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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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since i also have a blogging career, and we knew each other from competitions, from buying advertising, from meeting some stars, because i know that she worked there with victoria boni, semenovich, davydych, and then the girl decided that she could entrust her friend with much larger sums, even without a receipt, according to yana, in total she gave 12 million rubles and did not receive a penny back, that is, she seems to be juggling such surnames, what do you think, well, how if only they could throw you away, but it seems all serious people. until recently, victoria lagetskaya, so to speak, stood up for her reputation; on social networks she called herself a director, all directors, and an exemplary mother. navid did not say that the young lady needed other people’s money; on the contrary, she seemed to be boasting of success, for example, she was boasting about her luxurious german suv. when the hype arose, lagetskaya began to publish other videos. now she calls herself the main victim of the fake betting. to say that
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everything was fine in my life until i lost it i connected with one person, with bets , with fixed fights, which we went to with my friends, but i want to say that i am the same injured person who spent a lot of money, in the words of another person, we tried to contact victoria, but she refused an interview, because otherwise she would have to explain how much...
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the department of the russian ministry of internal affairs in the presnensky district of moscow received a statement from a citizen in which she reported about fraudulent actions allegedly committed in her relationship. now that the situation with victoria and her business partners went public, probably the victims will also become bolder and file a complaint with the police, or maybe not, because they must understand that organizing participation in match-fixing is a direct path to jail for 4 years and there is a very high probability of receiving a fine of 500,000 rubles. vladimir bazov. the russian army repelled 10 attacks in su, half in the kupinsky direction, in donetsk they took more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost almost 800 more soldiers, mercenary officers, two tanks and 10 other... vehicles, as well as 16 gunships, self-propelled guns and
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missile systems were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 40 combat drones. modern russian weapons are superior to nato analogues; military factories have increased production volumes several times. in tula, vladimir putin took part in the everything for victory forum. he noted that the production of civilian products has also increased at defense industry enterprises. more than 600 enterprise employees, scientists, military officers, doctors, and volunteers gathered. the most important contribution to the overall work is, of course, made by defense industry enterprises, the defense-industrial complex is a large part of our industry, a huge army of people who work in this area, but we have a defense-industrial complex. that
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is, these are 6,000 enterprises that employ 3.5 million people; in the last year and a half alone , 520,000 new jobs have been created in the defense industry. in order to be successful on the battlefield today, you need to quickly and adequately respond to events taking place on the battlefield; whoever does it all faster wins. of course, if we compare modern nato weapons and the weapons of the last period of soviet times, they are inferior in some ways, by the way, not always, but if we take our newest weapons, they are clearly superior to everyone, this is an obvious fact. the russian economy is growing and has become the largest in europe, fifth in the world. however, if our country had not defended its sovereignty.
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that means in novorusia, we won’t do anything, we won’t help, we’d throw people in the crimea, which would turn our country into a decrepit , not self-sufficient country, in fact, to no one an unnecessary country, which everyone, with its presence of a large amount of natural resources, which everyone from the outside would pat patronizingly on the head and give... rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time would always think about how and how to chop off, create such rules in the global economy in order to extinguish all our competitive advantages, everything that can be taken away from us, bearing in mind their advantages in the sphere of, say,
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the defense industry, the same, their advantages in the political sphere, if we don’t want to leave such a decrepit, useless country, we don’t want it to be doomed. to make our children feel like second- class citizens, we must make our country self-sufficient. vladimir putin also visited the tula oncology center, by the way, it was built in record time by specialists from the military construction complex of the ministry of defense, talked with employees, and then took part in the opening of new oncology centers in the regions via video conference. anastasia efimova will tell you how it all went. qualitatively, effectively, this is how every citizen should receive help in the event of an oncological diagnosis. the president recalled this today, opening specialized medical institutions in three regions of the country at once. as the head of state clarified,
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a national program is aimed at combating this very serious disease; in total , a trillion rubles have been allocated for these purposes, and thanks to the decisions made, it is possible not only to treat, but also to identify the problem at the earliest possible time. one of the most important tasks within the current the federal project for the future is to increase the efficiency of diagnosis and we all understand, even if we are not specialists in this complex field, we all understand that it is early detection and timely initiation of treatment that makes it possible to defeat and preserve many types of this disease. to continue life, quality of life, a lot has already been done in this regard, examinations for the most common types of oncological diseases are included in the medical examination and preventive examination programs, more than 500 have already been opened in the regions of the country
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outpatient oncology care centers, where you can undergo the full range of tests, and subsequently, if necessary, outpatient treatment. 18 reference centers have been created and operate, which at the highest scientific level help clarify the diagnosis and find optimal treatment methods. three specialized medical institutions were built in tomsk, ufa and yakutsk. the head of state took part in their opening via video link, and before the ceremony he personally inspected another cancer center in tula. it was opened only 2 months ago and, as doctors said, allowed to provide exactly that.
