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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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important, honest, convenient.
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how many more days will the giant atlantic conveyor belt have the strength to pump heat into the russian plain? we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we’ll touch on: 50 billion euros to the kiev regime, but nothing to the protesting european farmers. will european industry be strained when trying to meet the military needs of the armed forces of ukraine? elon musk's company. implanted a chip into
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the human brain for the first time, why, what are the prospects for this technology and should we be afraid of the consequences, mysterious holes of an ideal shape in the clouds off the coast of mexico certainly looks like an alien invasion, but what is the scientific explanation for this natural phenomenon? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello, february has arrived , and it feels like it’s march outside , it’s unseasonably warm outside, instead of february snowstorms, icicles falling from roofs, sleet and freezing rain. the thaw on the first day of february covered the entire northwestern region of european russia, and the holo-flight prevented couriers from delivering orders to residents of st. petersburg. against the backdrop of rising temperatures, orenburg and kirov disappeared into a thick shroud of fog. in vladimir there is a huge icicle with
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it was there that the whirlwind most clearly showed its harsh character. the most powerful storm in the last 30 years was recorded in norway. in the coming days, the atlantic conveyor belt supplying air mass warmed by the gulf stream to the russian plain will only gain momentum. waves of frontal sections will be able to break through even beyond the urals. in such a situation, most of the region will experience rather inclement weather and temperature conditions. almost
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will be a month ahead of the calendar, for example, in moscow the peak of warming will occur on sunday-monday, and the temperature will rise from saturday -2 to +1 +2. and precipitation may turn into rain. starting tuesday , a slight cooling will begin in the capital; by wednesday , the temperature regime will return to the climate. despite the established abnormally warm weather, in general, january in central russia turned out to be significantly colder than usual. the average temperature fell 4-5° below the climate norm. for the last century this is more or less ordinary event. but in the era of global warming, this occurs only once every 7-8 years. the main reason for this anomaly is a radical disruption of atmospheric flows in the middle troposphere. thus, in the first half of january, the northern part of eurasia was captured by a huge
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cyclonic vortex, forced out of the arctic by the spurs of the azores oliud anticyclone, and the icelandic depression, which supplies heat to the continent, almost completely... collapsed, but now the circumpolar cyclone has flowed into its area, strengthening the vortex, so over in the northern hemisphere , westerly flows sharply intensified, carrying air warmed by the gulf stream deep into eurasia. this process in meteorology is called the north atlantic oscillation and has important long-term prognostic significance. in such a situation , throughout almost the entire territory of russia... the average winter month is predicted to be warmer than usual; on the russian plain, the average temperature will be more than 2 degrees above normal, and in the south and extreme north of the region the anomaly is expected to be one and a half to two times higher, flow atlantic air will also warm siberia and
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the far east, here the northern part of the region is at the epicenter of overheating, and only on the pacific coast will more than usual weather prevail... in the time of year. in central russia, the end of winter and the beginning of spring will be on average more than 2° warmer than usual. atlantic air masses will break into the region until mid-february. then a powerful arctic invasion is possible. true, the period of frost is predicted to be short-lived, at the end of the month at the russian plain will again begin to receive air masses warmed by the golf streams, and this process may continue... right up to the beginning of spring. there were no surprises regarding other topics. the european union has approved a long-term assistance program for ukraine worth 50 billion euros. the kiev regime
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will not receive this money immediately, but within 4 years. the first 4.5 billion, according to the message of the ministry of economics of ukraine, are supposed to come. already in march, right at feast, during the plague, there are protests of farmers and taxi drivers all over europe, the industrial sector is dying, and european bureaucrats are ready to give billions of euros to the kiev regime, which is completely corroded by corruption, which is well known in the west; in the same united states they were horrified by the true scale of theft in ukraine. american republican congressmen called for it. intensifying confrontation with russia, they promise
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to increase the supply of ammunition, but is the european industry ready to increase their production, the man was looking into how many shells the europeans are going to transfer to the kiev regime? vadim, by march they want to put it on ukraine another 2000 artillery ammunition. thus, the total number of shells transferred to the kiev regime since last spring will exceed 500,000 pieces. and they promised to give a million. they probably would have given it, they just don’t have that much themselves. this week, the head of european diplomacy, jose borel, admitted: the defense industry of the european union countries was not ready for the conflict in ukraine. part of the military assistance came from existing arms stocks, the industry is unable to cope with their replenishment, and there is frankly not enough money, der spiegel magazine published internal calculations of the bundeswehr planning department, from which it follows that the german armed forces are very quickly spending the funds from the special fund
