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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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and now about the weather in moscow, abnormal cold will reign in the coming days, as forecasters warn. how long will it be on thermometers and how long will the frost last, and can we expect new freezing rains in the capital? olga mikhailova has all the forecasts. the big holoet continues. in the european part of russia. today there will be freezing rains again, which areas will they cover when they finally stop, how long will the abnormal frosts return to moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fobus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello, the central region will continue to be covered in ice today. the ice rains that covered european russia over the weekend weakened by tuesday, but did not stop completely. bryansk and pskov, for example, were unlucky to be caught in the final precipitation the day before. here...
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there are numerous accidents on the roads, as well as along the volga region. the districts of the samara and saratov regions turned into skating rinks. in saratov itself , several bus routes had to be canceled to limit the operation of gagarin airport. however, i note that there was no ice the only problem faced by residents of eastern european russia. in orenburg, for example, the day also began with freezing rain. due to weather conditions , classes in schools were canceled, but by noon the temperature became positive, the ice quickly melted, rivers flowed through the streets and dense fog descended on the city with visibility of up to 1 km. today, alas, weather conditions on the russian plain will remain potentially dangerous. the warm front of the atlantic cyclone is still stretching across the region, in the zone of which freezing rains may fall, they again expected in the saratov region, as well as in the black earth region. in the western regions
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of the country, for example , bryansk will again suffer from bad weather, ice has already begun to form in the city, and this process will continue until the middle of the day, the diameter of ice deposits will be 2-4 mm, by the evening rush hour the freezing rain will stop, but roads and sidewalks sprinkled with snow, which can make them even more slippery. i would also like to note another anomaly that is currently developing in the european part of the country. in the north of the region they strengthened. frosts have set in the entire east of the russian plain, right up to the middle volga, and tomorrow it will descend to the spurs of the southern urals. however, the cold snap appears to be short-lived. at the end of the week , another warm atlantic cyclone will make its way into our country, it will capture the entire north of the region, so the temperature there will rise sharply, along with the risk of new freezing rains. in moscow today... at
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night the air can remain up to 15-16, but on thursday evening it will snow, and this will mark the beginning of a new warming; on friday the temperature in the capital will return to within the framework of the climate norm, on the weekend it will exceed 0, minus3 on thermometers. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit, and today we will look at how the transport network of eastern siberia is developing. so far only a clean white construction site, but the outlines of the future airport facility can already be discerned in it, this is the irkutsk region, the badaibo region, mining of minerals, including gold, is actively developing here, but the old airport with a single dirt runway could no longer cope with the load, the new one can handle it, the cost of reconstruction of the air harbor is 7 billion rubles. according to plans, by 2025 bdaibo will be able to receive, including medium-haul ones. aircraft such as dry
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superjet 100 and il-114. that's all for me, goodbye.
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good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season , and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and have already broken the record for monthly
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sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean , fresh toilet with every flush. bref at a super price. hurry up to buy in stores in your city. tabacquette - start a new life without cigarettes. this is the same smart speaker. top smartest speaker. and also top quality discounts up to 50%. thompson coffee machine for only 21.999. when buying a car. you can do without a car service, if you have scanning vision, you could at least buy one, but for those who don’t have superpowers, there is a car service and a complete car history according to twenty criteria. it’s calmer, buy from a car dealer, on avito
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auto. cherry tiga 7 pro max. the unique design has a sporty character that will set your heart on fire, and all-wheel drive and intelligent systems will ensure comfort and safety. on any trip cherry tiga 7 pro max cherry on my feet all day my back gets tired because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once. but great success comes to those who themselves move towards him. we will not make your child the second clematis. but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential. there is no recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient for expanding it. we
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will not cover your main distance for you. but we will support you every kilometer of the way. we won't turn you into an internet star. but we will help you recharge yourself with creative ideas worth a million, we will not decide to buy an apartment for you, but we will give you the opportunity to choose the right one, we will not send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire the future cosmonaut, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you...
