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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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a memorial to those killed in the shelling appeared at the site of the tragedy. people carry candles, flowers , toys. memorial in the shape of a heart, a monument to the dead. rectangular structures made of concrete, shelter for the living. on january 14 , 1924, modules with double reinforcement appeared in belgorod. a shelter is written on the outside in bright red paint. inside are instructions on how to behave under fire. based on technical feasibility, if possible, we install a foundation block. this means, let’s say there’s a narrow path, and we understand that we can’t even use a block arrange, and bags. with sand, that is, there is not
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enough space for this, that is , we select a minimum, so to speak, distance there of about 10 m, select a site with a hard surface, and install the structure. capsules are not protected from direct missile strikes; they protect from fragments. on december 30, most people were injured from flying glass combat elements. modular structures and concrete blocks were tested at the test site and were blown up near them. exploding ammunition used to fire at explosive objects, including non- belgorod december 30, twenty-third. now, first of all, we are installing these modular protective shelters in these stopping complexes, and it is also planned in the second stage to install these modules in places where people are crowded, these are our parks, alleys, and so on, we plan to install four in total. such modules on
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the territory of the city of belgorod. most people on december thirtieth, twenty-three died from loss of blood. if the victims had time to use the means at hand, tighten the wounds with belts or turnstiles, there might be fewer losses. after this tragedy, belgorod residents en masse enroll in first aid courses. the governor instructed all public sector officials in the region to undergo similar training.
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you still can’t determine how good you are, for example, i can’t feel my own pulse or where i can’t feel someone else’s, so this problem here, what you did well or badly, is very difficult to assess. when the company announced the courses, there were more than 100 people interested. dmitry patrikeev before the events of december 30, rendering i wasn't interested in first aid. both myself and my friend got a hand. to tighten it, it’s still a bit difficult with the leg, it’s not clear, because it’s not clear whether it worked or not, it’s still clear with the arm, it’s just all white, with the leg it’s not clear, a common problem when they pulled a guy, it seems to have stopped the bleeding, but this leads to calculations, classes conducted by instructor vitaly, he usually teaches first aid skills to military personnel, he started working with civilians recently, it turns white, think about it, even these? simple
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actions such as applying a tourniquet or in this case in the case of a tourniquet, people were not able to perform it, this indicates that they did not know what to do, even today on the first task, without even talking about how to use a tourniquet, i asked them to apply it, all 100% of people could not applied correctly, they would have died. in total, several such classes will be held for 3 hours, and during the work, it was the management of the enterprise that invited vitaly to teach vital lessons.
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center, also minister of youth policy tatyana vladimirovna kireeva, she too is leading the process, thank you very much to the people , thank you very much to our volunteer organizations, who were the first to get involved, this is the same faye where on december 30 the headquarters of volunteers was organized, volunteers came to this point, and they were given equipment, these are wheelbarrows, brooms, shovels, with which they raked up these glasses, removed them, and we received them. information that the next point, which is also where the arrival was, is ready for work, for cleaning, and the next group of guys was put on the bus, that’s how we had five or six flights,
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at 2:00 a.m. our activities ended, but the most interesting thing is that residents came until the last minute, ready to help, when the last object was already cleared, everything was removed. and they said, well, please , send us somewhere, somewhere, we are ready, but already, well, at 2:00 in the morning it was already late and, in principle, all the streets of the city were already clean, they had already been cleaned. one of the volunteers, dairy factory worker dmitry neglyat, cleaned up the debris on glory avenue. it was just that everything was strewn, because the blast wave was very strong, very strong you can even look at it, still in fragments. broken glass and facade elements.
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irina and mikhail khlyntsev also spent the night from december 30 to 31 in a volunteer detachment. there were a lot of fragments and various consequences. people abandoned their families, abandoned their children, roughly speaking, they rushed off to clear away the rubble. irina and mikhail have been volunteering for many years; in fact, they met in a volunteer group, and now they always go out to help together. we usually have something else. warehouse, well, here we are now we keep our protective equipment, because we travel to border territories, this is my wife’s body armor for her protection, helmets, my body armor also includes a helmet, and we also have such elders, so-called self-instructors, we
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train military personnel, everything necessary is there, the contents are in they are located, probably, if you can help, then you should help, if you have the strength,
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from the dpr, lpr, kherson, zaporozhye regions, ukraine. julia herself is from kharkov. in my personal life, 2014 turned into a before and after. they come to us here at the help center, this zone, here people can choose shoes
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, books, children's toys , here we offer clothes, here this little blue one is a gift, this is how we do it so that we have five of these, together with yulia we go to the city of shibekina, we take several humanitarian aid items with us sets with food and household chemicals. shibekina is a city in the belgorod region, and the city, which is located 10-15 km to the border itself, essentially to the line of military contact, yes, there are already ukrainian troops on the border, and therefore this city is beautiful. but long-suffering. june 1st
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in the twenty-third year, shibekin was subjected to a massive attack by the ukrainian armed forces. residents fled the city and took refuge in temporary accommodation centers. yulia is one of those volunteers who took people out from under shelling in her car. guys, here are the first evacuated people, ksenia is picking them up and taking them away. it’s just that the house nearby was on fire, i thought that it would explode and everything on the list today 9 92, residents of shubekin, two brothers, vyacheslav and pavel, also helped their neighbors leave the danger zone, sweetie. hi, go,
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a little bit of your dirty body, nothing, who this, this is a comrade, a very good person, vyacheslav, borkov, people whom i personally consider heroes, and this is pasha, look, pavel borkov, these are two brothers, we found brothers in the welding shop, here... we need some things to do, they are literally working under fire, they show the walls of the workshop cut by shrapnel from a tank shell, the walls are all cut by shrapnel. they are obtained through the entire workshop, and there are fragments there too. vyacheslav and
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pavel, together with other volunteers, help restore houses after shelling. the film has already begun to be cut into this house they can’t go in at all yet, because everything is littered, they can’t even get inside , understand what’s there anyway, they couldn’t pass by, but let’s go, everyone says, it’s dangerous to go to run, well, in principle, after the june events, it’s like for us not scary. help, and hello, this is yulia nemchinova,
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well, closer to the front line, we’re taking the guys to open, one of yulia’s charges, a resident of shibekin, a former submariner, nikolai zyuzin. we are waiting for our hero, who has already been a hero, i think that there are no former heroes, nikolai zyuzin, retired captain of the third rank, commander of the missile compartment. submarine received a spinal injury in 1998 during a combat campaign. for impeccable service, then some anniversary celebrations there in connection with the anniversary, in general, the anniversary of the first nuclear explosion. we found nikolai’s family, as they say, in their suitcases, moving to live in st. petersburg. they didn’t dare for 2 years, but after the summer bombing in
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1923, their wife and children persuaded them to leave their native shebekina. for a long time i resisted, i didn’t want to. to leave, and then it’s really scary it became when the feeling already smelled of something fried, close nearby, smoking, everything is visible, there ’s a glow there, there’s a glow, such a roar, like in the fry, like on the front line, they moved to shebekina 20 years ago from crimea, his wife svetlana has relatives in ukraine, but since twenty-two they have not communicated with them, the zyuzins have tried to make contact more than once, but were rejected.
