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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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this process stopped immediately so that the minsk agreements could be implemented, frankly speaking, i didn’t know how we would do this, but i was ready to implement them, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements of independence for donbass, which were provided for these territories, well this is true, but i was absolutely sure , i’ll tell you now, i sincerely... that if
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we managed to persuade those people who live in donbass, they still had to be persuaded to return, as it were, to the framework of ukrainian statehood, and gradually , they will gradually heal early, gradually, gradually, when this part of the territory returns to economic life, to the general social environment, when pensions will be paid, social benefits, everything will gradually, gradually grow together, no, no one wanted this. everyone wanted only with the help of the military strength to resolve the issue, but we could not allow this, everything came to this situation, when in ukraine they announced, no, we will not do anything, they also began preparations for military action, they started the war in 2014, our goal is to stop this the war, and we didn’t start it in 2022, is this an attempt to stop it?
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final signing of documents, my colleagues in france and germany said, well, how can you imagine how they will sign an agreement with a pistol pointed to their head, to their temple, we need to withdraw the troops from minsk, well, okay, we withdrew the troops from minsk, as soon as we oh, excuse me from from
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kiev, as soon as we withdrew the troops from kiev, our ukrainian negotiators immediately threw them into the trash. after gaining independence, ukraine began to search, as some analysts in the west say, for its own identity, and could not come up with anything better than to put at the forefront of this identity such false
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heroes who collaborated with hitler. i have already said that at the beginning of the 19th century, when theorists of independence and sovereignty of ukraine appeared, they proceeded from the fact that that an independent ukraine should have very kind, good relations with russia, but due to historical development, due to the fact that when these territories were part of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, poland, the ukrainians were quite cruel...
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persons who are well known, bandera , shushkevich, these are the people who were made national heroes, that’s the problem , they tell us all the time, well, nationalism,
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nationalism and neo-nazism exist in other countries, yes there are roskies, but we are putting pressure on them and in other countries they are putting pressure on them, ukraine no, on they made ukraine out of them. national heroes, monuments are erected to them, they are on flags, they, their names are shouted by crowds who walk with torches, like in nazi germany, these are people who destroyed poles, jews and russians, this practice and theory must be stopped, which means of course, any nation, it has grown , considers part of the people there, so we say, i say that this is part of the common russian people, they say: no, we are a separate people, okay, good, if someone considers themselves a separate people, they have this right, but not on the basis nazism, that’s right, nazi ideology , look, the president of france, the president, you will be satisfied with the territory that
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you already have, no, no, let’s finish, you asked a question about neo-nazism and denazification, the president of ukraine came to canada. this is well known, but is hushed up in the west and a person was presented in the canadian parliament who, as the speaker of parliament said. hitler and his minions, it turned out that this man served in the ss troops, he personally killed russians, poles, and jews. ss troops, formed from ukrainian nationalists, they were engaged in this dirty work. the president of ukraine stood up, along with everyone else.
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listen to me, your question is very subtle, and can i tell you what i think, but you won’t be offended, of course, it would seem subtle, it’s very disgusting, this question, you say, hitler is gone, for so many years, yes, 80 years , that means, but that's the point. lives, the people who destroyed jews, russian poles are alive, and
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the president, the current president of today's ukraine, applauds him in the canadian parliament, applauds while standing, how can we to say that we completely uprooted this ideology, if what we see is happening today, this is what denazification is, in our understanding, we need to get rid of those people who,
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in ukraine there were no peace negotiations, they were, they were, they reached a very
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high stage of agreeing on the position of a complex process, but still they were practically completed, but after we withdrew the troops from kiev, as i already said, the other side, namely in ukraine, threw out all these agreements and accepted them under the thumbs instructions from western countries, european,
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i won’t go into detail, i never do this, but i told them then, i believe that you are making a huge mistake of historical proportions, support everything that is happening there in ukraine, push away russia, i told him, i told him repeatedly, by the way , here i think that this will be correct , i will limit it to this, but what did he say, you can
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ask him, please, it’s easy for you, you are a citizen of the united states, go, you can ask everyone, they are all , thank god they are alive and well, and that means the former the president, and candalisa is alive, healthy in my opinion, mr. gates, and today , today’s director of central intelligence and development management, mr. burns, he was then ambassador to russia, in my opinion, he was a very successful ambassador, they are all witnesses to these
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conversations, ask they have the same thing here, if you are interested in what mr. - and that means president biden - answered me, well , ask him, well, in any case, we talked to him, i understand this perfectly, but from the outside it may seem that all this can degenerate into such a situation when the whole world is on the brink of war, maybe even nuclear strikes will be carried out, why don’t you call biden and say, let’s somehow solve this issue? why decide? everything is very, everything is very simple, we, i repeat, have contacts through various departments there, and i will tell you what we say on this matter and what we convey to the us leadership, if you really want to stop hostilities, you need to stop arms supplies, everything will end
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within a few weeks, that’s all, and then you can agree on some conditions before.
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understand, this is the largest act of industrial terrorism in history, and moreover, the largest emission of co2 into the atmosphere, but taking into account the fact that you have evidence from your intelligence services, why don’t you present such evidence and win in this...
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germany feeds poland to a certain extent, germany is a donor to these pan-european funds, and they took they closed the route to germany, why, i don’t understand, ukraine, to which the germans supply weapons and give money, the second sponsor after the united states in terms of financial assistance to ukraine is germany, there are two gas routes through the territory of ukraine pass, they took one route for...


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