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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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the art of making enemies. iran is teasing washington. materials of our program. texas people's republic. the cowboy cossacks rebelled. what are the causes of the conflict? migration processes in the usa. who benefits from the influx of migrants? plot from the scene. in the middle east conflict zone, there is controversy: on the one hand, there is talk of a possible long-term ceasefire in gaza, in fact the completion of a major operation, on the other, as a result of a drone attack , the first americans killed in the region in 3 years, three victims on the border of jordan and syria. washington blamed pro-iranian groups. hawkish republican congressmen are demanding brutal retribution. administration. biden
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promises an inevitable answer, but evasively, what kind: they are threatening in iran, if you touch our territory, you will bitterly regret it. the game of nerves between iran and its opponents is familiar. loud statements are not necessarily the path to conflict. but you can’t argue that iran has become a first-class player. and the point is not only in its own army, which is quite powerful, but in the system of structures allied to tehran from arabian peninsula and lebanon. before iraq and afghanistan, at the american suggestion, they are usually called proxies, third forces of various kinds, acting in the interests of a certain state. iran really has quite a few such partners. there are different estimates of how many there really are, but they seem to be the most minimal, somewhere in the region of 250 thousand throughout the middle east. simpler strategic foreign policy tasks.
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for groups with very different backgrounds, firstly, work with these proxies was carried out for quite a long time, that is, in principle, with almost from the moment of the emergence of the islamic republic of iran, the iranians actively worked with those forces abroad that they could rely on for issues, well, first , the spread of the ideology of the islamic revolution, and then, in principle, simply the defense of iran itself. the second point, here too, is important, the iranians are quite
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a pragmatic nation and a pragmatic state, so in principle they have always been able to pick up the keys to various forces in the region, that is , somewhere it really was an ideology, and somewhere it was simply a matter of money, for example, if we are talking about the same afghan and pakistani volunteers, then they often fight in principle for an iranian passport. well, finally, the third element, which is also important, is the iranians. in a number of cases they actually acted, well, let’s say, as engineers of the processes of creating these proxies on the ground, that is, they took an active part in the formation of these forces, but in principle the forces themselves arose, well, often as a response to a natural request on earth, then there is to say that the iranians created something, let’s say, not natural for a particular environment, to say, well, this is impossible, often, as for example, with the same houthis, the question was more about... that the iranians turned out to be one of
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the few forces that were ready to help and lend a hand, naturally, as if understanding that there was a presence certain common enemies , who did not always appear in the person of israel or the united states, but these were the same saudis, at certain stages of history, the iranians, in principle, always found understanding and, in principle, this help came to the point, but now we actually we see well outgrowing. as if the quantity of creating different proxies in quality, first of all, the shiite card is still played , however, for example, if we take the option of the same syria, then here the iranians are actively working, in principle, with non-shiites, that is, sunnis, islavites, moreover, exaggerate the shiite card, but it is impossible, because, for example, if we take the same houthis, then, in principle, yes, they are shiites, but shiites of a different kind. it, unlike
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christianity for example, does not imply some kind of strict pyramid of subordination, that is, in in principle, the fact that there is a strong sheid state somewhere does not mean that it will have the right to dictate its will abroad, in the usa and israel, first of all, but in the arab monarchies of the gulf, iran is generally considered an aggressive state, to the extent this is so, iran itself... is now in very difficult conditions, primarily economic, and again , the social situation within the country is far from the simplest; on the eve the presidential elections in iran seem to be approaching, whose, again, the results are far from being so clear, for this
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reason , iran, i think , is not interested in getting involved in such a rather complex and difficult conflict at the moment, it is trying to avoid it, and... and one of the reasons why, in fact, we see its intensification proxies throughout the region, this is that a war with using proxies is the cheapest option, strictly speaking, for protection, that is, iran still operates on foreign territories, with the wrong hands, but this again reduces the cost of its expenses somewhere, this allows to avoid human casualties, allows in some cases to waive responsibility for the actions of certain groups. but on the other hand, all attention in security issues in iran is now turned externally, while the internal security of this country is under great threat, which, in principle, was proved by the same terrorist act in germany recently, that is, iranian services , yes, they
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have learned to work very well with external forces, but at the moment they apparently are not able to guarantee security within the country iran. weakness of the century, a country that at times simply lost national sovereignty on the merits of the matter, just as over the soviet union, over iran under the dynasty, the ghost of the forty-first year, when, as a result of the soviet-british intervention, the country was simply occupied, the first step of the dynasty, pressed , he was ordered by the british to abdicate the throne, they put him in his place...
