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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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the institutions are unique and the only one outside the urals in krasnoyarsk that opened a children's lean brain transplantation center. in kamchatka , fsb officers detained a local resident on suspicion of treason. before the start of the special military operation, he lived in ukraine for a long time and received a residence permit there. then, according to the investigation, he himself offered cooperation to the kiev regime. he needed permission to return to russia to withdraw money from his bank account and collect rent for his apartment. in exchange for this, as reported by the fsb, he began to collect information about law enforcement agencies of kamchatka, participants of the northern military district. the accused was arrested and is facing imprisonment, up to life imprisonment. the man agreed to provide foreign intelligence services with information about the work of the border service of the fsb of russia, participants in a special military operation and
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fsb officers in crimea detained three russian citizens, all of them were recruited by the sbu and were preparing a terrorist attack, planning to blow up the car of one of the authorities of the republic of crimea. in this footage, security officers are removing elements from a sump tank in the garage. improvised explosive device, the suspect confesses. i was told to set up an american or german mine explosive device.
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ion fuses, involving connection to a mobile phone, an improvised explosive device with high-explosive fragmentation action, in october of the twenty-third year, volodya received from his supervisor a new task to carry out a terrorist attack on a motorcade of two cars by detonating this explosive device in one of the cars of the motorcade from january 26 to january 1 february we were preparing for a terrorist attack, that is we looked at the route of this motorcade on our phone. the third detainee was onanyev, a man of considerable age who walks with a cane. the investigative department of the federal security service of russia for the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol has opened criminal cases based on crimes under the article of attempted terrorism. act and article illegal
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acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, forwarding or carrying of explosives or explosive devices. the security authorities continue to carry out activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of illegal activity. zenaida kurbatova, lead. now to the situation in the special operation zone in the northern direction , russian fighters destroyed a group of the ukrainian armed forces. the militants rotated units in the area that had been abandoned by civilians. coordinator. the enemy was transferred from the air, the crew of the rszzo grad hit the enemy infantry with precise blows. meanwhile, in the southern donetsk direction, artillerymen are honing their skills at a training ground in the rear area of ​​the northern military district. the military has just returned to the front line and received disposal of more powerful projectiles. our war correspondent eduard punigov saw how the undercarriage was coming. the automatic mortar
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vasilek fires a series of shots, the calculation of the protected seconds reloads the gun and opens fire again. the main advantage of the cornflower is, of course, each cassette contains four shells that fly out at great speed, in just 2 seconds, the crew works in short bursts, immediately after which they hide in the forest belt. these mortarmen from the vostok group are working on the line of combat contact in the ugledar area. just now they have returned to the front line and are now undergoing retraining at a training site in the donetsk people's republic, their task is to practice gun aiming skills in difficult weather conditions, which change here daily. thousands are displayed. that is , a ruble is a penny, you set these numbers, you aim your sight at the aiming point, the aiming point can be anything, it’s a stop, a building, a tree, an abandoned car, that is, any one here must be calculated at a minimum, of course, you can count , basically it’s not very difficult, it’s not considered
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very high, there’s no higher mathematics here , well, you probably got straight a’s at school, no, but how you mastered it, life forced you, the gun commander came here from transbaikalia, he graduated in civilian life technical school , specializing as a locomotive engineer, but in the thirteenth year he decided to sign a contract and become a military man; during a special operation, from the first days he was repeatedly injured. there was a wound from a fire burn last year on a raisin, on a long-length truck in the urals i ran over an anti-tank mine, received three degrees of burns, three degrees of concussion, still returned here, but he returned, because the homeland calls for duty, especially since one cannot retreat. now is the time that who else but us. a combat crew of the rapier anti-tank gun is working next door. this weapon is called a barrel artillery sniper rifle. the rapier or mt-12 is a development from the soviet era, but still meets
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all modern requirements. its main advantage is its high rate of fire up to 14 rounds per minute, unpretentious accuracy hitting the target.
