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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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well, they let us in, we made a mistake, let them return to this, that’s all, but why should we fuss and correct someone’s mistakes, i understand, you can say that it was our mistake, that we intensified actions with the help of weapons and decided to stop this war, as i said, it started in 2014 in this donbass, but i will bring you back in more depth, i have already spoken about this, we have just discussed it.
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internal problems, well, all this sooner or later, we will come to an agreement anyway, that’s what you know, which may even sound strange in today’s situation, still the relationship between between nations will be restored, it will take a lot of time, but it will be restored, i’ll give you some unusual examples. here in the wild
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there is a clash of battles, a concrete example, now just a second, a concrete example, ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers were surrounded. this is a concrete example from the life of military operations, our soldiers shout to them: there is no chance, give up, you will come out alive, suddenly surrender from there in russian , they shout in good russian, the russians do not surrender, they all died, they still feel russian, in this sense, what is happening is, to a certain extent, an element of civil war. everyone thinks that in the west they think that the fighting has forever torn apart one part of the russian people from another, no , reunification will happen, it won’t be done anywhere, why are the ukrainian authorities tearing apart
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the russian orthodox church, because it unites not territory, but soul . and no one will be able to share it, shall we finish it or something else? remember what they told you when... you decided to open a business, bionic prosthetics, that's very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, go ahead, register a business for free with alfabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best
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vladimir putin stated this in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson. in the first hours , the number of views of the conversation on social networks exceeded 50 million. the president answered dozens of questions, many of which related to ukraine and relations between russia and the west. one of the topics was the reasons that led to the start of the military special operation. and this, among other things, is the situation with minsk’s failure to comply. the minsk agreements were implemented , frankly speaking, i didn’t know how we would do this, but i was
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ready to implement them, they were difficult for ukraine, there were a lot of elements of independence for donbass for these territories , this is true, but i was absolutely sure, i’ll tell you now, i sincerely believed that if i managed to persuade those people who are in donbass.
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some analysts in the west have not come up with anything better than
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to put the cornerstone of this identity on such false heroes who collaborated with hitler when the second world war began, part of this extremely, extremely nationalistic... well, let’s say, nationalist-minded elite, she began to collaborate with hitler, believing that hitler would bring, would bring them freedom, and the german troops, even the ss troops, they did the dirtiest job of destroying the polish population, the jewish population, were given over to the collaborators who collaborated with hitler, so... hence this brutal massacre of the polish, jewish population, and the russian population too, led by
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well-known people, bandera, shushkevich, that’s it these people were made national heroes, that’s the problem, these are the people who destroyed poles, jews and russians, this practice and theory must be stopped. russia, vladimir putin noted, has never refused negotiations with ukraine, the president told what happened in istanbul in the spring of 2022 and emphasized on whose side the ball is now.
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excerpts from this agreement are not on everything , on the excerpt, he put his signature, and then he said, we were ready to sign, the war would have ended a long time ago a year and a half ago, but mr. johnson came, talked us out of it, and we missed this chance, but they let it in, they made a mistake, let them come back to it, that ’s all, why should we fuss there and correct someone’s mistakes, i understand, we can to say that it was our mistake... that we intensified actions with the help of weapons , we decided to end this war, as i said, started in 2014 in the donbass, but i’ll take you back even deeper, i already talked about this, we discussed it now this, then let's go back to the ninety-first year, when it means we were promised not to expand nato, let's go back to
