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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague, vera krasova, and i, vladimir nesterov, will talk about the key events of the federation council and how the work of senators affects the development of the regions of our country. learn more about everything right now. the war crimes of the kiev regime are the direct responsibility of the countries of the collective west for the murder of russian civilians. statement by the federation council calling for immediate measures to stop the supply of weapons. with their tacit consent, these weapons are used exclusively.
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the technologies of which will be distributed to other regions, to other medical institutions. high-quality communication on federal highways, what measures proposed by senators will help speed up the appearance of a good mobile signal along highways throughout the country? this is not only about convenience and safety, it is also about the development of new technologies, for example, the development of unmanned vehicles. strict control of drinking glasses within walking distance, we will tell you about the law that will help regulate the activities of catering outlets selling alcohol. law. which
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allows us to restore order in each region from the point of view of preserving the health and lives of our citizens. the russian region is a new point of industrial growth. how an industrial park is being developed in the ryazan region, which will provide thousands of jobs. these are factories for the production of auto components, these are factories for the production of household chemicals, medical products and much, much more. war crimes of the kiev regime against the civilian population of our country and civilian infrastructure. the federation council sent to the parliaments of great britain, the usa and other countries european union, a statement expressing strong protest and calls to realize their responsibility and take measures to stop the supply of weapons and military equipment to the criminal kiev regime. vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev recalled the shelling of belgorod, donetsk, and lisichansk, which killed dozens of people. as valentina matvienko noted, in addition to the parliamentary line, it is also necessary to connect. our diplomats, the speaker of the upper
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house emphasized the need to widely inform the public of western countries about that weapons are used against civilians, it is very important that citizens of germany, france, great britain, the united states and the czech republic hear this information that with their money, with taxpayers’ money, deadly weapons are purchased and supplied. with their tacit consent, it is used exclusively against the civilian population, civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, buses, and places are chosen where there are the largest concentrations of civilians, i am sure that the absolute majority of citizens in these states, they will condemn it, they will condemn the actions of their governments, and of course, the parliaments that pass are to blame...
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everything is being violated. the federation council unanimously approved the law on confiscation of property for the public dissemination of false information about the armed forces and calls against state security. also subject to confiscation will be money and valuables that were used or intended for extremism and terrorism, financing of sabotage crimes, including training in such activities. as the senator noted vladimir politaev, confiscation is possible only on the basis of a court conviction. the institution of confiscation as such does not change. and not new to our
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legislation, it was already spelled out in the criminal code, which today has been in force since 2006 and applies to items of money that are directly
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a number of important socially significant initiatives that were approved by senators; now employers will not be able to fire single parents with children under 16 years of age, as well as others citizens who raise children of this age without mothers. until march 1, 2031 , the dacha amnesty for buildings and structures related to common use property in gardening partnerships has been extended. we are talking about simplified registration of property rights. earlier, let me remind you, the dacha amnesty for residential and garden houses was extended for the same period. since 2006, 15 million russians have been able to take advantage of the simplified procedure for registering country house plots. another long-awaited law that regulates the operation of public catering facilities, selling alcohol, including so- called liqueurs, located in apartment buildings.
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one of the authors of the document, senator sergei rebukhin, told us more about this. the topic in this law is not new, it is already being discussed very much on the platform of the federation council. that contain alcohol, a place and so on, a very large number of trade organizations or catering establishments under the guise of organizing catering services , essentially organized the round-the-clock sale and sale of alcoholic products, this is actually the whole problem, we
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are talking not only about cafes, canteens or restaurants, that is, all retail outlets that have received a license to sell alcoholic beverages, they must...
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this is not only about convenience and safety, it is also about the development of new technologies, for example, the development of unmanned transport , which actually needs uninterrupted communication, this is about the development of tourism industries, destinations, because they travel on roads, travel on railways, wherever the line goes connecting roads and railways, very often we unfortunately find ourselves in such gaps when there is no... no connection, in fact a simple initiative that will definitely allow the installation of daily communication towers in the right of way along highways, as well as in territories which are adjacent to highways, this will provide
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uninterrupted communications to roads and railways, stations that are located in close proximity, as well as populated areas that are also in close proximity.
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well, convenience also cuts off the so-called unscrupulous participants in the travel market who
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provide low-quality services, that is , by going to the register of a particular tour operator, we understand that whether this organization really has a license, can we really trust it and, most importantly , trust our financial resources, can we return these funds if some plans have changed, and so on, but for now we are talking about this kind of segmental segmentation. digitalization, i would say, and the request, of course, is on a larger scale, in december at the vdnkh exhibition, an exhibition in russia, a stand was opened dedicated to tourism, domestic tourism and dedicated to the creation of a single portal, so it seems to me that this is a very good direction, within the framework of this interaction with existing information resources, we need to work more actively with the regions and connect them to such interaction, in the federation council you represent the rostov region, a region that has great potential in the field
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of tourism, and what digital technologies give impetus to the development of the tourism industry in this region? well, indeed, we are one of the most hospitable regions, one of the leaders in digitalization, including in the tourism sector, and my colleagues in the rostov region have developed a unique mobile application called tourist. we can download it to our mobile phone and see it. rostov region, and this is such an interactive form, not just a user can connect to this mobile application, but a potential participant in the tourism industry, for example, a guide who offers original routes, original excursions, he can register, accordingly, to be available to users and offer your tourist services, there are of course some technological difficulties now in the development of further this...
