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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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and we arrived here already at 4 o’clock in the evening, it has already happened, there are no military installations nearby here, the shelling by the ukrainian armed forces was carried out presumably from the hymers missile system, information about the victims is currently being clarified. they deliberately hit the place where one of the most valuable products is produced for the residents of the front-line city; friends of the victims are beginning to come here. and you think.
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the injured and those who were rescued from the rubble were distributed to the hospitals of the republic, they brought food, food, in general they began to unload literally nothing. i realized, well, for a few seconds, i hear screams, and something hit me in the back, i turn, that i was crushed under the slabs, a lot of people were screaming, help, but we were all under the slabs ourselves. in the republican clinical hospital in lugansk, four are in extremely serious condition, two more are in serious condition. medical care was provided to ten victims in medical institutions of the lugansk people's republic. six are currently in the republican clinical hospital, we transferred them from lesechansk tonight, four people are in extremely serious condition, three women one man. three are in intensive care. it turns out that two people are in serious condition in the departments. volume of medical
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care. the treacherous attacks of the ukrainian aggressors are deliberately hushed up by western countries. our diplomats have already assessed the actions of the kiev regime. over the past month, the vfu shelled lisichansk several times, but this strike was the most massive in terms of the number of casualties. mourning has been declared in the lugansk people's republic. the entire region is mourning. in memory of those killed , flowers are brought to the memorial to the victims of ukrainian aggression in lugansk. svyatoslav dolgachev, nikolai pyrkh, magomed bashir aliev, andrey sukharevsky. the russian military destroyed a fuel depot in the dnepropetrovsk region of ukraine, an ammunition depot in the fsu in the pokrovsk region in the dpr. the latest information about the special operation was reported to the defense. according to the department, in the kupiantsk direction, our troops repelled four ukrainian attacks in a day. and two in donetsk. there the enemy lost up to 380 troops.
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study, work, get treatment, undergo treatment in peace, road networks are also developing in our country, for example, less than in 3 years the moscow-kazan highway was launched, it will definitely be extended, there is also active construction of roads in new regions, as part of the restoration, construction of our cities, our districts, this is of course, well... if we take it in numbers, this is there are eight state-owned companies , 74 contractors, of course, so if we speak, to translate some dry figures, we planned - 333,000 m2 of housing, and in total we took away 550,000 km, special attention was paid to
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the improvement program in the regions, and most importantly that residents decide for themselves how the row... with their houses, squares, parks, embankments will change. the target figure for last year for us was 12,800, i want to tell you that this was also an ambitious figure, but thanks to the participation, active, truly partnership work of the ministry of construction, regions, and the involvement of governors, we managed to exceed this figure by 10%, and in general twenty-third year by 25%.
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ever since then-soviet leader leonid brezhnev returned from one of his most unusual trips to cuba. about what brezhnev, secretary general and brezhnev, manager and even an investor, a new film by sergei brilev, immediately after the advertisement. for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage. is this how dad plays? it’s all in dad’s overall balance sheet. let's just do it. numbers to the general balance, only one replenishes, all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient, this is our first family freckle on the nose of my great-great-grandmother, it’s not immediately possible to understand its value, but everything changes when
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love gets involved, the freckle conquered a rebellious heart and ran away, dispersed, became the most valuable value, family, some trying to disguise it. hello neighbors, how much do you rent for? i won an apartment in a sticker, do you hear, irina bought french fries at a delicious point, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the group airplane, do you want a version, do you want an apartment and 36.5 million other prizes under
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those who come to cuba have some kind of strange to the mule eye.
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and secondly, as we will see, although the visit of general secretary brezhny was full of
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political and ideological gestures, it was the visit of brezhny’s manager. the owners of today's volga are a cuban family, where sons were not yet in the plans 50 years ago, where the father of the family was still just a boy, but they all knew about such a visit as that brezhnevsky, that route , they knew brezhnev intimately.
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yes, hugging people, yes, exactly, as if this is our person, about what kind of our person this is, and what turns out to be very useful and today, it was then conceived in cuba, in our today’s film, for the anniversary, in many ways,
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of brezhny’s very remarkable visit to cuba. january 28, 1974, a frosty winter morning in moscow, the leaders of the communist party of the soviet government see off comrade brezhnev from those accompanying him on a trip to cuba lit. the same government grandson b2 today, since january-february 74 , the cuban revolution was already 15 years old, even with a tail, we already had a lot of things behind us, take the caribbean crisis, when in cuba soviet nuclear missiles were deployed. fidel castro has been here in moscow many, many times, but brezhdev became only the first
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soviet leader to gather in govana. why then? why? while the soviet government il-62 was flying across the ocean, cuba, its oxbow lake, was happily preparing for the visit of the distinguished soviet guest. for many days the govans decorated their beloved city. streets and avenues immersed in tropical greenery, squares and embankments. illuminated with flags, posters, banners. we enthusiastically welcome visit of comrade brezhnev, since he represents the heroic people of lenin, the homeland of lenin. students of cuba will continue to strengthen the bonds of friendship with your heroic people. on behalf of all cubans, we convey greetings to the peoples of the soviet union and inform them that we
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are preparing with great enthusiasm for the arrival of comrade brezhnev. he was the first to lend a helping hand to cuba, which found itself 1 on1 with the united states; it was under him that in the sixty-third year fidel was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. but, by the way, brezhnev, while the chairman of the presidium the supreme soviet of the ussr presents fidel with a hero star. but it was brezhnev at 64 who would remove khrushchev for voluntarism. including one where missiles were sent to cuba without
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any treaty to refer to, which turned into the cuban missile crisis and almost turned into a nuclear war. usa, and the decision to withdraw missiles without agreement with fidel almost turned into a break with an ally that had just been found. they tried to make amends for fidel’s resentment when, in sixty-three , they organized a triumphal tour for him throughout soviet union, but in the late sixties , new nuances of the consequences of contradictions within the socialist camp made themselves felt. it cannot be said that even in the soviet years there was such, you know, eternal spring between the ussr clubs. dawn, no, just shortly before brezhnevo’s arrival in cuba, such an episode happened in relations, how short, as always happens in the tropics, but i’m such a twilight, the episode went down in history as an incident with a micro faction, bypassing fidel, a number of veterans of the cuban communists, who were pro-soviet even before the revolution, then they established their channels of communication with moscow,
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where, in turn, the new top revolutionary leadership of the club was suspected of wanting to get closer to such... a communist competitor like mao in china, and why does cuba attract everyone so much? cuban revolutionaries, they are still special, unlike other socialist countries, they did not rename their country here, it did not become a people's republic or a people's democratic one, it became the republic of cuba and retained its classic coat of arms, on which the classic symbol, cuba is the key from both americas. year, when brezhnev finally gathered here, the work to consolidate soviet positions here was carried out gigantically. fidel greets leonid ilvich brezhny's plane with a warm and cordial warm and cordial welcome.