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but new equipment, an inspiring sale of electronics on avito. and now let's talk about the economy, alexandra, russia is strengthening control over the import of ecuadorian and dutch roses through the european union. tell us, what part of these flowers reaches our market in this way? tatyana, more than 40%, for now on to other topics. 328 billion rubles annually, such a total effect can bring the digital ruble to businesses and banks. about this is stated in a report from the company yakov and partners and the central university. this amount is for. embedded in an optimistic scenario, which provides for the active implementation of a new instrument by the central bank, banks and
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businesses. if the regulator promotes it minimally, and the rest only comply with the requirements, it will be 109 billion. but in any case, the benefits will exceed the costs. russia is strengthening control over the import of ecuadorian and dutch roses from european union countries. 41% of these flowers enter our market through the eu, and they often provide... infected with quarantine objects. previously, the service had already sent requests to these authorities to conduct an official investigation and take urgent phytosanitary measures on all identified cases of violations of international and russian phytosanitary requirements when supplying cut flowers to russia. however, the competent departments of european countries do not respond to the notification of rosselkhoznadzor, a violation of russian and international phytosanitary requirements.
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year, the operator can place shares of one of its subsidiaries on the stock exchange, on this news the price of rostelecom's shares soared. in the last session, they grew by almost 6.5% and closed trading at 79 rubles. 83 kop. the german government has worsened its forecast for gdp growth for this year; if last fall it was estimated at 1.3%, now it is only 2%. more on this in a week. the official report is reported by reuters with reference to its own sources. according to the agency, the forecast was worsened due to
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low growth rates of the global economy. the ban by the federal constitutional court to redistribute budget money influenced which were supposed to go to fight the pandemic. reuters also reports that the german government plans to sell up to 30% of unir shares next year. previously, the authorities were forced to nationalize it due to catastrophic losses associated with the refusal of russian gas. the state now owns 99% of the company, which is approximately 23 billion euros at the current market value. that's all for now, more news in the next hour. six juicy nuggets for only 69 rubles. at a delicious point. well, credit card debts carry interest. are they dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards. you transfer debts to kholva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or
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get rid of debts on a credit card, it’s easy with kholva, i help with liver problems, i am essential, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market, what a blessing that avito has sales and discounts up to 70%, give it to yourself and your loved ones. brand new equipment, inspiring sales of electronics on avito! when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandex split, split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. give gifts. from a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without
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interest. what's a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort, and smells like new. there is a good car for everyone, find it on the author. cherry tiga 7 pro max. the unique design of the sporty character will set your heart on fire. all-wheel drive and intelligent systems will ensure comfort and safety on any trip cherry tiga 7 pro max cherry. good day. my name is victor and i are entrepreneurs. last year. i didn’t have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket , megamarket,
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just grow with us, divide in half, prices for... discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. special military veterans operations can receive free rehabilitation funds. the social fund issues electronic certificates that are issued. proactively, meaning there is no need to submit an application. irina matyushenko has all the details in the program instructions. rehabilitation means for veterans of a special military operation will be issued in a special accelerated manner and without any applications. we will tell you how this system works in 5 minutes in the program instructions. this year, the social fund is issuing an electronic certificate for
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returning svo participants without reminders. the foundation is obliged to do this a maximum of 5 days after that. once the medical institution has determined the individual program and transmitted the information, it will write what products the veteran needs. by the way, the program includes not only strollers and prostheses, it may also include socio-psychological activities. since last year , payments and monthly cash payments have been assigned in a proactive format. as a participant in the svo, starting this year, we are implementing it in a proactive format. issuance of electronic certificates for sbo participants, when a disability is established , a rehabilitation program is formed in the bureau of medical and social examination, which is transferred directly to our fund, based on the additional condition of having a measures card, an electronic
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certificate is generated for this svo participant in a proactive mode. first , the veteran will need to see a medic. social examination to establish disability, a referral is given immediately after the end of the examination in a military hospital, thus, the social fund and doctors do everything so that everyone receives the rehabilitation they need without difficulty. electronic certificates are the fastest way to obtain technical rehabilitation equipment. this is faster than waiting for compensation for a purchase with your own money or waiting for the desired product to go through the public procurement system. but use the certificate. not necessarily, you can refuse it and choose another method of provision: either compensation or the necessary product itself. the amount for which the certificate is issued depends on depending on what kind of remedy a particular person needs, in most cases it is completely enough to buy this or that rehabilitation tool. the cost of an electronic certificate is determined according to the last
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concluded contract in a given regional office. you and i understand that in retail chains the cost of the product may differ from the cost of the certificate; at the moment , changes have been made to the legislation; when issuing a certificate for a participant in a special military operation, the cost will be determined mechanism for additional payment to the cost of our certificate up to the cost of the product. the certificate is easy to use, it is linked to the world card, at the time of payment it is enough to indicate the card number, after which the system will see the available certificates and take into account the funds reserved for them. you can control the status and denomination through the state services portal. the certificate can be used in medical goods stores, online stores and marketplaces that are connected to the electronic
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certificate system. the list of sales points is listed in special catalog on the social fund website. you can also indicate in the catalog what rehabilitation means are included in the program. now it contains almost 8.00 different products from more than a thousand manufacturers. our list of available technical means and rehabilitation includes 22 types, which include 330 subspecies. an electronic certificate can be generated for each given product. so, let's repeat the main thing: veterans of a special military operation.
