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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:02pm MSK

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glued together from several component parts , this is a map of the city of mariupol, on which a number of medical institutions were marked, presumably from which the biomaterial was taken, we see here the ilyech clinic, city hospital 1 5 4, in the meantime it starts in kiev, i have no words, we have started these tests are to help children they hurt or kill them, this is part of the documentation of the trial, we can see the mortality chart, as i already... said, the mortality rate is extremely high in the second stage, but the trials do not stop. this is a fragment of a list of child patients, some of them are already dead. in addition to documents, in mariupol they also found envelopes with drugs without names, boxes with containers for biomaterials with addresses of foreign laboratories and gratitude from western countries for such cooperation. back in the spring of twenty-two, it was known that pentagon specialists had been testing dangerous biological products for several years in many hospitals in the square. thus, during a special operation
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on the territory of ukraine, it was established that in the period from 2019 to 2021, american scientists from the laboratory in the city of merifa, kharkov region, tested potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients at the regional clinical psychiatric hospital number 3 in the city of kharkov. persons with mental disorders were selected for experiments taking into account their age, nationality and immune status. the united states is increasing the presence of its biological laboratories around the world, as well as on the territory of the states themselves. has germany really forgotten the lessons of history and wants to whitewash hitler’s dark past?
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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she definitely reads minds or not, prime minister anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has special gifts. who are you looking at today? well, the girl is standing scratched, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, watch only without amateur performances, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch before anyone else in the app or online.
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we always. we do everything together, support each other, believe in the best, care and give warmth and overcome difficulties in common. together we are strong, we vote for russia. let's test your memory, remember in detail what you did 3
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for everything, there is enough cashback for everyone. why do we know so little about our families? this is the question printed in a rather confused tone in the headline of a recent article by the tabloid bilt, whose authors. decided to think about how it happened that the ancestors of a significant part of the germans were nazis? well, it would seem that the answer is obvious, it’s enough to know a little history, and not so long ago, but seriously, this publication appeared after the scandal surrounding anna, lena berbock, let me remind you that the head of the german ministry of foreign affairs was allegedly shocked by the information about her grandfather, who not only served in the wehrmacht, but also fanatically followed hitler’s criminal ideas, well, that is, the biography is very eloquent, certainly deserves close attention, however, now...
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but for some reason they do not remember the sacrifices of these ancestors in eastern europe and, of course, in the soviet union. in germany , the lessons of the terrible history of nazism seem to have been forgotten. and they began to actively stir up their dark past, but no longer for the sake of repentance. soldiers of hitler's army march on the front page of the largest german daily bilt. under the title why germans know so little about their grandparents. and then their descendants loudly talk about what their families were previously afraid to even talk about. whisper, comfortable the pretext for publishing unsightly facts was the tears of the head of the german foreign ministry, annalena
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berba, when the victims of the holocaust were remembered in the bundestag, the minister herself, the granddaughter of a notorious nazi who participated in the attack on poland in 1939, read the forbidden maincamp and was awarded the hitler cross, about all this she allegedly didn’t know, but in fact she hid it, because her grandfather was bragging at home, and not only he, but the head of the defense committee, of the same bundestag, admits, her father convinced her... not to believe that she was treacherous, but essentially extremist the ideology of national socialism is a thing of the past , it has not gone away, as we see, zimmerman in the photo in the photo, standing with a ukrainian flag on a weasel , supports the neo-nazi kiev regime, she herself, by the way, is from the free democrats party. well, her colleague from the christian social union, dorothea baer , ​​talks about her grandfather, who built bunkers for the wehrmacht, and after the war he showed them to his children, he was proud. that is, it doesn’t matter which party german politicians represent now, to the root.
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the actor himself played the role several years ago hermann goering, the second most powerful man in nazi germany after hitler.
