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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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country is impossible without digital transformation; new technologies help improve the practice of interaction between citizens and businesses with the government, make all services clearer and more accessible. we can already talk about the results achieved: the number of settlements with fourth-generation network coverage has increased significantly, and the share of government services provided via the internet without a personal visit has increased by 33%. there are significant results here, i will dwell on some of them, for example, 93%. cent of
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settlements where more than 2.0 people live people, provided with the coverage of fourth-generation lti networks, about 115 million records are registered on the state services portal, 3/4 of all notifications are sent by government agencies exclusively in electronic form, we are already accustomed to this, it was not so recently. today , five initiatives are aimed at digital transformation of the state; this is increasing the availability of the internet throughout the country. creating a digital profile of a citizen, expanding the list of government services provided online, as well as increasing electronic document flow and preparing personnel in the it field. these are five key areas: internet access, digital profile of a citizen, online government services, electronic document management and training for the it industry. the initiatives were developed and approved by the government in october twenty-one, and they are primarily aimed at improving the quality of life.
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each person. new initiatives in the construction industry are also aimed at achieving national development goals. the period for cadastral registration and registration of real estate rights has been reduced to 3 days. in last year, a record amount of housing was built - 110 million mm, of which about half were private houses. today , preferential mortgage programs have been extended to individual housing construction, work has been organized to create land banks, and the procedure for gas supply has been simplified.
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structural budget loans. we are talking about an amount of about a trillion rubles. this money is distributed among 83 regions for the construction of approximately a thousand new facilities, as well as for the development of utilities, roads, tourism infrastructure. another support measure is special treasury loans. over the past year, they were issued for 190 billion rubles. infrastructure bonds are also in demand; the amount of resources attracted for them is 200 billion. well, it has become an extremely important initiative for business. reduction of time and cost of construction of industrial facilities, construction time should be reduced by approximately 20% compared to what it was in the twenty-second year, the average cost of construction by approximately 10%, that is, this is literally in 2 years, we are now we've passed about half the way, which means we still have twenty years left, out of a total of 68 of... the changes that were obtained
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as a result of such an analysis, 50 have already been implemented, that is, we still have about 18 changes left to make. and we have already significantly reduced the time frame; as part of the mobile city program, public transport is being updated throughout the country; in total, about 2,000 new buses, electric buses, trams, and metro cars were delivered in 2023. regions, in addition to updating the transport itself, are also modernizing appropriate infrastructure.
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we’ll tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello, february 7, 1554 happened. the battle of london, an important event during the rebellion of thomas white and several other parliamentarians against queen mary tudor. the rebels managed to occupy the earldom of kent and move forces towards london, but when they tried to take the capital, the royal troops prevailed. about 100 rebels were executed,
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including white himself, but mary pardoned most of the participants in the uprising. why there was a rebellion is still unclear. formally parliament did not approve the marriage of the queen of england with the future king of spain. and philip ii. the intention was not to anger mary, but, according to some historians, even to kill her. the crown will be given to her younger sister elizabeth. but it didn't work out. mary tudor entered the history of england as the first woman on the throne, as well as mary the catholic or bloody mary. henry's eldest daughter vi was remembered for her large number of executions of protestants. mary, unlike her father, was a devout catholic. after 5 years of reign , she died of an infection and she ascended the throne younger sister. elizabeth, the last of the five monarchs of the house of tudor. elizabeth the first is great. she reigned for almost half a century, and this period is called the elizabethan era or the golden age of english history. on february 7 , 1857, the french writer gustave
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flabert was acquitted of charges of immorality. a month earlier, he was brought to trial along with the editor of the literary magazine reveal the parry, in which he was first published. novel madame bavari. the main point of the accusation was that emma bavari's infidelities were shown attractive. but the scandal only publicized roman. it tells the story of a doctor's wife who is bored in the provinces, lives on her own, starts extramarital affairs, eventually squanders her husband's capital and commits suicide. the value of the novel is in the details and forms of presentation. due to this, mrs. bavari is considered a masterpiece of world literature and is included in the norwegian book list. world library. it contains only 100 of the best most significant books of all time. flaber's novel has been filmed several times in different countries. in our country he is free the film adaptation was the film save and preserve by alexander sakuurov, shot in 1989 together with german filmmakers.