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the new tavalzhanka experiences shelling several times a day, one of the recent mortar attacks on january 27, 17 arrivals, five
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attacks using kamikaze drones, damaged cars, the windows of houses were broken, the memorial was smashed. in memory of the fallen servicemen , pensioner valentina tishchenko lives here on the outskirts of the village, come in, come in, come in, hello, oh, don’t get too excited, come in, there’s no swamp on the street, here in the kitchen, pavlovna is left to live alone on her street.
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raises poultry at home and always has fresh meat and eggs. they took me away, but why should i go there, i ’m a villager myself, you know, i don’t like it, then you’ll grow up, but in the morning, what a beauty, why would i
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go there, that st. petersburg, the city is good, beautiful, well, i don’t want to give you all a gift, look, it’s so beautiful, thank you, and even sponsors, goodies, chocolates, everything, i think you will be very pleased. thank you very much for coming. yulia nemchinova has more than 200 families under her care; she comes as a pensioner herself; families with many children come to her center for help. no one whines here, no one cries here, here everyone unites, pulls themselves together, and, gritting their teeth, helps and overcomes. and this is probably the most important, distinguishing feature, yes, of ours. belgorod of our belgorod residents, that we are together, we lined up shoulder to shoulder.
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the bell rings for class at the engineering school, but none of the children are in a hurry, the corridors are empty, the classrooms are empty. in the belgorod region, for security reasons, a distance learning regime has been introduced until february 19. our children communicate online.
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all personnel from the director to the cleaning lady undergo training, skills are practiced both on colleagues and on a mannequin, finger pressing is performed in the same way with four fingers, here it is like this, this film will be visible. right there it is on every window we have, all the windows of a four-story school were covered with a protective film back in the summer of twenty-three, it provides protection if there is suddenly some kind of hit or some kind of fragment, usually the glass flies out, so that the fragments that will fly into small wounds, they will not fly, the system of emergency sound signals has been worked out, belgorod children listen to the school bell and... count the number of repetitions, one long bell is a fire, and we evacuate to the street, there are two short ones, we run for cover, realizing that it is rocket
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danger, three bells - this is when a hostage situation is being taken, the children are no longer running anywhere, they are barricading themselves in classrooms, the school has its own bomb shelter, it was equipped in the basement in case of a missile danger, when those same two...
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victories sound, that is, when everyone everything is relevant for the front again, everything has its place, everyone does their job , accordingly, thereby helping our soldiers in the trenches, well, if all of belgorod leaves, what will remain, after all, this is what they are trying to achieve, i work as a doctor, if now all doctors are for the city of belgorod, who will treat people, who will save people, to put it bluntly, as well as teachers and a bunch of other professions that are needed right now, as soon as i leave it, this is my hometown, i... was born, lived here for 32 years , i cannot leave here in any form, only here, only to the end, we are not afraid, we cannot be intimidated.
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the border territories of the belgorod region have been subjected to daily shelling from the ukrainian side since february 24, 2020. there are dead and wounded among the civilian population. installed in the region yellow level of terrorist threat, but 90% of the population does not leave. outpost of russia - belgorod. people continue to live and work in their favorite city.
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what happened here on february 24-25: social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots, the main task was to capture the enemy people not physically, but... to ideologically bring confusion and confusion into his soul , this is the surest path to victory in rebellion and war. the content and the agenda itself are there are formed by hundreds of professional people from the staff who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally underwent training in ipso courses, there are chats where we get assignments, today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against
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the dagestanis, which means that they will go to... remember when they endlessly explained to us that we have the wrong a country that we should be infinitely ashamed of already, because we are russian, this was a real hybrid war. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain new knowledge, to feel inspired , to build a career, to realize our plans, to start a family, to create a life, to pass on traditions, to preserve the memory of the past and to conquer new heights, in
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our... hands, to choose our future and the future of the whole countries. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at the khudmurti enterprise. the minister studied the progress of production of drones, both reconnaissance and attack ones. he got acquainted with new models of drones, they were created at based on experience of use in special operations. shaig was shown new composite materials; they significantly increase the survivability of aircraft . during landings, with any impacts, nothing breaks. that is, survivability is very
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