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the film is called, here is the poster: good goering, a good storyline brother of the reich minister, who allegedly helped jews during the war to hide from ethnic cleansing and not end up in concentration camps, but few people remember about his brother now, that’s why the title is good goering , where the ss leader drinks wine contentedly and plays the piano, clearly provocative, distorting the historical truth. there are ancestors who were in one way or another connected with the hitler regime, begins
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the architecture of denazification crumbles, so to speak, and what we see as a result is that nazism has not left germany, and, having survived, so to speak, several decades, is being revived again. now official berlin is in no hurry to refute the information that the grandfather of german chancellor olaf scholz was involved in the mass executions of jews in the territory of... poland and ukraine , rose to the rank of lieutenant general of the ss troops, and the ancestor of the minister of finance of the federal republic of germany was a wehrmacht general and participated in the operation during the siege of leningrad. grandfather also served in the wehrmacht polish prime minister donald. dull, it used to be that european politicians disavowed any connection with the nazis, but now they don’t, in italy the ultra-rights who have come to power are reviving the fascist behests of benita musalinia. the supreme court has ruled that the so-called roman salute, raising the right arm in the air in public, is no longer a crime. the averton windows weren’t just opened a crack here, nastyazh was thrown open. this is revenge on
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the misanthropic ideology of nazism that existed in the 20th century. and as the president correctly stated. in his recent interview, answering the question about what russia is struggling with, because hitler died almost 80 years ago, the president said that even though hitler died, his idea lives on, and it lives on precisely thanks to those adherents of this idea who openly declare today that they have nothing to be ashamed of, that there is no shame for the german and other peoples, there is no historical shame, experts say, one can even go as far as revising the results of the second world war and...
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a commercial object. details from varvara nevskaya. symbol of crime in the russian world. russian nationalist ukraine-fob. these epithets in modern ukraine are easily substituted for the name of any outstanding russian figure, but this time they are addressed to the figure of the former prime minister of the russian empire, pyotr stalypin. his remains have been resting near the refectory church of the kiev pechersk lavra for more than 100 years, its new director offers. dig it up, include it in the exchange lists, one of the ideas, for example, add it to one of the ideas - add it to the exchange fund, no matter how it looks or sounds, we have there are dead heroes, we have living heroes who are in captivity, we have our ukrainian prominent figures who are buried within the russian federation, abandoned and no one knows where they are. if we say that the process
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of real independence of ukraine has begun, it should begin, among other things, with the return of our symbols of our figures. it was stalypin's will to be buried where he would be killed. the official had no doubt that he would die as a result of the assassination attempt; from 1905 to 1911, they tried to kill him 11 times. 1 in september 1911, the terrorist dmitry bagrov succeeded in shooting the prime minister at the kiev opera. four days later , stalypin died to understand what his name meant for the entire russian empire. it is enough to recall one historical fact: the farewell to the body of the great reformer lasted more than a day, thousands of kiev residents came to say goodbye to stolypin, it was his law on zemstvos in the western provinces that reduced the influence of large polish landowners, in favor of russians, ukrainians and belarusians, it was his reforms made an undeniable contribution to the economic,
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humanitarian and cultural development of ukraine. stalypin saved more. million ukrainians, yes, having resettled them during these years of the stalypin reform from land-poor ukraine to the fertile lands of western siberia, just this million people did not fall into the famine situation of the thirties, i do not unconditionally support this initiative, i consider it simply blasphemous, i hope so , that in ukraine , after all, the majority of the population really knows history and appreciates stalypin as a person who did a lot, and well... real, official kiev has long preferred an alternative history. ostapenko, one of the ideologists of ancient ukrainianism, and stalypin’s grave are not the only things that bother his eyes. he called the remains of the russian commander, field marshal general, peter rumyantsev of transdanubia, resting in the assumption cathedral of the lavra, objectionable. as a subject of exchange, kiev also considered the former nikolai
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vatutin, the army general who commanded the forces of the first ukrainian front, and released him. destroy everything russian that still remains in ukraine, that’s zelensky’s regime, it’s essentially things act like animals in this zoo, we will not trade our memory, that’s the thing, they want us to trade our memories, so what happens, this is our history. our culture, we will not agree to this, we ourselves will take care, together with the sensible ukrainians who are there, that this grave is preserved and that it receives its due. the most famous ethnic ukrainian buried in russia is nikolai gugol, but talking about including his remains in some