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the marty memorial is on govan revolution square. brezhnev was then still in quite
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normal physical shape, but it is clear that the cuban humidity was difficult for all of us, even if the cubans think that in january-february they are more or less tolerable, but not for us. poor lenevich, it’s so hot in cuba, but he’s still in his jacket, no one bothers him suggested, or did not dare to suggest, that the protocol in cuba is complete. allows you to wear such a national shirt called guabera with pockets, it’s very convenient, well, as you understand, i’ll be partly filming in such a shirt today. let's see what else is arranged in this square. along the perimeter of revolution square in havana are portraits of revolution heroes on government buildings. here is ernesto chagivara, a little further - camillo sinfegos, and then some kind of ownerless national library. then they hung a huge one on her portrait of brezhnev. now, let's take a look inside, yes, yes, we are in govan in cuba, but
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gogol turgenev, dostoevsky, tolstoy , ostrovsky, pushkin, chekhov, lermantov, we are in the russian hall of the national library of cuba. the collection was collected by cuban russian scholars. here in nof we turn to their elder. forever, forever. i didn’t remember his behavior in revolution square at the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of his visit to cuba. brezhnev addressed the legacy of jose marti in his speech. the future of humanity is peace, said the glorious son of cuba, cose marti. there was a time, he added, when they resorted to war as the first thing.
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his teams, he was very well prepared, or he was so moved by the cube, the mutual love was strong, this is also the moment. the power of the cube. nearby, fidel with that same star of the hero of the soviet union. and, don’t forget, the leader of the country is only 90 miles from the united states, which imposed sanctions on the cubans. even then the soviet union. all countries of the socialist community extended a helping hand to her. well, about helping hands from the rest of the socialist camp, this is a well-known exaggeration. many have already we realized that here in moscow we will now go to the former museum of the revolution, now the museum of contemporary history of russia, so let’s take a look. in this canvas by the artist
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nalbanden, fedele custer and leonit brezhnev are in the center in a painting dedicated to the cpsu congress, everything is logical, because it was the soviet union that by the end of the soviet era accounted for 90% of cuban goods, often on credit. all other countries, hungarians, poles, czechs, they only traded with the soviet union. the soviet union went much further. soviet-cuban cooperation covers today, the most diverse spheres of life, it extends to metallurgy and energy, agriculture and the fishing fleet, it rises from such simple forms as trade to the cooperation of production and coordination of national economic plans. the famous house book on the moscow new arbat, then the headquarters of the council for mutual economic assistance, seva.
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this huge oil refinery in cuban siemfuegos is the result of a previous visit. the complex is so huge that it’s easy to take in it at one glance. impossible, but there is a model, so we’re talking to the director of this refinery near it. does this project instinctively seem soviet to me? this is true, it is 100% soviet. and this is the largest metallurgical plant in cuba.
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training ship with our sailor cadets. going ashore, the guys unloaded equipment for the virtual branch of the russian museum, further, here near san antonio delos banios, a memorial to the soldiers of the group of soviet troops that stood in cuba for decades even after the caribbean crisis. twice hero of the soviet union, general ossetin, cavalryman sapliev, that's who commanded the soviet contingent in the year sixty-two. 606, when nikolai ivanovich kondratov died here, nuclear weapons were removed from the club, but soviet troops remained. 1976, when the crew of the tu-95 strategic bomber dies here, but other soviet aircraft continue to fly. the cubans were then called the unsinkable aircraft carrier of the soviet union. so. and we’ll be
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disingenuous, of course, and geopolitics was the basis of that soviet-cuban alliance, but economics is still the point was it or not, or how we began to say evil at the end of the soviet era , we simply fed cuba, for the cubans of course there was an economy, but on the other hand, this also means that cuba to some extent can help the soviet union, well thought less about it. probably yes. the ussr helped cuba a lot. there is no doubt that the way we lived in the eighties was a very good time. the seventies and eighties are the happiest times. yes, i wish it were like that today. today, tourists at resorts often do not expect this. they have a beach and entertainment here a very nice holiday, even despite the long flight distance. many people try to come back here again because it’s beautiful, but in a parallel way, actually.


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