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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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yuri, we met the head of the department, yuri dvinskikh, at the building of the intermunicipal department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in shalinsk, the lieutenant colonel was returning from lunch with a brisk step. good afternoon, can we say hello? we asked yuri dvinskikh if ​​it was true that he ordered the workers to bury the deceased on top of unknown bodies. yes, indeed, i came, but the information there does not seem to correspond to reality, a check is being carried out on this fact. yuri zolotko, he was your subordinate, right? he was my subordinate, he was fired from a good subordinate, he was not a very good subordinate, but the dvinsky subordinates speak differently about yuri zolotko, they definitely don’t say anything bad, i haven’t heard anything, after the initiation of criminal cases against zolotko, the local residents , one and all, sided with their, now former, district police officer, how is this so , excuse me, the bandit is attacking an outright fringe police officer and then writes a statement against this officer, but it’s just...
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some kind of excuse me in the district center shalya zolotko was actively fighting against illegal sales alcohol, often went on raids together with popular activists and journalists. please tell me, besides this alcoholic product that you sell illegally, do you have anything else somewhere? zolotka’s principled position allegedly did not please many rural businessmen. in this case, which is now being considered by the victim’s lawyer, there was the same lawyer of those entrepreneurs whom yuri attracted for the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages. house arrest of a former district police officer. zolotko takes place in an apartment in this house, in the center village of shalya, go outside, go to the store, you can according to a schedule, and go to the courts, which are now held by the former district police officer almost every week. neighbors are watching the process and hope that everything will be according to the law; they say that zlatko always followed him and put things in order in the house. as one might say, he drove away the drunks, well, according to the law, as it were, thanks to yuri zolotkov. why
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then did a seemingly decent district police officer become an accused? the answer to this question will be given by the staff of the investigative committee. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, requested a report on the investigation of a criminal case of abuse of power. he was also interested in the results of a pre-investigation check on possible illegal actions of police officers, who allegedly turned a blind eye to the illegal burial and began to dig under a former colleague. since the police officer’s involvement in concealing information was not confirmed, the materials were sent. to conduct an audit for fraud. the fraud may consist of theft of money allocated for burial citizens. genetic research is currently ongoing to establish the identity of deceased citizens. in the sverdlovsk police headquarters, the history of the dismissal of district police officer yuri zolotko is under special control; its own security department is conducting its inspection. what is in this story, an outright mess or negligence on the part of civil servants from the funeral company? or that?
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the certificate, as reported by the media, was annulled by the federal air transport agency. according to statements from a number of authoritative sources, both pilots provided false information about themselves, falsified documents confirming training on the falcon aircraft at the us aviation training center. security officials also had questions about the technical condition of the aircraft. it did not undergo mandatory maintenance. its owners illegally obtained an airworthiness certificate. some media call this plane a rusty vessel. over 45 years of operation the board. has replaced more than ten owners; it has been in russia since the fall of 2023. the last time the falcon, as journalists found out, underwent maintenance was a year ago. most experts are confident that this plane could carry passengers and illegal cargo uncontrollably. let me remind you that two passengers died as a result of a plane crash in afghanistan; doctors and crew members managed to escape. so, is it possible to prevent the tragedy? let’s try to figure it out together with the pilot and commander. with
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a320 andrey litvinov, he is now in contact with the studio. andrei aleksandrovich, it is reported that the pilots provided false documents stating that they had undergone training in flying a business jet, how is this possible and... then here they are simply self-taught at the controls of the planes.
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well, if we are talking about planted documents, there is evidence that the plane itself had problems, it allegedly did not undergo maintenance, is this savings on the part of the owners of the ship? of course i'm sure. it’s just that, in order to save money, it ’s a disregard for technology, an airplane, every airplane has a maintenance schedule , a time schedule or a schedule for flight hours, the state aviation inspection has identified more than fifteen violations associated with this aircraft, including fuel system, there is a fuel contamination system, well, in general, there are several such moments related precisely to the fuel system, perhaps it was for this reason
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that two engines failed, now there is really a lot of debate about the pilots, are they heroes or are they malicious violators, how do you think?