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, by the way, he still serves, ironically, not in his homeland, but with a potential enemy. before the overthrow of the shah, they managed to put 77 airplanes. in 1980 , the iran-iraq war began and the most modern fighter took an active part in it,
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although the reviews turned out to be extremely sparse. some talk about literally a few victories, others attribute tom cattom to hundreds of downed aircraft, but out of 77 combat units by the end. the most successful pilot in the history of the f-14, as expected, was not an american, but an iranian, jalil zandei, the only pilot who received the title of ace in the f-14 solely due to the fact that the shah of iran was able to buy one of the most expensive aircraft of that time. he sought to purchase not only the most modern aircraft. in the early seventies , daimler benz and steyer. emler pukh are starting to work on a project for a new suv for the bundeswehr. the development was in shambles, but the iranians showed interest in it and placed an order for 20,000 cars at once. razapivi was one of daimler's largest shareholders and essentially ordered cars from himself. when
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the suv was almost ready, a revolution occurred in iran. the project, in which 100 million marks were invested, was actually ready, and the customer disappeared into thin air. daimler and pooh began production at their own risk. there is a concept in iran, well, here are the axis. in some sources for some reason it is called a chain of resistance, when in principle the main idea is formulated around the fact that iran is a besieged fortress, well, it is not directly called, but still, but its defense should lie outside iran, just like that - chain of allied countries or those countries that are allied with iran , that is, syria, lebanon, and iran. washington’s task now is not an easy one: to get involved in big company. no one wants and cannot, but it is impossible to remain inactive; the regional
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flock closely monitors akela’s well-being, because they are afraid of missing out with him. against the background, let’s say, of a certain distancing of americans from the middle east, or the process of reformatting the american presence in the middle east, we see that the same arab countries, the same, arab countries of the same gulf of koshiya. are not afraid to be left alone with iran, knowing the iranian capabilities, for this reason they, in principle, in recent years, we have actively begun to measure with him, that is, this policy, not only does it seem to allow us to avoid a major war, it also, in everything else, actually bears fruit, that is, again, here are the attacks of the same houthis, yes , it would seem that they affect certain economic interests of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, but no one from the gulf, not even bahrain, which seems to have taken part in the anti-fusid coalition, and against ansar allah,
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they, firstly, did not mention that what's here an iranian trace may be traced, so that god forbid the iranians are not offended, secondly, again, speaking about the situation itself, instead of blaming or condemning the fusites, they suddenly suddenly began to condemn western countries, accusing them of, in principle, supporting them israel initially led to this conflict. and again, i think this was done not without the feeling of iranian weapons, or rather the weapons of iranian proxies behind their backs. after advertising about the elections, border history. texas is like a mirror of all this. just spend gigabytes and minutes and get present? can. connect.
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it’s interesting in the united states: the governor of texas, republican greg abate, entered into a spectacular conflict with the federal government. the reason is the intentions of the state authorities to take control of the border with mexico, through which flows of illegal migrants from the south. the bulk are latinos, but not only. hispanics in the united states are called the majority minority. according to the peur research center, in 2022 the hispanic population of the united states of america was more than 63 million people, that is , almost one in five were hispanic. as a rule, migrants from latin america concentrate in the southern states. in california and texas their share reaches 40%, in the border
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state of new mexico almost 50. however, official statistics do not always take into account thousands of people. according to the us department of homeland security, in the first six months of last year alone , about 350 thousand migrants entered the country illegally, mostly from cuba, venezuela, haiti, honduras and ecuador. today, approximately 5-6 million latinos do not have american citizenship, about a third of them speak almost no english and in many. in american cities, only spanish is spoken in everyday life; over the past 12 years, the population of the united states has grown by almost 25 million people, and more than half of this growth was provided by latin americans are not only migrants, if you calculate the total fertility rate, then on average a woman of latin american origin has 2.2 children, this is one tenth
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more than is necessary to maintain the number of... the population was a separate country, the volume of its gdp took would be fifth in the world right after germany and ahead of the economies of great britain, india, france and italy in this indicator. the texas governor was supported by 25 other republican governors, they even
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promised to send reinforcements from paramilitary units subordinate to them. republicans accuse the white house of failing to fulfill obligations to protect borders and demand that this prerogative be given to the states. according to them, this is consistent with the constitution. texas arbitrarily installed a barbed wire fence along part of the border. the conflict is that, in addition to migrants, they also hinder federal forces, who cannot approach the border. the us supreme court decided that the fence should be removed. but texas insists on its own. right-wing republicans who actively support ebota are a specific people. many of them are confident that the huge increase in the number of migrants is a good thing.
