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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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weapons, as well as secret documents of the ukrainian security service in mariupol, discovered a mined spron of the ukrainian armed forces. the footage is published by the fsb. the resort towns of antalya are going under water, on the turkish coast the streets are flooded and there is no public transport at home and rain is predicted for another 3 days. today in tsika they held a draw for distribution between candidates. for the president and the parties that nominated them air time on state, federal television and radio channels. we will find out all the details from our correspondent, anna voronina, she is in direct contact with studio. anna, hello, how was the airtime distributed in the end? hello, colleagues, it should be noted that the draw is still ongoing, the first were tvc, they have already distributed airtime between candidates and political parties, but now it is the vgtrk holding that is holding it. but
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before distributing time between the candidates, first it was necessary to determine the order in which tv channel would conduct this draw today, we did this using a lottery machine today, so we got second place holdinguk, in total five are taking part tv channels, these are russia 1, russia 24, the first channel, the first channel of tvc moscow and otr, as well as three radio stations, this is radio russia, vesti. and beacon, free airtime will be provided from february 17 on weekdays and until 0 o'clock local time until march 15. the total amount of free airtime provided is 7 hours or 420 minutes. free airtime will be provided on weekdays, that is, starting from february 19. during. for
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joint campaign events candidates, that is , half of the total amount of free airtime is allocated for debates, this is 3:30 minutes or 210 minutes. well, as for the holding in igtrk, during the presidential election campaign, this year a record amount of airtime is provided, this is 15 hours for...
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february 27, 28, 29 and march 5, 6, 7. the timing will be 45 minutes. the host of both will be dmitry shchugarev. well, how does the draw itself take place? each of the tv channels has prepared time slots, their sealed in envelopes, each of the party and the candidate, or rather its representatives, can, where they can place theirs.
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in total, more than 200 cartridges of various calibers were seized, of which 200 were foreign -made, about 60 grenades with fuses for them, dangerous finds were destroyed. another weapons cache was discovered in mariupol, in the donetsk republic. it was mined. the security forces managed to neutralize him and remove from him a machine gun, a machine gun, and a grenade launcher. in addition, documentation from the ukrainian special services was found in the cache, which was sent to study. a short advertisement,
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russia immediately condemned the hamas attack on israeli civilians, emphasizing that we do not accept any terrorist manifestations, but we also categorically oppose using this attack for collective punishment of the palestinian people. according to the latest count, there are no exact figures, there are already almost 30 thousand palestinians.
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it was necessary to resolve this conflict in its infancy, back on october 15, a week after the hamas attack. "we proposed in the security council to adopt a resolution calling to a ceasefire, they even stipulated a humanitarian ceasefire, but the ceasefire is not a pause, and this was blocked by the americans, then the united arab emirates and other members of the security council tried to push the same resolution, but it didn’t work, they only succeeded in approving a toothless text with an appeal to that same humanitarian pause."
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and the state, in accordance with un decisions, remains the main, main factor that
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will constantly generate instability and violence in the middle east. from this our colleagues, i spoke with my israeli colleagues about this many times, they brushed it aside, said that this was an exaggeration, the same thing, the americans and their allies had the same reaction. the work of the quartet of international mediators on the middle east settlement, which
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consisted of russia and the united states, the un and the european union, is being imposed, including in the current situation, they are imposing solutions on the regions, so to speak, their own recipes, divorced from reality, one-sided decisions that do not take into account the specifics of countries or region in general, well...
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we welcome, this course has already made it possible to normalize relations between saudi arabia and iran with chinese mediation, the same course on... made it possible to tie up and return syria to the league of arab states, in addition, a dialogue on normalization began relations between syria and turkey with the assistance of russia and iran, so that the regionals are proving their ability to act effectively when not interfered with, and
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the unprecedented escalation of the situation in the gas sector, returning to the main topic of today, of course... we have worked and are working to organize the evacuation of citizens of russia, israel and other countries from the combat zone, we are interacting with egypt, israel and the palestinians from the gaza strip, we have evacuated about 1,200 of our compatriots and members of their families, including citizens of other
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countries, as i already said , delivered about 500 then...
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those initiatives and those goals that are proclaimed by the prime minister of israel, but they are still fundamentally different from the demands that were put forward in the decisions of the international community, first of all un security council, and which , well, practically the whole world is shared, and should lead to the creation of a palestinian state, so we will continue this work together with... with ours, with our colleagues, well , the next inter-palestinian meeting, together with vitaly vyacheslavovich naumkina and us we expect to conduct it with our colleagues in the foreseeable future. with the support, of course, of the palestinians themselves and their arab friends. well, you see how other
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pain points remain in the region; ostaninsky continues to work in the syrian arab republic format, at the end of january the next twenty- first meeting took place in astana, the joint actions of the ostaninskaya troika, russia, and iran were confirmed.
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switzerland has taken an openly anti-russian position, suffice it to say, they recently approved the concept of foreign policy, which states that switzerland strives to
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strengthen european security not with russia, but against russia, this is written in an official document, well, what kind of mediation services can they do? , by the way, they are trying to impose their mediation on ukraine, none of this it turns out, this is not the same...
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we compared the approaches of both russia and the league of arab states to issues on the regional and international agenda, issued special statements, in july, in july last year, the sixth round of strategic dialogue took place in moscow russia, the cooperation council of the arab states of the persian gulf, i would again like to thank our friends, including
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academician naumkin for... as you know, in constant contact with his middle eastern colleagues, both during mutual visits and through regular telephone conversations with arab and israeli leaders, so i am sure that discussions on your platform, as always , will lead to recommendations that will be heard, in demand, i hope, put into
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practice, thank you, thank you very much, colleagues , now all the questions, but let’s wait until will leave the press, this was a speech by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov, he is taking part in the thirteenth middle east conference of the valdai club. what happened to us on february 24-25: social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to a rally, everyone connected to the west, pr agencies to induce regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and sweeping into their souls, this is the surest path to victory in the war, content and... the agenda there
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form hundreds of professional people from the staff who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where we get assignments: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will go to streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russians, this was the real one...
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators project russia 2062 of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. in the future, over 400 terrorist crimes have been stopped in russia since the beginning of the special operation, the director of the fsb, the chairman of the national anti-terrorism committee alexander...


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