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on february 7, 1910 , the first russian championship in speed skiing over a distance of 30 km was held in moscow's nakhodynsky field. this was an important milestone in the development of skiing in our country; there were only 12 participants , then they were called skiers. the winner of the championship, pavel buchkov, was awarded the title of russia's first skier. a twenty-four-year-old peasant from the penza province, recruited to construction of the railway in moscow, became interested in skiing here. bychkov covered the distance in 2 hours and almost 27 minutes. compete in skiing. speed ​​racing in russia began at the end of the 19th century, and almost immediately the fun turned into a professional sport. already in 1895, the moscow skiers club appeared. but the initiators of its creation were cyclists who wanted to train all year round and decided
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to ski in winter. the sanction for the opening of the club was given by the head of the ministry of internal affairs, and its charter was approved by the moscow governor-general. exactly the moscow ski club developed the first rules for their competitions. european union. the treaty was originally signed by the member countries of three european communities: the european economic community, the european atomic energy community and the european coal and steel community. there were 12 countries: belgium, the netherlands, luxembourg, denmark, spain, portugal, italy, greece , great britain, ireland, france and germany. the european monetary union was also formed, the goal of which was. abandonment of national currencies and transition to a single currency euro. the eu has expanded several times, now it
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includes 27 countries, but managing the association is becoming increasingly difficult. european countries are no longer able to present a united front and pursue a common policy. and a number of political scientists do not exclude the possibility of the collapse of the union. this is what this day in history was like.
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years have changed this year, how exactly, who can receive it under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, on january 1, new rules came into force; they allow you to leave parental leave to work full time and not lose your benefits. until the twenty -fourth year, a parent could also work and receive benefits, but he could only work on a shortened working day. now this rule is gone. and a parent can go full-time and still receive child care benefits. until the child
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turns one and a half years old, the monthly allowance will continue to be paid, regardless of the size of the salary and type of employment. the federal law emphasizes that this applies to all types of work, full-time with part-time work, remote work and even part-time work for another employer. how do they expect to pay benefits? will be 40% of average earnings, the amount of the child care benefit depends on the parents’ salary, and the calculation of the benefit is based on wages for 2 years of the previous year when the parent is going to go on parental leave, and if in these two years the parent was also on maternity leave or child care leave, then he can, upon application, change the period used for calculation. while the benefit of course, it will be recalculated upward. once a year, from february 1, the minimum
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benefit amount is indexed. how much does the government determine? from february 1, 2024, the amount looks like this: 9,227 rubles per month. the maximum amount this year is 49,123 rubles. if there are two or more children under one and a half years old, the payments are summed up, but the total amount of the benefit cannot exceed 100% of the average. where to apply for benefits? the benefit is paid on the basis of an application for child care benefits, which the employee brings to his employer along with the application for maternity leave for up to one and a half years. the employer has 3 days to transfer the information to the social fund, and the social fund has 10 days to appoint payment of benefits for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, the social fund will receive this benefit...
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parents are not provided with benefits from the state budget, as insurance payment, it is secured by mandatory contributions from employers to social insurance, so they can simultaneously receive both an insurance benefit and a social benefit for the same child, for example, a unified child benefit up to 17 years of age, the social fund... means it if the monthly income per person in the family is not higher than the regional subsistence level, and the family passes the criteria for a comprehensive assessment of need. what about those who don't work? allowance? they are also entitled to, but this will be a measure of social support from the state budget. you can only count on minimum payments and you need to contact the social fund. non-working parents must choose what type of assistance to receive from the state, payment for child care up to one and a half years old, or, for example, a single benefit for children under 17 years of age. another important point is that if the child was born on january 1, 2023 later,
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the monthly income per person in the family should be lower. average per capita living wage in the region. an exception is made for full-time students. they are entitled to benefits regardless of the income of family members. let's repeat the most important things. working parents can now take full-time leave from parental leave. they will continue to receive benefits until the child turns one and a half years old. the amount is calculated based on 40% of average earnings 2 years before parental leave. not working. parents also have the right to payments, but as a measure of social support with incomes below the subsistence level. if you have any questions, if you want to know what other help young parents can receive from the state, subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will ask the ministries questions and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next editions of the instructions.
