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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 3:30am-3:58am MSK

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intensively, that’s why, as it were, why, we said 100 times why sunza, kolowsewitz, all the great theorists and practitioners of wars warned against long wars, because a long war gives time to adapt, to search for solutions. the modern west is in a trap, the trap is very simple, they have been even more than 30 years old, they are not under the threat of a major continental war, they are a small one. a highly professional army that fights either with partisans, or an army two generations behind, like the iraqi one. such an army attention, military construction, military economy, political decisions , socio-economic, historical, even historical consequences, political, completely different laws than those of large armies, large continental wars.
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now we have three great blind men, yes, homer milton poniakovsky was in the classics, yes, but here we have joined military theorists.
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just before the broadcast they sent a video, which is now circulating everywhere, i don’t want to show it, about how our fighter was captured, him... and they called his wife and said that urgently send your naked photos , otherwise we, well, then they cut off his fingers, in the end she refuses and they kill him and send his wife a photo of her murdered husband, all this is a mockery of the family, i don’t know if this is true or not, now is the time , which i did not have the opportunity to quickly check, but i understand internally. this could very well be, after all that we have seen, what the ukrainian country is doing, which seems to be westernized warriors of light, you see, it has not been doing this since february 24, 2022, it is has been doing this since the maidan, which is why
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it is pointless to convince the donetsk and lugansk people that well, you need to sit down at the negotiating table, you need to talk to these people? that people in kiev , in kharkov, in lvov will never understand, they will not understand that 8 years of suffering in donbass, which they spat on, requires revenge, but we will never give up, but the people of donbass, they know what the ukrainian nazis did with women, this is all reminiscent of the situations on... and why at night they worked hard on them, only when they give statistics, where who
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died, this doesn’t even amount to one lisichansk, because we were hitting military targets, and... the ruthless ukrainian air defense was applied over and over again to houses in kiev, and the ukrainian nazis directly kill people in belgorod, in lesechansk, in donetsk, in gorlovka, they enjoy it, then the entire internet is filled with hooting joy, that’s why we treat captivity differently. and the ukrainians hate their own people, so he showed how they dump corpses either in mass graves or with a bulldozer, or in a well, by the way, approaching the same severodonetsk, lisyachansk, there’s also this gas station, but you
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talk to the people, they’ll tell you when our guys liberated them, everything was in the bodies there, all these tanks, where were the bodies? therefore, when ukrainians now ask why we are doing this, well, think about it, nazi bastards, think about it, that’s why the lord turned away from you, and that’s why you lost the church, that’s all, but it’s funny how you start eating each other like spiders in a jar , poroshenko feels that he will soon be imprisoned, he gets a job directly in the radio. i would like to support zelensky's initiative, the initiative to reboot power. and here the conversation is definitely not different, because after 2 weeks, the tenth anniversary shot down the heavenly hundreds. and for the sake of
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the memory of the first victims of russian aggression , all government institutions should be cleansed. i really hope that this will be achieved through the formation of a government of national unity, and zelensky now, in these critical conditions , should invite the leaders of parliamentary factions in order to discuss decisive actions to strengthen
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the defense capability of the state. one more thing: start with yourself, and unhook from the poor. it should be noted that one of yanukovych’s main proteges just spoke, one of the founders of yanukovych’s party, one of the foreign ministers. received from them all, well, everyone understands,
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last night there was a security council meeting , i had to look very carefully, especially at the reaction of those who took part in it, especially the permanent members, permanent members of the un security council, and you know, it literally resonated with me , when the representative of the united states of america began to speak, who said, says, you know, we say, we don’t know the details and don’t know at all. we know for sure that russia is to blame, we needed information about what happened there in lisichansk, but we had to tell something further, we had to give some more arguments, explain something, yes, because every next representative of france there, a representative great britain, they continued the same hurdy-gurdy, they also continued to talk about how russia is to blame for everything and there is no point in understanding anything at all, frantsuzov was interested in two supposedly humanitarian figures, who tried to launch drones there and then we understand. arrived, britain sincerely believes that ukraine is
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the party that complies with international humanitarian law, i would like to know from the british in what part they prefer to believe that ukraine complies with humanitarian law, when it hit hospitals, or when it shot in belgorod, or when she threw mines or shells from drones at ambulances at brigades, these are the people who came to restore the power supply there, dialogue, we absolutely need dialogue , we need to sit down at the negotiating table, we need to agree on everything, until the moment when they are sincerely similar, they said that we need a representative of ukraine, the representative of ukraine started speaking in absolutely such a manner, you know, such a tram boor , absolutely, yes, that is, he was there , almost to the point where he was addressing non-benzi, he stated, and the most important conclusion from it, he says: dialogue, yes, that is, ukraine to dialogue, ukraine complies with international humanitarian law, and he says: we want
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so that russia pays, the country that struck lisichansk, killed 28 people, 10 people were taken to the hospital, she says: we want russia to pay, i don’t know what we can talk about with these people, with these people , what questions they need to ask, that is, what is it about , where, where is the point of contact where we can agree to start, you know, weaving some kind of lace of agreement. to achieve some kind of consensus or parity, on the other hand, in my opinion, it is already, you know, there is no tone even for negotiations, it’s not just the mood, it’s not just the reality of some kind of background that could be used as a basis and for the sake of it we can already agree on something, it seems to me that today the conditions are already so ripe for the creation of alternative platforms , at which you can gather those countries that are at least ready to hear, so they are ready to hear, perceive when they are told that guys, if there is an attack on, if there is...
