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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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the news is short in the middle of the hour: a local resident was detained in kamchatka on suspicion of being a government official. according to the investigation, the russian, on instructions from the sbu, collected information about the work of the border guards, as well as about the participants of the svo, and then transferred the information to the kiev regime. us attacks on iraq and syria are fueling conflict and threatening international security. russia announced this at a meeting of the un council. our country called. beat such actions. tallinn expels the head of the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. the authorities did not renew the metropolitan evgeniy can see his residence. the priests considered him a threat to national security for his support of the northern military district. turkey remembers the victims of the devastating earthquake. large-scale events are taking place across the country. exactly a year ago , tens of thousands of houses collapsed in the southeast of the country. about 53,000 people died. to
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technology news, with them philip trofimov, host of the vesnet program, philip, greetings, the online olympiad in informatics starts today in yandex textbook, what will schoolchildren fight for? good afternoon, well , there are two points, firstly, not only is it promised a programming competition, but also elements of teaching it, well, that is, it is useful in itself, well, they are talking about some prizes, most importantly , additional points for the unified state exam, but this is only for the winners, the olympiad will last until april 10, and for now we are talking about another thing that has come true . from the creators of the animated series the simpsons. the headsets are complemented by the apple vision pro reality, which has been talked about so much, including because this is the first product from a new category performed by the cupertino corporation in almost 10 years. so, this one the headset reached the first real users and again became one of the main topics in technology, and around technology media. firstly, some details of the design of this device have become known. among the buyers was the ifix it portal, whose employees, of course, are this vision. but they immediately dismantled it. one of the interesting
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findings is that the external display, on which the image of the owner’s eyes is displayed, turned out to be covered with lenticular lenses. it is these lenses, thin strips of transparent plastic, that are used for pseudo-3d printing and moving images on calendars and all kinds of inexpensive souvenirs, dating back to soviet times. in the case of the vision pro headset, such a lens also gives an almost three-dimensional image, but at the same time makes it darker and this only works for those who look into the eyes of the helmet owner from a certain angle, that is, the discovery also explained why the owner’s eyes the helmet on this external display sometimes looks a little strange. the second point related to the release of augmented reality headsets to the masses appeared a number of amateur videos showing people wearing these helmets on the street and generally trying to somehow use them in everyday life. there is even an example of a family dinner, where everyone is sitting at... the floor
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wearing apple headsets, but this is probably a very wealthy family, since a set of four such devices itself, even with a minimal configuration, will cost $15,000, there are not that many videos of these , but simply due to the fact that the visions themselves are about a limited number, but they quickly become viral, fortunately this suggests an obvious reference to one of the episodes of the animated series the simpsons, where 8 years ago a society was described that moved to the virtual world, in general, once again a proven thesis that everything was already in the simpsons. as for concerns regarding the safety of interaction with the real world in the vision pro headset, there are two points: on the one hand, when they talk about safety for the owner of the device, so far no special incidents have happened, since this headset is augmented reality, then there is a real world the owner can see quite well, thanks to a set of external cameras. moreover, if you believe the first reviews, they are relatively professional.