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there are no more double rooms, 1/3 , they are single, there is everything you need and our new, kind of know-how, so to speak, what we are starting to implement is a tablet for interactive interaction with our center, again, to increase the level of comfort of being , here there is information in the form of videos, you can evaluate the quality and give feedback, and choose a menu, this is what is in the greatest demand, as it were now, if something is not assigned. special nutrition, then our patients can maybe, choose from two menu options for the next day, based on your preferences , we are all trying to develop these digital services, we are trying to fill it with more information about the diagnosis, so that the patient can calmly familiarize
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himself with his diagnosis, the treatment plan, and know when what are his plans, when he undergoes some procedures there, undergoes some tests, how can he prepare, thanks to the speed. and the quality of diagnostics over the past five years in the country the minister of health has achieved results called breakthrough, more than 60% of tumors are detected at early stages, at which the prognosis is treatment. four oncology centers received more than 300 units of medical
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equipment in 2023, the amount was allocated more than 600 million rubles. it is planned to deliver another 190 units this year, plus additional regional funds will be raised for this. and returning to personnel policy, as part of an inspection of the tula oncology center, the head of state spoke with doctors and they said that one of the ways to attract professionals to the region, in addition to working conditions and professional opportunities, solving the housing problem, visiting specialists are compensated for the cost of rented housing, and then given apartments, 16 employees have already received them, even cottages are allocated to families. guests, thank you, well, we will now hold a meeting, we will lead, let’s begin, thank you, thank you very much, and the president arrived outside of the work plan.
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in fact, it is precisely this comprehensive systemic approach that allows us to solve serious problems, personnel, medical and, ultimately, government, because as i reminded president, the desired result can only be achieved by acting, working together to achieve common goals. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for
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entrepreneurs and enterprises. february 4 is world cancer day ; malignant neoplasm is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. memorable date has been celebrated annually for more than 20 years. how does the disease develop and what can be done to prevent it? anastasia ponko talks about this. cancer is a malignant process in which the cells of the body become pathological. multiply, affecting completely different parts of the body. today, the world is witnessing an increase in the prevalence of this disease among the working population. over the past 30 years, the number of cancer diagnoses in people under the age of 50 has increased by 80%, mortality by 28. annual mortality from tumors in people under 50 years of age exceeded one million
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. we have about 4 million cancer cases in the russian federation, today, among men , lung cancer is in first place, in women , breast cancer is in first place, if we take the aggregate statistics on general morbidity, breast cancer is in first place , in second place in the overall statistics is lung cancer, in third place is colon cancer , according to the world health organization, in one person... out of five during his life he is diagnosed with an oncological disease, in the early stages it does not manifest itself in any way, but scientists say that most malignant tumors are preventable, for this it is important to regularly undergo medical examinations to manage the main risk factors for the development of this disease. the world health organization identifies six risk factors for the development of malignant
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tumors. nutrition factor, intake fatty, fried, difficult. the older a person gets, the more mutations appear in his body that can ultimately be realized in the formation of certain tumors; smoking causes cancers such as oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, and lung cancer. we can influence 40% of these factors. the special role of risk modification in solving public health problems was also noted by the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka, at the national health congress in december last year. according to him, behavioral risk factors, such as low physical activity and bad habits, negatively affect on the life and health of citizens, while
