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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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what happened here on february 24-25? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all pr agencies tied to the west were turned off in order to incite regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest way to dinner in
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the middle of war, the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where we get tasks, today we scare the belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed. because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future. next 40 years, see you in future, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety
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starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. dear friends, i invite you to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you. this is parliamentary hour, we continue: teach first aid, help defend the right to housing, support patriotic projects and discuss current issues with business problems. this is all about the work of deputies during the regional week. alexander shavirin will continue. the chairman of the health protection committee, badma bashankaev, held a master class in medicine for future
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doctors in ufa. the deputy told what should be in the first aid kit and how to use it. badma bashankaev conducted the same course for svo participants. students immediately consolidated the acquired knowledge in practice. unfortunately, disasters do happen, such as man-made disasters, the arrival, unfortunately, of some uavs, and so on and so forth. here's to being on time stopping the bleeding, positioning the patient correctly, warming him up before arriving soon - this saves lives. 85% of losses can be prevented if we could.
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an unfinished construction project, in the end - in the third quarter of this year it is already planned to deliver the first 60 apartments. in the future, the entire, say, microdistrict will be built up and landscaped. renat ayupov also met with athlete yulia raspopova. after an accident and a complicated fracture of the cervical vertebra, the girl literally began to live again. suffered several operations, rehabilitation, depression, but found the strength to go in for sports and... a year later she entered the russian archery team among people with damage to the musculoskeletal system. today yulia is a prize-winner of many competitions. the deputy helped in purchasing special equipment. faith, support, the fact that they don’t forget me, they come here, it’s very nice, it’s very
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motivating. sport is everything for me now, because it helps a lot, firstly, physically, and secondly, mentally, to fight with my own people there some kind of fears. in the samara region , the first deputy chairman of the committee for construction and housing and communal services, vladimir koshelev , met with defrauded shareholders. for 20 years now, people have been waiting for their apartments, the project has changed, the developers have changed the deadlines, the only thing that has not changed is the house, which has not yet been commissioned. i bought my apartment in 2008, i bought this one with sixteen floors that were unfinished, which are still unfinished at the moment. their points after contacting the deputy. based on the results of joint work with the prosecutor general’s office and the fund development of territories, more than 200 people have already received compensation payments. in the process of this work, we see absolutely uncoordinated work at the local and regional level, when there is a complete
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absence of interdepartmental relationships. every person who suffered will be provided with either housing. or receive compensation. the chairman of the committee for the development of civil society, olga timofeeva, assessed the results of the overhaul of the hospital in the izobilninsky district of stavropol. at a meeting between doctors and deputies they talked about modernization primary care, staffing shortages , supply of medicines. the parliamentarian spoke about the decisions that are made at the federal level. we are making changes today to the legislation on what we allow. district hospitals sell medicines and you don’t need to be a pharmacist, you don’t need to have a license, if you have a specialist, then this can be done at retail in the hospitals themselves, in our outpatient clinics, in our dispensaries. in the voronezh region, chairman of the
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property committee sergei gavrilov took part at the presentation of a book about the heroism of civilians during the war. how much we can learn from our past depends on our happiness. our peaceful future. in yakutsk, deputies of the new people faction, together with entrepreneurs , discussed issues of the development of small medium-sized businesses at a round table. in particular, they asked for help. these are agricultural entrepreneurs who work in very difficult climatic conditions, where all the agricultural difficulties of russian farmers can be multiplied by two, and sometimes by three.
