that people there settle down, live there, put down roots, well, you need to offer them special conditions, that ’s the point, i’m not saying what shouldn’t be done, shouldn’t be done in other regions, by the way, the same thing in the arctic, we introduced the same preferential rate for defense industry workers in the far east and...
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who have to move from other places and who come, well, like in your case , a person came from another city, he needs to settle down, well, you might think. this is the first, second, regarding rental housing, but i mean i spoke about this exactly, in my opinion, last year in february last year in a message, and we have already begun to do this; in 2024, appropriate money has been allocated from the federal budget for the acquisition and provision, or rather, even of rental housing
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to subsidize the costs of payment for this rental housing, if... god forbid, we allocated about 1.5 billion rubles for these purposes for the defense industry system, and we expect that this will affect 38,000 people in one way or another, including, of course, employees, workers your enterprise. thank you, vladivich. here , alexey, please take this very important question, it has just been touched upon, we are...
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that means we need another 5,000 people, what you are saying now at the federal level, it seems to me, is based on the fact that this large holdings, large corporations, here you can also talk to the management of our corporation, so that they also participate in some such areas and some lifting and maybe that means compensation means rent, and so on, so that they they expanded the social package, and they have it, but now is a time where it is possible even more...
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the accounts payable are very large, that is, they are very well credited, agro-industrial enterprises have money in their accounts in large quantities, there is a lot of money, yes you have probably there is also, all agro-industrial enterprises have a good financial backlog, the customer, but the accounts.
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he can participate, well, sit down, that means the region is participating, yes, of course, that is, in principle, i why, and the region can participate, and the enterprise itself, and the federal budget, everyone should be in on such issues of a social nature, everyone must take part in decisions, everyone must accept.
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thank you very much, good afternoon, my name is kirill bespalov , i am russian, born in crimea, i grew up always waiting and knowing from childhood that crimea would return home, but when its own began, naturally i could not stay away, like any patriot, any russian, well, unfortunately i can’t go to the front due to health reasons, i decided to help the guys carry cargo in my car, car. by hand, on june 6, when the kokhovskaya oges was blown up, i was there at place with two girls, volunteers. let's go, uh, we took textbooks, uh, to the children 's school, where alexander sergeevich pushkin was, on june 6, uh, well, we also
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brought a lot of things to our boys on the front line, uh, on the way back we got under big water, the car sank, the girls they climbed out through the roof, uh, they were taken away, and i stayed in the car, well already... as i tell everyone like a carrot from a garden and i’ll explain why i’m focusing attention. because then over time they somehow said, well, that means now it’s a carrot, and since there was a fighting carrot at the front, so here i am with this
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nickname or call sign and i’m living now, this whole story got out, the people’s front found out about it, i got into a stream on the people’s front, and caring people from all over the country raised money, helped buy me a new car, and since then i’ve continued to drive, uh, car . stuck a sticker, popular front, humanitarian mission, fighting carrot, once at a checkpoint , at one of the checkpoints, somewhere near the kherson region, they stopped, a warrior from the caucasus, he said, why do n’t you look more like a cabbage than a carrot, i say, well this is how the carrot turned out now i continue to work and also travel with my combat friend, her name is nastya pinchuk from the call of the heart organization. well, a real russian woman, an example to everyone, who sacrifices everything for the sake of victory, for the sake of the motherland , why am i telling you all this, because i don’t have
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any requests, i don’t need anything, i just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for being we raised the country from its knees, and you know that we are in the stern with you, we will have to break through to washington, we will make a way there, we all lied anyway, thank you very much for that's it, yeah. you know, kirill , you said thank you to me, i want to return this puck to you, that’s what i want to say, if i weren’t sure that in our country in crimea, throughout the entire territory of our huge homeland, the overwhelming majority of our citizens think like you, i wouldn’t do anything in crimea. but i was sure that the crimeans and all of russia want this return to their homeland, just as the vast majority of people in the country want
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to help donbass, do not want to throw people there under the wheels of these neo-nazis, it hurts me to talk about this now, but i’ll still say that when our units withdrew from the kharkov region, we... that’s what it’s all about, that’s who we’re dealing with, and if it weren’t for this mood of society, nothing would have happened happened, we do what people expect from us, just now kirill said about patriotism, it is treated differently at different times and with different cliches.
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there is, but of course, there are always people who abuse something, but this cannot undermine the very idea of ​​​​love for the motherland, that’s why they do whatever they want with this sign, such it’s important, that’s what we must understand, that’s why someone is trying to slander love for the motherland, yes, he either doesn’t understand what he’s doing, or he’s doing it deliberately on the orders of our enemy. love for the homeland itself is a very bright feeling, why do we always talk when we talk about the homeland, about patriotism, about
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love for the homeland, why do we... immediately remember both our small homeland and family, but why do we always talk about it , why do we put this and that and the other all together in one row, but everything is very simple, look, if we don’t do anything what would we do if we didn’t protect our people in the donbass, now in the kherson region, there in zaporozhye, that means in novorussia, we wouldn’t do anything, we wouldn’t help, we’d abandon people in crimea, what would it turn into? with the presence of a large amount of natural resources, which everyone from the outside would pat patronizingly on the head and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time they would always think about what and how to chop off, well, we have all this...
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to the global economy so that all of our people here can be bitten off, create such rules in competitive advantages are extinguished, everything that can be taken away from us, meaning their advantages in the sphere of, say, the defense industry, their advantages in the political sphere, is taken away from us, if we do not want to leave such rubbish.
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that we are a self-sufficient country, look, they have an economy, well, they will rise, there are fundamental principles of the economy in the usa in europe, they are good, they will rise, but today they are at the bottom, there is a minus in the main economies, but we have a plus, that’s even the point is not that today is like this, but the point is that we showed ourselves to everyone that we are a self-sufficient country, they expected that our financial system would collapse in 3 months, the economy in six months, the enterprise would close. where will it close, only, it means , i said, half a million people came to your sector in a year and a half, and so on in many other areas, including in high-tech industries, we are becoming a self-sufficient country in the sphere of economics, finance, etc. in the sphere of defense and security, in the social sphere, now we are talking about housing, yes, but we are doing this is all, all this is happening, we have
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the largest... indicator in the entire history of the country for housing construction: more than 110 million square meters of housing have been built, this has never happened before, but we did it, so if we think about the future, about , in which country our children will live, what we will leave for them, this is all together, all together. love for the family, for children, for parents, for the small homeland, for the country as a whole, this is patriotism, so you and i are on the right path, thank you very much, hello, my name is soprygin denis, i was born in petropavsk, north kazakhstan region, after the collapse of the union we moved to the city of suzol, vladimir region, i graduated from the vladimir cadet corps named after dmitry
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pozharsky in 2016. we have developed small-scale production of devices for detecting and comprehensively suppressing uavs. it all started with the fact that our soldiers turned to us and asked us to develop a trench weapon for detecting enemy uuvs. the first device was manufactured from the circuit to the product in the housing in 3 weeks in april of the twenty-second year and delivered group. so the device showed itself to be effective and we decided to continue this direction and so we came up with the idea of ​​equipping at least key units in the zone with drone detectors, well, so-called, so we were supported by the head of the republic of crimea, aksyonov sergeev valerievich and the management of the eks company, where i work, our icd, russian dome have been developed and a number are being produced.


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