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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the regime had to work in conditions of hostilities and bombings; republican congressmen called the intention of the american correspondent real journalism.
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stated that the purpose of his visit to moscow was an interview with russian president vladimir putin, because the western media covered the global agenda too one-sidedly. free speech is our birthright, we are born with the right to say what we believe and that right cannot be taken away no matter who is in the white house, but they try anyway. about 3 years ago, the biden administration illegally spied on our correspondence, and then leaked it to her minions in the news media. they did this in order to prevent...
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the social media audience was divided, some called this the most anticipated important interview in the last 10 years, others accused carlson of treason, although he emphasized that he arrived in moscow entirely at his own expense, and not out of love for putin, but out of love for the united states. however, supporters of the idea of ​​betrayal were immediately criticized. it's only a problem when tucker takes interview. repeatedly tried to stop him from traveling to moscow and interviewing putin, is that so? no, absolutely not. this is not really a comment. this is a comment that is
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enough, period. the american media adhere to similar rhetoric; they simply ignore the announcement of an interview with putin. on the front pages of the main western publications, there is not a word about the journalist’s upcoming conversation with the russian president. however, karelson thought about this in advance and agreed with illon musk. the entrepreneur promised not to block interviews with putin when it is published. alek komarov, lead. powerful explosions occurred early this morning in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. at least four explosions were recorded in kiev. from nikolaev they report hits on a certain infrastructure facility. the authorities of the dnepropetrovsk region reported destruction on the territory of a utility company in the lviv region , an industrial enterprise was damaged. ukrainian media reported explosions in the khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk and cherkasy regions. the consequences are still unknown; in the kharkov region, explosions damaged a number of infrastructure.
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and here we see constant work to improve the quality of communication, and the first thing we focused on, of course, is to close the blind spots in the republic so that we have the entire territory covered, now we are working on modernization and improvement, let’s say, of communication systems, then there are base stations themselves, now, of course, from time to time we record failures with... this is also connected, of course, with the work
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of the reb, that is, well, here, of course, priority, that is, the military component, of course, well, yes it is reflected, yes, we are ready here. tolerate major security issues. russian long-range aviation aircraft made a scheduled flight over the neutral waters of the bering and chukod seas. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the flight lasting about 9 hours was carried out by two strategic missile carriers tu-95, they were accompanied by a u-30. the ministry of defense emphasized that they acted in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. vladimir putin to his by decree approved the laureate of the russian presidential prize in the field of science and innovation for young scientists for 2023. they were specialists working in the fields of mathematical modeling, pest control, and the search for strategically important minerals, gold and platinum.
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the decree of the head of state was published on the official portal of legal information. the prize has been awarded since 2008. it is important that the geography is well represented, well. in different directions, i repeat once again, all specialists are recognized both in russia and abroad abroad, in general, each of them has done a unique job, and is a key performer of this work, if not the only one. susanna gordleyeva, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of the national research nizhny novgorod state university named after labachevsky, received the prize. for the development of biosimilar artificial intelligence technologies based on mathematical models of neural networks of the brain. these technologies will help create next- generation hardware applications, microelectronic neurochips, imitating various brain functions. sergey pavlushin, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory
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of environmental physiology of the institute of systematics and ecology of animals, siberian branch of the russian academy of sciences, received a prize for the discovery of new mechanisms for regulating outbreaks of mass reproduction of insect pests. agriculture and forestry. the scientist examined the conditions and likelihood of reproduction of the gypsy moth in new habitats and proposed ways to combat these wing scales. olga yakubovich, candidate geologists and mineralogical sciences, associate professor of the department of geochemistry of st. petersburg state university. she received a prize for the development of the isotope-geochemical method for searching for platinum gold deposits and proposed the use of systems based on radiogenic helium when dating ore formation. the content and safety of helium in the ore will allow. determines the most promising fields for development . there is a regional week in the state duma. vyacheslav volodin inspected the completed construction of a tuberosis hospital. the modern medical center has a capacity of 453 beds and consists of eight buildings. now they
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are finishing the finishing work and installing equipment. the former anti-tuberosis dispensary is located in a building adapted before the revolutionary construction. the new hospital is expected to open in the first half of the year.
