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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin gave an interview to us journalist tucker carlos; presidential press secretary dmitry peskov today confirmed that the conversation took place and also explained why the head of state agreed to answer the american’s questions. he has a position that is different from the others, it is in no way pro-russian, it is... not pro-ukrainian, it is rather pro-american, but at least it is contrastingly different from the position of these traditional anglo-saxon media. we receive many applications for interviews with president, but basically, when it comes to the countries of the collective west, we are talking about large online media, traditional tv channels, large newspapers, which by no means can boast of attempts to at least look impartial in terms of covering what is happening, that is... all media
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that take an exclusively one-book position, of course, there is no desire to communicate with such media, and this hardly makes sense, it is unlikely that there can be any benefit from it. carlos himself promises us that the conversation will be published online in its entirety without editing. according to the journalist, washington twice tried to disrupt his trip to russia. but the interest in the event is difficult to overestimate; its announcement collected more than 60 million views. explains why. now americans will find out what really caused the conflict in ukraine, and the biden administration will not be happy with such a scenario. american journalist tucker carlson outlines the purpose of his visit to moscow, to record an interview with vladimir putin. freedom of speech is our birthright, we born with the right to say what we believe and that right cannot be taken away no matter who is in the white house, but they try anyway. about 3 years ago the administration. illegally spied on our
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correspondence, and then leaked it to her minions in the news media. they did this in order to prevent our planned interview with putin. we believe that last month they did the same thing again, but this time we still flew to moscow. commenting on the main topic of the conversation with the russian president, carlson emphasizes that the way the events in ukraine are now being covered in the united states violates all existing norms, ethical and journalistic. they are like fans cheering on their favorite. this is not journalism, this is state propaganda, and the most disgusting propaganda, the one that causes people to die. the american media controlled by the democrat initially remained silent, however, tens of millions of views at the announcement of the interview literally forced them to cover the topic, and the reaction was predictable, not without reason accusations of one-sided coverage cnn immediately took the conflict personally. this
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is a lie, serious news agencies, including cnn, are covering the conflict in ukraine, and of course, they were talking about putin’s position, including one of the baseless justifications for the military operation, namely the fight against the nazis. the upcoming revelations were no less painfully perceived in the white house, whose press secretary somehow dodged awkward questions. the biden administration, according to tucker carlson, repeatedly tried to stop him from traveling to moscow and interviewing putin, right? no, absolutely not. this is not really a comment. this is a comment that is enough. dot. completely different opinions reign among republicans, as well as independent media politicians. congresswoman marjarie taylor greene called carlson's actions real journalism. the famous american reporter steve tarley considers the conversation with putin the most important interview in the last 10 years, and the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot, is confident that those who call tucker carlson. kremlin agents are only shown
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the true face of the western system, a hysterical delirium that exposes the true face of the system, it only tolerates one narrative, the narrative of nato, war and the great globalist lie, an extremely interesting consequence of events, let's spread the word everywhere, it shakes up and awakens people. meanwhile, there are fears on social networks that tucker carlson could become the new julian osange. some lawmakers are already seeking his arrest. elon musk came to the defense of the former fox news host. he wrote that sanctions, on the contrary, should be applied to those who call for the detention of the journalist, reposted carlson’s recording and promised not to block his video on their social network. artyom krosulin, alek komarov, lead. powerful explosions occurred this morning in ukraine, reports came from several regions of the country at once. at least four detonations occurred in kiev. authorities say a power line has been damaged. a similar picture is in kharkov.