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exchange lists proposed by kiev is comparable to madness. the quote from peter stolypin cannot be remembered better, they need great upheavals, we need a great russia. varvara nevskaya, anna pogonina and olga alvukhina, news. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. whiskers, paws and tail, the secret weapon of the ukrainian armed forces. foreign publications write that ukrainian militants are using cats against russia; there is no hope for people anymore. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. you can't make money on honey, that's the same. problems, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, go ahead, register your business for free with alfabank and open an account with free
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a disgusting photo that was shared today by so ... the so-called minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleva, he allegedly became a victim of aggression, but oddly enough, not russian, dog, he says, someone’s dog suddenly attacked while walking and grabbed his shin heartily, but however, the bites turned out to be non-fatal , so now the character states that you still need to love dogs, although a reasonable question arises as to whether the representatives of the bandera junta love them, and the relationship with cats in the kiev regime has developed a very peculiar one, as evidenced by a note from the business publication insider. dedicated, in fact, to cats, they are said to increasingly serve in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine as such mascots, they say they create home comfort directly in the trenches, and supposedly enjoy universal respect, but in reality we are talking more about cynical exploitation, which animals are against for obvious reasons they cannot rebel, anastasia ivanova will reveal the details. anastasia, hello, well, what kind of work do these forced cats have to do. hello, alexey, well, actually from cats they do zelensky, they beg for
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money with their help. not in dark glasses with a blind sign, in a yellow and blue vest, but the message is the same: a cat-puck, languidly illuminated by a candle, asks for help from angry ukrainians so that they chip in for equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. well, of course, it’s not the animal who’s begging for the donation, it’s the landowner himself named lishchuk. to promote himself at the expense of a cat on extremist social networks, he has already gained more than 20 thousand subscribers, more than 80 thousand dollars in help, as he says in an interview with foreign media. where did everyone go? money yes it is truly unknown, but there are already fans of the puck in chile, in japan , a ukrainian militant boasts, or are they no longer just fans, sponsors of kiev terrorism, cats, there are dogs, other animals that are next to military personnel, they, well, provoke people positive feelings, and naturally, people try to donate not only from the territory
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of... ukraine, as a rule, current accounts are those to which money can be transferred from other foreign countries, including the european union. foreign publications they expose cats as weapons in the ssu, but in fact the animals are cynically used, apparently, there is nowhere to go if their state has abandoned them. this is how such posts, prayers, pleas for help are created, from the face, or more precisely, from the face of the kharkov cat stepan. more than a million subscribers and dozens.
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behind the pictures of social networks there are abandoned dogs and cats, the same predators , this dog stepped on a mine, she was still, well, a teenager, the guys didn’t exhibit it anywhere, the military didn’t publish this information anywhere, they quickly put the dog in car and brought her to the shelter to save her. our military and volunteers find animals in this condition. ukrainian monsters do not feel sorry for anyone; reality does not fit with window dressing on social networks. soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, if an animal comes to you, feed it, you leave, take it with you. no, and these animals are hungry, torn, in terrible condition, wounded.
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rotting, and you see it all with your own eyes, this is a pain, they are actually used to attract funds, and then they are disposed of. it is not uncommon for our military officers to write that they use dogs to undermine our positions, they just hang explosives on the dogs and send them to our soldiers in the trenches. ukrainian militants use any method, as long as they are given a day.
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well, they don’t touch cats or dogs, because after the story from the front line of law-abiding people and animals , it becomes clear who the real beast is. anastasia ivanova cat slavery. within 24 hours, russian aviation, missile forces, artillery and unmanned crews hit more than 100 areas of concentrations of manpower
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and equipment of the kiev regime, among the targets were the fsu's small ammunition depots, a couple of american m37 systems and a tank, not to mention a lot of other equipment, but the loss of enemy personnel over the same period exceeded 700 people. reports of the special operation in the material of denis alekseev.


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