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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the announcement has already collected more than 50 million views, new information has appeared about vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson, what comments did the kremlin give when it can be shown? first there was snowfall, and then a sharp cold snap. cyclone olga is approaching moscow, which will bring heavy snowfalls, in the caucasus, due to bad weather, electricity is cut off and roads are being swept away, what... is the situation at this hour. seven politicians are vying for the highest post in the republic, including the current head of state. azerbaijan is hosting early presidential elections. how does voting work? in russia today they celebrate the day of the diplomatic worker. what challenges do domestic diplomats face and what successes have they achieved in the foreign political arena? and the sports anniversary today is exactly 10 years since the start of the games in sochi. how olympic
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venues function now, why sochi is now not only a resort, but the sports capital of the country. vladimir putin gave an interview to us journalist tucker carlos, but the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov today confirmed that the conversation took place, and also explained why the head of state agreed to answer the american’s questions. he has a position that is different from the rest. it is in no way pro-russian, it is not pro-ukrainian, it is rather pro-american, but at least it contrasts with the position of these traditional anglo-saxon media. we receive many requests for interviews with the president, but mostly, when it concerns the countries of the collective west, we are talking about large online media, traditional tv channels, large newspapers, which cannot boast of attempts to at least look impartial. in terms of covering
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what is happening, that is, these are all media that take an exclusively one-book position , of course, there is no desire to communicate with such media, and there is hardly any point in this, it is unlikely that there can be any benefit from it. american publications report that the interview may appear online as early as tomorrow. carlson himself does not name the date, but promises that the conversation will be published online in its entirety without editing. a according to the journalist, washington tried to disrupt it twice. his trip to russia. it is difficult to overestimate the interest in the event; its announcement collected more than 50 million views. artyom krosulin will explain why. now americans will find out what really caused the conflict in ukraine. and the biden administration will not be happy with such a scenario. american journalist tucker carlson outlines the purpose of his visit to moscow, to record an interview with vladimir putin. freedom of speech is our birthright. we are born with the right to say what we believe. and that's right not maybe. be taken away no matter who's
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in the white house, but they still try. about 3 years ago, the biden administration illegally spied on our communications and then leaked them to their minions in the news media. they did this in order to prevent our planned interview with putin. we believe that last month they did the same thing again, but this time we still flew to moscow. commenting on the main topic of the conversation with the russian president, carlson emphasizes how the events in ukraine are now being covered in the united states. violates all existing norms, ethical and journalistic. they are like fans encouraging their favorite zelensky so that he can demand more and more money from the united states to get more and more involved in this eastern european war. this is not journalism, this is state propaganda, and the most disgusting propaganda is the one that causes people to die. the american media controlled by the democrat initially remained silent. however, tens of millions of views at the announcement of the interview literally forced them to be covered.
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over the past 10 years, and the leader of the french patriots party florian filippo is sure that those who call tucker carlson a kremlin agent are only showing the true face of the western system. hysterical nonsense that... let's spread the word far and wide, it will shake people up and wake them up. meanwhile, there are fears on social networks that tucker carlson could become the new julian assange; some legislators are already seeking his arrest. elon musk, on whose platform the announcement interview with putin was published, came to the defense of the former fox news host. he wrote that sanctions are the opposite need to. to apply to those who call for the detention of the journalist, reposted carlson’s post and promised not to block his video on his social network. artyom krasulin, alek komarov, lead. powerful explosions occurred this morning in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. at
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least four detonations occurred in kiev. authorities say a power line has been damaged. a similar picture is in kharkov and nikolaev. in the latter , a certain infrastructure facility was under attack. a fire broke out. it also caught fire. industrial enterprise in the lviv region, the dnepropetrovsk authorities reported destruction on the territory of the communal organization. in addition, ukrainian media reported explosions in the khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk and cherkasy regions. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles , on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine engaged in production. target of the strike achieved, all objects are hit. the federation council unanimously approved a law on the confiscation of property for fakes about the russian army and calls for action
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against the security of the country. corresponding changes are being made to the criminal code. as the senators note, the changes proposed by the law are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of protecting national interests. the federation council today adopted a statement calling on the united states and other western countries to stop transferring ammunition and military equipment to the criminal kiev regime. in the document notes that countries supplying weapons to ukraine are directly responsible for the deaths of civilians. it is very important that citizens of germany, france, great britain, the united states, and the czech republic hear this information, what their money is worth. after all , lethal weapons are purchased with taxpayers' money, they are supplied to ukraine, with their tacit consent, these weapons are used exclusively against civilians, civilian
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infrastructure, hospitals, schools, buses. and today the federation council discussed the situation in the field of transport in new regions.
