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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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state duma appeal to the us congress. a russian plane with prisoners in the ussr was shot down by ukrainian military formations with an american patriot anti-aircraft missile system from the territory of the kharkov region. us congressmen must understand to whom they are allocating arms money for what. they should hold biden accountable, the state duma chairman noted. the situation with the plane once again shows who is at the head of ukraine. congress must realize its responsibility for.
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murder, since the exchange of prisoners was agreed upon, including delivery routes, and the ukrainian side was informed in advance and confirmed receipt of information in the person of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine. deputies called on their colleagues from the us congress to abandon their support for neo-nazi ideology and its implementation in ukraine. this only provokes the kiev clique to continue terror and escalate violence, bringing the world closer to a global catastrophe, says the document adopted unanimously. we appeal to
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the congress of the united states, to both houses, to the house of representatives to the senate. you imagine, gentlemen, american voters, and not the establishment in washington and the lobbyists of the military-industrial complex of the united states. the majority of your voters are in favor of resuming a normal dialogue with the russian federation. for the second part of our program, see: financial pyramids, how not to fall under the influence of scammers, the boundless prospects of russia and belarus, the tasks and priorities of the union. payments, benefits and compensation, what other laws were adopted in february? we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, understanding them is not difficult, it is important, it is honestly convenient. why watch the elections, a proud
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grandfather came home, i was sent from the party as an observer, i will watch the elections so that the people and election commissions do everything according to the law, as in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides , i have undergone special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me. now my grandson knows which icon to click on, i’m trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i my friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down , choosing in the country is free, important , honest and convenient, there’s no need to take such risks , don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three soon, dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our episodes author's program besagon tv. i hope you
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remember them and enjoy them. late in the evening, pauline, don’t be scared, they are good, kind, only our program will show big politics from unexpected angles. where the president was sent, why, the main emotions of this week, and also how find out the phone number, everything, it’s me, yes, the minister, and the most interesting shots of the week, dear friends, let’s move on, because chapters will begin here now. state, they
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not only went, but drove, he gets behind the wheel, all security services know what to do in such situations, this week we will also see more. let's do it for the rest, i'm not against it, i'm for it. moscow, kremlin, putin. watch on sunday at 22:00. this is parliamentary hour and we continue. new challenges, new records, unlimited prospects. russia and belarus continue develop cooperation in all areas. it took place in st. petersburg this week. meetings of the supreme state council of the union of russia and belarus chaired by the presidents of the two countries, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. the chairman of the state duma and the parliamentary assembly of the union , vyacheslav volodin, took part in it. the implementation of 28 sectoral union programs and the unification
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of legislation continues. to deepen integration , the countries will do everything necessary, the leaders of the two states noted. sustainably mutual trade is growing. according to the results of last year, the volume of russian. belarusian trade turnover exceeded a record 43 billion dollars, among the tasks for the future is the removal of remaining barriers to the supply of goods, simplification of cargo transit, and the creation of common energy markets. this week , parliamentary hearings were held in smolensk on the development of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of tourism, the deputy chairman of the committee on cis affairs spoke about transport accessibility, new routes, sanctions and the fight against them in an exclusive interview with our program.
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barriers so that they feel comfortable being in our common space of the union state, wherever they are at some point at that moment. a number of proposals have emerged to create new cross-border routes that could unite various historical, cultural, natural monuments, and within the framework of several routes, within the framework of the hearings there were representatives of all border territories, these are the pskov, smolensk, bryansk regions of russia, the gomel, and vitebsk regions of belarus , my colleagues and i were able to to discuss the opportunities that are needed , what to do within the framework of the infrastructure, where there is a sufficient number of hotels, where it is necessary to open new campsites, given that we understand that people travel in different ways, it was very important for us here to also
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come up with such a proposal as the creation of a single tourist information center where our citizens could learn about these routes, where they could
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what vyacheslav viktorovich spoke about in pskov at the council that we have problems in intermunicipal communication, when, to unfortunately, the regional capitals are connected in the borderlands, and the regions remain without direct indirect transport logistics, well, this also has its progress, my native smolensk region, the neighboring vitebsk region, before the new year , a regular bus route was returned, the train was launched smolensk, vitebsk , st. petersburg, which passes through a number of municipal districts, both the russian federation and a number of districts of the republic of belarus, gives people the opportunity to also travel directly, so work on this
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this direction is underway, and my colleagues and i , including at hearings , discussed with representatives of these companies the possibility of developing new routes, as well as adjustments. under many sanctions, what is the strength of the union state in matters of resisting this pressure? well, there is strength in truth, we have a common history, we have clear values, it is clear what we are fighting for, we are fighting for our place in the world, in order to ensure the stable development of russia, belarus, in order to protect our citizens, in order for us remembered, honored our history, together they defended it, passed it on to the next generations
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, it is growing, and the damage is already counted in billions, how to protect the money of russians and resist financial pyramids, the document that is being adopted in the state duma will change the situation, it limits the right of businesses to attract investments from citizens if they do not receive in return real assets, and only licensed companies can have real assets. in addition, we ourselves will be able to check dubious organizations through an open registry. we'll tell you everything in the story.