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we are drawing up a tourist route, we understand that it can be compiled, well, from kaliningrad to vladivostok, and it’s interesting, when all the points of your tourist route will be connected in one application, in one click, literally, yes, it will be convenient, accessible and very attractive for tourists. now a little advertising, after we we'll be back, don't switch.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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this is inherent in human nature, this is a manifestation of interest in oneself, in order to find something, you just need fundamental knowledge.
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mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see, this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident could vote. how does it all work here? and just like at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and
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vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be stored all in bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station, we’ll go through everything cleanly, you remember everything, you know everything, calm down. we all get together and win, kiss it already , it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, well, the old ones don’t care joy, yes, leaving beautifully, a whole art , well, we can’t lose you either, because
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art loves you, has a taste for you, has become a trainer, we are now like...
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an important event for all of russian medicine, a multidisciplinary center was opened near st. petersburg a high-tech complex
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that has no analogues in the country. valentina matvienko took part in the ceremony. in fact, this is an entire medical city built with private funds. the complex has created unique conditions for providing high-quality medical care, based on advanced international standards for early diagnosis and treatment, including cancer. it is planned that the clinic will receive 100,000 patients per year. the emergence of such world-class medical centers , in my opinion, is such convincing confirmation that despite any sanctions, russia is not stopping its development and we are absolutely convinced that all these goals, tasks set by the president of the russian federation, they will definitely be met implemented. and it is very important that people... see that the emphasis of this development is focused on the social sphere, on medicine , on people, of course, this will be such a flagship project, the technologies of which will
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spread to other regions, to other medical institutions, but whatever center we build, of course, will be the heart of any clinic, any medical center, this is a team, an amazing team of doctors and medical specialists has already been assembled here, and this is a guarantee that the center will provide very high-quality, effective services to the population, simply save people’s lives,
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and it seems to me that this is a good example for domestic business, for our entrepreneurs, that the time has definitely come to invest in their country, to invest in human capital, you can’t go wrong, the creation of such a clinic is the most important stage of formation. the west is obviously no longer ready for equality, mutual benefit and acceptability for all parties. the russian region is a new point of industrial growth, as in
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the ryazan region an industrial park is being developed that will provide thousands of jobs. this factories for the production of automotive components, these are factories for the production of household chemicals, medical products and much, much more. dialogue with foreign partners, strengthening international relations, resolving conflict situations. the tasks facing domestic diplomacy do not lose their relevance. the country's foreign policy activities, as is known, have a rich history. on february 10, russia celebrates the day of the diplomatic worker, and today in our studio the holder of the diplomatic rank of emergency ambassador plenipotentiary, vice speaker of the federation council, konstantin kosachev. konstantin iosifovich, hello, happy professional holiday to you. hello, thank you very much , i can’t help but congratulate everyone on this holiday on this broadcast. their colleagues , professional diplomats, first of all, who work through the ministry of foreign affairs, and, of course, their colleagues in parliamentary diplomacy, because it
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comes with the appropriate regalia, the state has a flag, has an anthem, has a coat of arms, and representatives of the state obviously must have some distinctive symbols that personify their status as a representative of the state, so i believe that a return to ambassadorial uniforms is a completely logical, time-appropriate line, if you like, of the state’s behavior in this area sphere.
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it is happening under conditions of unprecedented pressure from unfriendly countries, more than a hundred diplomats, maybe even several hundred, have recently been expelled from diplomatic missions, that’s how it is in such conditions work, it seems that they don’t want to listen to us, well, let’s immediately make it clear that this is happening in... this is absolutely accurate , that is, a quarter of the states that are represented in the united nations, not the majority, and there really are consistent repressions against russian diplomats, those who started working there before the current crisis.
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obviously they have taken a course towards - curtailing the tools of diplomacy as a way of resolving - issues, because in diplomacy you need to negotiate, and to negotiate, well, probably always on an equal footing, unless we are talking about some kind of agreements following an armed conflict, such agreements fix the status of the winner and the status of the loser, otherwise, in less dramatic stories, diplomacy is always
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mutually beneficial... mutually acceptable benefits and acceptability for of all parties, the west has an agreement, but it is obviously completely no longer ready for equality, mutual, it perceives itself as some kind of god-chosen exclusive political economic, military force, which has nothing more to do with anyone there is no need to negotiate, it’s enough to press, it’s enough to present an ultimatum, it’s enough to set some conditions, that’s what we see now from the outside. the west, and this is extremely unfortunate, because as a result of the fact that the tools of diplomacy are not used, conflicts, crises, some points of contact become much larger, because the side that is subjected to this blackmail, this pressure, this threats from the west, this is not only russia, but of course our country, well absolutely certainly will not give in under this pressure.


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