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he spent time in custody and house arrest. 19 years in a maximum security colony for the bloody king. the state prosecutor requested such a punishment for businessman oleg kan on tuesday during the debate between the parties. in the primorsky regional court. kana is accused of organizing the contract murder of businessman valery phidenok in vladivostok in 2010. according to investigators, in this way he allegedly decided to take revenge for the attempt on his life. alec kahn himself is now on the run; he left the country several years ago, was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list. on wednesday in the sverdlovsk region. arrested the driver of a bus transporting a children's hockey team. on the way from the competition, igor minenko lost control due to a burst tire crashed into an oncoming car. the accident killed four people, including the team's sixty-year-old coach. the children survived. as investigators found out,
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the driver grossly violated the speed limit, and the owner of the bus did not monitor its technical condition. entrepreneur yevgeny lobov was also arrested by court order. on thursday it became known that poachers had been detained, from whom fsb officers seized more than half a ton of red caviar. the underground trading establishment was located in a private house in city ​​of elizovo. right here, vanti. under sanitary conditions, the delicacy was being prepared for sale; the dealers , of course, did not have any documents for the products; the cost of the seized batch of caviar exceeds 3.5 million rubles. on friday, in the village of nosok, krasnoyarsk territory, a drunken extreme sports enthusiast flew into a hospital window on a snowmobile, rushed several meters along the corridor and crashed into a wall. these pictures show the consequences of an accident, windows are broken, lamps have been hit, and there is a gaping hole in the door. rescuers and doctors tried to get to the culprit of the accident through the wreckage, but the injuries were fatal. alexander ostakhov, vladimir bazov, lead the duty
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department. in ulyanovsk, police investigators continue to identify the participants in the mass brawl. here, what is called a wall, teenagers came together. the battle began for no particular reason and very quickly near one of the local drinking establishments. three dozen people took part in the conflict. several of them were knocked out. however, none of the victims sought help at the hospital. police. the security forces themselves discovered footage of the brawl on social media began an investigation. well, in tambov, law enforcement officers continue to investigate the case of a youth gang led by a business technology college student. investigators may have questions for teachers who were involved in educational work. for some reason , it is within the walls of such institutions that students receive a dubious level of education; instead of studying, they gather in groups in shopping centers and are left to their own devices. himself about the problem of upbringing and education sultan zeganov.
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along the fashion shops in inspectors for juvenile affairs are walking through the shopping and entertainment center of tambov. with a stern look, the police look for places where young people gather. and our parents know that we visit the shopping center. after recent high-profile arrests, such raids have become regular. let me remind you that aggressive teenagers, like evil cubs, tried to dictate their rules to other visitors to the restaurant area. the main instigator of a youth gang. investigators believe seventeen-year-old college student karina was like the head all the participants in her youth meeting tried to imitate her. dmitry is one of those who fell under the hot hand of kariina and her pack. the young accomplices beat their victims and showered them with abuse. in this video, they surrounded the girl, forced her to her knees and forced her to apologize. as soon as these shots began to spread on social networks, the police immediately identified possible hooligans and detained five people. if for most of them it all ended with a preventive conversation and a sign not
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to leave, then here is the probable leader after the tambob wolf cubs, karina became a defendant in a criminal case of hooliganism and was brought to court for arrest. karin, how are you doing? even after spending a couple of days in the temporary detention center, the dark-haired girl had not lost her former insolence at all, why was all this necessary before they humiliated and insulted me? why young? popovka, a small village in the probable leader of the so-called tambov region, here the journey of the tambov wolf cubs began, a girl lived in this small brick house, together with her grandfather grandmother, judging by the decoration, people here live modestly, karina’s relatives were not at home, but the workers of the local post office were all in good luck about the arrest of the participants.
