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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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provides maximum protection, and if the top layer is a racing or tanker's overalls, this is quite a complex product, then the bottom layer is a balaclava, underwear, all non-flammable gloves, so we undertake to produce a huge quantity very quickly, only this one set is worn even an ordinary suit like this will already provide 50% protection from fire, and here, vladimir vladimirovich, in our country now the production of arami... fabrics is, well, one might say, at the very beginning, so we are still at the beginning, and we are ready with all our experience great, we have a lot of experience in aramids, yes, all our experience, all our achievements, plus our own personal history, we treat this very sensitively, and everything, that is, we are ready with all our strength, all our put your heart and soul into protecting as many of our guys from fire as quickly as possible, and we can do this, great, why, for my part, how can i... support you,
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you already have such connections there in the ministry of defense, i won’t say anything, that is, i met, hugged, warmed up, said that everything was fine, they gave gas mask, you’re against it, yeah, well, in short, you still need to try to push your idea more energetically, well, here, well, i don’t know, there aren’t many flamethrowers there, and there aren’t many sanitary guards, well, we don’t have very many, here are tankers, and the drivers of armored vehicles there. yes, there are a lot of them, there are more and more sontsepeks, very efficient work, well, yes , that means, yes, they also use armored vehicles, but please leave all the data, yes, what is needed there, where do you work, all your data, okay , and i ’ll talk to the minister today about who to leave, here in the back, exactly, exactly, everything is there, there is, there is data, right?
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then i attached it to another tank and returned it to the unit, and then to the repair base, we have a lot of guys like that, but, but you’re right, safety comes first, so let’s get on with it, and then denis valentinovich will report to me after some time will say what has been done in your direction, okay, thank you very much,
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great care from our entire country, all these guys who help us, colleagues from other regions come to us, doctors from the ministry of health, the belgorod region, we have recently they began to help with new cars, new medical equipment, which we did not have in ukraine. i have been working for 43 years, but i have never seen anything like this. so that we have such
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new equipment, you see, we are happy, everyone just asked everyone to say a big thank you, the people's front... and doctor mira helped provide the ambulance with body armor and helmets, they are also very necessary for us, they help us. every day, a visiting team in its city can come under fire. last summer there was heavy shelling of the paramilitary horn rescue unit. we the first to come to the wounded people who... we were hiding in destroyed houses, all the cars were on fire, the houses were on fire, black smoke was pouring out, it was impossible to see where anyone was, we took the wounded out of the shelter, and somewhere in the distance
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a man was screaming, help, it was useless to go to him, and it was useless to run, it was very deadly, because it was all burning, cracking, we didn’t know. how to get to him, well, we had to crawl, when we got to him, he had a traumatic amputation of his lower leg, there was severe bleeding, after providing assistance, we could not bring it in because we physically couldn’t, we took his hands and slowly moved him, well , about five centimeters into the shelter, and the shelter was the walls of a destroyed house, we sat for about an hour and a half, there was fire everywhere... that’s it, uh people started to cry around us, the driver noticed this, and he ran towards us with gentle assaults, there was another explosion, we pulled out this victim,
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the guys from the ministry of emergency situations and journalists who came to film this event, when we were hospitalized in the traumatology department, already came to our aid, went outside to the car, the whole car was broken into fragments, everything was damaged by the equipment, if at that moment our driver had not come running to us, he would have died on the spot. recently, ambulances have been targeted by the ukrainian armed forces. we lost six people, three paramedics, two drivers and an orderly. it was after the second flight, when they provided assistance, that the victim was injured. this is one big family, we go out for shelling, saving the lives of others, risking our own lives. vladimir vladimirovich, i would
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like to resolve the issue of our drivers, medical staff, doctors,
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equipment of the armed forces of ukraine tried to enter donetsk, interception, just tankers talking to each other over the communication in the tank, which means a local resident came out of the house, well, from a private house, he has a family there, there are children running around somewhere, this one of the tankers, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, took him and shot him , and he came out in these , in a tracksuit, the second one asks him why you did this, he... a man in a tracksuit just came out of the house, he has a family in his house, you can hear children running around there, the answer: yes, they everyone here is terrorists, just like that, he shot him, well, what is this, how neo-nazism, that’s what it is, i’m not even talking about
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the applause there for real ss men in canada, yes, but this practice is like shooting at the medical level. it’s impossible to come up with, in this regard, what i want to say is, firstly, we know what kind of burden lies on the medical staff of these territories in general, we know the wounded there, the seriously wounded, and the local guys there, ours and your girls, young nurses, since they look after these people, they are all your heroines, you are all heroines and heroes there, this is absolutely perfect, that’s why. i don't even care i don’t want to comment, i just want to convey to you my most sincere words
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of gratitude, bow low, and say that of course, we will definitely resolve this issue regarding drivers, thank you, as i understand it, everyone is participating or not, we say goodbye, yes, well then we are moving to another room, thank you very much for the conversation.