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the un security council, they propose to do some suggestions or put some questions, but which don’t relate to this at all, so these discussions, you know , which they push, just like peas fly into the concrete and bounce in different directions, so you know, it looks like you need to talk to those who are ready to hear , this is the first stage, and if the mass media is closing today, then you need to walk on your feet, you need to meet, you need to talk, you already need to convey the information that...
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yes you serve, that’s why - this is also a separate story, we can show me i won’t read it, i just didn’t come up with something, that elon musk, it’s hard to take it at the same time, well, yes, well, it’s like that, well, like that, elon musk took it like that, he said, but his mouth is busy not only with those who
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is involved in these matters, and also those who quite recently, literally a few days ago, remember there was a hysteria in kiev about the law on mobilization, when it’s not... to say when there will be a change in ukraine, came out, said, says that you , says, this violates human rights, this violates the constitution, he says, it violates everything, everything, in no way, under any circumstances conditions, then he meets with the minister of defense, says: no, no, that’s it, now we’ll fix all this, you accept it, and then we ’ll fix it all, don’t worry, so the situation has really changed dramatically, now that’s all, this is what this law introduces, this law, firstly, it introduces a whole set of norms, which, that is , you cannot drive a car unless you...
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so as not to gather 5,000 people when there are already, yes, systematically 5,000 at a time a month, that’s how it’s been for 15 years, everything’s been recorded there, and it is possible even earlier, that is, it is imperative to put everyone through this primary military training and build a schedule, that is , ukraine must be rebuilt as a private military company, that is, ukraine as a peaceful state, as a self-sufficient state does not exist, has not existed for a long time, ukraine has long rebuilt the economy to serve military needs, it has rebuilt the social sphere to...
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regarding istanbul, who intervened and so on, i think that the americans themselves will largely draw their own conclusions, this is very important to convey russia’s point of view, well, sometimes the right blow to the tambourine brings the whole tribe to their senses, so i thought they would consider this law on mobilization for a long time, then friend, probably the embassy hit the tambourine and 242 votes were found so easily, oops, everything is in yaku. i bought an apartment 600 km away for 17 million, who is bay, i saw this island, there is luxury housing there, me?
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will definitely declare five regions, and best of all, of course, right-bank ukraine, this is a historical territory, of which poland,
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so this is what is happening, look at the map exercises, germany is included in the nato exercises 100,000, poland, the baltic states, well , scandinavia is separate, then there is a break in the territory, there is no slovakia, the czech republic, and so on, and romania, which means one thing, they are ready to enter. to ukraine, training until may 31, understands that something could happen. the essence is very simple: local authorities, in the garden are already working there, are ready to appeal to the poles, save us, peacekeeping continent, they are coming, nato troops are covering, and romania, what will it do? they have exactly the same scheme for bessarabia, russia will enter the odessa region, the prehistory is clear, and we are entering the historical land of bessarabia. this is all deceit, so you need to protect what belongs to you, life, don’t die for these scoundrels.
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she definitely reads minds or not, prime minister anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee is not special, yes. who are you all looking at, well, here’s a girl , maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, it seems to be on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different. com.
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today, several countries in the world are capable of producing a line of modern aircraft, russia is one of them, and we have impressive plans in this area. new domestic airliners became one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government. vladimir putin instructed to monitor their timely transfer to airlines and not allow unjustified increase in ticket prices. we also discussed social support measures, which should at least partially compensate for rising prices. alexey will continue.


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