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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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thousands of likes, true popular recognition, in the audience of the mariupol state.
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at the beginning of the mariupol operation, this building, like other buildings of the university, took a position prohibited in russia. the azov residents were driven out of here, but the building, naturally, suffered greatly, given the destruction, it is surprising that the university buildings were able to be restored within a year. i understand correctly that it was possible to restore it quite quickly. yes, we entered here when all the events had already, let’s say, to put it so nicely, ended, we entered at the end of may of twenty-two, so already on september 1, 2023 , students are now studying in an academic format , student life is normal at the university today, the assembly hall suffered the least damage during the battles, rehearsals go on one after another.
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universities, which then in 2014 remained on the territory controlled by ukraine, already during the svo, actually changed the curriculum from the wheels . historically, mariupol is a russian-speaking city, like all of novorosiya in general, but again, starting from the fourteenth year, all subjects were taught in university schools in ukraine.
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irina vyalkova was born, raised and educated in mariupol. now she is the dean of the faculty of philology and mass communications. here he studies to become a philologist, journalist, advertiser, psychologist. she has been working at the university since 2007, and has been deputy dean since 2009. as they say now, the abolition of the russian language in schools and universities happened before her eyes. we didn’t shorten the hours at the university, there... they cut it off, forgot about it and that’s it, goodbye, that’s why it’s just, well, such a layer of culture, just elementary knowledge about this, it is simply lost, well , we are trying very hard, we have set aside a very large number of hours for journalists,
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well, for all specialties, and to adapt to the maximum of literature, language, to the russian educational programs of the mariupol university. like other universities in new regions, the ministry of science and universities are helped by curators. well, of course, a new life, new standards, it’s difficult, hard, but thanks to our team, yes, colleagues very much, of course, we are integrated into the ministry of science and higher education russian federation. thanks to partner universities, this university is our first curator.
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well, you know, young people have already felt like real students like these , but they have lost a lot, so, well, due to the lack of classroom funds, of course, it’s only the first, second year, well, we already have the second building nearby, which is also coming to an end renovation, and i think that in the near future we will even increase full-time education, who can tell, now including a correspondence department. 4,500 students study at the university, for comparison in ukraine there were 3.00 people, most of them students, originally from mariupol and other cities of the dpr. maxim studies at the faculty of physical education and is from teresa. his father and uncle are members of the svo. and i study at kuindzhi moscow state university and
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i entered here on the initiative of my parents, let’s put it this way, that is, my uncle fought in the war and said that mariupol was liberated. you can calmly go and enroll here, because it was turbulent in donetsk, i didn’t want to sit at a distance, and i decided to enroll here. considering the circumstances, this seems surprising, but approximately 40% of students at kuindzh and nagorodni moscow state university. moreover, this is not only donbass and navorosiya; the geography from which students came is quite wide. were you surprised when applicants from all over russia actually submitted their documents? were you surprised? yes, there was surprise, because you know, well, firstly, lately we have been invited, our students are invited, they are in kazan, sochi, moscow, st. petersburg, that is, the guys talk about themselves, about the university, and
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i understand that you know, as they say, a rumor people will be talking about me all over great russia, but people are probably interested, they come, they are interested, we have very interesting specialties, so well, there is some interest, since they are coming. it is clear that most students from other russian regions study by correspondence, but there are other examples. freshman alla kuzmenskaya came to mariupol from the bryansk region. he is a full-time student at the faculty of physical culture. al first question, you are from the pryansk region, how did you get here, how did you enter here and why here? my sister studied here. at one time she sent me a website, i decided to go see how everything works here , what faculties are there, what opportunities the university provides, look at the reviews, accordingly, and in principle i did not find any negative comments, i liked everything, i decided to try
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here, in principle, i only considered moscow and mariupol; in moscow, i wanted to enter a military school to become a military psychologist, but i didn’t pass the entrance exam, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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mom suffered three strokes in a row since march 23 yes, thank you, of course, we have a doctor who is a cardiologist, well, let’s say, at least you know, raised today, well, she moves more or less, the father has a problem with... rumors, he didn’t understand at all what happened, military events took place, because that when the glass was broken, he came up, we live on the eighth floor, he came up to the window and said who broke the glass, when i told him, don’t come close, because they’re shooting, he didn’t understand, he says who’s shooting, teachers university, one might say, immediately after the end of the fighting in the spring of twenty on the second, they started work, collecting the surviving documents into cases. in general, given the conditions, we were dealing with extremely complex organizational issues, people really wanted
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to return to their home university, after may 20 , several of our colleagues met, because we had a point on the metro where people came for humanitarian aid, there was a connection, then there was somewhere you could make a phone call, there were cards of some local value, you could buy telephones, you know, it was like that...