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a healthy lifestyle really helps to live longer. risk factors for the development of cancer , which. we cannot influence whether it is age, heredity or ecology, but there are also risk factors that can be controlled by the doctor and the patient. one of the main such risk factors is tobacco smoking. lung cancer leads in mortality. the likelihood of developing lung cancer in a person who smokes is 70-80 times higher than that of a person who has never used tobacco. products. the impact of tobacco smoke on... the body, it leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of antitumor therapy, there are scientifically proven studies that demonstrate that the life expectancy of such patients. is decreasing, about a third of the population in russia smokes, and this figure has not decreased for the last 5 years. to solve the problem, it is necessary to introduce more flexible,
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risk-oriented regulatory measures. patients with severe tobacco dependence should be given the opportunity to consider switching to innovative smokeless tobacco products, the reduced level of harm of which is scientifically proven. in addition, according to experts, it is necessary to expand existing specialized clinical ones. recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological lesions and sections on risk modification. according to the results of the all-russian center for the study of public opinion, despite the legislation that exists today prohibiting, yes, tobacco consumption, a third of russians continue to smoke. in my opinion, it is necessary to create guidelines that are simple.
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patient and state, will achieve the goals of public health in our country. how russian specialists in the field only mutual responsibility of the doctor, microbiology counter the threats of infections, what drugs they are working on, the director of the national epidemic research center spoke about this and not only in an interview with our channel at the russia exhibition.
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pathogens of a viral nature, which i just mentioned, the influenza virus, especially the covid virus, they, even with a mild course of the disease, cause long-term immunodeficiency conditions, against the background of which other serious bacterial ones stick to a person, excuse the slur , pathogens are mixed in, and if a viral disease occurs in the form of bronchitis, then the bacterial ones...
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this is some kind of, i would say, snow comp, this is to be vaccinated with those vaccines, which i have only just
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outlined at the moment. yes, i would like to add that , probably, the question that you have been asked more than once, which you have been asked more than once, is the current version of the satellite, it is it relevant against the version of covid that has already mutated and transformed? yes, indeed, in december last year, the gomaley institute, on instructions from the ministry of health, released a new antigenic version of the vaccine, sputnik vie and everyone.
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from hair color, therefore, from the infinite variety of pathogenic microorganisms that exist, thanks to this knowledge we can select 10, 20-30 pathogens against which it makes sense to create vaccine prototypes in the near future according to the technology that has already proven itself well, but the technology on the basis
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of which the satellite vaccine was made has proven itself: v, which allows, allows, to create vaccines not over the course of many years, or decades, as vaccines were created before, allows you to create vaccines literally in 5-6 months, and with the approach that we are just talking about, these terms can be reduced literally to one and a half to two months, yes, so we need to work on it, but naturally. not scientists this problem in they won’t decide on a national scale, but here many departments that are responsible for healthcare in the country should be united and work along the same vector. if we talk further about promising developments, which of them are currently being carried out by the gomaleya center, what is worth focusing on, in order to again talk about it more often and more clearly. yes, definitely, thanks for this question. the first is the development that we have now started under.
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guidance from the ministry of health is the creation of vaccines that induce antibodies of broad specificity. let me explain what this is means? if this technology is mastered and created in the next year and a half, it will make it possible in 3-4 years to have universal vaccines against covid and universal vaccines against influenza. and also, i do not exclude this, there are real opportunities for creation. a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus, which, 44 years after the discovery of this virus, humanity still has not created, this is a very promising technology, which is now actively funded in the west, we have also begun to develop this technology, but again, i repeat, in order to be competitive here, as in chess, you need...


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