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the animals travel on the train and are then handed over to employees either by the directorate of railway stations or the directorate of passenger facilities. and after that, the search for the owner will continue. last year , over 600 thousand
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animals were transported on long-distance trains, every tenth was ownerless. in addition, it is necessary to introduce a system for identifying four-legged passengers during transportation. we expect to come up with a number of more solutions in the spring. which relate to commuter trains, where, taking into account the fact that a big gardening season will begin us, and many people will travel by train, there will be a demand. such decisions are very high, again so that animals do not get lost, and if suddenly this happens, so that they can be effectively returned to the owner. children's and educational educational literature should be accessible. deputies proposed making state support indefinite for small bookstores that perform a social function. maria burkova will talk about what benefits this gives to those who choose this path in business. here i have already. i grew up until the summer, i lived too many days to count, now i know that happiness is
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snuggling with my mother and reading. all her neighbors are well acquainted with this girl, they know that if you want to buy a quality children's book for your child, you need to go visit innati, you will end up in a bookstore. the girl herself says that her business is not about money at all, and the main goal of the business is to help, and not to earn money. i want to... make life in the area more pleasant, so that children from our area have something to do, so that they have quality leisure time, quality pastime so that families gradually increase the value of family reading. each book in this, albeit small, but socially useful home store, was carefully, and most importantly with love, selected by a mother of two. children, as renata herself says, in her store there are only books with traditional family values. the benefit
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that renata’s work brings to society was appreciated by the state. last year, the girl received the status of a social entrepreneur, and these are additional benefits, for example, subsidies, grants or special educational programs. there are certain grants that you can only apply for if you have the status of a social entrepreneur. but in general, how would i even spend it. negotiations, for example, with one of the businesses, and i always make sure to say that i have the status of a social entrepreneur, and this somehow enhances me in the eyes of the commercial guys who support such useful businesses, the law on small development medium-sized businesses, the document contains a list of companies that operate not only for the sake of revenue, but also for social contribution. in the twenty-first year, the list was expanded, children's stores were added. and youth books. in my opinion, to a greater extent , it is necessary to look not even at the effectiveness
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of the support measures themselves as a business, but at the meaningful content of the important work that this business carries out in publishing literature that is truly meaningful, useful and educational in nature. the fact is that their support now is not indefinite, only until the end of this year, which is unfair, he believes state duma. this law also allows these organizations additional benefits. measures of support from the state in order to develop more actively. the new bill proposes to make the assistance unlimited. such stores must meet two conditions: firstly, the share of their revenue, namely from textbooks, must be at least 55%. secondly, they must sell products from the list of educational, scientific and cultural publications, which is approved by the government. i believe that the book, especially now it should be within walking distance. and this is very important for our students, for our schoolchildren, for those undergoing training. this mainly applies to small
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towns, towns, and rural areas, where the book trade is concentrated - in such small medium-sized businesses. the bill that is in force today has provided the opportunity for such support, and we hope that we will be able to extend this support, and if it is indefinite, that will be absolutely wonderful. the relevant committee nevertheless proposed determine a specific period for extending measures to support the book business, for example, until 2027 . i regularly look at the results of sociological research. unfortunately, our book readers, especially among young people, are becoming fewer and fewer. does the committee believe that by '27 we will have a dramatic increase in readership, or are there other considerations? due to the lack of a complete analysis and...
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measures to counter modern threats and challenges were readily discussed by participants at the meeting of head committees and commissions parliament to the cst country. issues of international relations, defense and security, special attention to the escalation of armed conflicts, international terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, noted chairman of the duma committee on cis affairs leonid kalashnikov. and we agreed to continue working within the parliamentary assembly to build constructive cooperation with interested countries and international
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organizations in the security field. the experience of the csto today is of interest to many states from southeast. asia to latin america - emphasized leonid kalashnikov. we are also talking about the practice of combating foreign interference in the internal affairs of states. attempts to influence the upcoming elections that will take place in russia and belarus have already been recorded. our pride. this week we celebrated russian science day. exactly 300 years ago, peter ii founded the first academy of sciences in history. and today it is an honor to be a scientist. proof of this is that more than half of russian parents would like their children to make a career in the scientific field, this is data in tsom. further improvement of the status of the profession, including through various forms of support for salary increases, is among the recommendations of the state duma and the russian government. resolutions with complex proposals addressed to deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko following the government hour
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were unanimously adopted by deputies at a plenary session. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin emphasized that such developments are shaped by tragic events: a fire in the lame horse feather club, killing 156 people, a tragedy in the winter cherry shopping center of kemerovo claims lives from 60. fire engulfs thousands of square meters of hypermarkets and warehouses, distribution centers and residential buildings are blazing. minimizing the number of victims of these emergencies is a task, including for science. it becomes