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two weighty, almost hundred-kilogram devices in size. vacuum cleaner whose task during competitions it is extremely simple - inflict the greatest damage on the opponent in 3 minutes on the court. there are many types of robots in such battles. the fighter, the destroyer, the hammer, the saw, the big brother team is preparing their tipper named weber for the games of the future in kazan. it turns out that this is a flipper, yes, he throws, that is, he is not a particularly offensive robot, that is, he does not cause such strong damage, but... still he throws and with this toss he destroys the opponent, every robot in the games of the future will have a number requirements: length, width, height no more than 120 cm, weight should not exceed 110 kg, speed no less than 6 km/h, plus your own type of weapon, remote shutdown button,
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changes occur after each battle, i ’ll tell you this, because you still find minuses, minus that. .. minus here we need to add armor, but we gave up some of the engines, that is, they were heavy, now the engines are lighter, now we can transfer this extra weight into the robot’s armor, that is , it’s like a constant quest, constant modernization is underway, several russian teams have at their disposal in fact, a whole production , thanks to which they prepare for competitions, in the office part they develop 3d models, right next to them they cook and grind out the parts that will be used in...
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the battle of robots under the leadership of their design engineers as part of the games of the future will take place from 24 to 26 february in kazan, among 16 teams, along with russians, there will be participants from china, brazil, india, turkey, chile, iran and kazakhstan. daniil makhalin, vladimir shabbalin, andrey melnikov, alexander stalmashevsky, news! what happened to us february 24-25? social networks, calls! fake news link, go to the rally , all pr agencies tied to the west have switched off in order to induce regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but... but ideologically to bring confusion into their soul , this is the surest the path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself
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are formed by hundreds of people, professional people from the state, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally took training in ipso courses, there are chats where it turns out that the task is to scare the belarusians today that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will come out. on the street, remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed because we are russian, this was a real hybrid war. the boeing 737 max runway was uneven. another problem was discovered in the new planes that were about to be delivered to customers. the two mounting holes in the window frame may not be exactly there, where it was required. boing. spirit aerosystems, the supplier company responsible for the fuselages, intends to carry out the necessary repairs. this production failure is not the first since the beginning of the year. on january 5, in the cabin
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of an alaska airlines plane , air pressure knocked out the emergency exit door plug. miraculously, there were no casualties; as a result , booing lost about 30 billion in market value. booing skimped on literally everything; as a result, the quality of the chassis and wing suffered. and software programs, well , there were, as we know, serious accidents, which led to a fall in boeing's stock price. after it became clear that the problems with the quality of the aircraft had not been solved, boeing’s akatorization fell by more than 20% in just a few days. about 50 new 737s will be sent for revision. this will delay the next deliveries, but those that are already flying will not be recalled due to a malfunction. does not threaten transportation safety. shares of boeing and spirit era reacted to this by falling 1.6%. and this is the premarket on monday, and 2 more. boeing
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lost today. two largest buyers said it no longer expects to receive its orders for new versions of the 737. southwest airlines expects the max-7 model, while united has ordered the max-10. the american civil aviation administration simply did not allow them to be transported. i am disappointed, at best, max-10 deliveries are delayed by 5 years, and we believe they will be delayed further. i think the max9 travel ban was probably the straw that broke our back. we're going to come up with a plan that doesn't include max-10. 737 max is the most sold product by booing. analysts believe that sales this year could exceed $25 billion, which is about 30% of boeing group's entire civilian business. deliveries of this model are extremely significant and
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account for a quarter of orders. a large percentage of the fleet of airlines such as united, delta, and alaska consists of them. if boeing wants to keep these customers, it will have to try to prevent these airlines from leaving for airbus. the aircraft manufacturer is losing the trust of its largest operators. emirates will send its own engineers. for that, to monitor the production of new aircraft, ryan air has already done this. booing shares are down 20% since early january. the company has not made a profit since 2018, while long-term debt reaches $47 billion. according to analysts, we can count on a recovery, but only in the long term. several years ago, boeing calculated, when launching the dreamliner project , at the expense of high-margin aircraft, that they would sell... a very large number, compared to the same simple 737s, but they calculated quite significantly increase revenue, but now we see that dream planes are not selling much, there are also problems
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with the 737 and 737 max, the aviation industry, especially the civil industry, in this sense is very sensitive to this kind of incidents, but this is not the end of the black streak for boeing, the largest aerospace workers' union has asked for a 40% pay rise over 4 years if... is she really a mind reader or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. not
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particularly. who are you looking at today? well, there’s a girl standing there, maybe this one is mine is the dream somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and
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enjoy them. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every your opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at, you are the best, ice three soon!
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it seems to me that in our country there is a serious underestimation in society of the current current moment, well, look, for some reason we sincerely believed that the americans and europeans would not disperse.


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