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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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the conclusion of all the examinations , sometimes it seemed that he knew more than everyone else, he convinced us of this, the crime was committed in 13 minutes, how do you know, she drove up there, her lights and her cars are visible on the cameras, and after 13 minutes, that means the lights go out and the alarm system flashes twice , that is, the car is locked, the criminal has left, the keys were not found in the car, the car... is closed, when it was found, the keys, the car is closed, the car is closed, the keys were found, absolutely nothing is visible there nothing except for the light manipulation of her car, 13 minutes, murder in 13 minutes, murder in 13 minutes, and as experts have concluded that the process of strangulation itself takes from 3 to 5 minutes, i have an idea how the events took place in machine, i spent a long time analyzing all the materials that i made, all the locations of all the biotraces of blood there , and so on and so forth. well, i had
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time, you understand, yes, and i can roughly imagine how the body moved, it didn’t was taken out onto the street, it was moving inside the car, i don’t know at all what they strangled her with, but the examination, the examination, this is again all speculation, some kind of guesswork , either with tights, or a scarf, or some kind of plaster, or something else there , then they changed her clothes, then they didn’t change her clothes, so the examination shows that most likely the hand killed her, and the body was shifted, and the body was shifted, obviously shifted from the front seat to ... to the gap between the front and rear seats, they noticed me, well, apparently yes , most likely to hide the body, because the rear windows of her cars were tinted, tinted, but the front windows were not, she then drove purposefully to this place , having arrived there, after 13 minutes she turned out to be dead , someone called her, as i understand it, someone called her , and the most important thing is that she was in no hurry at all for this meeting, because she drove the distance, let’s say, from home to this place very, very quickly, well, usually she doesn’t do that... she generally
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drove very, let’s say, carefully, this she drove fast, she arrived in 6 minutes, i think it was a meeting she had an appointment for exactly 12 o’clock, i ’m guessing, this is an assumption, just a detective 0:00 meeting, 13 minutes, 13 minutes, alyon, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole lot here.
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maybe a neighbor, anywhere appetite. only dad will shorten it. there is a beastly appetite, a snack won't hurt, there is a beastly appetite. sausages, dad can. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if he gets up more than twice. at night afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalaza - a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting.
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he knows the circumstances of what happened, his wife is not involved, but is also aware of what happened, this can explain her attempt to create. her husband. moreover, isainkova’s daughter and her husband, according to the polygraph report, give truthful testimony. first reports that the mother, while corresponding with the kulak, went to meet him, and the husband has nothing to do with this. further , as indirect evidence, we use the fact of kulakov’s early resignation after he became actively interested in the investigation. he formed a full head. and had the intention of leaving the russian federation. however, kulakov himself claimed that he had no intention of fleeing abroad. tickets to belarus were purchased for his official wife and son, the official himself began cooperate with law enforcement agencies;
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he supposedly had nothing to hide. during the trial , previously unknown details of life and work for... property were revealed, they talked about it there, which means witnesses, yes, or helped, or rather, in the implementation of some issues related to property there, and i didn’t talk about it at all knew, that is, behind your back, behind my back , it turns out like this, which means she was negotiating with people who were connected in one way or another
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with some kind of execution of some of ours there municipal contracts and so on, in matters with the heads of settlements, she communicated precisely from the point of view of financial issues. we met with the then defendant andrei kulak at different times to understand the smallest details of this criminal case. a lot of. they talked about evgenia , personal enemies for sure, such personal ones who , well, what does a personal enemy mean in general, this is what the enmity is based on, well, there are no such people, i do n’t know, i haven’t seen them, maybe there were some , but i didn’t know about it because of my work, there were opponents, there were rivals, there were people who didn’t like her, there were people who were angry with her, they were angry because of her sharp tongue, as they say, for her harsh statements there addressed to certain people, but i don’t know how could have led to...
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and sought changes towards improving life in the village. in 2015 , she returned from saenkovo ​​to the district level, as deputy director of the ramensky youth center. in this capacity, she got into the regional public chamber and immediately took up a post there deputy chairman. the thirty-nine-year-old woman had many connections. during the trial, it became known that shortly before... the murder, evgenia communicated with suspicious subscribers who were
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recorded in her phone as shish, mouse, ceiling, white sheet, turtle, karip and zhilvak. the correspondence was conducted in a secret chat of one of the applications; all messages were instantly deleted after reading by users, but some were restored, for example, a certain citizen under the nickname. wrote: stupid, all you can’t get through life, there’s another strange object - a turtle, there are rumors, they’re looking for you. zhilvak wrote the following: it was not worth getting into this, we will decide differently. advice from the ceiling. you better hide. carib hints that time is running out. the clock is ticking.