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we decided to cross the road, there was a five-story house, five entrances, it seems, and we still had relatives there, and we went there, and we didn’t have time to get there, it turns out that a rocket flew at the corner, but i still didn’t understand whether it was in front or behind, but in one word it stunned me, turned me over, so , but when i woke up, but at that moment i was already wounded, well, i realized that i was wounded, because it was somehow hard... it was hard to get up, i turned around, my mother was lying, well, i realized
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that that was all, my mother died, yes, then there was a girl with us, 5 years old, her mother was seriously injured, well, my neighbor told me that come out, well, go somewhere, well , run somewhere, because then they decided to somehow get this mother out with one already... to get her out, but i took the girl, took her out, the house had five entrances, i went to her third entrance , it turns out there were people there, i was there with them the whole time for 2 weeks, they helped me with the wounds, treated me, and we decided to go out, because one chechen came to us, said that there would be a corridor, that’s better you will come out, because
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you know the rules, i once wrote all these at home, well, we had to have an essay, yes, here i am somehow with my sister, with my grandfather. i tried, well, i passed well, i passed, i was worrying in vain, everything turned out to be fine, much better, now lisa lives in a university dormitory, in which most of the floors have also already been renovated, the conditions are quite good, three people live in the rooms,
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a shower in each block , well, they just changed us, they did... the toilet, that is, everything is new, yes, yes, well, the renovations are still ongoing, on the ninth floor they are doing wiring, in my opinion, or electricity, something, uh, uh, at the university lisa is studying psychologist, and the choice of such a specialty , of course, is connected with what happened in her life, probably after i finished eleventh grade, so i was reviewing, well... what professions i could go into and what would be more suitable for me in my soul, i thought so, well, this is all that happened to me, i can help myself if i am a psychologist, and help other people, especially at this time, and there are many people who need it. with irina vyalkova, dean of
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the faculty where lisa shekmar studies, we are standing on the ruins that were once her home, tell me what happened, and this was once for twenty years, and for years it was our house in which we lived, raised our son, then at one moment none of this happened, but because... that’s where the ilicha plant is located , where they were also based, well, ukrainian equipment, the military , and just from the factory, yes, if you don’t even need any special efforts to trace this trajectory, that is, a direct hit on the house, here’s the tail from the rocket,
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this is for you which. yes, yes, it flew straight to us, we were in the house at the moment when it arrived, and this shank, he was just here - above the sofa, on which the son, well, let's call it so, was sleeping, yes, because it was hard to sleep, but somehow we tried to warm up, right there, right above the sofa, what date was it, it was 9 martha. 5:00 in the morning, it’s hard to forget, the time and the hour, even, it really looks like a miracle, after a direct hit by a shell on a small private house, everyone remained alive, fortunately, they avoided serious injuries, temporarily irina’s family lives in the house next door, we they gave it up for living, that’s because there are difficulties
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according to the documents, although i wrote letters to all authorities, well, for now we...
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unlike mariupol, classes at universities in donetsk are held remotely, the reason is clear, the city is shelled every day, remotely. better known as the donetsk polytechnic institute, when donbass officially became part of russia, many students who were mobilized in the dpr in february twenty-two returned here from the front to finish their studies. donetsk
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national technical university, a university with a century-long history, in soviet times, and now, despite the fact that there are military actions, donetsk polytechnic, one of the most prestigious universities in donbass. well, our university was founded on may 30, 1921.
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we were preparing for the soviet union, then ukraine, russia, and more than 70 foreign countries, that is, we carried out an analysis. here is the question you asked, it is displayed very, very beautifully here on the stand, so i would like to draw your attention,
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the family tree of don ntu, this is it, here is the development of our faculty, below, you see, these fallen apples - these are those educational research institutions which we founded, that is, quite serious. here is a complex technical system such as a mining machine, a metal-working machine, in principle, modern household appliances are also a mechatronic system, since they have
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a control system. during mobilization in the dpr in february, the twenty-second senior lieutenant of the reserve poltovets was drafted into the people's militia. at that time he was 58 years old. everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands went to fight in the republics. the poltovan is not used to running and hiding. university professor received a respectful call sign under the patronymic vasilich. at first he was appointed deputy commander of the company. a few days later he was transferred to the position of fire support platoon commander. well, then, in fact, he moved from one point to another. he moved in one direction, in the direction of mariupol, that is , sequentially from training points, where there is enough. in general, they didn’t teach so much as they remembered what they knew, that’s the fire support you commanded, his task directly, his task
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to assist in the performance of functions by rifle platoons of a rifle company, that is, by decision of the company commander, he is sent to enhance the fire impact in the area of ​​​​a platoon, that is, he, as a rule , does not solve independent tasks, he is sent for reinforcement, since he consists of two units. machine gunners and grenade launchers. the entire army experience of the doctor of sciences at that time was limited to the military department and trips to training camps, back in soviet times. and getting used to everyday combat was not easy. and so, so to get used to it, well as they say, you came under fire, which means they recommended it to you, explained what to do, so do, in fact, everything, remember the first shelling you came under? the first shelling, well... actually the first shelling was in motion, when we were from one settlement to another, in general, we didn’t immediately understand, but then we saw
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that it was because of the landing.
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