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spoke at a press conference in warsaw, where he announced the upcoming thirteenth package of anti-russian sanctions. restrictive measures will be introduced against companies from third countries that, according to the eu, are involved in circumventing sanctions. olga ponomareva will tell you what other steps the west is taking to support ukraine. at the instigation of the foreign ministry of the fifth republic, french mercenaries in ukraine turned into humanitarian workers who, for some reason, found their way into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine along with the combatants. died during strike on military targets, now the russian ambassador in paris alexei mishkov, during a visit to the ministry of foreign affairs, has to catch the french in confusion in the testimony, a correct conversation between two deaf people, i suggested once again studying the first page of the website of the ukrainian embassy
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in paris, where there is just a set of different ones. mercenaries, so it is very strange that the french generally deny the presence of french mercenaries in the combat zone , where do those recruited by the ukrainian embassy go? judging by the testimony of the same mercenaries, wherever they went, they find themselves in a meat grinder, this captured pole is now ready to fight for donbass, after the ukrainians left him to die on the front line. after the ukrainian army and military threw me under the covers, i made the decision to fight the nazis on the side of russia. i believe that today russia is fighting nazism all over the world, protecting not only its interests, but also the interests of all of europe. moreover, apparently, they are better than european politicians who are deaf to the aspirations of the people. here's another farmers' strike...
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this time in bulgaria. food producers are on the verge of ruin due to cheap ukrainian imports and exorbitant expenses on arms supplies to kiev. yes, i remember what our interests are... our interests were not protected even within the country when we were flooded with ukrainian goods, and there was no compensation from the budget for the losses we suffered due to the conflict in ukraine. imagine how our interests will be protected on a large scale then. but brussels has no time for farmers, it is trying to agree on the thirteenth package of sanctions by february 24, which even the western media considers symbolic zilch, but the glue of russophobia cannot contain the european split due to the replenishment of the so-called peace fund for armaments for ukraine, now barel is indignant at how eu members dare to export weapons for money when ukraine does not receive what was promised by march 24 a million shells for free. a significant part of our products is exported to third countries, as i have already explained to my fellow
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ministers in recent days, the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to increase the supply of ammunition to ukraine is stop exporting to third countries, and that was my request. meanwhile, germany not only refuses to replenish the peace fund until it is compensated for berlin’s personal parcels for the needs of kiev. judging by press publications, dissatisfaction with the financial burden from ukrainian refugees is growing in the country. only 25% of them work, and the rest live on benefits. the issue is being posed even more harshly in the netherlands, while the government is promising kiev six more fighters, in addition to the eighteen previously promised, the representatives of the people have something else opinion. it’s time for ukrainian refugees to go home,” said mp from the farmers-civil movement mona keizer. true, in her opinion, those who have found work can stay for now, provided they pay for housing and medical care on their own. “ apparently, neither europe nor the united states are ready to sponsor ukraine. republicans in congress are still
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blocking the bill to provide financial assistance to kiev, and democratic leaders can only appeal to their opponents through the media. too many republicans are afraid to contradict donald trump, who says: let's wait until i become president, but a compromise is the only chance to improve things, without aid, ukraine may disappear, but do ukrainians really care about ukraine."
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, rosselkhoznadzor has suspended the transport of bananas from five large suppliers. in products harm detected. soon the world will also affect ecuadorian carnations, which is why maria filippova knows such restrictions, greetings maria, how will this affect the russian market? greetings vera, booms and shortages are not predicted, now i’ll tell you why. russian restrictions on the import of bananas and carnations could cost ecuador hundreds of millions of dollars; estimated losses are being calculated after the introduction of a temporary ban on supplies to our country. a humpback fly was found in ecuadorian bananas ... flower thrips are dangerous pests. there is no talk yet of a complete ban on imports, but if suddenly it cannot be avoided, ecuador will lose up to $875 million per year on bananas alone. the restrictions apply to five major fruit suppliers. they alone account for more than $260 million in banana exports to russia. to
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restore supplies, ecuadorian sellers need to correct the violations. speaking of carnations, the ones on pause are the ones that arrive. russia through the netherlands, germany, latvia and lithuania. rosselkhoznadzor appealed to the authorized bodies in these countries with request to stop certifying cloves from ecuador. to date, the ecuadorian side has not taken effective measures to prevent the supply of contaminated regulated products to russia, which is confirmed by new cases of detection in the twenty-fourth year. taking this into account, we contacted the ministry of agriculture and livestock of the republic. with a request to suspend the certification of five exporting enterprises that committed the largest number of violations. russia is one of the largest buyers of ecuadorian bananas. in in terms of dollars , our country spent 690 million on them over the 11 months of last year. another half a million was spent on banana products. to fill the gap of temporarily
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prohibited supplies, we will have to search for new suppliers, even in ecuador, experts emphasize. ecuador has been doing this for quite a long time, it has been increasing its share in the russian market in the total volume of production in its country, we take 25% from them, that is, a quarter of all bananas produced go to our country, you can immediately find new suppliers, but it’s difficult, i’m just saying, this needs to be done. as long as there is enough production, there should be no further shortages, analysts predict. because replacements for ecuadorian bananas can be found in other countries, i absolutely understand that bananas from ecuador will continue to be supplied, respectively, there may be other suppliers, those who are ready. meets all necessary sanitary standards, as for replacements of this volume, the countries of india and the philippines will be added. potential exporters