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bove tried to participate in raising her daughter, attended parent-teacher meetings, and provided karina with everything she needed. after finishing the ninth grade, the girl moved in with her mother, entered the college of business technologies, and chose the field of law and social security organization. a course of in-depth study of subjects such as law and social studies, after 2 years and 10 months was supposed to guarantee further admission to the university, but after two semesters, each of which cost 1600 rubles, in the life of a teenager about...
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our society. the effectiveness of pedagogical methods raises no less questions than the relationship between mother and daughter. otherwise , it is difficult to explain why a once diligent student turned into a difficult teenager within the walls of college. only in this case, if the ministry of education takes strict measures to ensure that our professional staff of teachers, universities and colleges and schools was responsible specifically for the actions of those who study with them, only then will this situation change. the college of business technologies was founded in 2017 on the basis of the tambov branch of the russian new university. there are no
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entrance exams here, all specialties are paid, so is that really why they accept anyone? students, even unreliable ones, and they hand out diplomas from right to left. according to open sources at the college, at least six inspections have been carried out in recent years, including fire safety, but for some reason, each visit of the inspectors ended only with warnings; it is possible that influential connections helped, the director of the educational institution, lyudmila mishkova, previously served as a deputy of the city duma, and is still respected in the government of the tambov region. we are all shocked as students. during filming, lyudmila mishkova chose to stand on the sidelines, nervously fidgeting with the brooch on her sleeveless vest. the regional minister of education and science came to the defense of the college. question the professional competence of teachers - i would i didn't. obviously there are obvious miscalculations. colleges, more precisely technical schools or vocational schools, appeared
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in the soviet union. then, as a rule, school graduates who did not aspire to higher education went to such educational institutions. so in 2-3 years of study it was possible to master a technical specialty and get a job at a factory, but since the eighties, vocational schools began to be called a breeding ground for youth crime, since the contingent there gathered the corresponding, in other words, difficult teenagers who were kicked out of school. in the nineties, in the system of average special and vocational education , a lot has begun to change, former technical schools and schools began to be renamed and reorganized into colleges, and now they train not only... technicians, but also future lawyers, economists, accountants and even businessmen. the effectiveness of some institutions of secondary specialized education raises serious questions, especially when juvenile crime begins to flourish in them. the first thing to do is to think about a moratorium on inspections of such colleges, because now it operates , by and large everyone knows that there are such
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groups, but they are silent, so as not to spoil any indicators. a good example, teenagers from belgorod, students. colleges, inspired by boyish romance , united into a gang and kept the townspeople in fear, bullying people was filmed on a smartphone camera and broadcast online. as a result, the youth gang members were arrested for attempted murder, inciting ethnic hatred and hooliganism. the same fate awaited the leader of the tambov wolf cubs, seventeen-year-old karina was sent to an isolation cell. a seventeen-year-old local resident has been charged with committing a crime under the second part of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. according to the juvenile affairs inspectorate , more than 130 teenagers are registered in tambov alone; the task of the police is to ensure that these young people do not become participants in youth groups. for their part, inspectors will continue to conduct raids, but without preventive measures in the educational institutions are definitely not enough. sultan zeganov, igor stepanov, mikhail yusupov, pavel alekseev, news: duty unit of the tambov
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region. more than 392 thousand criminal cases were sent to the prosecutor's office last year. employees of the investigative units of the ministry of internal affairs of russia summed up the results of their official activities at an operational meeting, which was held by the deputy minister of internal affairs, head of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia sergei lebedev. he noted that the quality of work has improved over the past year. also discussed at the event was the creation investigative departments on the territory of new russian regions. a tourist feature or a potential danger in the city of suzdal , vladimir region , the semi-criminal business on horses continues to flourish. in pursuit of a long ruble, cab drivers forget about the rules, knock down pedestrians, and then, as if nothing had happened, they again give rides to city guests, in whose pockets the profits from the illegal transportation of tourists end up, who risk their health and even their lives every time. our correspondent andrey romanov went to suzdal to figure out on the spot when cart rides will become not only
