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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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they don’t touch it like that, because after the story from the front line of law-abiding people and animals , it becomes clear who the real beast is, if i were unrealized, then the tragedy that is happening in ukraine today would not have happened, the sabotage of the minsk agreements, 9 years have passed since the signing who is to blame for the fact that the peaceful path was not chosen, they discussed and hung up on the fact that they tested drugs even on newborns. new, monstrous facts: western pharmaceutical companies conducted experiments on people, including children, before the liberation of mariupol. gdp russia added, so we still counted 3.5%. according to the latest data, 3.6. above forecasts. about the growth of the russian economy
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and the decline in inflation, despite aggressive sanctions, details of the meeting with a person trying to walk to his car, walking is unrealistic, freezing rain hit the central and southern part of russia, we will show the consequences and talk about forecasts. russian troops repelled the 13th. took more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction, improved their position in the krasnolimansk direction, the ministry of defense reported this, and per day, the enemy lost more than 800 troops. more details about the progress of the special operation, denis alekseev. footage from the right bank of the dnieper. the russian group there is actively using lancet loitering ammunition, the same ones, the stock of which in kiev is still trying to predict depletion, they never run out, and moreover, every time... they fly
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clearly to the target. on the krasnoliman front, during the day, artillery units inflicted fire on 100 identified targets, of which 60 points were concentrations of ukrainian armed forces personnel. the losses of militants in this area are under 300 human. in the krasnolimansk direction , units of the center group of troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled two attacks by assault groups, the sixtieth, sixty-third mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of yampolovka and... debravy. enemy losses amounted to 290 military personnel, four armored combat vehicles, and nine vehicles. today it became known that russian troops hit facilities used by the armed forces of ukraine in nikolaev, including the oil depot zashproekt plant. military products were produced there. about this was reported to rionovosti by representatives of the so -called nikolaev underground. some workshops were separated from other workshops, roadblocks were set up and it was forbidden to enter them. in
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these workshops , military products began to be produced; it is noteworthy that workers from western ukraine were attracted to work on the production of this armed forces of ukraine; the armed forces of ukraine refused the services of local workers. donetsk direction, our units again occupied more advantageous positions, against the backdrop of the advance of russian troops in bogdanovka and the far disadvantageous position of the militants in chatsefyar, there was a smell of fried food there, so much so that it got to kiev , reserves, mostly mobilized, began to be thrown into this direction, which...
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from the point of view of this zelensky, but he will carry out and he will act within the framework of strict - strictly implementation of those developments that developed at the pentagon. few people are responding to the promises of the kiev authorities that everything will be under control. in the frankovsk region, tetskashniks gathered people to campaign against russian aggression, but the locals themselves were aggressively opposed to the military commissars. people understand why people across ukraine are being recruited to fight for whom, ukrainian women are in despair, men are disappearing in the thousands about the fact that at the front they will never know from official sources, fortunately there is a foreign press that paints it in paint, here is the new york times for example, for people under conscription , trench warfare is a painful prospect: soldiers die from artillery , exploding drones, snipers, as well as in close combat with russian troops, ubiquitous landmines...
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the best option for resolving the ukrainian crisis was missed due to the fault of the zelensky regime and its western sponsors, said the russian ambassador. according to vasily nebenzi, in order to return donbass to ukraine, it was only necessary to implement the minsk agreements, but kiev chose to start a war against its own citizens. the leadership of ukraine did not hide the fact that
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it was not ready to implement the minsk complex to the world. and if they had been implemented, the tragedy that is happening in ukraine today would not have happened.
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putin wants to get out of this war, he won’t more open to negotiation as the conflict continues. over the past 2 years, we have found out that russia has much more powerful industrial potential than we thought the russians had in russia. we were assured that this was a gas station with nuclear weapons, but it was not...
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man, tucker compared the presidents of the united states and russia. if this were boxing, the doctors would have called off the fight, and it grieves me to see that the president is out of his mind, and that in my country they consider it very rude to talk about it. in the most amazing thing for me in 8 days, which i spent in moscow, was not even the leader of russia, although he is certainly impressive. this is the largest territory in the world, it is terribly diverse linguistically, culturally, religiously, it is difficult to govern such a country for 24 years, do you like it or not? no, an incapable person could not do this, he is very capable, and you know this, but moscow caused carlson the greatest shock. it is much cleaner, safer, more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, its architecture, food, services better than any city in the united states.
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an american journalist admitted that moscow is wonderful place to live. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. western pharmaceutical companies have been conducting experiments for several years...