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fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel. build a career it is in our hands to realize our plans, create a family, celebrate life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights , choose our future and the future of the entire country, together, we are strong, we vote for russia. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 14
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, 1349 , one of the largest jewish pogroms in european history took place in the german city of strasbourg. fanatics killed 2.0 jews and burned half of them alive. at that time , a wave of pogroms swept through most cities of germany, france, spain, switzerland. and other countries. the cause was the plague epidemic, the black death. not understanding the true causes of this disaster, being in captivity of medieval ignorance, people blamed strangers and, above all, jews for everything. and in strasbourg, the cause of the pogroms was also the struggle for power. the local nobility and clergy thus got rid of the power of the large merchants who ruled the city. they were overthrown, declaring that they had been bribed by jews, and were driven out of the city. and the jewish community was almost completely destroyed. half of the jewish property was given away churches, and the pogromists divided half among themselves. many jews then found refuge in poland. casimir ii guaranteed their
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security and thereby ensured economic growth for his kingdom, but then anti-semitism intensified among the polish population, especially during the second world war. on february 14, 1895 in london on the stage of the diet of the james theater ... this is a witty, elegant farce and sitcom, from two incorrigible self-lovers, social minions who tirelessly prank those around them. both issue himself for a certain ernest. in english, this name sounds the same as the word serious, although seriousness is not a penny among these irresponsible gentlemen. not only was the bag found, but the baby you lost was found. i, you, yes, mom, mister, i'm a girl, a play filled with the sparkling humor of a brilliant
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writer, playwright and poet, then oscar wilde was at the peak of his popularity. despite the terrible snowfall in london , the cream of high society, including the prince of wales, gathered in the hall. everyone was delighted. the importance of being serious is a brilliant satire on victorian customs, revealing. vulgarity and hypocrisy of society, the play still does not leave the stages of world theaters. on february 14 , 1950 , a soviet-chinese treaty of friendship and an alliance of mutual assistance was signed in the kremlin. back in early december, the leader of the chinese people's republic, mauzzedun , arrived in the soviet union, but stalin was worried about his ambitions; he was not sure that he could control china. he was afraid that the prc might get involved in its actions against taiwan.
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the usa and japan are most important. the negotiations were led by foreign minister andrei vyshinsky prime minister of the people's republic of china joy. they put their signatures pogovo. on february 14, 1966 , letter 25 was sent to leonid brezhnev protesting against the rehabilitation of stalin. wrote by major figures
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of science, literature and art, including academicians leonid artsemovich and pyotr kapitsa, writers valentin kotaev and korny chyukovsky, actors and directors, mikhail roma and oleg efremov, ballerina maya plesetskaya. after the dismissal of nikita khrushchev , anti-stalinist statements were no longer allowed in the media. the topic of repression was closed, books and films about repressions. the letter's authors called this quote "a partial or indirect exoneration." and we emphasized, we will quote, until now we have not become aware of a single fact, not a single argument that allows us to think that the condemnation of the cult of personality was in any way wrong. on the contrary, it is difficult to doubt that a significant part of the striking, truly terrible facts about stalin’s crimes, confirming the absolute correctness of the decisions of both congresses, have not yet been made public. it was noted that attempts to whitewash stalin would lead to serious differences in
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society. and will complicate relations with european communist parties. the brezhnev leadership took the letter into account, but while encouraging positive assessments of stalin’s activities, especially during the war, did not go for his complete official rehabilitation. this is what this day in history was like. what happened here on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to take captivity of the enemy people not physically, but ideologically bring confusion and confusion into their soul. this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself
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are formed there. hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their whole lives influencing minds, i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where we get tasks: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, that means they will take to the streets , remember when they endlessly explained to us that ours is not the same country as we we should be infinitely ashamed, because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. dear friends, i invite you to watch our new release of the author's besagon tv program, which will be called the chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you understand why we
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named the program this way. ukraine, what do the republicans demand from kiev? the rains are being replaced by abnormal ones.


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