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colorful, but also safe. right in the center of suzdal. here, behind the shopping arcades , it’s like tsarist russia, colorful sleighs, horses of different breeds, cabbies in boyar fur coats from enot, colorful gentlemen punishing tourists to give them a breeze through the ancient city; for services they ask not for a coin, but for paper 5.00 rubles or a bank transfer. you, you are like a boyar, yes, well, yes, i drive like a lord, in the front rows of this spontaneous carriage house there is a strong driver, who introduces himself with the name robert, unusual for suzdal, and offers walks around the city. almost half the price than our colleagues, we agree, we’re driving through the center of suzdol, they give us a tour, the man tells us, and turns around, where he is. robert talks about the sights of the pearl of the golden ring of russia, every now and then he turns to the passengers and stops watching the road, either he trusts the horse so much, or
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he feels like a master in the city. in general , anywhere in the city can you ride a horse like this? well, essentially yes. suddenly, robert wonders if the reporter would like to ride on his cart. recently, this driver has had a difficult relationship with the press. he was recently released from administrative arrest. kuchert spent 5 days in jail for hitting our colleague, vesti correspondent igor ogeenko, and then fled the scene of the accident. i don’t understand why i end up on the ground, that is, something blows me away from behind. i stood up, this part of me was filled with blood, that is , everything was pulsating very strongly here, i felt something hot, something. the film crew worked in the city during the january holidays. our colleagues we were filming a report about folk festivals. this year suzdal was the new year's capital. in russia, despite the severe frosts, more than a hundred thousand tourists visited here, people visited churches and museums, drank mead and rode carts.
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our colleague, like the legendary ostap bender, was run over by a horse in the city center and did not escape with a slight fright. the movement of horse-drawn carts near the walls of the suzdol kremlin on january 4 was prohibited by a decree of the city administration, but surveillance cameras captured how they mixed together in a heap. horse people. in these shots , two carts are rushing towards igor ageenko at once: one goes around him, and the one behind him knocks him off his feet. my hand hurt the most, because when i arrived, an ambulance arrived, they made a splint out of wire for me, then the police gave me documents to sign, i couldn’t even pick up a pen, i was just screaming. doctors diagnosed the reporter with a fracture in the area of ​​his right hand, a hematoma under the eye and several bruises. after close contact with the horse, the journalist’s glasses broke and became unusable. expensive equipment igor ogeenko recalls how after the accident the driver briefly apologized, asked not to call the police, and a couple of minutes later he jumped into the sleigh and sped off,
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but was later detained. protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up against him regarding a traffic accident, and an administrative investigation is currently underway. the coachman continues to give rides to tourists; it seems that he does not consider the accident involving a horse to be a serious incident. it was dark, and i also... went to see my people, also gave a tour, and stood there man, one might say, a repaint in the middle, where did you hit him, honestly, i don’t even know, i didn’t see how, that is, you were turned away at that moment, well, yes, but this is how you can generally drive a cart -well, when i go and tell the tour, robert is calm, he is no stranger to problems with the law, judging by data from open sources, the cab driver was previously given a suspended sentence for the purchase and possession of drugs, and... then he received a real sentence for robbery , regularly violated administrative legislation, his was tried, including for petty hooliganism , appearing in public places while
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intoxicated, surprisingly, but kucher’s colleagues almost unanimously defend him, you won’t believe it, my horse broke two jaws, that is, as if i wasn’t because of this and you never, well, broke and broke, as if yes, well, yes, i love horses, most cab drivers rent horses, so robert koshelev does not work for himself, for a resident of suzdol, maria anokhina, we found this lady and asked why after accident, she did not terminate the lease agreement with the dashing coachman, you you don’t see anything wrong with the fact that he continues to drive this horse, well , he knows how to drive it, you understand everything there, it was just a slight fright, well, i ’m telling you that this is not the first time for a man to drive, as if he knows how this is being done , it’s strange, but for many participants in this story, a broken arm and bruises are something like... a slight scare, it’s understandable, because incidents with horses have been a common thing for suzdal lately. almost 2 years ago, the deputy chief of the local police department rammed his car into a carriage with
