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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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live bait, on their last journey, are seeing off six pilots who died as a result of a terrorist attack by the kiev regime. their last flight was interrupted in the sky over the belgorod region. the il-76 crew was on a humanitarian flight, transporting 65 captured military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. an exchange was supposed to take place on the border with ukraine, but militants of the kiev regime shot down the plane with two missiles from the american patriot system. the strikes were carried out from the village of liptsi, kharkov region. engulfed in flames.
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i have tens of thousands of flight hours under my belt, including in syria, africa, and turkey. assistant commander vladislav chmerev, a fourth-generation pilot, originally from the saratov region. he always supported me, he could always defend himself, i am very proud of my brother, he will always remain in our hearts. the heroic crew also included navigator alexey vysokin, flight engineer andrey piluev, flight engineer, flight attendant igor sablinsky. immediately after the tragedy , sablinsky’s wife spoke. how i was waiting for the usual message from my husband about the landing, but instead another, tragic news came: i asked him a question, i say, dear, if there was the opportunity to eject or jump from a parachute, and he said, i would never abandon the plane, what they took away, sacrificing the plane from the civilian population, this is expected, this team was entrusted with the most important tasks of the country's ministry of defense, the memory of the crew was honored with minutes of silence . the pilots will be buried in their
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small homeland, the bodies will be sent today to soractage in the tambov, saratov, irkutsk regions, as well as to kazakhstan and belarus. they are real heroes, they have thousands of completed tasks behind them, tens of thousands of saved residents.
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from a rural lawyer to a minister and the head of the country's largest bank , herman grev celebrated his sixtieth anniversary. over the course of 16 years, his team managed to transform sberbank, the oldest domestic financial institution, into one of the most modern and rapidly growing banks in the world. how german gref and his colleagues evaluate the result of this great work, naililyaska found out. dance an elephant, do you think he succeeded? yes, i think he's already dancing along. grev himself jokingly admitted 5 years ago that there is not only an elephant there, but also a lot of elephants, because sber today is not just the largest bank in the country, but also an entire ecosystem, which includes car sharing, online cinema, delivery services, as well as a pharmacy and much more. in total, sber has acquired or created from scratch more than 60 companies that provide everyday services. and consultations in
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the field of business in the field of new technologies, before the twenty-sixth year we must comprehend a new business model, this will be based, of course, again on the technological groundwork, creations with the help of artificial intelligence of a personal assistant for each client. today, 44 million sber clients use the bank’s digital application daily, and 82 million times a month, because it is convenient and most importantly, safe. over the past year, bank specialists prevented theft of almost 300 billion rubles. he is confidently moving forward, which is why his initiative to support the development of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, to be a leader in this area and to promote others, to train others, is worth a lot to everyone. he came at the right time. with
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with the right intentions and made an absolute metamorphosis of the bank, the bank before him and the bank under him are two different banks, absolutely. german gref has been heading the bank since november 2007, his arrival was initially met with hostility by managers at a meeting of the supervisory board , they voted against his candidacy, time has shown that gref’s arrival opened a new era for sberbank, from a clumsy colossus, with constant queues and true soviet service , sber has gradually turned into a modern financial organization. germanovsky, artificial intelligence will replace you as chairman. vladimirovich , i hope not in my lifetime, but everything is moving towards this, you see, with such people progress is impossible, everything will now slow down, the idea is interesting, we have worked it out, in fact , it is important to really join forces here, you remember when you met german gref . i remember very well, 1997, the conversation
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was supposed to take place in the light of the prospects of the marinensky theater, to increase opportunities.
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in the minister's chair or in the banker's chair, the minister's chair, why? more responsibility was significant, it was a difficult assignment, but the result was, in general , very serious work that led the country to economic growth of 5 to 7% per year, and this was also his and kudrin’s initiative to abandon the progressive tax scale and introduce a flat one , 13%. germanska also talked about how it was not easy for you and him to reform the taxation of the oil sector, that after the state duma meeting you even went to drink vodka at 11 am, but this is a dramatic moment, we even received ultimatums from one oil company.