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also include guatemala, colombia and costa rica. there may be some delays in deliveries, but without a banana rush. still , this is not a product that you can’t do without, like carnations. the national association of flower growers has long insisted on the development of domestic production. all the conditions for this are spoken. there is, but support is needed, how long the ban on the import of ecuadorian products will remain in effect is still unknown, but if the republic does not react in the near future, the next step to tighten restrictions is inevitable. bank for every day, what is it? comfortable, what about you? do you think? fast? what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb is your bank for every day. any business begins with desire. i wanted a comfortable chair. and to do what
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hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct! bank for every day, what is it? good ones, what do you think? fast, what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb is your bank for every day. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalazar at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalazar. afalase is a modern drug for early course of prostate adenoma. and everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities
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to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. bank for business. how suitable it is for the scale of my business. is it suitable for smaller businesses? of course it’s suitable, and profitable for you, that’s the point of business. vtb - bank for your business. the us strike on iraq and syria is aimed at further inciting the conflict and poses a threat to international security. this statement was made by russia's envoy vasily nebendi at a meeting of the un security council. moscow urgently requested him. after the us and allies attacked 85 pro-iranian targets on the territory of sovereign states. nebenzi called on the world community to condemn the actions of the coalition, which grossly violate international law. which? after
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the so-called retaliatory strikes in syria and iraq, washington cannot decide how i would like to express myself more correctly in front of the international community about the bombing of sovereign states. the us deputy permanent representative to the un assured that the american air strikes were necessary and proportionate, but russia views these provocations as an attempt to flex its muscles to influence the internal political balance in the us presidential race. vasily nebenze emphasized that...
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the bravura statements of the american military about as soon as successful attacks began to spread in the media, the white house hastened to explain that before the attacks informed the iraqi government of their intentions, but journalists found out that this was not the case. at the same time, pro-iranian formations became the targets of attacks in iraq and syria, the us department of defense confirmed. the white house insists that it is iran that is contributing to the escalation of tensions in the region, and the strikes are in retaliation. supposedly aimed at resolving the conflict without direct confrontation. the pentagon actively denies casualties among the iranians themselves, but admits that other losses are likely. it is fair to conclude that these attacks most likely resulted in victims, but give us time to ensure we provide accurate information. meanwhile, the international community is concerned about the rapid increase in tension and possible casualties among the civilian population. the chinese permanent representative
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emphasized that security. countries cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of another, and called for compliance with the un charter in resolving the conflict. the middle east is on the brink of extreme danger, reducing tensions and preventing conflicts are urgent tasks, facing the international community. recent us airstrikes on multiple locations in syria and iraq have caused numerous casualties. these actions constitute a gross violation of the countries' sovereignty and territorial integrity. everyone involved in aggressive policies in the region will have to answer, nebenze said. he recalled that neglecting the norms of international law in a modern multipolar world is unacceptable. london has yet to answer for its zeal in supporting purely provocative actions older brother in washington. like the ongoing attacks against yemen, the actions of the anglo-saxons pose a direct threat to international peace and security and undermine a world order based on
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universal supremacy. international law and the central role of the united nations. the pentagon never tires of repeating: the united states does not need a war with iran, but with its reckless actions by the united states, its allies risk dragging the entire region into an armed confrontation. against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation, the head of the state department , antony blinken, as usual, went to another middle east tour. such a symbolic jump into the last carriage in the hope of mitigating the consequences of the bombing of sovereign countries. victoria koroleva, vesti. in turkey, there is a day of remembrance for the victims of the large-scale earthquake that occurred exactly a year ago. today , mourning events will be held throughout the country; in antalya , minutes of silence were held in the central square to honor the memory of the victims; several thousand trees will be planted in ankara. events are also planned in istanbul. let me remind you that about 53.00 people died as a result of the earthquakes. the tremors were felt most strongly in the southeast of the country. tens
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of thousands of residential buildings collapsed there. people were pulled out from under the rubble within two weeks after the disaster, let's take a break for a couple of minutes, then we'll continue, my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, lawyer, i'm not pushing you, just skate, focus on training , you dreamed of this cup. you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such a risk, you don't you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon, investment rating, economy, through


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