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muscovite natalya berezina never thought that could end up in a financial pyramid, one day an acquaintance suggested that she invest in a company with very attractive conditions: a profit of 2% per day from the deposit and everything seemed to be legal, there is an agreement , there is a registered legal entity, but as is usually the case, the promised fabulous incomes in reality turned out to be serious losses. although at first some part of the account was even replenished, everything changed after a couple of months. payments stopped altogether ; it became increasingly difficult to contact the office; i started calling a friend, he said that he was in the same situation situation, that moreover, he is still there , well, he brought several people from our company, and now he even considers himself to some extent guilty, well, that is, he seems to say, well, at the same time, he also, let’s say, got into trouble money. the company declared itself bankrupt ; most investors were unable to return their money . such cases began to be recorded more and
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more often. according to the central bank, the number of financial pyramids has increased tenfold in 2 years, and the damage from their activities is already estimated to be in the billions. moreover , it is not easy to punish attackers. from the moment of application victims sometimes take years before the court pronounces a verdict, says lawyer ekaterina osipova. it takes 2-4 years for the investigation of those who. it helps lawyers to prove that there is a criminal element in general, and that it is an organized group, in fact, to find the finishing point for the sale of funds, where they ended up. you won’t have to prove anything anymore; the bill restricts the right of businesses to attract investments from citizens if in return they do not receive real assets, be they shares or bonds, and only licensed organizations, the formula of money for promises will not work. the central bank, as the main regulator of the financial market, will independently apply sanctions to all
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dubious organizations. no one will anymore figure out where the financial pyramid is and where it is not. according to the text of the bill, raising funds from individuals without a license is already an offense for which specific liability is provided. the system is extremely open, a register of organizations that can sell assets on the market. can be found on the bank of russia website, this way russians will be able to check information and distinguish scammers. if you discover an unscrupulous organization, you can contact the regulator directly. in this case , a person has a real chance to at least officially see whether this organization, so to speak, formally, has the right to do so. the bill especially highlights consumer cooperatives, which, due to their legal status, have proven to be widespread. financial pyramid registration forms. co-author of the bill anatoly spoke about this aksakov.
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fraudsters saw a loophole in the ability to attract investments from an unlimited number of people. unfortunately, this opportunity began to be used, including by consumer cooperatives, which did not always use this channel in good faith. that is, they began to attract money that was not shareholders, and this money was not always used effectively. unfortunately, it must be said frankly, they stole. now they will be able to raise funds only from their shareholders. the bill is preventive in nature, deputies note. detect and stop work financial pyramid schemes will be possible long before they appear. the first victims, if any person carries out activities to attract funds from individuals in the form of investments, yes, without complying with these conditions that are proposed to be introduced into the law, then that’s it, this is an illegal activity, there is no need to wait for the victims. this law is the beginning of a series of initiatives to financially protect russians,
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parliamentarians noted, and there is a lot of work ahead. i think that the next stage will be a trial related to those. elena bogdan. dumatv. parliamentary hour. over forty different payments, benefits and compensations have been indexed since february 1. the growth was 7.4%. the increase affects more than 20 million russians. the monthly payment to veterans, a one-time benefit for the birth of a child, and
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child care benefits have been increased. maternity capital is also indexed, that is, it will amount to a little for the first child. more than 630,000 rub. to the second 833. about other legislative changes that come into force in february in the review of my colleague alexander lasionov. civil aviation pilots and coal industry workers will receive a recalculation of their monthly pension supplement. the corresponding additional payment is assigned in connection with harmful, dangerous and difficult working conditions. the size of the payment is individual for each person, it depends on the length of average monthly earnings. the amount of the pension increase for this category of citizens is adjusted four times a year, including on february 1. the mechanism for creating fire brigades has become simpler; now enterprises can form voluntary fire departments at their facilities, finance their work, as well as provide benefits and compensation. civil contracts will be concluded with such firefighters, and organizations will provide
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brigade employees with everything necessary for work. the volunteer firefighter will be provided with food while performing work. which are not included in the roskomnadzor register from february 1 are prohibited from providing services in russia. previously, a law came into force according to which legal entities can be hosting services for websites; merger facilities are located on the territory of russia, up to on december 15, providers had to provide information about their activities to the control agency, after which a special register was formed. now there are over 260 companies in it. the changes increase the requirements for information protection and make it possible to weed out hosting companies that publish illegal content. the federal bailiff service has new
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powers. now the department will monitor the return activities of banks and microfinance organizations. urgent debts from citizens. similar features bailiffs already perform in relation to professional collection agencies; for violation of requirements, the creditor will be prohibited from collecting overdue debts. our task with you, as legislators, is to put obstacles of a legislative nature in relation to those creditors who abuse in the process of communicating with debtors, in the process of collecting this overdue debt, abuse and act outside the framework. in addition, the law establishes that creditors and debtors can interact through by email and through the state services portal. depositors will receive a notification about the expiration of the deposit period. previously, banks informed their clients about this only voluntarily. this is now the responsibility of the financial institution. the bank must send the notification to the client at least 5 days before
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the end of the deposit period. people with foreign citizenship will not be allowed to access state secrets. additional legislative measures. for the protection of state secrets came into force. the basis for refusal of admission may also be the presence of a citizen and his relatives with a residence permit abroad. the decision will be made by the federal security service. the novellas are determined by the challenges and threats that we are already facing, and may face in the future, especially in the context of a special military operation, especially sanctions, i would even say fanatical sanctions. and pressure from the so -called collective west. a mechanism for pre-trial appeal of decisions made by officials in the provision of licensing services will appear in russia. these changes. will come into force on february 24, it will be possible to submit a complaint through the vosuslugi portal, it will be considered within 15 days, before a judicial appeal will become a mandatory requirement in case of going to court.
