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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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february 2024, the kiev regime attempted a terrorist attack on russian civilian transport ships in the southwestern region of the black sea, using semi-submerged unmanned boats. to repel this attack , patrol ships and aircraft of the russian navy were involved, carrying out tasks in the area. one unmanned boat was destroyed by artillery fire and the rest were suppressed. means of electronic warfare. as a result of the attack, civilian transport ships and naval ships the russian fleet was not damaged. the ukrainian authorities finally deprived the monks of the kiev-pechersk lavra of their monastery. the kiev city council transferred the land on which the monastery is located for permanent use to the kiev pechersk lavra national nature reserve. the latter is subordinate to the ministry of culture of square. and thus the final point was put in the capture of the monasteries. one
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of the most important orthodox shrines will pass into the hands of the schismatic orthodox church of ukraine. today is the day of the forum of national achievements that take place at the exhibition russia, dedicated to youth policy. one of the events was a presentation of the activities of year-round educational centers. they are created on the initiative of the president. thereby.
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this is our first family freckle on my great-great-grandmother's nose. freckle conquered the rebellious heart and fled, dispersed. spring has come and sunbeams in love are jumping all over the earth. not everyone likes freckles. hey, redhead, you have to share, but you can’t beat the freckle. it is necessary, it is necessary. save it and pass it on to other generations. national
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it was she who introduced me to science. develop an interest in science from childhood. enter science majors. science.rf. i welcome you, dear tv viewers
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of the russia 24 channel, to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called destroy memory. there are all sorts of monuments in the world, so i’ll read to you what they are like, there is a monument to chizhik the fawn in st. petersburg, there is a monument to the baldei sprats , a monument to the plumber, a monument to a finger, a monument to an axe, a wallet, forks, books, paper clips, a monument to cats ,
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so to speak, to ask him for the family to be strong and friendly. well that's what it is a sweet, funny tradition, but there are other images, other images, in my opinion, more serious, which for many people in our country personified friendship, loyalty and family, these were two such people who lived in our country, in the city of murim, peter and fevronia , it became known about them...
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by that time he was suffering greatly, he was suffering from a disease, leprosy, according to legend, he got this disease when he killed a fire-breathing snake, touched its blood, from this he became infected and... this disease brought him unbearable pain , disfigured him very much, he tried a lot of different things means to recover, but everything was useless until he had a dream, supposedly somewhere in the ryazan province such a commoner fevronia lives, she, according to legend,
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was the daughter of the tree-bearer, bortnik, that is , this is a person who climbed into the wild forests through the trees where... wild bees nested and collected honey there. peter sent messengers there, offering all sorts of rewards, jewelry, gold, but she refused everything. having installed theirs...
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unrest and disgrace began, they were invited back and lived there until they were very old.
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in muram in the well-being and great respect, so to speak, of all subjects for this family. at the end of their lives, they took monastic vows, and having become a monk, peter became david, and fevronia became eurosia, having taken monastic vows, they ended up in different lives, naturally. monasteries, but together they asked god to end their earthly journey on one day at one hour, it happened, it happened on july 8, according to the new style, 1228, their desire was to be buried together in one coffin, for this it was prepared , stone coffin with a thin partition, but after their death , people did not really listen to their will, they buried them in different places, but to their own amazement they discovered that the next morning they were nearby, so they
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were buried together, then they were canonized, and today their incorruptible relics are in the church of the holy trinity, a monastery of the same name in the city of murami, a huge number of people come there, pilgrims, people who ask saints peter and fevroni for good family life for... courage, asking for peace in the family, family longevity and so on and so forth, well, it would seem, why talk about it, when everything is clear, why we are talking about it now, that’s why: on october 28, 2017, a meeting of the council of deputies of the krasnoselsky municipal district of moscow was held under the chairmanship of ilya yashin, he became the head this municipal...
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this proposal was initiated by the committee on monumental art of the moscow city duma, deputy ilya mishchenko reported on this issue, for reference mr. mishchenko, junior researcher interregional public organization russian society for conservation. and the study of birds named after michal aleksandrovich mensber, this is
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the founder of russian ornithology, a famous professor and generally a very famous person in ornithological circles. i bring to your attention a recording from this meeting, apparently made by someone present there. i apologize for the quality, but we will help you understand in text what it says. look here please. i believe that the construction of such a monument is inappropriate for several reasons reasons, but let’s start with the characters themselves, these are the origins described. they are not confirmed, their , so to speak, according to the description of their lives, the moral way of life is confirmed by doubt, in modern language, peter himself apparently suffered from syphilis because he slept with his brother’s wife, but according to legend, it was he who killed the eel snake and became infected from his blood, after which the commoner fevronya blackmailed him with the fact that he would not be cured, if she could
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cure him, but he must marry her, well , that’s the same blackmail, so strange story.
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think about it and comment on what mr. mishchenko is saying and how he argues for the absence of the need to erect a monument to peter and fevronia, just think about it, the moral way of life, doubt, peter himself was sick, syphiles from the fact that he slept with his brother’s wife, but according to legend, it was he who killed the snake for, well, listen, i can understand when...