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in the latter, a certain infrastructure facility came under attack, a fire broke out, and an industrial enterprise also caught fire in lvov region, dnepropetrovsk authorities reported destruction on the territory of the communal organization. in addition, ukrainian media reported explosions in the khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk and cherkasy regions. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles , against enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine engaged in the production of unmanned boats, coastal missile complexes, missiles to rocket launcher systems explosion. the target of the strike was achieved, all objects were hit. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the bill on mobilization in the first reading. the document seriously tightens the requirements for those liable for military service. in particular, it involves the introduction of electronic summonses, the possibility of limiting the rights of the evader,
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up to a ban on driving a vehicle and blocking bank accounts. consular services for men aged 18 to 60 years living abroad will be provided only if you have military registration documents. at the first request of the police military registration and enlistment office employees, men are required to present a military id, otherwise violators will be taken to the military registration and enlistment offices. cyclone olga is approaching moscow. in some areas, the wind has already picked up and it is snowing; in the evening a strong snowstorm will begin, and visibility on the roads may deteriorate. city services are operating on high alert. the height of the snow cover in moscow has already become the highest since the beginning of winter, reaching 53 cm. and tomorrow in the capital region the weather will start to get colder, and on friday night it will be -20 degrees below zero. in conditions of poor visibility, a massive accident occurred in the area of ​​​​new moscow, before reaching the village of kievsky, at least five cars collided, including a truck, two container ships, a taxi and several cars.
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traffic towards the capital is difficult. heavy snowfall covered orenburg. the city has introduced a high alert regime, which will allow. extra power for snow removal. vladimir popov is at the scene of the events, he got in direct contact with studio. vladimir, greetings, how is the fight against snow going and what do weather forecasters say when the snowfall should end? yuri, hello, what you see now on your screens is happening in literally every courtyard of orenburg. orenburg was covered by very heavy snowfall, wet snow, and strong winds of up to 28 m per second were already established in the region.
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weather in a safe place, in populated areas the situation is no better, equipment cannot cope with cleaning roads, not to mention courtyards, the task of the authorities today is to prevent collapse, a state of high alert was declared in orenburg, more than 100 units of equipment went out to clear roads, in the last 24 hours alone more than 15 thousand cubic meters of snow were removed from the regional center, in total in the region there is snow removal for... large snow caps, the snow melted the night before an avalanche from the roof of a high-rise building almost crushed a baby stroller standing near the entrance. in some
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areas of the region, schools have canceled classes for second-shift students, and classes for additional education institutions have also been canceled. orenburg residents are covered in snow today, it’s very difficult to walk and drive, so in principle people probably haven’t seen such a collapse for a very long time, the commute to work in the morning increases to several hours, city roads are literally choked with snow, yes vladimir, thank you, well, together with you we will watch the development of events, vladimir popov spoke about '.
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of which will vote for the first time. there are seven candidates on the ballot, two are self-nominated, the rest are nominated by the party, including the current president of the republic, ilham aliyev, he heads the ruling party ene azerbaijan or new azerbaijan, the head of state, along with his entire family, have already voted, but not as usual in baku, at a polling station in khankendi. turnout in presidential elections.
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among the observers are also representatives of the interparliamentary assembly of the cis countries; from our country , the chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, grigory karasin, is monitoring the election process; he noted that the elections were organized at a high level. i have no doubt that voters today they will get the results they expect. russia will welcome these results, you know that we are also preparing elections, in this sense we are rhythmically
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following each other, so there is every reason for optimism. at one of the polling stations we met a popular russian performer of azerbaijani origin, navai, who specially flew to baku in order to fulfill his civic duty and vote. during the next presidential elections in azerbaijan, and i am very, very it’s nice that everyone comes themselves, i can also scold that i want to be the first to vote, and i want to be the first to vote for our beloved president, it’s very nice, i live in russia, i was born in russia, but by blood i am azerbaijani and i consider it my duty vote for my favorite president - ilham heydarovich aliyev, in march i will also definitely vote. i would like to note that for
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citizens of azerbaijan who live in other countries, 49 sites have been organized abroad, including in russia, in moscow, their two, and about 2,500 registered voters. the popular vote in azerbaijan takes place almost a month before the russian presidential elections; moscow and baku traditionally cooperate in agriculture . energy in the logistics sector. we are talking about the international north-south transport corridor. by the end of 2023 , trade turnover between our countries exceeded $4 billion, which is 17.5% higher than the year before. experts call hydropower a promising area for cooperation. we continue follow the elections in azerbaijan. there is very little time left before closing. polling stations, we will begin to receive the first preliminary results closer to 9:00 pm moscow time.