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necessary for modernization; with this level of spending, the budget will last for a maximum of four more years, and then a financial hole of 56 billion euros will appear, according to apparently , it will be patched up by cutting spending on social spheres. in addition, we still need to somehow solve the problem of personnel shortage in the army. possibly the last subsidies for farmers. cancel there, cancel free school breakfasts, if they have not already been cancelled , accordingly, in order to expand the number of staff, but most likely without a return to military conscription this is unlikely to be possible, by the way, pistoris last year hinted that they could go back from the contract system to conscription, because that there are not so many people willing to serve, especially in the context of the militarization of the country, the armed forces of great britain are also experiencing a catastrophic shortage, and now no
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administrative efforts are needed, reduction happens naturally, young britons do not want to serve, the personnel shortage is so strong that the british navy decided to find a rear admiral, the head of the submarine fleet operation through a recruitment service, british submarine veterans with... such a vacancy announcement is disgraceful to serious the conflict, of course, for a serious operation, the uk will never be able to decide on its own, let’s say, ever, because it understands perfectly well what a serious clash is, what a serious military conflict is, especially with russia, in order to justify new supplies of weapons and money to ukraine, in europe they began to scare people with the threat of a russian invasion, simultaneously calling on citizens to be... krigen,
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men det du sier egentlig her er at vi er sjanseløse, absolutt ikke, i krig, det handler om å velge sine kamper med omhu, og disse dager så øver garden inn den russiske nasjonalsangen, slik at vi ikke vinner men vi vinner i hvert fall banketten, ja, tusen hjertelig takk for at du kom i studio, bjørn, tak skal du ha, like du bors? a recent episode from the front line. enemy drone kamikaza took our fighters by surprise in a forest plantation. the russian infantryman was not taken aback, he beat up the drone, i’ll turn it up. under the arm of a snag, saved not only himself, but also his comrades. and the following story can generally
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be described in textbooks: elite intelligence officers of the ukrainian armed forces surrendered to a soldier of the ninth brigade. single-handedly, our hero not only stopped the attack on the opornik by throwing grenades at the enemy, but also captured four ukrainian militants at once. alas, the west, eager to inflict a strategic defeat on us, is unlikely to stop supporting the criminal kiev regime, therefore, it will ensure the security of russia. only completing all the tasks of a special military operation. for the first time in history, elon musk's neurolink company performed an operation to implant a wireless neural chip into the human brain. the man with the implant seems to be alive and well, according to musk, and is recovering well after surgery. prospects for the new technology. promising, but where such experiments can lead humanity,
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whether neurochips will turn into a new superweapon, we will tell you in our material. elon musk's neurolink company has successfully completed the first experiment to install a neurochip in the brain. businessman on social network x shared that initial results show promise in detecting neural spikes. the neurolink device is a chip that is attached behind the ear of the experiment participant. from it , 1,500 electrodes are implanted directly into the brain, each of which is four times thinner than a human hair. the chip has a processor that processes signals received from the brain, and also has built-in bluetooth. by the idea is that a person with such an implant will be able to control a smartphone, computer, tv or other electronic devices using thoughts. neurolink announced the first steps in the development of chips for connecting the brain with a computer in 2019. this was followed by experiments, first on pigs, then on monkeys. so the nine-year-old macaque. with a neuroimplant, she mastered primitive video games and learned to play virtual ping-pong. due to
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musk’s media capabilities, his company’s experiments became known all over the world, but the american billionaire is by no means a pioneer in this area. everything he does is basically nothing new. and if we are talking about research on animals, then mosk-computer interfaces have been implanted in animals for decades. and if we take russian scientists, then professor lebedek mikhail albercha is him. when he worked at duyuk university, in the late nineties, early 2000s, he had already carried out a large number of studies on monkeys and did similar experiments. by the way, in a scientific article devoted to the development of the interface.
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brain treated parkinson's disease, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, it is possible to put paralyzed people back on their feet. this footage shows one of the first experiments using a human-machine interface, conducted by the university of pittsburgh. the test subject , with his eyes closed, begins to feel the touch of his prosthesis.