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discuss the results of the eu summit in brussels, which ended with the agreement on a multi-billion dollar aid package. we will discuss this topic with the acting permanent representative of russia to the european union , kirill logvinov, he is in direct contact with facts, kirill mikhailovich, hello, glad to welcome you, natalya, good afternoon, well, following the results of the summit, the eu countries approved an assistance program for ukraine in the amount of 50 billion for the period from 24 to 27, which we actively talked about yesterday, here of course this very wording, in addition to the amount, confuses that...
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the financial plan and in the period remaining until 2027, the eu budget will be strengthened by an additional approximately 65 billion euros, and of this, the 50 billion euros you mentioned, and this exact amount was also mentioned in those proposals of the european commission, which it announced in june last year, are planned to be used for economic assistance to ukraine,
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which means that 50 billion of these funds from this fund are used for direct financing by the european union of the ukrainian state budget, for attracting public and private investments for the restoration of the country, well, plus there is technical and other assistance, that is, the main thing is that all these funds will be used for civilian, and not for military purposes, which means that the distribution will have to be accepted. plan for ukraine, that is, this is its own kind of a program of reforms and transformations , currently kiev and brussels continue to agree on this program, but as for the conditions, then, probably, the main thing is that ukraine must demonstrate, so to speak, a craving for democracy, fight
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fraud, corruption, but even the european leaders themselves understand that in ukraine this... well, this is impossible, well , ukraine has been demonstrating a craving for democracy lately, indeed, the fight against corruption is a very complex topic, but you noted an important point that it is still not for the military goals, that we are talking about other goals that are included in this amount. and as for the position of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, here’s what you know about how brussels had to negotiate with him, we know that he previously blocked this package more than once. help, well, yes, i’ll say right away that, in general , as the summit approached, brussels and a number of member countries, they did everything possible to... form around this meeting and, in general, in principle , here in the european union such say, the pre-war atmosphere, and from from the lips of many european politicians, even
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those who just yesterday turned out to be more or less sane, slogans sounded in plain text that a war with russia was just around the corner, and in such a situation, budapest was asked to choose with whom it was, with kiev or with moscow. but during the long, complex negotiations with brussels that preceded the summit, it means that budapest tried to find some kind of compromise solution, the main thing is that orban sought to introduce a mechanism for the annual review of the assistance program to kiev, but then a month ago, when the last meeting was last year the european council, many european capitals, they opposed one of those fearful ones.
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well, in principle, orban held his own until the last blow, yes, yes, he held his own, here , of course, he frayed everyone’s nerves, but in the end, brussels still made certain concessions, that is, in the final document that was adopted yesterday, a clause has been included that member countries, leaders of member countries will discuss this issue of assistance to kiev annually. yes, that is, members of the european union cannot suspend the next tranches of the country, but such a discussion will take place once a year pass. about the use of such an argument
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as some kind of war with russia, but indeed, what we know is that this card is now being actively played. well, here’s another very important point, which also became known the day before, during the summing up.
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i honestly don’t want to guess here either for those , as we have already said, who are engaged in theft, that is, i will only say one thing, that even the illegitimate eu sanctions legislation, in this regard , is unambiguous, that it provides for the possibility of temporary freezing foreign state assets, but not their confiscation, but still, of course, it’s interesting to see whether this will be implemented in practice. what is now enshrined on paper is the use of russian assets. thank you very much, kirillo mikhailovich, a very interesting topic, but unfortunately, our time has come to an end, the acting permanent representative of russia to the european union, kirill logvinov, was in direct contact with us, thank you again for your comments, your time. thank you natalya, picking up the profit debit card,
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