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2008, when the gates to nato were opened, let's go back to the declaration of independence about ukraine, where it established itself... as a neutral state, let's go back to that nato bases, american bases, english ones began to appear on the territory of ukraine , to create these threats for us, let’s go back to the fact that a coup was carried out in ukraine in 2014, well, it’s pointless, however, you can roll this ball back and forth endlessly, but they stopped negotiations, a mistake, yes, correct it, we're ready, what? i’ll add a replay of the full version of vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson, watch it on our channel at 12 o’clock moscow time. more than 24 million people watched the conversation between the president and an american journalist online; total views currently exceed 50 million. at the same time, in the western press, the american
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journalist is actually being threatened because of the publication of this conversation. alek komarova will tell you more. the interview, even before its publication, was dubbed the main conversation of the decade, the topic was covered online only in the press, in the format of columns, but as if embarrassed, the top editors took notes on the broadcast, but they did not put the topic on the editorial page, so the first official reaction was from the very tucker carlson, on his website he posted the so-called after -credits scene, where he shared his emotions from a conversation with vladimir putin. he gave me a real lecture. you'll see, he told me in great detail what had been happening since the 9th century, when russia began to form, the path from tribes to nations, the role of ukraine in all of this, and i, frankly, got a little mad about it, because i'm an american, i'm used to ask a specific question and receive a specific answer. then, after a few of his answers, i realized what it was all about. in fact,
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what vladimir putin said is very important for understanding the specifics of the region. tucker emphasized in some cases. it was difficult for him to understand the true meaning of our president's words. the journalist also shared his thoughts on putin’s answers. according to him, the west is deliberately stirring up aggression in which moscow is not interested. russia is not engaged in the expansion of its power. sorry, i shouldn't say something like that because the liars running the gazdep want to make putin hitler or the japanese emperor. but this is not true, this is stupidity. russia is already huge, the largest in the world. they have it. there are enough natural resources, they have a very multinational people, and governing such a state is already a big responsibility. meanwhile, the european media, having watched the interview, began to threaten tucker. the guardian called the publication of the conversation a new level of shame for carlson, and the editors of the british newspaper mirror did not hesitate to write: everyone involved in takir’s interview with putin are enemies of the west.
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the americans suddenly went against the tide. journalists from the new york times stated that i would emphasize the interview with the russian leader. his tactical confidence as support for ukraine rapidly dwindles. us presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. also came to the defense of tucker and common sense. tucker carlson has been under fire for days. the legacy media and democrats are unhappy with him just doing his job. americans should make their own decisions regarding views that diverge from those of the mainstream media. and on social networks after the publication of the interview , hundreds of memes appeared with american politicians who...
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which allows us to improve the position of our troops on the front line. shaigu drew special attention to the importance of continuously providing fighters with weapons, equipment and ammunition, as well as everything necessary for the successful completion of assigned tasks. separately, the head of the ministry of defense emphasized that reconnaissance throughout the entire depth of the defense of the armed forces of ukraine needs to be carried out more actively. the minister also held meetings at the headquarters of the joint group of troops, received reports from the commanders on the current situation and thanked them for. skillful leadership troops, and fighters for a successful offensive in most directions for taking advantageous positions. russian
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military personnel released from captivity by the ukrainian armed forces returned to moscow. at night , a ministry of defense plane delivered the fighters to the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. the exchange with the ukrainian side took place according to the formula 100 to 100. the united arab emirates again became mediators. the servicemen have treatment and rehabilitation ahead, and a long-awaited meeting with their relatives. report by evgenia petrukhina. il-76.
