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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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let's return to the news review. vladimir putin had a meeting with chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav lebedev. they discussed measures aimed at humanizing legislation and law enforcement practice, as well as the use of digital technologies in the work of courts. the supreme court, under your leadership, is doing a lot to expand the openness and accessibility of the judicial system to our citizens. and i know that
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electronic forms of work with citizens are also developing; last year, in my opinion, about 9 million documents were filed with the courts various authorities in electronic form, in connection with your instructions at the last results of work for last year, the instructions were related to the humanization of legislation, and we introduced such a bill,
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which is not protected under this bill; a third bill has been introduced in this direction, which says that if, by a court decision, a person is declared sick and is in prison, he must be released immediately. in donetsk, the consequences of a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. was under attack shuttle bus, ammunition was dropped on it from a drone. at about the same time, enemy artillery struck the west of the city. and yakaselina shindina will talk about the consequences. ukrainian militants continue to attack the civilian population of the donetsk people's republic, and this morning more than fifty different ammunition, including cluster warheads, were fired from the armed forces of ukraine. nationalists attacked the region with attack drones. at 9:50 there was information that an explosive object was dropped across the kiev region, along the voxel area. for now, fortunately.
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there is no information about the victims, for more detailed information about the attacks by the armed formations of ukraine, i suggest listening to a representative of the investigative committee. currently , ukrainian militants using 15-mm artillery, including a cluster warhead, fired at the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, as well as the nikitovsky district of gorla. in addition , two cases of explosive discharges were recorded. items from a bottle in the kiev region of donetsk. a car and a bus were damaged. over the past three days , about a hundred enemy drones were intercepted over donetsk and... kiev, nine of them, which were carrying explosive objects, they were intercepted and destroyed, among them there is also the infamous baba yaga drone. ekaterina shindina, viktor voloshin, denis vedyaev, lead donetsk. the ukrainian armed forces attacked the village of butovo in the lugansk people's republic today. the fire was fired from an american-made hymer missile system. as a result the gas station caught fire due to shelling. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and the administration went to the scene. according to
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the latest data, there are no casualties. a criminal case of treason was opened in chuvashia, a resident of mordovia is under suspicion. according to investigators, a twenty-year-old man, on his own initiative, contacted the special services of the kiev regime. further, he agreed to carry out terrorist attacks on russian enterprises for a reward, as noted in the ffb, and this is not the first criminal case against him. the man also admitted to committing arson attacks. today, fsb officers a resident of kamchatka was arrested on charges of treason. according to operational data, the suspect had previously lived in ukraine for a long time. after the start of a special military operation, he began to cooperate with the sbu, collecting information about the work of russian border guards, about the participants of the svo and other data about the russian armed forces.
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the man agreed to provide foreign intelligence services with information about the work of the border service of the fsb of russia, participants in a special military operation and other information about positions in more favorable positions, as well as repelled seven enemy attacks and defeated the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of klishcheevka, andreevka, kurdyumovka, novgorodskaya, georgievka, ekaterinivka of the donetsk people's republic. in the krasnoremand direction, a unit of the center group of troops, with competent actions
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, improved the situation along the front line, and repelled two attacks by assault groups of the sixtieth mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the village of yampolovka, donetsk people's republic. unit in the south donetsk direction. improved the situation along the front line, repelled two enemy attacks and defeated the manpower and equipment of the fifty-eighth motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, 105, 128 military defense brigades in the areas of settlements staromaiskaya, harvest of the donetsk people's republic and shelter, zaporozhye region, ministry of defense of the russian federation. russian musicians performed for the soldiers in the northern military district zone. field concert for special forces of the russian guard, then rapper st alexander stepanov and guitarist of the beast group german osipov. they performed their original works and improvisations to not quite usual accompaniment: guitars and balalaikas. the russian guards performing combat missions thanked the artists for their support. the head of
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the foreign policy service of the european union, josep borel, arrived in kiev today. according to him, he intends to discuss financial and military assistance to ukraine, as well as the reforms necessary for the country. details have not yet been announced. the day before the chapter. to intimidate the country's citizens with terrorist attacks and shelling of its territory. secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev stated this in kurgan. he held a meeting on issues national security in the ural federal district. patrushev demanded that anti-terrorist protection be strengthened for critically important, potentially dangerous facilities, as well as places where
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people gather in large numbers. in addition, we must more actively carry out operational investigative work to prevent terrorist attacks in a timely manner. the neo-nazi regime, against the backdrop of lack of success on the battlefield and reduction of assistance from its western curators, is trying to destabilize the socio-political situation through terrorist attacks on russian territory, they mercilessly and deliberately hit purely civilian targets, as was the case during attacks on residential areas and places of mass gathering of civilians in belgorod, donetsk, lesechansk, and other cities of russia. no one is immune from western banditry in the economy, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this at a meeting of the business council prit. according to the head of the department,
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a cynical hybrid war has been unleashed against our country, but these anti-russian steps do not find support from the states that are conducting independent foreign policy.