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passengers. and here is another case: two tourists sat on a horse, the animal reared up, a woman fell out of the saddle and ended up in the hospital with broken bones, but even despite these incidents, the individuals concerned do not want the competent authorities to check their dubious business, much less ... driven away from their homes for years. the most famous place in suzdol where you can rent a cart is the street behind the shopping malls. this is what it looks like on weekdays: the drivers are bored, the carts stand motionless, and horses, frankly, doze off and wake up only when someone approaches them. but everyone is happy with the situation, the drivers know that the weekend will come, tourists will pour into suzdal again and patience. will be rewarded, but in the meantime, a collective performance for the press, they gave you a ride, a young man gave you a ride, the rest are all worth zero , so you haven’t earned anything, no,
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no, check. their earnings are almost impossible, most cab drivers are registered as self-employed, but checks are issued only after the persistent request of the passenger, dark, again without any control cash register equipment , without receipts, without registrations, simply to exploit on the one hand animals, on the other hand gullible citizens or those citizens who want to somehow diversify their leisure time, but it turns out that both the state and the animal suffer from this , we called traffic police inspectors to the makeshift carriage house, they issued a discharge.
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a cart can earn up to 100,000 per day. now everyone involved in this business is in agonizing anticipation. in summer , the pearl of russia's golden ring will be celebrate the millennium anniversary. hundreds of thousands of tourists are expected to visit the city. while the drivers are preparing to sew on additional pockets for money, the new mayor of suzdol, alisa beryukova, intends to restore order in this area for the celebrations, making walks not only colorful, but also safe. we are thinking now. changing the parking place, but we communicate with the community itself, we communicate with the townspeople, we determine this point in the city in such a way that on the one hand it is safe, on the other hand it is in the reach zone for city guests, for tourists. the authorities of suzdal are now considering the possibility of taking the equestrian sector under control at the legislative level. it would be nice if this business was managed by a single operator with whom the cab drivers could enter into an agreement, then it would be possible
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to sell tickets at the box office. and the carriages and sleighs will be assigned identification numbers, this will make it possible to finally bring the gray business out of the shadows, while the carts continue to travel uncontrollably throughout the city. hey, boyars, let's go! also along the streets of suzdal there is a carriage driven by robert kosheleva, he seems to have already forgotten about the accident, is back on horseback and continues to make money from tourists, but our colleague, igor ageenko, cannot yet. fulfills his official duties, he is on sick leave and is waiting for a call from law enforcement agencies. andrey romanov, maria bukata, ilya khludov, alexey zernov, sergey mukhlaev, lead the duty department. here, as we learned, on behalf of the head of the investigative department, the investigative committee of russia for the vladimir region artyom kulakov, employees of the department began a procedural investigation into the accident in suzdal. the situation is also under the control of the head of the regional department of the vvd,
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valery medvedev. the program will monitor developments. soon after us, don’t miss eduard petrov’s investigation into the film illegal elbrus, which tells about the death of five tourists at the end of september 2021 . the investigation claims that they were victims of negligence, and the tour organizers claim that it was a coincidence. why is the number of tragedies in the mountains not decreasing? our colleagues will tell you, the investigation of eduard petrov will continue legal broadcasting on the russia 24 tv channel. that’s all for us, follow the legal news in telegram channels, conduct the duty department and an honest detective, bright fragments of our broadcasts and the best investigations on the platform , see you, well, let’s return to the latest news from the lpr: search and rescue work continues at the site of the attack by ukrainian troops on a bakery in lesichansk ; two people are known to have died and six were wounded,
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