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a valuable cargo is being sent from the sports of st. petersburg to uganda; this is a mobile laboratory for testing infections, it is designed to quickly respond to outbreaks of particularly dangerous diseases. russian specialists will arrive in africa and help on the spot. organization of research, with details igor pikhanov. multi-ton tractors delivered a mobile laboratory based on kamaz to the port of st. petersburg. the cargo crew carries out operations to transport valuable cargo to the ship. the cargo ship will deliver unique equipment to east africa by sea. already at the beginning of april. transferred by rospotrebnadzor specialists, the mobile laboratory for infection testing will be in uganda. the laboratory is mounted on the base of a large truck cross-country ability to kamaz. neither the african heat nor the off-road conditions are scary. the machine includes two modules that can be used. temporarily or separately. modern equipment will allow ugandan doctors to conduct various studies. in
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this case, the station can be used to organize mass testing or work in populated areas where there are no stationary laboratories. the topic of biosafety is more relevant than ever today, because the coronavirus pandemic has shown we know that infectious diseases have no borders. the unique laboratory was assembled by specialists. microbe institute, they also conducted training for ugandan colleagues, in addition, russian specialists will arrive in africa on site and provide support in organizing research until the end of 2026 , on the initiative of president vladimir putin , up to 10 mobile laboratories will be delivered to african countries and more than 350 specialists will be trained. african colleagues are trained both at our base and at their home. in particular in april of this year a major conference
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on the fight against infectious diseases is planned, just in uganda, along with on-site exercises based on the supplied mobile laboratories. last month, a gas-based laboratory was sent to burundi, where a center for the study of infectious diseases opened by rospotrebnadzor operates. the russian laboratory complex has also shown its effectiveness in responding to emergency situations in southeast asian countries. cooperation between department experts and colleagues from the cis is carried out, expeditions and exercises are held annually. during our cooperation, we organized more than thirty expedition trips to kazakhstan, armenia, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. in 2023 alone, we conducted 10 expeditions, resulting in new data on the activity of natural plague foci. experts from different countries share their experiences. collaboration of specialists from different countries. will help stop outbreaks of infection and protect the lives and health of local residents and tourists. thanks to research
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new medicines and vaccines are being created. diagnostic methods are being improved. igor pikhanov, valeria sapegina, lusina akapyan, news. the federation council unanimously approved the law on the confiscation of property for fakes about the russian army and calls for action directed against the security of russia. corresponding changes are being made to the criminal codes of criminal procedure. as the senators note, the changes proposed by the law are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of protecting national interests. also today the federation council adopted a statement calling on the united states and other western countries to stop supplying weapons, ammunition and military equipment to the criminal kiev regime. the document notes that countries supplying weapons to ukraine are directly responsible for the deaths of civilians . please. it is important that the citizens of germany, france, great britain,
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the united states, and the czech republic hear this information that with their money, with taxpayers’ money, deadly weapons are purchased, they are supplied to ukraine, with their tacit consent, these are weapons used exclusively against civilians. civilians, civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, buses. in orenburg, a high alert regime was introduced ; they noticed that the cyclone brought one. at the same time, a new whirlwind, olga, has already made its way to the center of the country. we'll talk more about this with meteorologists ekaterina gregoreva. ekaterina, greetings. it turns out that in the east of the european part of russia in the center of the country, pikni, nastya, is there more to come? yes, snowfalls will be replaced by frosts. by the way, a cyclone. has already reached moscow, as evidenced by footage from all-weather video cameras. visibility
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in some places is reduced to 2 km. but the orenburg region found itself at the epicenter of the bad storm today in the first half of the day; at the moment, 25 sections of highways are already blocked. drivers on social networks exchange current information about the weather on roads. judging by the following video, it is worth listening to the recommendations of traffic inspectors to refrain from traveling outside populated areas. 12 regional roads, in the north of the region the height of the snowdrifts has reached 85 cm, snowfall continues. aisha, so, i got a dog, i need to dig out the dog. wow, well, the following footage is from the ulyanovsk region, at night drivers
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flew into snow banks formed on the roadway. in this region , the snow cover is also high in places. they move in a row from west to east, where they encounter obstacles in the form of the siberian anticyclone and reduce speed. one of the cyclones is circling over the southern urals, and the next one has already rushed after it, the same one that european meteorologists named olga. but let’s leave only the center of the cyclones on the map and trace their movement. so, the center of the old. it will be very slowly shift to the northeast across the territory of ufa. during this time, cyclone olga will travel several hundred kilometers to the west and reach the tver region towards the moscow region. on the night of tomorrow, the center of the old cyclone will shift to the chelyabinsk region, and cyclone olga will cross the central region. he will end up in the vladimir region and, without slowing down , rush towards the urals. there two cyclones
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will merge into one. and a large, large part of the european territory of russia will be. in the rear, cold part of this whirlwind, this means that to the center of the country, to the volga, to the urals and arctic air will rush to the southern urals. tomorrow night from ufa and orenburg to the leningrad region, the temperature will drop below -10°. in the north of the central region, in the morning the thermometers will approach -20, well, in karelia and the murmansk region on the night of tomorrow -30 in some places. in kazan: light snow today during the day, maximum temperature -1, at night... tomorrow cloudy with clearings up to -18 below zero, in the morning, when cyclone olga approaches, snow will start again, in the daytime the temperature will rise to -5°, and then precipitation stop, frost again will intensify, on saturday night -16, during the day about 15° below zero, on sunday night -23. in moscow, the approach of cyclone olga can already
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be felt, in the coming hours the wind will increase, gusting up to 12 m/s, it will snow, there will be a blizzard. the temperature during the day is -4-5, in the evening -8, overnight the frost will get stronger to 15°, well, the snow and blizzard will continue until the morning. tomorrow in the capital it will be cloudy with clearings, no precipitation, in the daytime -12, on friday night up to twenty below zero, and this cold weather will continue into the weekend.