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experiments, conducting experiments on children, but this is pure hitlerite fascism, well , that is, hitler did that, they herded children into concentration camps just like that. russian children, first of all, there were certainly jewish children and gypsies there, they drove children there to experiment on them, to suck their blood for the german nazis. the army today, as i understand it, is probably for what, for the ukrainian. with from 2008 to 2016, drugs were tested on residents of mariupol by dozens of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, for example, astrazeneca, great britain, fizer, usa, sale, south korea, sanaf and france. the ukrainian authorities gave western specialists permission to do whatever they wanted. when examining the boxes , a map was discovered that was glued together from several components; this is a map of the city of mariupol, on which. a number of medical institutions were noted, presumably from which the collection of biomaterial was carried out,
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we see here the ilyech clinic, city ​​hospital 1 5 4. in kiev, meanwhile, the third stage of vaccination with the new drug from fizer is starting. almost fifty children have already died from this clinical experiment in 3 months. the drug is not approved in the united states, but zelensky, by his decree , allowed children under 12 to be vaccinated and actually sentenced many. death, the fact that the west is again experimenting on ukrainians, as the nazis of the third reich did, was even admitted by an employee of the fazer branch in kiev. i have no words, we started these trials to help children, not to hurt or kill them, this is part of the trial documentation and we can see the mortality chart. as i said, the mortality rate is extremely high in the second stage, but the testing does not stop. this is a fragment of a list of child patients, some of them are already dead. in mariupol, in addition to documents. we also found envelopes with drugs without names, boxes with containers for biomaterials with addresses of foreign
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laboratories and gratitude from western countries for such cooperation. back in the spring of twenty- two it was known that specialists for several years, the pentagon tested dangerous biological products in many hospitals in nezalezhnaya. so, during a special operation on the territory of ukraine , it was established that in the period from 2019 to 2021 , an american scientist from a laboratory in the city of merifa, kharkov region. conducted tests of potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients of the regional clinical psychiatric hospital number 3 in the city of kharkov; people with mental disorders were selected for experiments taking into account their age, nationality and immune status. usa is increasing the presence of its biological laboratories around the world, since the development of biological weapons is prohibited within the states themselves. margarita semenyuk, natalya uvarova, lead. they are eliminating it in several regions of central and southern russia at once. region, a bus overturned,
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several passengers were injured, in rostov, the consequences of freezing rain. in the voronezh , volgograd, and astrakhan regions, tens of thousands of people were left without electricity, some schools went to distance learning. about bad weather, stanislav osichenko. here's the man trying to get to his car, it ’s impossible to walk. freezing rain turned the streets of voronezh into an ice skating rink. the precipitation continued for several hours and... whoever left the house became a participant in difficult trials. pedestrians tried to stay on their feet, and motorists had to at least call their cars out of the icy captivity. the crust of ice that covered the roads caused several accidents. a bus overturned on the highway in the novousmansky district. six passengers were injured. at the entrance to the romonsky district, everything became so icy that local authorities decided to suspend bus service. the disaster temporarily brought motorists and pedestrians together. this is how the caring driver, who had already been dubbed the hero of the day on social networks, helped the women
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get across the icy road. the roads and sidewalks of bryansk are also under a layer of ice, but local residents are not discouraged and treat the bad weather with humor. let's go, kindergarten, let's go, shall we, or shall we slide? the central and southern regions of russia are at the mercy of the elements. this is what the lipetsk-elets highway looks like after freezing rain. difficult situation in the rostov region, cut off power line, without electricity , almost 2000 people were left, look what is happening here, some kind of trendy, the governor of the rostov region vasily golubev declared a high alert mode, the power supply is now being restored by more than 200 emergency teams, utility workers and energy workers are being helped by the ministry of emergency situations employees, get there to emergency areas. difficulties are created by flooded sections of routes and country roads littered with trees. the situation is similar in
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the northern regions of kalmykia, where power lines were also damaged. brigades they also face difficulties; heavy equipment cannot pass. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in moscow and the moscow region. freezing rain also hit the region. but the consequences were not so serious. utility workers were well prepared and carried out preventive treatment of roads and sidewalks. on tuesday night, according to weather forecasters, it will get colder in moscow and the region, with freezing rain. into the snow, but by noon the clouds will be pushed out of the moscow region, the precipitation will stop and the sun will come out. stanislav vasilchenko, nikita korniev, artyom davidov, lead. in russia , as of the end of january, there was a decline in inflation of 7.2% in annual terms; overall, over the past year, prices increased by 7.4%, vladimir
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putin announced this at a meeting on economic issues. the president instructed to pay special attention to curbing inflation. also noted economic growth, at the end of the twenty-third year , growth rates in developed countries were more than doubled; i won’t , economic growth last year turned out to be higher than forecasts, russia’s gdp increased, here we are until now it was considered 3.5%, according to the latest data 3.6%. this is higher than the world average rate, the world average rate is simply 3%.