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grev also does not call the current situation on the market simple, but as before, he is optimistic about the future. due to the fact that the policy of the central bank is aimed at fighting inflation, and accordingly the rate is very high, but nevertheless, in our forecasts we believe that we will be able to earn more. nailyade, victoria butova, losychev, kirill malykhin, philip poddubitsky. sergey markelychev, moscow broadcaster. remember what you were told when you decide. opening a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, register a business for free with alfabank and open an account with free service, alfabank is the best bank for
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business, buy with a card from the magnet application, play and win smart equipment, chocolate milk in stores. what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort. and it smells like new, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, yura and i decided on gifts, and you son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim hints at us, and you hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner, i’ll give you a life hack, well - come on, buy a gift with free vtb credit card, as many as 200 days without interest, 20% cashback on everything,
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when you are driving a car and forget about the level in the gas tank, then help you will remind you in a timely manner, we also have early detection of a defect, artificial intelligence will replace all jobs, and so on, but remember this. as for digital solutions, we continue to work on their implementation in all areas, including, of course, based on artificial intelligence, over the past 2 years.
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extremely complex and dangerous tasks, what artificial intelligence helps to cope with today, according to government estimates, the economic effect of its implementation for the country is already about a trillion rubles, to by the end of the decade it will exceed 10 trillion, the number of products, artificial intelligence technologies is growing steadily, from 2021 to 2022 in just one year, this market
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has increased by 18%. here is moscow. the solution for industrial enterprises has been created here for 6 years. another development is a digital advisor for a thermal power plant in yekaterinburg. artificial intelligence helps prevent accidents at tets; if something goes wrong, the signal goes to moscow, to the station. for us, this is an emergency stop - these are, of course, social risks, and well
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penalties for the company. only for 2023 this system. 13 defects were detected that started with such anomalies, four defects could have led to the main unit, with the help of this system we prevented multi-million dollar damage. predictive analytics is the case when prevention is much cheaper and easier than eliminating a digital assistant; it is a great help in increasing labor efficiency. in industry, intelligence is used not only to help a person process big data and advise how enroll. but also to make sure that artificial intelligence helps others to do as the best people do, the best in their class machinists, engineers, industry - this is understandable, an extremely conservative industry, especially heavy industry, but one way or another with the advent of a huge amount of data from equipment , from production
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processes, people can no longer process this information, the use of artificial intelligence in... important conditions for achieving technological sovereignty and development the country's ministry of economic development is responsible for the implementation of digital solutions in key sectors of the economy. the more complex the production, the greater the opportunity to introduce artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence makes it possible to catch these microscopic, maybe efficiency issues, which are half a percent, a tenth of a percent, but considering the hundreds of billions of rubles of products that these industries produce, right? then these are immediately tangible effects. business connects to artificial intelligence processes. the financial sector is in the lead, smart assistants simplify the work of more than 55% of companies, 54% in telecommunications and 37 healthcare, the effect has already been calculated in agriculture , harvesting and production volume in livestock are increasing by 5%, in industry
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time to market is being reduced by up to 40%. final products, well, in medicine up to... 95% accuracy in detecting oncological diseases in medical images, this is my image, my x-ray, data needs to be collected, as i said, large, in general, data with there can never be too much training in artificial intelligence, so everything goes into the piggy bank, everything goes into the house , in general, you gave a part of yourself to your project, absolutely, soul and heart, absolutely, yes, that’s how it is, anna mishcheryakova is the co-founder of the company where the solution is being developed. necessary, we are doing well, but we must say that this was before the pandemic, what is the difference between artificial intelligence, it is not the first reaction that was, why do we need it
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sleeps, does not eat, does not get tired, does not go on vacation, the minimum threshold, when in which in general the algorithm is allowed, so to speak, already for... our reputation, yes, in the wide market, this is 81% accuracy, we must always give out more than 81% accuracy. by analyzing the images, the program signals violations and draws the specialist’s attention to sometimes not the most obvious pathologies. the module currently helps doctors in eighteen regions of the country. here we include a picture that was evaluated by artificial intelligence and we see the padology, this is a decrease in nematization in both lungs. in medicine , you can’t stay behind progress and... if you don’t introduce new ones into your daily work technology, you simply cannot remain the best. the state helped the company to enter the market and then become self-sufficient.