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just looking out at him, a chipbok and his miniature, an interview with the us secretary of homeland security, alejandra mayorkas, because of his approaches to migration policy, the republicans are demanding his resignation, we control the southern border, the minister says , not drug cartels, the correspondent clarifies, the main thing - not texans. hey franco with traditional criticism of biden. a man who looks like him says: “this means there will be war.” with iran - asks asyul, symbol of the democratic party? no, with texas, biden answers. the federal
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government under the biden administration is interested in getting as many illegal immigrants into the united states as possible before november. yes, those who are traveling now will not be able to vote in the presidential election, although there are options. in some states, you don't need to show id to vote. there is a conspiracy theory that doesn't seem so incredible. america's deep state - those in the shadows expect chaos in november, right up to street violence, no matter who is called the winner. it’s clear why the upcoming elections will be very chaotic, but then such masses of people will come in handy. conspiracies are popular, but there are statistics that worry republicans. in the twentieth year, during the presidential election, approximately 32% of respondents - this is the exit poll, as far as i understand, only 32% voted for e
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trump, for donald trump, and 60, respectively, five there for and for biden, so the republicans are looking at this is with some trepidation, because the vote, if we take traditional white ones. then in general there is a very balanced picture, it is clear that if the white man is split in half, then the minority decides who is the president and decides who are the representatives in the houses of congress from the state, and it’s an election year, come to think of it, our regular author, dmitry vershinin, does not i was lazy and drove towards the mexican border, although not in texas, in california, but the picture is the same. the night hours in the high mountain desert are filled with anxiety, the almost full moon, the outline of the mountains around, the timid trills of birds
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, every rustle gives off nervousness, maybe kayot, maybe a smuggler, maybe a border patrol agent. with the morning light the outline of the wall appears, i am on the american side of the border, two hours from san diego, not far from the village of jacamba, which means hot springs in spanish. we leave in 2 minutes, local volunteer sam schultz takes packs of water and bananas, i follow his truck for about 15-20 minutes, we leave hakamba, leave the main road, drive along the dirt road, then along the wall, after a few minutes we approach what is called encampment, a spontaneous gathering place for migrants, all these 150-200 people crossed the border at night and are waiting for the border patrol to process them, sandwiches on this side, girls. no panic, everyone clearly takes a bottle of water, one banana sandwich. for many, this is the first meal of the day. behind us is a dangerous journey through
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the mountains and the night desert with its low january temperatures and strong winds. carmen and rodrigo paid $300 each for a chance at a new life in the united states. in the camp you can see representatives of different nationalities. the chinese cover their faces, either from the cold wind or from the camera. they're probably afraid that. they will be identified , extradition will be demanded, or these four friends , warming themselves by the fire, fled from brazil, fabio, fernando, freddie and tehi, a travel agent, a salesman, an unemployed lawyer, they want to live in miami, brazil is a dictatorship, we are afraid of president bolsonaro, there are prosecutors there, the police, everything was bought, everything was mired in corruption, a taxi, a plane, another taxi, then we walked for a long time , climbed over a hole in the wall over there, in the fence. which helps sam,
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asks that her face not be shown; she is a canadian citizen and is afraid that the us authorities may revoke her residence permit if they find out that she is helping migrants. at this time, a new portion of donations arrived at the church. our parents are emigrants, we have the resources and finances to help these people, it is not our job to decide why they are here, but we consider it our duty to give them food, especially since we have such an opportunity. shows the way to a more remote camp, we don’t know whether there are migrants there or not, the journey takes half an hour, similar landscape: mountains, desert, dirt road, upon arrival we find an empty camp, sam shows me the place where the wall ends and people cross the border. the car approaches from the other side, everyone is lined up, then for some reason they take pictures, and then they need to climb over these boulders, many twist
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their ankles here. we're coming back with fresh food. to the first camp, we need to feed the new arrivals, the family of the mexican fisherman is still here, they dream of getting to indiana, rodrigo has relatives there, pedestrian crossing san isidra is behind me the busiest border control point in the world, with up to 90 thousand people crossing the border here in both directions every day. during the pandemic , us authorities developed an application through which anyone wishing to request political asylum must register to set a date for crossing the border, but today is the time to wait.
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california, usa. people are driven to resettle by one thing: the desire for well-being. they just wouldn’t risk it and endure it. there are special studies when moving to the usa, they gain in salary.
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decades, so this way of posing the question is relevant now, but in this vein this question has been posed for decades, starting in 2001 after the attacks on the twin towers, in fact, then this one...


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