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users, then apple managed to bring the delay between the real event and its display on the internal displays of the headset to an amazing minimum. for example, one of the most famous topics on bloggers, marques brownlee, easily caught objects thrown to him and even played table tennis without taking off his vision pro. and tech journalist joanna sternen from the wall street journal found an apple headset useful in the household, in particular , it is convenient to cut onions, the eyes are protected and do not water, and timers in augmented reality can be hung separately above each pan, although it is difficult to read the inscriptions on the labels in a mask, especially if there is little light. another issue is safety for others in the sense that those same external cameras that allow vision to walk along the streets can cause, well, some concerns regarding privacy. let me remind you that 10 years ago google had the google eye project, this an incomparably simpler
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device from a technical point of view, introducing an image into the field of view of only one eye and equipped with a primitive camera, so that’s when a fair amount of noise arose about the possibilities of a hidden one. filming, even persecution of the owners of such devices began, these are the signs of that era, this is the one in google glass, entrance to museums is prohibited or intelligence equipment is prohibited, google glass is banned, in russia, albeit on a smaller scale, all this also applies in general, although official vision are sold only in the usa and requires an american account, there is no doubt that these headsets will get through the uk, even without relatively private purchases by individual enthusiasts. pre-orders for this device were opened, for example, by mts, and even though the final price in russia, taking into account all overhead costs , has not yet been announced, the company assures that pre-orders count in the hundreds. moreover, in the wake of media noise around visionproom , the creation of the first domestic application
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for it was announced, and cartographers from double-gis distinguished themselves. i note that for the set already existing vr, ar, xr platforms. it’s easy to imagine an ideal home , so just imagine, and the rest will be done by a house-click, from a dream to a home, one house-click, what is a good car for you, mileage,
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condition, comfort, and smells like new, for everyone there is a good car , find it on the author. bank for business, what is it like? suitable for the scale of my business, but is it suitable for a smaller business? of course it’s suitable, but for you? profitable, that's the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business. maybe a neighbor? anywhere appetite. only dad will shorten it.
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990 rub. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, go ahead, register a business for free with alphabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. to make smart choices? don't need to scroll through the websites of all stores? search for a product in yandex search and compare offers from different stores on one page. what is a bank for business? suitable scale of my business. and for business
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is smaller one suitable? of course it does. and it's beneficial for you. this is the meaning of business. vtb is a bank for your business. burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading and signature sauce. try something new again. big chicken mushroom burger. dad, you'll be home soon. soon, i won’t be late anymore, there are a lot of vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place, a bank for every day, how convenient it is, what do you think, fast, what will the younger generation say, cool, vtb is your bank for every day, one of my friends can do everything, but what about you? you can, but i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma, megaphone. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber
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presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on the sber website. russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 1,000 polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with approximately 1 million election organizers helping with this.
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russia will conduct an experiment on digital labeling of canned food, it starts next week and will last until the end of summer. the corresponding resolution was published on the official internet portal of legal information. the list will not include only baby food for infants up to one year old, other canned food, as in other labeled the goods will be controlled at all stages, from production to sale in retail chains. a product marked with a digital code guarantees the legality of the product, protects buyers from the risk of purchasing expired goods and prevents unknown products from reaching the shelves. origin, participation in the experiment, as before, is voluntary; labeling codes
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will be provided to manufacturers and other participants in the circulation of products free of charge. oil supplies from the us to india are disrupted due to the situation in the red sea, as local media report. indian refineries began to compensate for the shortage of american raw materials by significantly increasing purchases in the middle east from russia. the most noticeable dynamics is in the emirates; imports from there jumped by 80% in january. iraq - +25. in russia. the dynamics are relatively modest 5.5%, but this is only because russian exports to india already exceed 1.5 million barrels of oil per day. hungary will not support new sanctions against russian energy if they are proposed, this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of the republic, peter szijarta. and in general, the diplomat stated, the sanctions policy has failed, so budapest does not see the point in new packages of restrictions, moreover, threatening the european union itself. earlier it became known that the european commission. businesses,
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including western ones, to bypass restrictions. this narrative was outlined by the head of european diplomacy borel at a press conference in warsaw on the way to kiev. however, the official did not hide the existence of disagreements between the 28 countries of the european union on the thirteenth package. continues, the package will affect many people and institutions, from personal sanctions to firms of different countries, who are involved in circumventing sanctions, but there is still no final agreement between member states, so i cannot go into detail. the polish authorities immediately criticized saudi arabia and their own opposition; regulators are confident that the local order sold 30% of the gdansk oil refinery to saudi aramka for almost a billion dollars cheaper than the market. at the end of the twenty-second year , the polish concern received $275 million for a third of its refinery, as it now believes