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there were two tu-95 strategic missile carriers in the air, they were accompanied by a u-30. the defense department emphasized that they acted in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. in stockholm , the investigation into sabotage on the nord stream was stopped because they could not identify the suspects. german media reported this with reference to swedish prosecutor mass junkvist. according to him, the department also ruled that the case of gas pipeline explosions does not fall within the jurisdiction of the country. it was decided to transfer the investigative materials to germany, which will continue the investigation. earlier, american journalist simar horsch put forward his version of failure to establish the truth. in his opinion, denmark and sweden could have deliberately failed to investigate the sabotage because they knew about washington’s involvement in the bombings. and hirsch also believes that not a single
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high-ranking official contributed to the investigation, because quote: germany is faced with an economic political chaos. and this is how the situation is. germany is a country that has lost a very important asset; there were german companies there that took part in the joint venture that existed. thieves in germany, german firms, companies lose their competitiveness,
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lose their profitability without this gas. it will be interesting how scrupulously the german authorities approach this investigation. the turnout at the early presidential elections in azerbaijan reached almost 40% in the first hours. the central berkom of the republic reports that this is noticeably more, than in previous elections. queues form in front of the polling stations. let me remind you that seven politicians are vying for the highest post in the republic. includes the current head of state, ilham aliyev. he is running for a fifth term. more than 90 thousand observers are monitoring the progress of the will of the seizure, almost thousands of them are foreign, including from the cis and the sco. they note that the organization of elections in azerbaijan corresponds to the best world standards. citizens of the country also actively vote in russia, at the embassy and consulates general of the republic. according to the constitution the winners of the elections will receive presidential powers for 7 years. now a short advertisement and... we will continue, do not switch, it is me,
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maxim nikitin, the creator of nanocomputers capable of more accurately delivering drugs to diseased cells, and this is the moment when i decided to become a scientist, we experimented in a real laboratory, then i wanted to do important discovery, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties at uka.rf plaid this is an unusual service with payment in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card, look for the list shops. playite is available everywhere. playite divides prices into six parts and works with a card from any bank. what about interest rates? hmm, there aren't any. go to flight. hello, i am your stress. and this is your energy. i love it when you are exhausted, like a squeezed lemon. stress.
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dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, gavrilov has a hot dog, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is something that unites them, vtb, everything will work out, i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter, something that has never happened will appear never. the stars of the mer will converge where east and west meet, big and
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small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands will come together, but who will take the heavenly trophies, no one knows the games of the future , subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks, many tasks, your break is filled with viclanch, meat sauce, hot sytin, joy... in the sportsmaster application there is a drawing of cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment, download the application, spin the ball for prizes , complete tasks to get more gifts. good afternoon, my name is victor and i entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales of everything. in one week, the sales season begins, don’t miss it,
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join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, temperature, take effervescent paracetamoleneval, effervescent tablet ocetil salicylic acid renival, we trust renival, we choose renival, they told me, you’ll dance with this house culture, well, everyone will sing and dance together in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia.
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vtb - everything will work out. cyclone olga is approaching moscow. in some areas the wind has already picked up and snow has begun to fall. towards evening a strong snowstorm will begin. visibility on roads may be impaired. city services are operating on high alert. the height of snow cover in moscow has already become the highest since the beginning of winter, reaching 53 cm. and tomorrow. in conditions of poor visibility, a massive accident occurred in the area of ​​​​new moscow, before reaching the village of kievsky, at least five cars collided, including a truck, two container ships, a taxi and several cars, traffic towards the capital was difficult, a high snowfall alert regime was introduced in orenburg, which
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hit the region, will stop only in a few days, precipitation has already fallen by 20% more than the monthly norm. weather restricts traffic on the m5 ural highway, as well as on some regional roads. with details, elena perola. there is no weather throughout the entire territory of the orenburg region, the length of which from the western to the eastern point is more than 1.0 km. heavy snow strong wind of more than 28 m/s. visibility on the roads was reduced to several meters. more than three dozen sections of the intercity stalin highway are blocked, including federal highways. in particular. ural in the direction from orenburg to samara in the bazuluk area, a similar situation in the direction from orenburg to orsk, traffic police inspectors stop at the borders of closed areas drivers, they are advised to wait out the bad weather , until further notice, all the information , as soon as the snow ends, then we will open it, but it’s not only sweeping in an open field, today a difficult day began in buzuluk itself, according to the local
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weather station, half a meter of snow fell overnight, city services , although they made attempts in the morning to clear the main... streets of the city, it was still very difficult to drive along them, and it was even more difficult to get to the highway by the time the main exit of cars to the overpasses from the mkd parking lots and the private sector, so today there is a significant a number of cars remained parked near houses; there are many messages on social networks that parents were unable or unwilling to take their children to schools and kindergartens in this weather. in the regional center, the picture is the same, except for the snow underfoot, heavy snow caps began to form on the roofs of houses the day before. an avalanche with the roof of a high-rise building almost crushed a baby stroller at the entrance. residents of orenburg can only wait out the bad weather; all road services have been transferred to intensive work mode. more than 260,000 people 188 settlements were left without electricity in southern russia due to the cyclone. according to forecasters,
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sleet and rain will continue throughout wednesday, with wind gusts up to 27 m/s. the lamina danger will remain in the mountains of north ositia and dagestan. a bypass road was opened, and traffic on the mozdog-malgobek, khurikao section in north ossetia was temporarily stopped. the bad weather hit the stavropol region with no less force. there is an assault warning in effect in the region. emergency crews uninterruptedly restored power lines. in kislovodsk from two roofs of apartment buildings were blown off. road workers have been on increased duty for almost 24 hours. additional problems. in ingushetia and chechnya they are also preparing for a cyclone; heavy rain and sleet are expected on wednesday; in the foothills and mountains wet snow is expected to stick to wires and trees. in january, gazprom increased its supply of corpses to europe by almost one and a half times.
