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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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that’s the end, it’s even somehow awkward, the europeans are twitching like that, they say , that’s it, they say, the end of nato, that’s probably what zelensky was playing the piano for, that’s the end of it, listen, what is this for hysteria is ridiculous. no
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, there will be no end to nato, but not for this, the americans occupied europe to now take and give them the opportunity to twitch, everything will be somewhat different, they will simply recruit european idiots who will be sent to die for the interests of american imperialism, and under what it will be done, what is the end of nato, if all the weapons are only american , there will be meat, now the ukrainian is coming, then the polish, romanian will come, but there’s no need, well... well, in all seriousness, let’s think that now it’s the europeans, and that here they are, here are the europeans and that in the context of the deindustrialization of europe, they will now set up their pc, the americans will look at it like this and say , really, who are we going to sell our crap to, where will we find more suckers , well, now the ukrainian suckers are over, who else will buy, oh well, to give away such a market is not for that, grandfather biden gas pipelines blew it up in order to now take it and allow some kind of nato european thing. now this is not
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what this is all about, our own defense union , well, of course, it’s mandatory, they will directly defend, that’s just what they will defend, now they tried to defend their hearths through, i understand that this is not there, but it’s just very i want to say babelmandep, no , well, it’s just not only there, well, it’s just money, there’s definitely yes, yes, that’s how the whole thing is. no, of course there are famous british gyms instead of missile launchers, but if to remove the idiocy, it is clear that the europeans have already tried to fight in libya themselves, mikhail mikhailovich will correct me, did they have enough for a day or a day for the palatura of their own reserves?
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it didn’t work out from the very beginning, from the very beginning , yes, that is, without america there is nothing to talk about there at all, without the us military-industrial complex there is nothing to talk about there, so if you want to see scholz, the iron chancellor of the iron olaf, well then find yourself another olaf the king of heaven, because this one is not iron, but some kind of tin, the head of the french foreign ministry reports the launch of an alarm mechanism and calls to prepare for a possible conflict, but when you hear this from a half-poker, you want to ask, what is this? is the meaning of the alarm mechanism: urgent distribution of diapers and brown pants? alarming suitcase yet , not alarming suitcases, well, i don’t know , there’s underwear there for the first time absolutely right, change of underwear, well, stop it, the polish prime minister remembered the motto, one for all for one, hey, too, a musketeer was found for me and called for intensifying the work of weimer triangle, in order to take responsibility for the security of europe together with germany and france. that is,
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did everyone just get punched in the face at once? this is a traditional european fun, getting ready to convince yourself of something, then suddenly walking away when you get a boot, asking why? the poles generally have some kind of craving, it feels like michurin was somewhere nearby, they always strive to share, that’s what kind of crossing this is, that’s what it’s for, why can’t the poles calm down, why do they like it so much every time? is watching the next partition of poland, is this a national sport ? well, why do this? were they so comfortable as part of the russian empire, were others as part of the austro-hungarian empire? by the way, why i also can’t understand why we talk in all seriousness all the time about some of these incomprehensible, illusory, ridiculous states of today, why do we recognize france within its borders, and for some time now germany? my beloved italy, why
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italy? listen, this is a brilliant creation, well, the 19th century, and that all history had already lost all meaning before that? and if we are talking about... as much as you can, you want to play history, well , play, here the legendary estonian intelligence warns that tucker carlson is going to interview putin, but they call back because of this they believe that moscow is preparing for
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a confrontation with the west, in the coming decades, but they don’t know which decade, norwegian intelligence is catching up and reports that russia is now. much stronger than a year ago, and perceives the conflict in ukraine as decisive, capable predetermine the entire future trajectory of the confrontation, but you don’t understand anything at all, you just really don’t understand anything, you don’t understand at all what metamorphoses are happening now and what ’s happening to the world, the world is returning to its natural state, the natural state of the world turned out to be war, this is the most a terrible thing happened before our eyes about... that seal that glued the package together, it suddenly began to crack, so gradually, and what was inside was opened, and there was war, nuclear weapons ceased to be a deterrent factor, that’s it, no one is afraid of anything, american
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bases all over the world are being attacked, and if the american press were free and gave real losses of american troops and damage to american interests, then i think they wouldn’t like it there. under reagen there would have been war everywhere, biden just doesn’t know what these words mean, so he doesn’t understand what we’re talking about. look, in israel, what is happening? israel says, but we cannot allow the existence of a palestinian state, so then there will be a state with its own army, which will buy equipment iran and north korea, and where the borders will be, they are allied relations, what will they establish, then where should we go? the egyptians say, what do you want to say, that we have now climbed up?