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1.9%, while non-oil and gas revenues increased by about a quarter, including in the fourth quarter they turned out to be almost half a trillion rubles more than expected, in january of this year they added about 85% compared to last year’s figure, this once again emphasizes the growing role of non-resource manufacturing industries. authorities of the kaliningrad region. provided housing to boris kotkov. the russian pensioner was expelled from latvia in kaliningrad, he continued to do what riga recognized him as a threat to national security. marina naumova will tell you what we are talking about. that's it, let's open it. that's it, the apartment is yours. our apartment, yes. boris kotkov has pleasant troubles. he is looking for furniture for a new two-room
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apartment in kaliningrad. the regional authorities provided it to a pensioner deported from latvia. that is, there is. everything so that he can live now, he has already ordered a corner sofa, managed to study prices in local stores, compared the cost of utilities services in riga and kaliningrad, electricity is 135 euros, and gas is even more , we pay about 200-300 euros for gas, but here you already found out utilities, found out, i was stunned there 30-40 euros, fees for an eighty-two-year-old pensioner were given only an hour, to the border they took him out at night under escort, this... he was not allowed through an exam. the largest association of compatriots in latvia, which
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was headed by boris katkov, after his deportation closed with the people he helped and worked with. i closed it via video link, people were crying, you know, that’s the isolation, people they just came to drink tea and chat, but the university decided to keep the ikbfu representative office in riga and boris kotkov still heads it, works remotely, together with the commission at the russian embassy in latvia , he is recruiting students whom he is preparing to meet in kaliningrad to show them the city. for 15 years, boris kotkov helped young people get an education in russia in their native language.
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pyotr stalypin, russian prime minister and reformer, who was assassinated in kiev in 1911 . his grave is in kyiv pechersk lavra. read more about the new cynical initiative of varvara
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nevskaya. the symbol of crime in the russian world is a russian nationalist, ukraine-fob. these epithets in modern ukraine are easily substituted for the name of any outstanding russian figure, but this time they are addressed to the figure of the former prime minister. knows where they are. if we say that the process of real independence of ukraine has begun, it should begin, among other things, with the return of our symbols of our figures. it was
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stalypin's will to be buried where he would be killed. that he will die in the result of the assassination attempt, the official had no doubt. from 1905 to 1911, they tried to kill him 11 times. on september 1, 1911 , terrorist dmitry bogrov succeeded in this by shooting. to the prime minister at the kiev opera. four days later, solypin died; to understand what his name meant for the entire russian empire, it is enough to remember one historical fact: the farewell to the body of the great reformer lasted more than a day. thousands of kiev residents came to say goodbye to stolypin. it was his law on zemstvos in the western provinces that reduced the influence of large polish landowners, in favor of russians, ukrainians and belarusians. exactly. his reforms made an undeniable contribution to the economic, humanitarian and cultural development of ukraine. stalypin saved more than a million ukrainians, yes,
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by resettling them during these years of stalypin’s reform from land-poor ukraine to the fertile lands of western siberia. it was precisely these million people who did not fall into the famine situation of the thirties. i do not unconditionally support this initiative, i consider it simply blasphemous, i hope... that in ukraine , after all, the majority of the population knows really history and appreciate stalypin as a person who has done a lot. but official kiev has long preferred an alternative history to the real one. ostopenko is one of the ideologists of ancient ukrainianism, and stalypin’s grave is not the only thing that is an eyesore for him. he called the remains of the russian commander general field marshal peter rumyantsev of transdanubia, resting in the assumption cathedral of love, objectionable.
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read more about how preparations are going, egor grigoriev. the remote electronic voting system in moscow will be tested a few weeks before the elections, to eliminate failures, test innovations. previously, voters complained about the frequent loading of the system, this was explained , among other things, by the need for authentication via sms; the procedure will be simplified using calls, and it will become easier to get to the voting page.
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there is a lot of work, although social activists note the transparency and cleanliness of the candidates’ election campaigns. co-chair of the central election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, maryana lysenko held a number of meetings with the medical
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community in ufa. in the republican children's the hospital told her about the staffing level, about the equipment, it was of the best quality, but was purchased before the sanctions. losenko, herself a medical director at the fifty -second moscow hospital, knows all the complexities of medicine from the inside, noted problems with the production of equipment and the need for pharmaceutical independence, which should be enshrined in a specialized national project. we turned to vladimir vladimovich putin during our meeting with trusted representatives. co-chairs of the headquarters so that the national project healthcare was continued taking into account the challenges that modern times dictate to us. adult employees of medical institutions remember very well medicine at the turn of 2000; today these are high-tech centers. trustees of presidential candidate vladimir putin continue to collect orders around the country. he noted more than once that direct dialogue with people is important.
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now we have started work, we travel around cities, meet with citizens, public support headquarters are working, we receive proposals, all these proposals are collected in at the central election headquarters, the single candidate for president of russia from political parties, new people and the party of growth, vladislav davankov, met with young people; at the moscow college of information technologies, he
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was shown the equipment.
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together with activists of the communist party of the russian federation, the candidate laid flowers at the monument to vladimir lenin . nikolai khritonov plans to meet with residents and the workers of the experimental construction device plant. the presidential candidate from the ldpr party, lionite slutsky, is preparing an appeal addressed to the minister of defense of russia, asking to enter uniforms for assault units, the idea belongs to konstantin golovin. he was visited by a candidate at the vishnevsky central military clinical hospital. there's a participant. undergoing rehabilitation, golovin, the same attack aircraft whose video reading poetry spread across social networks not so long ago, the lines only, a fighter with broken legs, read, when artillery and a tank were working on him, he was actually saying goodbye to life. leonid slutsky also supported the volunteer’s initiative to erect a monument to stormtroopers. in the upcoming elections military personnel will be able to cast their vote. the process is also monitored at the public monitoring headquarters.


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