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yuri. yes, leila, thank you, our special correspondent in baku, leila alnazarova, spoke about the early presidential elections in azerbaijan. in january, gazprom increased pipeline supplies to europe by almost one and a half times, the total volume exceeded 2.5 billion cubic meters. why europeans need russian gas again will tell dmitry morocco. despite all the restrictions, russian energy resources remain in demand on the world market, including in europe, which, as it turns out, again cannot survive the winter without our gas. pipeline deliveries in january. gazprom's volumes to european countries increased by 41%, amounting to more than 2.5 billion cubic meters. they transit through ukraine, as well as through the turkish stream. the onset of cold weather has significantly increased the demand for fuel in the eu and led to a sharp reduction in reserves in storage facilities. if at the end in the fall, they were filled almost to capacity, and european politicians confidently
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stated that there was no need for russian gas, but now there are already more than 30% of reserves. the amount spent to date is 75.9 billion cubic meters, and the united states has also shown itself to be an unreliable supplier. at the end of january, joe biden unexpectedly announced the suspension of the issuance of lng export licenses. in this situation, european companies again began to increase purchases from gazprom. the countries themselves have companies with their own interests. these companies did not say anything against russia. gas is sent to specific buyers who do not quarrel with gazprom. who buy gas under the ruble scheme, please note that they have now begun to submit applications in large volumes, that is, they need more gas. oil exports from russia also remain stable, despite foreign sanctions, most of the supply , 85%, now goes in the eastern direction and only 15 in the western direction. in general, last year
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the volume of exports amounted to 234 million tons, which is good. celebrated at the beginning of the year 2024 showed good dynamics, both in terms of export supplies and income from export activities for oil and gas; accordingly, for oil we see an expansion of supply markets, that is, the goods go to adjacent markets not only through the schemes that were in 2023, well , oil logistics are changing - this is, of course , the so-called global south, that is, this and... india, turkey, well, respectively, the countries of southeast asia, china, of course, yes, as our main partner. at the same time, thanks to rising prices, oil and gas budget revenues january grew by more than 58% and amounted to 675 billion rubles, according to the report of the ministry of finance. the department expects these revenues to steadily exceed baseline parameters in the coming months, with revenues not
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related to oil and gas exports growing even more noticeably by more than 84 percent. amounting to 1.700 billion rubles in january. federal budget revenues in january rose quite impressively compared to last year by 7.7%. and here the main driver was the so -called non-oil and gas revenues, that is , related to non-resource taxes, for example, in including such a fairly large-scale item as vat, where revenues increased by almost 40% year on year. the volume of budget expenditures in january amounted to 2.7 trillion, this. lower than the previous year by 13%. thus, taking into account high incomes, the budget deficit decreased more than five times to 308 billion rubles, which is 2% of gdp. if such dynamics continue, then this year the budget, contrary to previous forecasts, may become surplus, experts believe. well, this week the russian ministry of finance again
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returns to purchases of currency and gold according to the fiscal rule. the total amount of funds allocated for these operations is 73 billion rubles. this is due to the expectation of additional oil and gas revenues in february; according to the department, they may exceed 195 billion. investments in production, social programs and environmental business projects have become the main topics of the annual social forum of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs, which takes place in moscow. vera moroz will tell you what its participants talked about. responsible business conduct, provide jobs, salaries, search. new markets, instead of old ones, as a guarantee of sustainable economic development, this is one of the areas that was discussed at the social forum of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. they talked a lot about human potential, as tatyana golikova noted in her welcoming speech, last year they managed to significantly reduce the unemployment rate, the ministry of labor and social protection
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emphasized that more and more attention is now being paid to personnel. an important point is social programs for employees. development corporate social programs, primarily for employees raising children. the russian ministry of labor, together with the rsp and fnpr, prepared and approved a program to encourage employers to encourage workers with family responsibilities, which were approved by the russian tripartite commission. during its implementation, a series of events will be held to exchange experience and best practices of companies in supporting maternity and large families. russian business continues to respond to economic challenges - noted the chairman of the russian union. in my opinion, one percent of companies implemented large investment projects last year, and the same percentage intend to implement them in 224, which means that we are still
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focusing on productivity growth that is based on the creation of technological conditions for productivity growth. recently , russia has significantly increased supplies of mineral fertilizers to the domestic and foreign markets. last year their production increased by 9%. russia has given absolute a record in terms of the production of mineral fertilizers, this is about 60 million tons, we have not produced or consumed such a volume, i want to say, and have not supplied it abroad over the past 100 years, our investment programs, which were probably one of the most maximum, new plans for the next five years, we also clearly see them, today we expect investments of about one and a half 1.8 trillion until the twenty-eighth. year and i hope that we will meet 2030 as not 60 million tons, but as 70. domestic business is increasing investment in environmental projects, paying more and more attention to so