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exhibition forum russia, well, now shots. from the government focal point. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will continue to summarize the preliminary results of the implementation of decisions aimed at achieving the national development goals set by the president. let's consider the implementation of strategic initiatives that are supervised by my deputies andreyvich belousov, dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko and marad shkerdyanovich khusnulin. large-scale changes and long-term upward dynamics are, of course, impossible without
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serious, significant transformations in the field of digital transformation and without the widespread introduction of advanced information technologies, they can significantly improve the practice of interaction between citizens, businesses and authorities, increase efficiency, reduce costs both in time and in cost, and what is even more important: do it for people all necessary services are clearer and more accessible. it is necessary not only to use existing solutions, but , of course, to actively implement and develop our own scientific and intellectual base. this is the challenge of today, which must be answered in order to move forward. the state is simultaneously targeting five strategic initiatives for digital transformation. this is internet access. to modernize our entire telecommunications infrastructure, especially in regions with difficult-to-reach
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communication capabilities, and especially for schools, for educational institutions, this is also a project that provides for speeding up services to residents and creating comfortable conditions for entrepreneurs in providing relevant state and municipal other services, and a whole range of other initiatives that will improve the quality, convenience, reduce time and costs, and of course... saturate the market with specialized specialists, there are significant results here, i will dwell on some of them, for example, 93% of settlements, where more than 2 thousand people live, are provided with the opening of fourth generation lti networks. about 115 million records are registered on the state services portal, 3/4 of all notifications are sent by government agencies exclusively in electronic form, we are already accustomed to this, not yet... it wasn't like that. last year , more than 100 thousand schoolchildren took courses in modern programming languages, over 86
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thousand young people received additional it qualifications at the so-called digital departments. also, 30 advanced engineering schools were created in partnership with high-tech companies, and another 20 were selected. taking into account the changing geopolitical situation, the president identified six major development priorities. russia have repeatedly talked about this, including the strengthening of technological sovereignty and movement towards leadership in key areas. the response to new challenges was the formation of the national project data economy; it is cross-cutting, comprehensive, and unites the interests of very different sectors of the economy and the social sphere. technologies and solutions within its framework will be universal for use throughout the country. realization is no less important for the regions. there are currently government initiatives regarding the construction industry. one of them is cities of great
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opportunities, the revival of small forms of settlement, it is aimed at creating conditions for intensive economic development both in urban agglomerations and in rural areas. based on the results of last year , nine long-term plans were approved for them, and work was carried out on another eighteen to improve the quality of the road network, increase the volume of housing construction, and digitalize services. it’s impossible without this, and here we are moving ahead with a significant lead, almost twofold. all this will allow us to begin a targeted search for resources for the implementation of large investment projects locally. as part of the national system initiative spatial data , the period for cadastral registration and registration of real estate rights has been reduced to 3 days. here the share of electronic services is already close to 60%. last year , a record amount of housing was commissioned, including individual housing. houses, today we will discuss how the implementation of the initiative my private house influenced this, as well as what
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needs to be done to maintain such dynamics. the government is also implementing an infrastructure menu initiative; it includes a set of measures that make it possible to obtain financing on preferential terms. during the construction of social transport facilities and utility networks with a total volume of 2,300 billion rubles. infrastructure is most in demand here. and events, and for the same purposes last year special treasury loans worth 190 billion rubles were provided. another mechanism is infrastructure bonds, the amount of resources attracted for them is 200 billion rubles. and 46 projects have already been approved in 24 regions. just recently, let me remind you, we
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were just thinking about this, but now, with the support of the president, it has already become a tool, another working tool. the use of loan funds from the national welfare fund made it possible to complete the modernization of 720 housing and communal services facilities, thanks to which people will receive modern networks, reliable power supply and heat supply. as part of the mobile city initiative , our public transport is being updated. last year, about 2.0 units were delivered to the regions, and suburban transport is also actively developing. the duration of the investment and construction cycle is being optimized, including.