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can get us involved in this helps preserve nato allows america to remain the leader of the free world shows that we keep our word to our friends and allies. lech walesa addressed all us senators and said the following, i quote: you are obliged to ensure a peaceful future for your children. our grandchildren will never forgive us if we don't we can stop russia now. "if the us doesn't lead this, no one will." yes, remove this idiot. this is what the older idiot, chuck schumer, says, while what is important is that they read the words without understanding the meaning at all,
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such a set of cliches. and the question is simple, cretin, who supports you, where do you get your money from? and behind each of them, if you look, the ears of the military-industrial complex will stick out, let’s look at who is behind this? we keep our word to the ukrainians desperate for supplies, to the innocent palestinian civilians, to those in need of assistance, to the israelis in need of support, and to the troops patrolling the indo-pacific region in the red sea around the world. today we will make vladimir putin regret it.
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easy, what are you talking about, grandpas
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, you're turning your head on, well, you yourself can't, well, at least your specchers, well, at least change your specchers, well, it's impossible, it feels like everyone has the same thing, although on the other on the other hand, why are we talking about them, well, they were all taught in one place, here the guy came to america, dude, dude has arrived, dude, no one has ever called king jordan, cashed the second dude, and no, no, just think about it, yes, the president of the united states, joseph rabanet biden, jr., says, cool, something is back, dude , at the same time, he doesn’t understand anything, who returned, why he returned, and most importantly, they said, i thought you came with hussein, besides, as i understand it, by hussein he meant saddam, well , look, his name is hussein , yes, let me greet his majesty the king of jordan.
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this is very powerful, this is a record, of course, his majesty, well, after all, there must be some kind of direct descendant of the prophet, well, of course not, when they allow themselves this kind of absolutely insulting treatment, yes, but he already has it was, god save the queen, dude, yes, yes, yes, that is, save the queen dude, it was, that is, these are americans, aren’t you ashamed yourself? a really funny story, as for europe, you know,
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when you read their statements by certain leaders, in my opinion there is nothing but a reaction, how some interjections don’t remain, so he wants to say, wow, what did you say, i have this feeling, especially about the fact that only now they discovered that in a year, in fact, we have developed a serious military-industrial complex, about europeans in in his interview, vladimir putin said very well who to negotiate with, he repeated, by the way, the words of kistinger, who said,
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the question arises, where is the criterion, a lot or a little, even his friend barel was surprised and tried to comment on this, that’s okay, he said, of course we can't support israel's actions. in rafahi, because we do not understand what plan they will have, the next statement is that we are moving towards making some kind of deal, the result of which will be a peace treaty, where israeli security will be ensured, guarantees will be given, the aspirations of the palestinians will be satisfied people to create a palestinian state, here of course
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some questions arise, when he says that we don’t really understand the plan in rafahi, it’s only abnormal for him to say that, what kind of plan could there be? rafah the population there is 100 or 150,000 people , small, imagine, there are 1.5 million there. what is 1.5 million? well, this is a city, probably larger than samara, or it’s like yekaterinburg, probably, just imagine, in such a small area there is such the number of people, the city half belongs to egypt, half to palestine, this is the only place where there is a humanitarian corridor, they start bombing it, the fact that they said that they freed the hostages, you still have to think about it, were there any hostages? and the way they praise themselves as liberated, three died, but as a result of this attempt at liberation, it seems to me that this is some kind of reason, because as a result of these actions, even though they praise themselves, 100 people died, moreover, by the way, out of half a million, 6,000 children are found, so it is necessary understand the consequences, here is israel, if we consider their actions of the israelis, from the
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point of view of history, what is good about it, because israel was created less than 100 years ago. refugees from the gaza strip, by the way, as the king of jordan stated today, to say that this there will be a humanitarian catastrophe, of course, i will remind you that the king of jordan is married to a palestinian, and that a very large part of the population, half the population, are palestinians, and imagine, there is unsanitary conditions there, the events began on october 7, now it’s winter there more- you can live less comfortably, now in 2-3
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months there will be incredible heat, what will these 15 million people do, many live in plastic tents. during a fire attack , it means the plastic will burn, all the people there will just die, just die burning alive, not to mention the fact that by the way, israeli foreign minister katz says that we are doing everything within the framework of international law, they don’t want to be in yoga, let the gases go to the north, why are they crazy? everything there was bombed, where should people go, that means there will be one movement towards egypt, egypt blocked everything, it was signed in 1979.