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in warsaw, an adequate assessment of the share is at least 1 billion and 150 million. the zeal of the regulators is easy to explain; the orlin government council recently fired the chairman of the concern’s board. the top manager is considered a protégé of the justice and justice party, which lost the autumn elections and went into opposition. the final exchange rate of the dollar today is 90. to support the kiev regime of highly professional military personnel, the insignia speaks of elite units of the us army, but some nuances cast doubt on whether the right people put on such a uniform, stanislav bernwalt in everything figured it out. in ukraine, it’s like they ’re covered in honey, whoever doesn’t fight there, whoever doesn’t teach there, whoever doesn’t study there themselves. the latest touring performers were spotted on
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the territory of ukraine not so long ago, the guys are serious, professionals, what functions are assigned to them in ukraine? let's try to figure it out. so, judging by the chevrons, these are sea raiders, they are us special operations forces. they are trained to engage in reconnaissance missions, both within the us and outside the us, direct covert covert attacks on enemy targets and against terrorist groups. but are these the elite warriors they claim to be? chevron data, specifically, yes, it is not without any doubt related to the marine raider regiment, but... it was used during the operations of this unit in afghanistan, that is, at the moment the marine ranger regiment does not issue this identification mark to its employees, perhaps these are some private traders, well, perhaps these are really veterans, retirees of units working
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in ukraine on a private basis, state riders men, as they are called at home, are... the main special operations unit of the us marine corps, that is, the elite is the same as the navy seals, it is unlikely that washington, just like that, decided to throw existing professionals into the meat. most likely, these were downed pilots who were in search of, well, at least some kind of work. if we are talking about the marine ranger regiment in general , then, as far as i remember, the strength of this unit is about one and a half thousand people, in total. they have there are three battalions that undergo full training as part of the requirements of us special operations forces, at home in the us the training of the fighters of this unit is taken seriously, the initial training course lasts as long as 9 months, at each of these stages of training candidates for sea raiders face severe physical and
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mental tests, but our guys are far from cut-and-dry. well, let’s talk about the training of our specialists, there’s no doubt about it; i think they ’ll be busy catching such saboteurs, we have a much larger and better instructor school, a better school of special military operations forces, maybe somewhere earlier the navy seals were better equipped, but now the equipment of our special forces is at a higher level. our intelligence, as practice shows, has learned to calculate foreign manpower very effectively. guys often nullify foreign mercenaries, even those located deep in the rear. a recent january example, french mercenaries who came under a massive attack by our troops, dozens of dead, many the wounded and also the elite. and once again, the french foreign ministry
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summoned the russian ambassador because of the death of yet another french mercenary, whom macron for some reason called humanitarian. stand to the last, i think that they will most likely be used as near-instructors, some kind of commanders, well... as practice shows, the ending of such stray riders is often sad: the romance quickly passes, the smile on the face of an elite american ranger gradually turns into a grimace of fear and pain and all that remains is to run, to run as quickly as possible, yes home, maybe it will be possible to return alive, but this is not certain. a strong storm
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will hit the southern regions of the country this afternoon; gusty winds, showers and snowstorms are expected in the caucasus. details immediately after the advertisement. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. a bank for every day, what is it like? skinny. what do you think? what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb. so ready. hostess, take the job, ours are doing it, come in for
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dinner, i’ll bring my signature passaconies with i’ll cook it with pistiques and pickles, but with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a food blogger, oh, come on, you’ll say the same, now, oh, munestie. hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, hello, we found out, why have i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sba, download the sbpa application, link your bank account. and you can pay for anything through the nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you’re too lazy to go somewhere
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walk, there is a sbp button for online purchases, well, we’ll see you again when we congratulate dad and wife on the holiday, they turn from being loved into unnecessary ones, no need, but i need it. well, or don’t, but i still need it, thank you, mosper, thank you , that’s what we need, this is how we become loved again, it’s nice to receive thanks and bonuses, thank you for caring about your loved ones, megamarket, it’s profitable to please, remember what you they said when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, who would buy it, but you didn’t listen. after all, you are everything if you do it wrong, continue, register your business for free with alfabank and open an account with
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free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. hello neighbors, how much do you rent for? i won an apartment using sticker money. do you hear? irina bought french fries at a delicious one. i scanned the application code and won an apartment from the airplane group, do you want a version, do you want an apartment and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the application delicious dot bank for business, how suitable is it for the scale of my business, and for a smaller business suitable, of course suitable, but profitable for you, that’s the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business.