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future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition. exactly 10 years ago we started in sochi. twenty-second olympic winter games, at these competitions the russian team became first in the unofficial medal standings. in honor of this date , winter sports day is being held in sochi today. our
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correspondent danilo makhalin went there, he is in direct contact with us. danilo, good afternoon. what has already happened today, what events are planned? yes, welcome to sochi. today is a big date, a big holiday for all russians and for all those who... remembers and at least somehow felt that same winter home olympics in 2014, today big events are planned in sochi on this occasion, well, we want to tell you about where it all began and right here near the southern pier, where there is a big celebration, a big stage, where those very events are planned, some of them here have a photo exhibition that reminds of the history of the first appearance of those very olympic games, because here, for example, on..
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october 7, 2013 to february 7, 2014 for 123 days this. here various famous personalities are presented, here is margarita simonyan, konstantin ernst, whoever ultimately carried this torch, it traveled 65,000 km by trains, planes, cars and even reindeer, sleds, this is the largest and longest procession of the olympic flame among all the olympic games, well, then we can remember those who forged victories for our russian... team at these games in sochi, for example, here is alexey voyvoda, alexander zubkov, our bepslists, who won gold medals in doubles,
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tatyana volosazhar and maxim tronko. these are two-time olympic champions in figure skating, also, of course, we remember them well, and here all these memorable moments are presented so as not to always forget about about what was happening here, a little further away, the famous mascots of the olympic games in sochi, this is the leopard, this is the white bear and the hare, there was another bear who cried when the olympic games in sochi were closed. but this is a completely different story, today you remember it not with bitterness, as then, not with sadness, but of course, with joyful and very pleasant moments. today also, in addition to the entire holiday that is taking place on the territory of the southern pier and the sochi seaport, some of the events are planned at rosa huter in the sochi mountain cluster, and before that today in the morning, olympic champions and medalists
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of the sochi games. planted trees in the citrus garden of riviera park, this is located here in the city of sochi, also such an important enough event to go down in history not only with its sports performances, but also the one that happened this morning, we talked with albert demchenko, who performed seven times at the olympic games, starting in 1992 from albertville with dmitry malyshka, who won the men's gold medal. it’s good that 10 years later we all gathered here and, well, let’s celebrate this event, it’s great that today we had such an interesting one, well, probably, it ’s been a tradition for a long time that they plant trees, but the very fact that now my tree will be parker here along with the trees that. sochi is not only
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about the olympics, but also because my tree will be here. i’m very glad to be here after such a long time to see our big team again, who are from other sports, but the guys came, that’s who i haven’t talked to for 10 years, i probably haven’t talked to many of them, and today it’s nice to meet everyone, finally at this a truly festive event. according to the memories of fans, journalists , organizers, athletes, of course , the olympic games in sochi were the best, and they have something to remember, something to compare with, this actually applies to the world cup, which was held in russia in 2018, we we know how to organize, we know how to be hospitable and do it in such a way that everyone remembers it for the rest of their lives, even today i am wearing a volunteer jacket of those very
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sochi games. that's why i was working then volunteer, word from the studio, thank you, my colleague danilo makhalin said at the winter sports day and other main events in honor of the tenth anniversary of the winter olympic and paralympic games in sochi.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch the reruns of the episodes. our author's program besagon tv, i hope you remember them and enjoy them.


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