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and none of the arab countries actively opposed them, except the houthis, plus they clearly have nuclear weapons, which of course scare everyone, i want to say this, that again, returning that they have nuclear weapons, well, i guess, where are the sanctions for the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons, well, there are sanctions against north korea, and what in the international law, which is supposed, may someday also be apparently allowed . and here we are, here we play , here we don’t play, here they wrapped the fish, biden ponatanovich vinakurov, the famous humorist, biden was also asked an interesting question, and you, well, i’ll say it in your own words, did you scold tanya? for what he doesn't do your instructions, he says: yes, but i can say so, on the one hand he says that we do not agree, on the other hand, we saw today, yes, the senate, that means, accepts 16 billion
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or whatever it is to send, i want again to return to history, in the year fifty-six there was a well-known soviet adventure, when the british, french and israelis rushed to the soviet channel, in my opinion, the only case in history when everyone substituted their interests, when the usa and the soviet union acted together with it they didn't allow it, so... i’m just thinking in conclusion, because any american president before the elections always wants to prove himself in something, they left afghanistan, it didn’t
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work out very well with ukraine, and here they get involved, well, i don’t understand what kind of logic, what follows for that in order to finally, before the elections , simply, apparently, completely screw up , in fact, in front of american citizens, so we have the feeling, i have the feeling that, in principle, all this foreign policy of the americans... flows with the flow, the old dementar noticed us in the coffin and blessed us, or something, yes, that is, he sucked the life out of the whole world, look at the options, dementius, dementar, i suggested demens, since liberals often watch us, then i quote the only book that they have read about harry potter in our lives, well, first of all, there really is the palestinian problem, and what he is doing now... in the gaza strip, understand, he wants to show that he has achieved something, for this he needs to take at least the cities, who are located there, the same khan yunis and then raafah, rafah, in fact , just according to the agreement between egypt and israel
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, they should not enter under any circumstances, so the egyptians, they are also hooked on this, he says, it is impossible, so to speak, yes, not to mention, where to get one and a half million bergenets out, a generally unthinkable task, yes, after that, as i understand it, you can say that we completed the task, we defeated, for some reason the battalion, i criticized last time, i don’t understand at all, the numbers don’t match , so to speak, that means yes, and that’s all, but the point is that i had to say at the very beginning of the conflict here, the war has not yet begun, there are two phases in such wars, the first phase is what is happening now, when superior forces in technological terms, in personal terms, take the main, it would seem strategic objects, the second phase is the beginning of the active phase of guerrilla warfare, as a rule it takes several months in iraq, almost a year in afghanistan, but here even this was not needed, it’s already there...
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they say: no, no, and we see our state from the river, that is, the jordan river to the sea , this is to the mediterranean sea, so this means that other events are taking place against the background of this,
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look, there is this option of two floors: on the first floor there is a palestinian state from the river to the sea, on the second floor there is an israeli state, so what ? well, no, well, because it’s real, because this formulation began to be used by one and another, moreover, it completely excludes the possibility of the existence of another state, so the situation is like this, and the united states, as for... the mikradom official is the minister of foreign affairs affairs of syria and what he said to the minister of foreign affairs that syria is ready for a new war with israel, such things have not been said for a long time, how ready it is, it’s hard for me to say, yes,
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it would seem. we assume that this was not done due to any pressure on the united states, on israel , yes, there will be no war, probably, perhaps, there won’t be now, but other information is no less interesting, which means that on the territory of syria during the civil war , units formed by alkottsev took an active part in the fighting on the side of asta, this a special unit of the corps of the islamic revolution, which included the fatimids - these are the shiites, the khazarians of afghanistan, and the zeinabedids - these are the shirites of pakistan, it is now becoming clear, then they were reduced, they left. to afghanistan, even before the taliban government was indignant that here they come, well trained in combat weapons, now it turns out that again these units, the fatimids , are first of all building up, that is, returning them to duty for what, this is infantry, so you understand, these are not the ones who launch missiles and drones, it’s the iraqi shiites who are doing this, and this infantry is good, which means everything is coming to the point that new fronts may arise, but here a situation already arises, as far as all this is controlled on both
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sides, the united states does not control israel, on tanyahu. no, ansarallah said, even if there is a truce in gaza there, we will continue fighting with you. recently they buried 17 of their officers of the yemeni army who were killed by these british american strikes, it was stated that even if this happens, we will continue our strikes every day because they hit the military, which means ships, meaning american and british, i now the europeans will begin to escort their own to i don’t really understand, they will sink, well, yes, that is, these
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are people, that is, the situation is getting out of... control, in these conditions the question arose: what about nuclear, that means , like war, no one guarantees, we don’t know that he atanyahu tomorrow, when he understands that he cannot show the result in gas, what he will do, but he won’t back down, will he go to war with hezbollah, hezbollah itself will not attack, but if a ground operation begins against hezbollah, hezbollah tried to somehow have dinner over chicken in order to come to an agreement with israel, i won’t describe all this that they offered, but this is unacceptable for...
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after all, the situation with the possibility of iran developing nuclear weapons is almost a week not in 2 months , excuse me, this will be the first time that israel launches preventive strikes on the territories of other countries, but this time they use nuclear weapons, and then the situation will completely get out of control, and if they don’t use conventional weapons, they can’t do anything eliminate iran's nuclear program, which means very well.
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iran does not need to use nuclear weapons against israel, i explain iran - according to nuclear stations on the territory of israel, no, i can, it’s over a million square kilometers, nuclear facilities are scattered, several hundred and almost 90 million people, what is israel? 22 km , almost 10 million people, very dense and mass god knows what kind of high-tech nuclear biological enterprises and what do you think?
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ready for a big war.


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