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musk also said at one time that starling satellites are exclusively for civilian purposes, but now they are actively working for the needs of the ukrainian armed forces. the same, for example, neurolink, integrated into fighters of one unit, will allow them exchange information with each other, there at a certain distance, using each other, for example, as transmitters, and without
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using voices for this, after they receive the exchange of information within the unit, i think they will gain access to the same starlink, what is access to starlink? and this is an opportunity for each specific fighter to receive all intelligence information and receive orders from the command. the question is that while we do not know how successful musk’s experiment was, specific results are not published, and foreign bodies, even microscopic ones, do not survive well in the human body, so it is possible that the test subject’s brain will begin to reject the implanted electrodes, in which case there can be no question of any high-quality signal transmission in... we continue the release. the situation in the middle east is heating up. the united states is increasingly drawn into the conflict in a region where it has already made a lot of mistakes. but the history of americans teaches us nothing; expect understanding of their mistakes from those who
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are still surprised by the heat and dust storms in the persian gulf is hardly worth it. case in point. speaking recently at a military exhibition in abu dhabi, the head of the us navy central command, vice admiral brad cooper, complained that american unmanned boats and sea drones do not work well in the middle east ; naturally, the climate of the region is to blame for this, because the devices are being tested in america perform well, there is poor visibility, heat, because of this the drones either face serious... technical problems or cannot work at all. disappointment the american admiral can be understood: the middle east is the cradle of sandstorms, and the point is not that the suspension in the atmosphere significantly impairs the direct visibility range , it limits optical reconnaissance, dust and sand interfere with the very control of the drone, particles
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raised in the air acquire a static charge during friction , and even in conditions... of a small storm , the electric field strength increases from normal 100-200 per meter to 300-500, and the inevitable interference in such cases reduces stable radio communication by at least 230%. the united states decided to test its naval drones not just anywhere, but in the strait of armus, in close proximity to the border of iran; a third of the world passes through the strait of armus. the volume of liquefied natural gas supplies is almost a quarter of the world's oil supply, and yes, dust storms often occur here, the wind blows sand with...
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their control, as for land, us military bases, more than a thousand of them, are already scattered throughout world, now the pentagon has decided to engage in maritime expansion, with the drone playing a key role. creation and coordination of unmanned programs of the us navy is carried out at the highest level, within the framework of the new fleet architecture. in 2021, the american fleet held its first. naval exercises with the widespread use of drones of various modifications. and, probably, no sovereign state will like it if
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foreign spy drones start swarming near your borders. naturally, iran is forced to respond to the growing activity of the americans in the persian gulf. the islamic republic, in fact, has been actively fighting for several years now with american drones. for example, in 2019, the air defense forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps shot down the notorious global hock, which belonged to the us navy. and this is another episode that led to a worsening of relations between iran and the united states. an iranian ship tried to capture an american naval drone in the strait of armus. the americans had to adjust the destroyer to prevent the reconnaissance vehicle from falling into the hands of the iranians. we detained the iranian ship and demanded that the drone be returned, which they did. of course, in this situation i i would like to note the high professionalism
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of the american sailors who prevented iran, essentially speaking, from stealing our apparatus. iran has something to respond to the attacks of the americans. last year in tehran, at a parade in honor of army day, various developments of the national military-industrial complex were shown, including mahadzher drones. 6. iranian engineers also created a special drone to combat ships and submarines. this will certainly cool down the ardor of the american sailors trying to manage the armuzh strait, and at the same time solve problem with spy drones off the coast of iran. and at the end of the issue, we will try to figure out what happened to the clouds.
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cloud holes appear when something disturbs the peace, cerocumulus or altocumulus clouds, water, in which it is in a supercooled state, but in order to create such a hole, a regular airplane is suitable, its flight through the cloud will provoke the formation of condensation nuclei, water in the cloud it will begin to crystallize and fall down, leaving behind mysterious circles. on this that's it,
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just watch without doing anything on your own, stand still, don't move, for some reason i believed you? anna is a medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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there’s no point in taking such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice. three soon,
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we'll translate from clerical to... it's not so scary if there are instructions. hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450,000 citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20 , the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news at ideia.rusсongress.rf.
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one of the seriously wounded during the ukrainian armed forces strike on the lesichansk bakery has improved; doctors at the hospital in lugansk transferred him from intensive care; three more victims remain in this department, their condition is extreme.


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