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the federal educational program for labor lessons in schools will be approved by june 1. this was reported by the head of the education committee olga kazakova. this week the issue was discussed in detail at okhotnaya ryad. they took part in the meeting. they will be taught in all russian schools, we need to understand how the regions are ready, and do we have textbooks ? let me remind you that starting from the next academic year , the material and technical base, what are our personnel capabilities, are the personnel ready, the state authorities are already in the ministry of justice, changes in this part of this subject will be further the federal basic educational program has been approved, it is already known that
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there will be no strict division of labor lessons depending on the gender of students; administration, schools and parents will be able to individually decide what boys and girls will study in the updated labor lessons. how as soon as the program is clear, the synchronization of the approach to the new textbook will be done from the program, and then in... in the process of creating state textbooks, this is not an easy process, you know, with history we went through it, we passed it, we are moving on, it will continue, the textbook will also appear, at the same time, today’s textbook allows you to work on it completely calmly, without any big problems. an exhibition dedicated to the work of the kurchatov institute opened in the state duma, preserving the tradition of being at the forefront, with such characteristics national researcher.
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institute and the 12th anniversary of the birth the exhibition is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of academicians igor kurchatov and anatoly alexandrov. these are our founding fathers.
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at these laboratories, the first and second, but in parallel , the construction of factories is essentially being carried out, there is also chelyabinsk 40, then arzamas, weapons- grade plutonium is being produced, essentially atomic bombs are being created, by the year forty-nine we had all this together, a lot of attention is being paid to the site devoted to the development of domestic peaceful atom, nuclear fleet, power plants, exposition... tells about the work of the kurchatov institute in the 20th century. today , with a full understanding of the state of science, the new institute is responding to new challenges. as
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you and i understand, they want to destroy us, not with the help of nuclear weapons, with the help of biological weapons, much more anthropomorphically, as they say today, and we are ready to accept this challenge, we accepted it and respond to it with dignity, ensuring sovereignty forward to many years. during the opening ceremony. before the state duma alexander zhukov presented gratitude to chairman vyacheslav volodin, leaders and scientists of the kurchatov institute and noted his heroic role. and today the kurchatov institute plays a huge role as an advanced scientific research center in our country, where enormous knowledge and an amazing team are concentrated. the anniversary is an occasion to see new tasks and goals, the deputies note. it is important that today the kurchatka institute. sets a planning horizon not for a year, not for 5 years, not for 10 years, but for many years to come. elena
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zhalnina, andrey brumberg, sergei vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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in the lugansk people's republic, today is a day of mourning for the victims of the ukrainian attack on lisichansk. the day before, the ukrainian armed forces hit the city from the american haimarc system. a two-story building with a bakery was destroyed. 28 people were killed and the removal of the rubble is still ongoing. now our correspondent svetoslav dolgachov is in direct contact with the studio. svyatoslav, greetings, what is known at this moment, what is the situation in the city now? yes, hello. all emergency services
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, employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to clear the rubble , special equipment is used, dozens of rescuers, now they are raising the roof of the collapsed building, this is a difficult process, the walls and buildings themselves have turned into a mass of concrete and iron, it is difficult to work with such material, it is difficult to rake it , it’s even more difficult to survive under it, because you can’t breathe , there are no cracks, these are not solid concrete... slabs, uh, fortunately there are survivors, they are receiving help republican hospitals - throughout the region, i propose to listen to one of them, how he remembers this ill-fated day, food was brought, in general they began to load literally i did not understand anything, for minutes, well, some seconds, i heard screams and me. ..


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