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obvious that a fire-resistant material is needed. teams of scientists from the miss university of science and technology for 3 years. improves the properties, chemical composition, and technology of steel production. in fact, in appearance there is no difference, but in conditions of high temperatures, in fire conditions, a new grade of steel due to a certain chemical composition, innovative chemical composition, only becomes stronger. steel, which saves lives, is fire-resistant, has been experimentally tested; building metal structures made from it can withstand temperatures of 600° celsius for almost 30 minutes. all this time , the supports do not fold like a house of cards, beams. made of ordinary steel collapses in 14 minutes, the time gained slows down the collapse of buildings in a fire, and there are twice as many precious seconds for evacuating people. firstly, in general, the project was carried out with government support, we had subsidizing within the framework of resolution 218 of the russian federation, the industrial partner also provided 100% co-financing of this project, this was a sufficient amount of
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funding to develop from an idea, it really didn’t exist then, that is, straight from scratch to a sort of practical approbation. of practical use in 3 years it was possible to implement all this. science is the basis for the development of the entire state, and this foundation must be strengthened. the state duma unanimously adopted a draft resolution on state policy in the areas of scientific research and innovative developments. it is necessary to create conditions for the development of scientific and technological infrastructure, pay special attention to science cities, increase the status and prestige of the scientific profession, and improve the institute of scientific expertise. the project is presented by the head of the relevant committee. when developing recommendations for the government of the russian federation, we proceeded from the fact that scientific and technological development is not just one of the key tasks, but a necessary condition and basis for successful implementation of the entire set of strategic priorities of the state. the voiced recommendations, which are essentially complex proposals, are developed by deputies immediately after the government
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hour with dmitry chernyshenko. at the beginning of december, the deputy prime minister speaks in the plenary hall about the national project. all the conditions for scientific creativity are in russia, the rooting of the technological personnel avant-garde is the most important modern task, because it is the personnel that will help solve the key task outlined by the head of state, ensuring the national security of our country in aggravated conditions. economic threats requires the acquisition of technological sovereignty. this is precisely the task set by our president vladimir vladimirovich putin. and politicians are confident for this. employees in the sector need to increase their salaries. if we want a scientific breakthrough, then we need to change the wage system in education and science. we need to radically
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change the funding of these areas; without this scientific breakthrough we will practically not have it. there are not enough specialists themselves. key the issue is being raised in the state duma: the shortage of engineering personnel. without them, ensuring the technological sovereignty of a scientific breakthrough is impossible. first of all it concerns. territorially - these are siberia, the urals, the far east, these are studies that were carried out by the superjob portal. the solution is , first of all, to search for future specialists at the stage of training and nurturing these specialists. deputies point out that science is not just a theory, but also a practice, and in the modern world this interaction works. which ones are currently launched? programs, respectively, to stimulate the innovative development of small medium-sized enterprises in the regions of russia. you know there is. an effective project, a federal take-off from a startup to an ipo, its goal is to increase the survival rate of startups to increase the number of large technology companies, there will be
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special support measures for it made to confirm their practical research is demonstrated by employees of the research institute of rospotrebnadzor, it gives the child the opportunity to remember this pathogen and develop an effective defense after it. young scientist alexander kudryavtsev talks about a development that will protect a baby, even if he has no immunity at all. the social virus, the rsv virus, our team has developed antibodies against the infection, which will protect newborns, especially premature babies, who have a fairly high mortality rate from this infection. 5%, that is, for a large risk this will be a very good use. another development of these scientists will form the basis of a combined vaccine against influenza and coronavirus. this is the case in russia in wide
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not yet in use. it is currently at the stage of clinical trials. scientists from the country's leading research centers are working on the breakthrough that russia so desperately needs. there is a clear understanding and solidarity here. state policy in the field of science, innovation and technological development cannot be catching up. the course is only ahead. priorities in all sectors. elena zhilnina, andrey tarasov, sergey gordeev, yulia borodina, elena bogdan. duma tv, parliamentary hour. and that's all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in week. fourth annual forum strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree. president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450,000 citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate
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the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. rosscongress.rf.
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work calmly so that i can be confident in the future. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna strovskaya, the investigative committee, she has
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special ones, yes.
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our artillery destroyed it within 24 hours. another one and a half hundred military facilities of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction of the special military operation. this data is provided by the press center of the west group of forces, including enemy mortar crews, pickup trucks and artillery pieces. in addition, our rocket systems struck a live enemy debris flow in this area. russian motorized rifles destroyed a platoon-strong point of the ukrainian armed forces. the mortar fire was corrected by drone operators. in the kupinsky direction
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