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he’s only 25, before he worked in the fields as a tractor driver, and then he got a summons and a year at the front, alexander chikaev with the call sign check the chairs, who's waiting? everyone is waiting for mom, nephews , sister, brother, uh, cousins, brothers, big family in tula, well, yes, i just want to hug mom
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, i haven’t seen him for a long time, he carefully takes out an icon from the breast pocket of his military uniform, he says, everyone read a prayer day. vladislav andreev from the perm region, from the city of bereznyaki, machine gunner, fought in the zaporozhye direction. mother russia simply saved us from this altogether, at least for me it’s easy. in general, being among family is easy communicate, talk, hug everyone, of course , tightly, tightly, here are the personnel of the ministry of defense, the first minutes after returning, first our guys were taken by bus to one of the cities of central russia, then by plane to the moscow region, as soon as they found themselves in their homeland, calls to their family, and then they peer at their native landscapes and it seems they can’t believe that they are already home, the first hours of the golden land, it’s nice, of course, it’s nice that they were waiting for... something, this is already the second exchange of prisoners after the terrorist attack of exile-76, when the ukrainian side hit the plane where there were captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers. beli from the american patriot complex,
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despite the complex approval procedures , exchanges are preserved, including thanks to the mediation of the oaf, we are returning home , they took us, we are very happy, thanks to everyone who took part in our exchange, we are going home, cheers , hurray, hurray, do you want to continue your service? yes, yes, yes, everyone should be in their place, i’m a career military man, why not? treatment and rehabilitation are ahead in medical institutions of the russian ministry of defense and, of course, the long-awaited meeting with their relatives, which they had imagined so many times during these difficult months. evgenia petrukhina, yuri marchenko, dmitry matrosov, news. zelensky finally announced the dismissal of commanders-in-chief zaluzhny, so as not to name the main reason, the failure of the counteroffensive was catastrophic. earned in ukraine
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the nickname general 200 and the bakhmud butcher. this says a lot about his attitude towards the rank and file. evgeniy nipot about how ukraine is changing commanders in chief. valery zaluzhny was dismissed from the post of commander in chief of the ukrainian armed forces, and zelensky appointed him in his place alexander syrsky, former commander of the ukrainian ground forces. he has no political ambitions. and he will be ready to carry out any decisions of the supreme commander-in-chief. even if they are far from , so to speak, military strategy, they are motivating. syrsky was born in the vladimir region, received a military education in moscow, after the collapse of the union, he made an independent career in the armed forces, with the beginning of the conflict in donbass in 2014, he headed the headquarters of the ato, that is, he was directly involved in war crimes against civilians in the region. under his leadership, the ukrainian forces were defeated under debaltsevo, and since 2019 he has commanded the ground forces. with the beginning of the northern military district, syrsky led the most important sectors of the front for the armed forces of ukraine. for example, i tried to hold
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artyomovsk, in a very ukrainian manner, where. the city of bakhmud, when ukraine was supposed to retreat. syrsky was put in place of zaluzhny, with whom zelensky was reported to have a serious conflict. the now former commander-in-chief torpedoed the politically motivated decision of his president, and, according to some reports, even argued with the pentagon. the pentagon insisted that the ukrainian military strike.
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in order to replace zelensky, others on the contrary, in order to prevent a crisis, a coup itself, aka confirms that this was an urgent business trip to at least understand the situation, that these crazy people are causing problems that the americans already have this is already more than enough, in the end, apparently, not without the support of the americans, zelensky finally decided, though it turned out blurry, first he published a post in telegram with
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with gratitude to zaluzhny and calls to stay. in the team, then the ex-commander-in-chief himself announced a meeting with the president of the country. both did not say a word about the dismissal, as ukrainian media note, this speaks not only of the high degree of tension between them, but of zelensky’s team’s fear of possible consequences, but they rushed from the ocean to support their vassal. zelensky is the supreme commander-in-chief, he makes the decision, we will work with whoever he appoints to lead the armed forces. we will continue to work with our ukrainian colleagues. if you are asking whether we had the right to put a finger up or down, this is not true, this is zelensky’s decision, there were no requests from our side. maria zakharova commented on the messages published in the telegram by zelensky and zaluzhny, hinting that the ukrainian side, even from the personnel reshuffle, staged either a ridiculous show or a game, only almost 40 minutes after the first posts, zelensky released an explanation, saying he wants the vision of the war to be one at the front, in the general staff, in his...
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office, as analysts note, this statement criticizes the actions of the now former commander of the armed forces of ukraine. after this resignation on zelensky’s initiative, all responsibility for the situation at the front in the rear for mobilization will lie entirely with zelensky, not with the new commander-in-chief of syrsk. nobody will remember about him. all these castlings occur against the backdrop of the most difficult situation for kiev at the fronts, problems on the external and internal tracks. ukrainian media report that in a number of regions there are already almost riots against the tightening of mobilization. including this baggage , the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who is completely subordinate to zelensky, will now have to deal with. evgenia nipotana pogonina and nadezhda nefedova, news. now we’ll tell you in more detail about what the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , alexander syrsky, is like. the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky , was born on july 26, 1965 in the village of novinka, vladimir region.


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