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-called green technologies. many companies consider it important not just to make a profit, but also to create a favorable social and natural environment, as well as the development of the territories where their production is located. for their work in this area , the forum participants were presented with an award established on behalf of the president of russia by the leaders . five times to 308 billion rubles. this is a preliminary assessment by the ministry of finance. revenues increased by 76%, while expenses decreased by 13. the treasury is filled largely thanks to
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oil and gas revenues. they are affected by rising prices for russian oil. in russia , university venture funds with a volume of 3.5 billion rubles have been created. this is necessary to support student startups,” said deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. according to him, the tool will be relevant for robotics areas. electronics, artificial intelligence and others. it is reported that five university venture funds have already launched. ikea has extended the right to its trademark in russia. the company has registered in rospatent until august thirty-third. this is stated on the department's website. experts believe that ikea intends to return to the country in this way in the future. the swedish concern announced the suspension of work in russia and belarus in march 2020. also, its parent company. all mega shopping centers in our country have been sold. and audi will reduce the production of electric vehicles at the plant in brussels; due to a shortage of spare parts , production will be limited for at least 2 weeks,
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interfax reports. restrictions the q8 etron and q8 etron sportback models are affected. previously, german media reported that audi could move the assembly of electric vehicles to mexico or china. then the reason was given as a planned overhaul at production. these were new. the killer whales that were captured in the forest near hakaido island may have managed to swim into the open sea; experts do not rule this out. otherwise, a group of animals, including adults and cubs, could have been carried several kilometers away by the current. killer whales can only be freed with the help of an icebreaker, but japan doesn't have them. russia offered its assistance in rescuing the animals. report by sergei mengazhev. today, throughout the day , local residents and journalists tried to find at least some. signs of the presence of killer whales, now it’s already getting dark, soon it will become completely dark, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to see anything, but this is the point, exactly the place
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where a group of killer whales that were captured in ice was best seen from the shore, this is the coast of a japanese village raus on the opposite side, during the day our island kunashir is very clearly visible from here. local residents noticed the killer whales the day before, it was clear that they needed help, they actually asked literally... for help, but the japanese authorities immediately announced that over the next two days, at least, they would not carry out any operation will be because it is impossible due to weather conditions. colleagues did a review of such cases in the northern hemisphere, i think, from 184 to 2013, they counted 17 known cases, almost half of them, seven of them were in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bochoz off the coast of the island hakaido, so apparently these cases are not that rare of getting into...
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the japanese authorities also did not take any steps to help the animals, then everything ended tragically, all the killer whales died. let's hope that this time the situation was different, and the animals managed to free themselves. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichkov, east asia news bureau, hakaido island, arausu village, japan. the japanese fukushima nuclear power plant leaked radioactive water,
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a volume of liquid leaking out. from installation by purification of liquid otceisium and strontium approximately 5.5 tons. moreover, the concentration of radioactive substances in it, as reported by the japanese news agency osakha, is 22 billion bikerels, with the maximum permissible being 1,500. meanwhile, as tepka operators assure the company, the leak did not affect the situation outside the station. two people were hospitalized due to a gas explosion in a private house in ingushetia; windows and doors were broken in the building, and the roof was destroyed. there was no fire after the explosion. to the scene of the incident investigators and criminologists arrived immediately. a sixty-five-year-old woman and a twenty-eight-year-old man received injuries of varying severity and were quickly taken to the central district hospital of molgobek. all the most important things in life are in our hands. fulfill a childhood dream. gain new knowledge and feel inspired. build
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a career, realize your plans, start a family, celebrate life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, in our hands, choose your future and the future the whole country, together we and... strength, we vote for russia, she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has
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special powers. who are you all looking at? well, there’s a girl standing in the burial place, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, watch only without amateur performances, layer on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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