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indicators, this is necessary to maintain the dynamics of the state’s development, to prepare answers to many challenges that the country and the world economy as a whole are facing today. these were shots from a strategic session for the implementation of socio-economic development initiatives. the largest car sharing operator in russia, delhi mobile , has entered the moscow exchange. the service managed to attract more than 4 billion rubles of private investment. but in the meantime, about 20 more companies are preparing for an initial public offering. my colleague, konstantin churikov, was looking into what caused this activity, and he joined the broadcast. konstantin, hello, how much money have private investors already invested in the russian stock market? yuri, hello, we are talking about more than 60 billion rubles, and this is noticeably higher than last year. russian companies actively place shares on the stock exchange, this allows them to raise funds for business development and allows investors to receive
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additional income. one of the first big players to enter the moscow exchange this year. became the company delimobil, due to its ipo, the largest car sharing operator in russia attracted more than 4 billion rubles. as noted, demand has many times exceeded supply, so shares will be sold at the upper price level of 265 rubles. a piece. this will give the company, as it were, additional liquidity, and additional funds for either repaying debt or for purchasing cars, including, speaking of which, it will give some kind. as if some kind of fuel for further development, but for the investor's perspective, i wonder why? because, well, the story is relatively unique, and among public companies, this is the only company in cashing, this time, and secondly, this company is a leader in terms of market size. last year , 14 public offerings,
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primary and secondary, took place on the moscow exchange; more than twenty are expected this year. earlier , soph announced plans to go public this year. kombank, kaluga lekurov-vodka factory crystal, mts bank, medsi clinic chain and many it companies. experts talk about an investment boom, but make a reservation that the market will receive even more ipos and investors when and if the central bank lowers the key rate. in my opinion, the majority companies will postpone the ipo to the second half of 24, when we expect the central bank to begin lowering the key rate. traditionally, the russian investor prefers. a quasi company with state participation, this is oil and gas, both current companies that are traded on the stock exchange are in maximum demand among russian investors, and primary placements of a class of such companies will be in demand in the twenty-fourth year. companies see that the equity capital market gives them
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opportunities that it did not provide before, then there is now a company with a capitalization of 20-40 billion. can effectively enter the stock exchange , attract funds, probably even looking ahead, if this year we can see at least a doubling in the number of transactions compared to last year, then in fact , as the rate falls, and we should see at least a doubling twenty- five to twenty-four. if we talk about investors, a significant number of individuals are involved in the purchase and sale of shares, according to the moscow exchange. brokerage accounts were opened there more than 30 million people, if we take into account that we have an economically active population of 75 million, it turns out that 40% are engaged in trading on the stock exchange. we really are. we see that the investor has changed, before these were quasi-companies, western funds or commercial banks, but now the attractiveness of the stock
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market is really more and more interesting for the private investor, i will probably describe the current investor as being from 30 to 40 years old, with higher education, secondary level of income, which - invests in the stock market for their retirement savings, as experts say. the more individuals there are on the stock exchange, the better for the economy, and everyone benefits from this. companies receive new funds, people receive additional income, the country as a whole, a dynamically developing private sector, and therefore competitive products for the domestic external market. yes, thank you, konstantin. konstantin churikov spoke about the entry of the dilimobili company into the stock exchange in general about the activity of investors. master classes, lectures, discussions, excursions to vadenha, at the russian exhibition, today again a full house, the central event was the forum of national
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achievements digital economy, in direct contact with vdnkh maria valieva, we know the details from her, maria, welcome, who is participating in the forum and what statements have already been made? yes, yuri, welcome, the international exhibition at the russia forum is sold out, there are always a lot of people here, because... the programs every day are very interesting and rich, and today is the day of the digital economy, regions are presenting their it products, next to we have a stand of the tambov region, look at what development students and teachers are showing us tambov state university named after derzhavin, i’ll now go up to the camera , i’ll point out that artificial intelligence... detects faces, detects emotions, for example, we see that i’m in such a cheerful mood now, but if i frown, it will show that i’m angry , and
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today in the main hall, here in the seventy-fifth pavilion, a plenary session was held, where they discussed key achievements, the results of the development of the digital economy, summed up the results, discussed the challenges facing the digital economy in... the future, today there discussed the creation and implementation of new digital services of the state cloud, a lot of attention was paid, of course, to cybersecurity, it areas in our country are actively developing, new it products are appearing, and more than 20 thousand such russian it products have been registered over the past 2 years, which the quality is in no way inferior to the same products
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based on reliable information, feedback from people and businesses. the development of digital technologies is significantly changing the world around us; for example, school lessons are becoming more interesting, medicine is more accessible and efficient , the level of digital maturity in our country is increasing, life is becoming more comfortable, thanks to the fact that many problems can be solved with just one click and
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they decided to transfer basic services into electronic form, now they can be obtained without the need for any then there is no need to go to any departments, authorities, or even to the mfc, everything can be done from home, the governor of the region andrei vorobyov, he said that previously it seemed incredible that multifunctional centers where it will be possible to solve, well, almost any problem, obtain the necessary documents, so now we are visiting...
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and the companies formulate priorities and talk about their expectations from working with government agencies, also the leaders of this industry talk about artificial intelligence, industrial engineering, development of drones on how to build a dream career, the program today includes interesting lectures and master classes. yura, yes, maria, thank you for the detailed story, maria valieva is monitoring the work of
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the russia forum exhibition at vdnk. within regional week, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin works in his constituency in the city of saratov, he met with directors, teachers, as well as representatives of parent committees of schools, discussed issues of shortage of teaching staff, overcrowding in schools and double- shift education, the need for repairs and the organization of extended day groups, president keeps education issues on a constant basis... the number of federal programs and projects on the initiative of the president increases annually, major renovation of schools, construction of new schools, bonuses for class management, and what we have done at the regional level, at the local level, it is also correct to determine for ourselves the development of education, improving its quality, as its president has determined for himself as the main priority, then everything
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will work out. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, ann medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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the next round of primaries is taking place in nivada today, with voters in the state able to vote for president joe biden from the democrats and former ambassador to the un nicky haley from the republicans. but former president donald trump's name will not appear on the ballot. artyom krosulin will tell you why. victory in the democratic primary.


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