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restrictions on access to technologies with that the topic of technological sovereignty and the topic of the side, it generally forced companies to move, before they bought everything, they were used to taking the best on the world market, now they need their own, everyone has understood this and is actively investing, and the main thing is that there is something to invest in , there are people, there are teams, in general, the national project has moved a lot here, yes, because we purposefully fund training. and personnel in this area, well, plus , in principle, we have a serious mathematical education in the country. to develop the implementation of artificial intelligence technology in the digital economy national project, there is a separate
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federal project with total funding of more than 31 billion 600 million rubles. moreover, from 2021 , the annual amount of funds for the development of artificial intelligence has increased from 5.5 to 9.5 billion. as part of the national project, developers receive grants, thus. through the fund for the promotion of innovation and skolkovo state has already supported more than 850 projects. business is an active partner of the state from 21 to 23. it has already invested about 287 billion rubles in artificial intelligence technologies. today you can just take a document, give it to gigachat instead of reading it in its entirety, just ask him questions, ask him to highlight the main thing. war and peace in brief ? peace, i recommend reading it in the original. neural networks have literally taken over the world, generating images, text, even entire dissertations and fiction books, not processes are only speeding up,
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efficiency is increasing, artificial intelligence is a tool that is already paying off. in the twenty -fourth year, we expect about 350 billion economic effect, and if we look at the horizon of our new strategy, 24-26, then according to our expectations it will exceed a trillion rubles. that's why investment. technology, especially the latest technology in their work, they will definitely be ahead of those people who refuse technology. in february 2023, according to statistics, we could see that approximately 5.5%
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employees of corporate companies regularly use generative neural networks in their work, then by the end of 2023 this figure had already increased to 10.8%, that is , twice as much. and what effect does the country’s economy feel globally from the introduction of artificial intelligence? well, listen, here are the ratings. it’s clear there they can be there , plus or minus, yes, that means, but the minimum estimates for last year are about half a trillion rubles, that is, well, consider there 0.3 0.3% of a point of gdp - this is what directly gives gives artificial intelligence, he is in a fairly large volume of products are already used, we don’t even seem to understand, but the whole form of video analytics is machine vision, it’s recognition. artificial intelligence is the future, but what about the future of artificial intelligence itself? it has been extended to the entire education system; knowledge about it is given to students in more than one and a half thousand schools in 76 regions of russia. to train specialists, universities have launched more than
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100 programs; bachelor's and master's degrees, leaders in education in the field of artificial intelligence, have graduated more than 17,500 specialists. 12 research centers have been created at higher educational institutions. many people want to see the end result, and more. feels some kind of social significance, i keep treating the cats in the pictures, well, cats are good too, no, cats, without cats life is not life at all. skoltech is one of twelve educational platforms where specialists in the field of artificial intelligence are trained. without science, theory, there is no practice, but a finished, working product is the main demand of the industry. thanks to this financial in general, organizational support, how it all works. we are now really managing to improve the quality of student training and... brings benefits,
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for example, to society, based on the analysis of satellite image data, skoltech has learned to predict the spread of fires, the technology is already being successfully used in the ministry of emergency situations, there is a solution for business, forecasting ice movement in kara and the barints seas, this module is used by the largest oil and gas company, if the captain of the titanic had such a program, the ability to access such data, it is unlikely that he would have met iceberg. artificial intelligence can add 6% to the country's economic growth. according to forecasts, this could happen in 2030. in just a few more years, an artificial system may gain the ability to think and realize itself as an individual, for example, to understand its own thoughts, but in a completely different way from a person.
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i freed up some time for myself for a cup of tea and cake, my digital double did the work for me in the studio, of course, he can’t laugh as sincerely as i do, he doesn’t know how yet, but who knows, it may soon be almost impossible to distinguish a digital copy from a person. dad and i went here as children , we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, don’t let me skate, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i she would like to prepare herself, the thirst for victory is
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in her blood.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website.
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kyiv. finally put an end to the protracted story that had become boring to everyone with the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. it turned out in the best traditions of ukrainian politics, theatrical and absurd. the office of the ukrainian president named several reasons for this change of personnel, a review of tactics, a search for new solutions, and so on. about the same thing that lies on the surface: the complete failure of the ukrainian armed forces’ counter-offensive, catastrophic losses and, to put it mildly, difficult relations with zelensky himself.


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