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in the south of russia the storm does not subside; showers, snowstorms and strong winds will rage today.
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hello, the storm in the southern regions of the country will rage for another day. rolls of thunder in the mountains of sochi, and also. snowstorms with reduced visibility up to a couple of kilometers and downpours. on krasnaya polyana all this fit into one day. as a result, there are both snowdrifts and puddles on the streets. precipitation in the resort capital of russia intensified on monday night. more than 100 mm of moisture fell in the city area during the day. the bad weather led to a transport collapse. there were some mudslides on the road. in addition, because of the storm, dozens of planes had to be diverted to alternate airfields. everything, everything is delayed. the disaster was not limited to kuban. heavy downpours were observed in other areas of the caucasus. for example, stavropol was stuck in ten-point traffic jams. here during the day the precipitation changed phase twice. at first. snow,
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then rain, then snow again, the total in 24 hours was 15 mm, and the storm will continue today. the south of russia is under attack another atlantic cyclone, or rather its cold front. during the day, precipitation in the region will not stop, and in some places it will even intensify. at the epicenter of ninasya, again the western slopes of the caucasus. at sea level, where positive temperatures will remain, rain will fall, and above 500 m, thermometer readings will occur. will remain negative and there will be heavy snowfalls there, but the wind can cause even more problems; it will blow over the entire caucasus in the pre-caucasus, as well as in the south of the urals. the strongest gusts are expected on the caspian sea coast, and also in the orenburg region, bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region, the air will accelerate to 20 m/s or more. this weather will continue for another whole day, only tomorrow the cold front will be replaced
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by a warm one, which will... build a road into the region with well -warmed air masses, which will lead to a general improvement in weather conditions. there are heavy snowfalls in krasnaya polyana today again. in just one day , more than 30 mm of precipitation will fall on the slopes of the sochi mountains, and the temperature will remain at zero plus one. but then it will warm up sharply on wednesday to +6, and this will almost certainly lead to avalanches . it will rain in makhachkala, but the main danger factor is not. and the wind in gusts can accelerate to 27 m/s, and the atmosphere will calm down only the coming night. tomorrow in the capital of dagestan it will warm up sharply to spring temperatures of +13. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit. and again we’ll take a quick look at kuban. the embankment is already 81% ready. asphalt is laid in some areas. this is the future
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a208 highway. its construction weather, how apparently it doesn't interfere in any way. the 119 km long road will connect krasnodar with kerch, which will allow tourists to get to crimea faster. the maximum speed along it will be 120 km/h. the work is being carried out within the framework of the national project; a comprehensive plan for the expansion and modernization of the main infrastructure will be fully completed by the end of this year. that's all i have. goodbye.
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a major terrorist attack was prevented in crimea; the fsb detained three russians associated with the sbu. who was the assassination attempt on? us strikes on iraq and syria is aimed at further inciting the conflict. at an emergency meeting, the council of ministers for moscow called for condemnation of the actions of the coalition. what's the reaction? dangerous bananas. will
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the ban affect the market? unique institutions and the only one beyond the urals in krasnoyarsk , a children's lean brain transplantation center opened. in kamchatka, fsb officers detained a local resident on suspicion of treason. before the start of the special military operation, he lived in ukraine for a long time and received a residence permit there. then, according to the investigation, he himself suggested kyiv regime. cooperation, he needed permission to return to russia in order to withdraw money from his bank account and receive payment for renting his apartment, in exchange for this, as reported by the fsb, he began to collect information about the security forces of kamchatka and the participants of the svo. the accused was arrested and is facing imprisonment, up to life imprisonment. the man agreed to provide foreign intelligence agencies with information about the work of the
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russian fsb border service and members of the special military. operations are different.


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