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dmitry morocco will tell you why europeans need russian gas again, he joins the broadcast. dmitry, greetings, what happened to the idea of energize. independence, yes, yuri, greetings, winter has put everything in its place, because of the cold weather, the demand for gas in europe has increased sharply, but in our country, thanks to this, budget revenues are growing. despite all the restrictions, russian energy resources remain in demand on the world market, including in europe, which, as it turns out, again cannot survive the winter without our gas. in january, gazprom's pipeline supplies to european countries increased by 41%, amounting to more than 2.5 billion cubic meters; they transit through ukraine, as well as through turkish stream. the onset of cold weather has significantly increased the demand for fuel in the eu and led to a sharp reduction in reserves in storage facilities. if at the end of autumn they were filled almost to capacity, and european politicians confidently stated that there was no need for russian gas, now more than 30% of the reserves have already been spent.
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today they amount to 75.9 billion cubic meters. and then the united states has shown itself to be an unreliable supplier. at the end of january, joe biden unexpectedly announced the suspension of extradition lng export licenses. in this situation , european companies again began to increase purchases from. despite foreign sanctions, most of the supplies, 85%, now go in the eastern direction and only 15 in the western direction, in general , last year the volume of exports amounted to 234 million
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tons, good dynamics were noted at the beginning of the year, the beginning of 2024 showed good dynamics, both for supplies to exports, so in terms of income from export activities for oil and gas, respectively for oil, we see... expansion of supply markets, that is, goods adjacent markets are moving not only through the schemes that existed in 2023, but oil logistics are changing - this is, of course, the so-called global south, that is, india, turkey, well, respectively, the countries of southeast asia, china, of course, yes, as our main partner, at the same time, thanks to rising prices, oil and gas budget revenues increased by more than 58% in january. and amounted to 675 billion rubles. says the report of the ministry of finance. the agency expects these revenues to consistently exceed the baseline in the coming months. at the same time, income is not
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related to the export of oil and gas grew even more noticeably by more than 84 percent, amounting to 1.700 billion rubles in january. federal budget revenues in january rose quite impressively compared to last year by 7.7%. and here is the main one. there were so-called non-oil and gas revenues, that is, related to non-resource taxes, for example, including such a fairly large-scale item as vat, and there revenue increased by almost 40% year on year, the volume of budget expenditures in january amounted to 2.7 trillion , this is 13% lower than the previous year. thus, with taking into account high incomes, the budget deficit decreased more than five times to 300.8 billion rubles. which is 2% of gdp. if such dynamics continue, then this year the budget, contrary to previous forecasts, may
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become surplus, experts believe. well, this week the russian ministry of finance is returning to purchasing foreign currency and gold under the fiscal rule. the total amount of funds allocated for these operations will amount to 73 billion rubles. this is due to the expectation of additional oil and gas revenues. in february, according to the department, they may exceed. yes, dmitry, thank you, how the russian budget is replenished, my colleague dmitry moroka told. in mariupol, engineers of the russian national guard helped restore heating in several areas of the city. warmth has returned to residential buildings, kindergartens and schools. military personnel stationed in the northern military district regularly help local residents, participate in solving emergency issues, and help restore infrastructure. the city is being restored, the infrastructure is being restored. in case of emergencies and when contacting local the administration may involve engineering units of the national guard. now there is a short
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advertisement, and then watch the program “typical new russia”. this is our first family freckle on the nose of my great-great-grandmothers. the freckle conquered the rebellious heart and ran away , went their separate ways, spring came and sunbeams in love jumped all over the earth, not everyone likes the freckle, hey, red, you have to share, but you can’t defeat the freckle, you have to do it that way, save it and pass it on to other generations, national project demography for the future generation, good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the season. sales and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the mega market in advance and already broke the record for monthly
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with this house. culture, well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhova zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people.
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