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kulakova, well, this is also a controversial question, because well, in 2019, there were quite a lot of
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questions for him, because there are quite a lot of cameras along the route to the scene of the tragedy, and not one camera provided information. so why did the state association have difficulties with the evidence base and how it happened that there are many inconsistencies in the case, for example, when going on what was supposed to be the last date, saenkova left all three smartphones at home and took her daughter’s mobile phone instead. she didn’t call or write to anyone, and from applications she used only a navigator, in which
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she plotted the route to an address sent to her from an unknown number. when examining this phone, a fingerprint was found on it that did not belong to either kulakov, isainkova or any of her family members. a mark was found on the door of the white mercedes of the murdered man from the shoe. judging by the examination, it does not belong to the ex-head of the district. who exactly slammed the door with their foot? investigators were never able to find out why, for some reason, on the night of... the murder in a fairly large area of ​​the ramensky district, difficulties arose with video recording, many journalists wrote about this, the data from private and city surveillance cameras either completely disappeared or did not give a clear picture about the routes of evgenia isaenkova and andrey kulakov. and in this area there is a camera, a safe
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city, in a specific area where. a crime was committed, in principle, in general, it is not there, because, well, that is, this is an area remote from all moments. a lot of controversy also arose around the apartment building where the ex-head of the ramensky district lived with his family. the investigation believed that on the night of evgenia’s murder, kulakov quietly left the entrance without being caught on a surveillance camera and reached the crime scene by secret paths. however, the concierge who was on duty that night stated that it was quiet on the first floor, none of the members of the kulakov family entered and did not come out, as you say, maybe through this very emergency exit there, all that, this door is also a magnet on a magnet, and then it’s audible, when there’s silence it’s audible, and then i didn’t even hear this door, this is the door,
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but naturally, if he came with his family, he could somewhere... get out of something, commit such an action, this is 100% excluded, so for murder to be pinned on him, such a person cannot commit this. iska employees checked the concierge’s testimony and came to the conclusion that the woman, while at her workplace, could not see the person who used the emergency exit. the second door of the entrance is located outside the field and... but despite the fact that the investigation and government officials insisted on the absolute
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guilt of the ex-head of the ramensky district, the labor force for... and the defendant turned out to be much more convincing. on october 27, 2021, five jurors and six believed that kulakov did not personally kill his mistress evgenia isaenkova. on the same day, the defendant was released from custody in the courtroom. we showed these shots at the beginning of the program. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. this is the reaction of kulakov’s official wife, i always believed, hoped for the best, so i can’t say that i’m surprised, i knew that this would happen, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, well, i
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told you that everything would be fine, god sees everything, thank you very much. in this high-profile criminal case, the investigation and the state authorities lost, kulakov’s defense turned out to be stronger, and himself. the ex-official spoke to the jury in such a way that most of them believed him. many noticed that two people worked for the defendant experienced and highly paid lawyers, they knew their business well. in this case, we can say that there is no direct evidence
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of the guilt of kulakov, andrei nikolaevich, there is simply none. i believe that in this situation. he, of course, would never have committed such a crime, no matter what, it was not by chance that i called this case a tragic and mysterious incident, because there are no answers to this question, and maybe there never will be, because ask it is possible only with isaenkova herself, and we already do it we will never ask, unfortunately, she died. november 15, 2021 judge of the podolsk themis. based on the jury's verdict , kulakov was acquitted. from this moment on, the former head of the ramensky district believes.
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emotional perception, we are now working on this, we are developing an appropriate training program for ourselves, i hope that it will bring appropriate results, after the high-profile trial ended, which was acquitted andrei kulakov almost... is constantly with his family, a lot of time spends in nature, enjoying freedom, now i think that the main thing, well, no, well, the main task is to generally
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understand what happened, who actually committed this crime, this is the most important thing, everything else, everything else is already such a side thing, i have a very i have a strong desire to find out who did this, why all this happened, what was the reason for... the commission of such a wild crime, to be honest, the reason, what was the reason, this is important to me, because without understanding this, well, it’s somehow difficult to live peacefully really difficult, i most likely i think that this coincidence of circumstances just happened, by the way, i have questions in this regard for the investigation, why , strictly speaking, only the version that i did it was considered, for 2 years not a single additional one was obtained... as for the family murdered evgenia saenkova, neither her ex- husband alexander, nor her daughter veronica, nor her mother
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tatyana want to comment on the decision of the jury, the relatives avoid communicating with journalists, 2 and a half years have already passed since the high-profile crime crimes, but they are the killer. still unknown.
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“the initial injustice that happened at the very beginning, it continues to this day, i don’t understand how the court’s decision can be reversed, that is, on the basis of the arguments that will now be presented.”
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daj. we saw the trial of the former head of the ramensky district andrey kulakov, this was our investigation from the moscow region, only you can draw conclusions, see you
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at... russia 24. the case of the former head of the ramensky district of the moscow region andrey kulakov was reconsidered, but the second jury no longer believed the words of the ex-official. as a result , on march 18, 2022, the podolsk city court sent kulakov to a colony for 9 years and 6 months. the only thing that can be said.
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read final.
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invest, rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources. hello, i am boris sakivov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can arrange
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russia for the future. the next 40 years, see you in the future, the roar of mine explosions. residents of several regions of ukraine heard it late the night before. in kharkov, immediately after this, the sky lit up with a powerful fire. it is reported that the oil depot caught fire. the fire rose tens of meters in height. it was visible from several kilometers away. in odessa region, explosions occurred in two cities at once: odessa and izmail. similar messages came from ochakov in the kharkov region.


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