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to make this decision to make a proposal, he makes it, he must be at least somehow logically secure, well, at least somehow, but if he says it's not proven the existence of peter and fevronia, how can he claim that he had syphilis, and what’s more, he became infected because he lived with his brother’s wife, but if this is not proven, where do you get the information that he contracted syphilis, oh 'okay , let’s say, theoretically it would be possible , you never know what happens, but mr. mishchenko, you should probably, before declaring this, ask when this bad disease appeared in russia, and it appeared in russia through 200 years after peter and fevronia ended their earthly lives
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way, could you somehow inquire about this yourself? lack of connection with the krasnoselsky district, they don’t come here, are in no way connected either historically, geographically, or causally, and what is the argument, what relation do they have to moscow, these are murom residents, and what relation do they have to arkhangelsk, to sochi, to abakan, vladivostok, yekaterinburg, tuli, volgograd, krasnoyarsk, what does it matter, they were there, they have never been there. but there are monuments to them, why? because they are holy for our people, because that our people, believers, they want to have such saints, i’m not defending saints now , no, it’s not for me to defend them, i
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’m just talking about respect for the people who live in your country, i want to ask a question to those who elect you - the residents of the krasnoselsky district do you see any connection between how they refuse to erect a monument to people who personify family life, love, fidelity, with one of the first phrases said by ilya yashin on twitter after his election as a deputy. the phrase is simple, short and clear. there will be a gay pride parade in moscow, of course, what kind of connection can there be between family, love and loyalty between a man and a woman and the gay pride parade that mr. yashin promises...
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elect whoever you want, but at least you, well, take a look , in addition to what they tell you in order to be elected, you look, so to speak, on twitter, on instagram, look, listen, in general, how the people themselves, not what they say about them, how they themselves say, well, you remember, just recently we talked about lyusya shtei, who defended with her powerful breasts entire houses from demolition, deputy, elected...
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for the answer. i would also like to know how you feel about the project for the renovation of the kursk station, proposed by the deputy from the basmanny district, andrei shikkelgrober. in the photo
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, the architectural style he proposed for the reconstruction of the station. lucy, there is no need to answer in detail. where can i read about the station? the smiley looks strange.
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let's go further, let's go further along this line, just trying to figure it out, to separate the wheat from the chaff. there was such a wave
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about girls and boys who arrived in the bundestag. i’m not going to blame them, i just want to figure it out so that we can think together about where the legs are coming from. but it doesn’t happen like this, listen, there lived, there was a boy, and two girls in the new urengoy, suddenly bam, in the bundestag. merkel. the president, steinmeier, deputies, how did they get from new urengoy, how did they get together, sit down, and go? here in the house of writers, on the wall , there was once written a quatrain by rasul gamzatov, it sounded like this: everyone can drink, you just need to know where with whom, for what, when and how much. it also seems to me that this is very correct words, you need to figure out what, where, when, in front of whom and what you are saying. listen, please, to the speech that caused such violent anger. so, three gymnasium students, this is nikolai.
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germany, i learned and studied in detail the biography of georg johann rau. georg was one of 250 thousand german soldiers who were surrounded by the soviet army in the so-called stalingrad pocket. after the fighting stopped , he ended up in a prisoner of war camp. only 6,000 of these prisoners of war returned home, george was not among them. long time family the dead soldier was considered missing, and only last year georg's family received information from the german people's association for the care of war graves that the soldier died from harsh conditions of captivity on march 17, 1943 in the prisoner of war camp in biketovka. jorg's story and work on
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the project. slabs dedicated to soldiers missing in the battle of stalingrad buried in the german military cemetery of vlagograd-rasashki. after i was offered to participate in this project, i decided to visit the memorial created by means of the people's union of germany for the care of war graves in the krasnodar region. war, in julius’s view, is absolute nonsense, which has become the most difficult test for everyone. i really hope that all this nonsense
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will end soon. and we will be able to return back to reich, working on the project, i had a desire to visit a german burial in the village of lublin, i was saddened by what i saw, since a lot of innocent people died who wanted to live peacefully, listened, and now let's sort it out, listen, what it sounds like, that's what it says nikolai, work on the project touched me, or... it made me extremely sad, or many wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight, these are excerpts from nikolai’s text, now irina kokorina, her phrases from her speech, work on the project, i was saddened what i saw, many innocent people died who wanted to live peacefully, or who, so to speak, completely outraged everyone, i don’t specifically focus on this, but let me remind you that...
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pure interlinear translation, this is a translation from german or some other language , was this written by a schoolboy or his mother? this translation, and as a carbon copy, distributed with minor changes to all three, they all practically said the same thing and in almost the same words. phrases: this upset me extremely, because i saw the graves of innocent people who died, many of whom wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight. i was amazed that near the stone slabs on which the names of the dead were carved, there were photo frames with images of families. the work on this project did not leave me indifferent, since so many innocent people died, who wanted to live peacefully, now
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the question arises... why did they say that, why did they say that? novy urengoy is a rich district, it is an area where there is a very powerful, developed structure, the structure of gazprom, and what is important is that this is an elite gymnasium, too, sponsored by gazprom. this is what the head of the media relations service at gazprom dobycha yamburg says about this boy and this phenomenon in general. sergei chernetsky, who strongly called on the public to stop bullying altogether boy and so on and so forth, he writes: attention, pride, that our youth are so patriotic and caring, and these are patriots of which country and are not indifferent to what?


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